Hunter X Hunter Oneshots

By PewDieBi

1.4K 8 18

This is a book of one-shots and little story lines that are HXH related. I don't own any characters just get... More

Its Been So Long
Its Been So Long Pt.2
Its Just A Little Dancing
Exam Buddies

A Mix Of Senses

228 1 0
By PewDieBi

A train passes by leaving behind the remnants of its past. The glowing image pasted on Gon's mind like a picture. A hologram of the past slowly fading away and eventually disappearing. The colors are no longer visible to him anymore and so it can no longer bother him.

He walks across the track without a care, as if he'd ever consider death an option. Cats have nine lives so why can't he have more? It was quite a show to watch sometimes but dangerous within itself. Colors of people's voices tinge his vision every so often. Places like this never failed to overwhelm the poor teen.

He can smell the colors that he sees from people's voices. Every voice has its color, all individually chosen by whoever created such a monstrosity as humanity. People used to gawk at him. He was only 6 how was he supposed to know? They called him insane, a lunatic, attention seeking slut, anything else you could imagine.

If you don't talk to them they can't hurt you. You can't fuck up by telling them their colors. For so long Gon though it was normal to see the colors of the sounds he hears. Turns out only mad men do that.

He has finally met with the woods in front of him. Escaping the obnoxious sounds and colors and smells. It was all too overwhelming and distracting. The woods were a lot less colorful, almost soundless at times. Green aura flows from his feet crunching in the leaves. It was a deep, cool green, very unlike the color of his voice which was tinted warmly with a yellow undertone. I guess you could say he was a master of color theory.

Everything about himself was green. Every sound that emitted from him was a shade of green. Like most other people, their colors being the same yet varying in shade. The leaves all had a dark green to brown sound. The crunching sound broke through the orange waves flowing towards him from an especially loud citizen.

He stopped under the shade of many swaying trees. The rustling made a maroon color, how interesting. Gon was used to this though. Everything coming to him in waves like he was bleeding out amongst those creepy butterflies with a sky blue sound.

He sat on a tree with a thunk of off-white color. A yellow-ish green sigh escaped his mouth. He could still see the colors of the city. He could never escape them but it was less distracting as of now. If he closes his eyes he'll no longer have to see such horrible mixtures of nonsense.

School was painful. Not just the fact that he was constantly being shoved with color after color and all the colors mixing without actually changing color. But the people were awful too. The things they said and did made Gon want to chuck himself off a cliff. Drugs, sex, popularity. That was all you needed to be an average high schooler.

He didn't mind that they all thought he was an actual crackhead. He didn't mind that everyday he was punched and thrown around like a damn punching bag. No, he didn't care for that. It's what they did to the innocent ones. The people who didn't deserve it. He had recently seen a little red head being attacked by people at least 3 feet taller than him. It took everything in Gons power not to kill them. It would have been so easy.

He wouldn't let himself stoop that low. He heard a snap of a twig, opening his eyes to see the cool, lift brown waves flowing outwards. He saw the radiating black waves flowing off of something among the brush. It was obviously human by the way the aura of color was being emitted. Mostly through the front meaning they were breathing...he guess that was good?

"Come out. I can see you." His almost yellow but still too cool to be yellow colored voice flowed out towards the strange human and everywhere else, bouncing off a couple of trees along the way.

"Clever little shit are you?" A pitch black voice surrounded the area making everything around Gon seem much more sinister and dark. Like dusk had struck him early. A teenager, about Gons age, popped out from behind the bush. His fluffy white hair shook a little in the wind as he stood.

He wore a white shirt with a blue, long sleeved turtle neck under it. He wore black, knee-length shorts and a pair of white converse. He looked like a skater kid Gon had seen running around the rink and based off the violet waves coming from the spinning wheel, he was right.

"What do you want?" Gon asked in a concerned tone.

"Me? Nothing, nothing. I saw you walk out here so I figured I'd follow you." As the kid spoke it sent shivers down Gons spine. He had never seen such an opaque colored voice before, everything normally transparent like smoke. Now it was like he was being drowned in the murky black lagoons.

"Oh? Well ok then! You should probably leave soon if getting dark."

"W-what? You believed that? Wait what do you mean it's getting dark?" The kid said as he jumped from behind the bush to get closer to Gon, pressing his finger into his skin on his head.

"H-hey! Stop that!" He swatted away the kids hand and continued with the conversation, "well, I mean, sounds like something I'd do."

The kid stared wide-eyed at Gon before scoffing at him and placing a hand on his hip.

"You weird...and what did you mean it's getting dark? It's still like, really bright out here." Gon tensed up, not prepared to answer truthfully.

