What No One Sees

By WolfMoon5

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Leo smiles. He laughs. He jokes. But no one sees how much hurt he is going though. How much pain he has store... More

Day one
Day two AM
Day two PM
Day 4 AM
Day 10
Unknown day and time
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 16 continued
I'm sorry
This day will never end
It's me...
The reason why
I'm a little better
yall realize its still day 16?
In the 5th hour
The Ups and Downs of Friends
Day 17
The Afternoon of The Day of 17
The Heartbeat
Early Morning Day 18
Merry Christmas!
fckd up
I need to figure out what day it is
the part where Jason dies
the 'uh oh' part
Valentines day Special
naps and contemplation
things are getting bad again
click click clack
not really an update
Day 32
*vent* Should I feel?
A Morning of Contemplative Thoughts
Jason... what the fuck
The Choice
Therapy Session
Is This The Process of Healing?
Let's Go Talk To Will
A Step In A Direction
And the Walls Came Tumbling Down
The Green Monster
Sister Nadia
break notice
Sunset Sunrise
Blind to All
Looking For Me?
Confidence To Open Up
The End
Epilogue (Part 1)


3.7K 103 222
By WolfMoon5

A/N:Hi everyone! I hope you're doing well! Life is almost unstressful so I should be able to update more. I hope you enjoy the pain because I had pain writing this, but then again when don't I have pain? haha ...my chest hurts

'"Maybe things are looking up"? Really? How could I be so STUPID?'

Leo stumbled as he ran, his tears blurring his vision. 

'This is what happens when you get you hopes up.'

'You should know better by now'

'What is wrong with you? Fcking idiot. You're so fcking stupid!'

His shoe caught on a tree root and he tumbled onto his stomach, skidding across the dirt and leaves of the forest floor. He lay there and let the tears cascade down his dirty face as he tried to catch his breath. In his mind, what happened moments ago kept replaying, and replaying, and replaying! His thoughts swirled around like a never ending tornado, each thought becoming worse than the other.

'This is all your fault.'

'This is what happens when you make stupid mistakes.'

'You should have cut deeper.'

'You don't deserve to be alive.'

'You're just an attention seeker!'


'"He should have just died. Too bad he didn't cut deeper."'

An invisible force began constricting around Leo's lungs and he started gasping.

'No, I can't break down here!'

Using what little energy he could muster, the Latino pushed himself back onto his feet and continued stumbling through the forest.

'I need to get to my bunker.'

'Then I'll solve everyone's problem.'

'They won't have to worry about me anymore. They won't be able to say I should have finished the job anymore. I'll finish the job tonight, dammit!'

When he finally reached his bunker, his heart dropped to his stomach. Standing in front of the door was, not only Jason, but also Hazel, Nico, and Percy.

'No.... please, gods, no.'

He tried to quickly turn around and run away again, but Nico spotted him.

"Leo!" he shouted and ran towards the crying boy, while the others chased after as well.

The force around his chest tightened and spread to his throat. He tried to stop crying, tried to breathe, but he began coughing from lack of breath. He was choking on his tears and the pressure. He couldn't see Nico though he knew the lord of darkness was coming up to him. As Nico approached, he doubled over coughing, blind with tears, and his ears began ringing. He held onto his stomach and the flashback washed over him like a massive freezing tidal wave. Leaving him drowning in the darkness, cold and numb.


Jason led the way as they walked onto the basketball court.

"Hey, Jase? I'm not really a basketball person.."

"I know, but no harm in trying something new."

Leo crossed his arms, "Yes there is. I could break my ankle."

After some time the tall blonde boy chose a basketball from the metal cage that held them as if he found a golden egg among just plain eggs and then walked back over, bouncing the ball as he walked. "Or you could have a lot of fun. What do you say?"

Leo shrugged and stepped onto the court "I don't have much of a choice."

Jason grinned and bounced the ball to the Latino, "Let's warm up by shooting some hoops." He chuckled as Leo fumbled around with the basketball before lining up for a three-pointer and shooting. The ball arched and began descending, eventually hitting the ground nearly five feet away from it's intended target. Laughing sounded off from the side and both boys turned to see a small group watching them.

"Wow, that was a really good shot! You were almost halfway there!" The group called toward Leo, sarcasm and malice dripping out of their mouths. 

The small brunette walked over to Jason and mumbled softly, "I want to go back inside now."

"Aww did we make you feel bad? Are you gonna go cut yourself now cause you're just so sad?" 

Leo's eyes widened in surprise and he stared at the ground as his mind began racing. 'How the hell did they know about this?'

'Fuck, did others hear?'

'Does everyone know?'

'No...no... please no'

He quickly scanned the area, seeing people all round. They were whispering. 'They're talking about me.'

"That's the kid who tried to kill himself."

"No way, really?"

"Yeah, I heard he also cuts himself up too."

"That's so gross!"

"He should have just killed himself."

"He should have cut deeper."

"He's just an attention seeker."

"That's so pathetic."

"He shouldn't be alive."

"If he doesn't wanna be alive, then he doesn't deserve to live."

'They're all right... I don't deserve to live.' 

With this thought Leo tore off to the woods, tears stinging his eyes.

///End Flashback///

Anguished screaming pierced the air as Leo kept reliving the memory. In the silence between the screams, he gasped for air and whimpered. 

"N-no. Make it stop. Make. It. STOP!!" he began screaming again and the four people standing there frantically looked at each other. None of them knowing exactly what to do.

Finally Nico stepped up and took charge, "Hazel, quick, go get Will. Percy help Jason get Leo inside and get him comfortable, I'm going to go get Chiron."

Everyone nodded and set off to the tasks given to them, Nico and Hazel tearing off in different directions while Jason and Percy walked cautiously towards Leo.

"Leo?" Jason called out softly as they approached. "It's Jason. Me and Percy are gonna move you to somewhere comfier, okay?"

A pause in between screams, but no response.

"I don't think he can hear you. Let's quickly move him before he can start screaming again."

The blonde nodded and wrapped his arms around the Latinos chest. He could feel the small boy's heart pounding quickly. 'I don't think anyone's heart should be pounding this fast.'  he thought as concern painted over his face and he whispered quietly into Leo's ear, "You're going to be okay. I promise."

Percy grabbed onto Leo's lower half and nodded. They lifted and Jason gasped at how light he was. When he met the raven haired mans eyes, he could tell that he was thinking the same thing. Leo was too light. 

They brought him into bunker nine and laid him down on the small bed that was in the corner of the room as if added as an afterthought. He hadn't screamed while they were moving him, but he was still gasping for air, tears falling down his face like a never ending waterfall. 

"What do we do now?" 

"I don't know," Percy had been pacing, paused as he responded, but then kept pacing.

Leo began clenching and unclenching his hand. Jason noticed this right before the Latinos breath became even heavier and ragged. The small boy began squirming. He was barely breathing. 


Percy had already seen something was up and ran over.

"He's barely breathing! What do we do?!"

"Sit him up, it's harder to breath laying down." Percy tried to speak calmly, but couldn't keep the panic out of his voice.

Jason began to pull the boy up when his eyes suddenly rolled inside his head and his body became limp. 

"Leo! No!"

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