The neighbor

By Unknown_Klown

48.4K 1K 1.1K

Harley is the outcast child of her basic life. She thinks she'll be like this forever until a certain punk mo... More

Characters and info
💀Chapter 1💀
💀Chapter 2💀
💀Chapter 4💀
💀Chapter 5💀
💀Chapter 6💀
💀Chapter 7💀
💀Chapter 8💀
💀Chapter 9💀
💀Chapter 10💀
💀Chapter 11💀
💀Chapter 12💀
💀Chapter 13💀
💀Chapter 14💀
💀Chapter 15💀
💀Chapter 16💀
💀Chapter 17💀
💀Chapter 18💀
💀chapter 19💀
💀Chapter 20💀
💀Chapter 21💀
💀Chapter 22💀
💀Chapter 23💀
💀Chapter 24💀
💀Chapter 25💀

💀Chapter 3💀

2.9K 75 109
By Unknown_Klown

I woke up and jumped out of my bed. I did all my morning stuff and then got dressed. I put some plaid pants with a black hoodie. I posted a picture on my Instagram hoping Harley would see it.

Caption: All dressed up for you💙

Harleys POV...
I finished getting ready and opened Instagram with the intentions of posting a picture. Instead I seen a picture of Dom. I instantly smiled and for some reason looked at his window. Weirdly he was standing right there smiling at me. I smiled at him and shook my head then walked away.

Caption: In love with a psycho💙
Dom.Harrison: Im not a psycho😱😭

I laughed at his comment and got ready to go. I grabbed my backpack and skateboard and headed down the stairs. As I was about to open the door my dad stopped me.

"Are you really wearing that?" He said looking at me with his glasses half down his nose.

"Yes. Goodbye father." I said opening the door.

"Hmph such a disappointment." He said under his breath as I walked out the door.

I closed the door and felt tears in my eyes. I try my best to be strong when they tell me things like this but it freaking hurts. I didn't feel like skating so I left my board at the side of my house. I started walking and got lost in my thoughts with tears in my eyes.

"Morning Love." I heard dom said while he caught up to me.

I wiped my eyes fast because I didn't want him to see me crying.

"Hey hey! Whats wrong?!" He said standing in front of me with his hands on my shoulders attempting to stop me.

"Its nothing." I say looking away.

"No no, its something so what is it?" He said wiping a tear from my cheek.

"I'm fine dom." I said trying to walk around him.

"Don't try to be happy when you're clearly not." He said as he embraced me in a big hug.

As soon as he hugged me, i bursted out in tears. I finally had someone to understand me.

"My dad called me a disappointment when I walked out of the house. They always put me down for being different. Im sick of it. Nobody understands me." I said while hugging down and crying.

"Well the same thing happened to me except my dad also told me I was gay because I put eyeliner on. You have to ignore it and be proud that you're different." He said resting his head on mine. "Now come on and cheer up." He said pulling away looking at me.

He then wiped my face and grabbed my hand. We then started walking again.

When we finally got near the school he just looked at it.

"You weren't kidding when you said they're all clones." He said looking in the distance.

"I told you." I said nervous to go in.

"Well I'm here now. Another weirdo. Sue me!" He said putting his arm around my shoulder.

As we walked up to school everyone looked at us and stared. There were whispers all around us. Girls were staring at dom, but I mean like come on...who wouldn't? We walked and stopped at my locker.

"So wheres your schedule?" I asked him while he leaned against the lockers looking at me.

"Oh here." He said as he reached in his pocket pulling out a paper.

I looked at it and realized we had all classes together except one. The one me and liam were in. I was happy we had most classes together but out of all classes why not that one?

"Whats wrong?" Dom said noticing that I was zoned.

I explained everything with Liam to him and he listened.

"Ha. The bastard better not pull anything on my girl cuz im here now." He said cupping my chin.

"Look another weirdo." Liam said as he walked by with a group of guys.

"Look another idiot." He said right back to liam." Come on babe." He said pulling me away with his hand holding mine.

"You shouldn't of done that." I said looking at dom.

"Im not scared of that asshole and you shouldn't be either." He said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Ahh its gonna be a long school year Harrison." I said walking with my hand in his and also with my head on his shoulder.

"Oh and also im not a psycho." He said smiling.

I rolled my eyebrows and walked into class. I sat down and Dom sat in the seat next to me.

"Hey cutie." Some girl said stopping at his desk.

"Oh hey my girlfriend calls me that too!" He says grabbing my hand.

"Ugh." She says looking at me and dom. She walks away and sits in the front of the class.

"Really? And girlfriend?" I asked him smiling.

"Well you soon will be so why not indicate it to people now?" He said smiling. "Plus i dont want any of these clones. I want you Harley." He said looking at me.

"You cheesy boy." I said pinching his cheeks.

The class soon started and Dom was looking at me the whole time through. At times I would glance at him and he would turn red and look away. Other times the girls in class would be staring at him but like the angel he is, he wouldn't pay attention to them.

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