"Hehe...must be the shade. I guess I saw wrong." The kid didn't look like he believed him but shrugged it off as if nothing. "So...what's your name?" Gon said bouncing on the ball of his foot before falling back on his entire foot with a coral thud.

"Hm...Killua." The kid- Killua said with a little hesitation. He eyed Gon with his stunning crystal blue eyes that seemed to pierce Gons soul with one look.

"Killua, huh? That's a cute name! Mines Gon, Gon Freeccs!" Gon said happily. He tries not to speak too loudly so that he doesn't disturb the waveless forest.

"Gon? Oh that one kid everyone says is weird?" Gons smile faded a little before going right back to its original dazzling glow. Killua liked his smile.

"Y-yeah...I guess." Gon rubbed the back of his neck with his hand as a sign of embarrassment. He didn't look embarrassed much, maybe he was used to it, but a blush spread across his cheeks making Killua smile a little bit.

"Sorry, that was mean. I just heard about you around school. I don't know why they think that, you seem pretty normal." Gon scoffed out a small laugh.

"It's nothing important."

"Awe now I'm curious." Killua said in a kind of whiny tone. Gon sighed and patted beside him motioning for Killua to sit beside him.

Killua steppes over the bush and sat beside him, making a cacophony of noises and color waves float around.

"There you happy?" He asked snarkily. His voice was much more overwhelming when the waves hit Gon head on. It was almost too much for Gon to handle but he gathered himself. He wouldn't have to deal with the voice much longer. He'll fall into the crowd of people who think he's crazy after this.

"Yeah...the thing is...I can see the colors of sounds and smell them too. I know that sounds crazy and you'll probably never t-"

"That's cool." Killua said in an awestruck tone, "so can see the colors of leaves crunching and the colors of people's voices and stuff? That's awesome! What color am I?" Gon didn't know why this kid believed him so fast. He didn't seem like the type to believe something like that.

"W-hat? You don't think I'm weird? You believe me?"

"Well yeah, I major in neuroscience. You have a condition called synesthesia. I don't see why it's weird to see that stuff, it's honestly really cool." Gons eyes were blown wide. He had never heard of an actual condition surrounding his situation. He just figured he was weird.

" there are other people like me?" Gon was so thrown out of balance. It was insane to think that other people out there shared what he did.

"Yeah, albeit a very small percentile."

"Wow...and to your question. You voice is black strangely enough. It's unlike any of the others which come to me in waves. Yours is like a smoke bomb, suffocating me. That's why I thought it was getting dark." Now it was Killuas turn to be shook.

"Am I hurt you?"

"N-NO! You're's just different. Cool type of different. I really like it, it complètements your eyes. You have very electric eyes like lightning...I should stop." Killua was blushing by now. Gon thought it was really cute.

"I-I guess...but that's cool. I don't know why it would be different but it's curious." Killua said distantly as he was thinking hard. Gon just sat quietly and observed the slightly bent eyebrows furrow in confusion. The way he bit his lip when he thought about something had Gons heart skipping a beat. It was a weird sensation but not painful in the slightest. It was like a rush of adrenaline had hit him very quickly like how it is with coffee.

They sat there in silence as Killua went through a long thought process while Gon watched closely. He didn't notice how close he was to Killua before he had finally spoken again.

"Maybe it's because...of a certain quirk (sounds like a MHA référence but I swear it's not supposed to be) that I have. I have a thing called Godspeed by my family. I can run at high amounts of speeds so maybe that could be it, or the lightning." Gon sputtered a little before busting out into laughter.

"You're s-still thinking a-about that?" Gon said between laughs while Killua glared him down.

"Shut up." Killua said obviously annoyed at being mocked.

"But that's really cool. How fast can you run. Is it for a human or insanely fast. And the lightning thing?" Gon asked once he had calmed down enough to talk properly.

"For one I can go at 220,000,000 mph (for u brits that's 260,000 kilometers an hour) about the speed of lightning and I can do this." Killua put up his hand in between him and Gon making sure not to touch anything and let a little spark fly from his index finger to his pointer finger. Gon looked like a deer in headlights watching the beautiful electric blue and white travel as if nothing. The color it emitted was as dark as Killuas voice, only tinged purple.

"It matches your eyes, so pretty." Gon whispered. Killua stopped the ray and blushed a little.

"W-whatever." Killua pouted. Gon reached out and brushed a piece of Killuas bangs from his eyes and smiled. Killua froze up having no idea how to react except the unavoidable reaction of blushing harder than before.

Gon flinched back realizing what he had done. He felt a blush rise across his skin. Both boys sat there in silence blushing and racking their brains for something to say to break the tension in the air.

"I-" Killua stared.

"W-" Gon also started. They both stopped and laughed at how dumb they were being. Maybe Gon was crazy but it felt normal the laugh like this around the new mysterious kid he had met.

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