The Good Girl Handcuffed to t...

By Justawriter225

5.1K 75 28

A good girl and a bad boy? Handcuffed? Pft like that'll happen. Well it does. When a college student comes t... More



374 4 2
By Justawriter225

"Ok students settle down," The headmaster, Mr Sulivan, says.

"Thank you, anyway I would like to give a warm welcome to all of you and I hope this school year will be good. Anyway I can see some of you already falling asleep so I will now introduce to you a new project we are doing this year." He looks around seeing if anyone is interested, but I can assure you, we are still falling asleep.

"So we have some students from the university of San Clemente here to do some tests on some of you. They are focusing on human behaviours this year and these projects count as 50% of their final grade and if they fail, they will not be able to graduate." Again he looks around before handing the microphone onto a guy who's about 22 years old.

Suddenly a lot more attention is on him since a lot of the girls find him good looking. I mean he's not bad looking but definitely not my type.

"Hey guys, so I'm just here to introduce to you a bit of what we're going to do. So we're only gonna be here for the first few months so you guys don't have to cope with us the whole year." Mr Sulivan suddenly burst into laughter behind him, finding what he said very amusing, until he notices that no one else is laughing.

"Sorry, continue." He states

"Well most of us will just be hanging around classes just looking at how you cope with the work, but there is one test that I've come up with which is a bit different. Basically I'm gonna choose two of you guys to be handcuffed together for 4 months. You will both be different and we want to see if you guys will be able to set aside your difference or will you come out after 4 months hating each other. I have already emailed your parents during the summer to see which of you are allowed to do it and I'm gonna choose from the bunch who has their parents permission. My aim is to choose by tomorrow so I'll see two of you then."

A small applause is given before Mr Sulivan speaks again about how this school year will go. I don't really listen to that part and me and Tyler end up playing thumb war.

After Tyler winning every single game we try and focus to the assembly again but its so boring we can't. My eyes end up wondering around the room to see if there are any other hot new people that I can fall in love with but no, only the asshole.

I laugh slightly at how all of the 'clics' are sitting together. First there are the populars, which include the one and only, Stephanie, and then there are the bad boys, sitting at the opposite side of them.

As the asshole mentioned before, Victoria, Tyler and I are not really in any clic. We can hang out with anyone because we're kind of the loved group. Tyler is in the football team and sometimes he hangs out with his team but very rarely during lunch.

Just as my eyes are wondering around, they meet the green ones that I've seen too many times today. I look back towards the front and then look back to see if he's still looking this way.

He isn't but now the whole gang of 'bad boys' around him are. Great.

The bad boys of this school are Stefan Smith, Brody Myers, Axel Matts and apparently now the asshole who I've yet to find out his name.

Stefan Smith is a player, like all of them, and he's the prankster of the group. Which means that all the teachers hate him.

Brody Myers is the least worst of all of them. He's had girlfriends but they never really last and he doesn't really do that player ways. He's kind of quiet but of course he still doesn't do the whole school thing.

And lastly there is Axel Matts. He tells everyone to call him Axe cuz he thinks its a cooler name and he's by far the worst of them all. He got held back a year because he never showed up to school and he's a real big player.

They all skip classes and do those kind of typical bad boy things which makes me see why the mysterious asshole hangs out with them.

I'm suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by Victoria poking me and telling me that the assembly is over and we have to go to our homeroom now. Me and Victoria have the same homeroom but Tyler is in a different one.

We arrive in our homeroom to find out we have assigned seats. Great. I look at the chart and see that the teacher has put a girl and boy at each table. Victoria is sitting next to Stefan and I'm sitting next to someone called Jason.

We go to our tables which are at least next to each other so we can sit next to each other but with a space between.

The teacher walks in and introduces himself but there are 4 seats that are empty. I can probably guess who they are. Anyway the teacher is called Mr Bradshaw and he's handing out the timetables as the door opens and the 'bad boys' come in.

"Your late." Mr Bradshaw says.

"Nice to have u again this year Mr B." Stefan says while patting his back. Mr Bradshaw rolls his eyes as the guys find their seats.

Ahh so the asshole has a name. Jason.

"So sweetheart, you following me now?" I look to my left where Jason has now sat down.

"In your dreams Jason." A smirk appears on his face while he says,

"Stalking me now are you? How did you find my name?"

"Well you know something called a seating chart that's at the front of the class?" I say while pointing to it. "Well it says all the students names and I looked at the name that was going to sit next to me."

I can hear Victoria chuckle from the place on my right and then I see that Stefan has sat next to her.

"So your the girl that ran into Jase this morning." Stefan says while leaning on the desk.

"Is that what I'm known for now?" I ask with a slight chuckle.

"Nahh brown eyes, just stop staring at him for the whole assembly next time.." Axel says from behind me, I turn around to see that Axel and Brody are sitting together.

Great I'm surrounded.

"I was not, he was the one staring at me and don't call me brown eyes." He laughs and then goes back on his phone.

"I know I'm gorgeous so you don't have to pretend not to stare." I hear the asshole say from next to me. Even though I know his name I still think asshole suits him better. 

"Ha you wish" I hear someone say from behind me. I turn around and it's Brody. 

We all start laughing, well except for the asshole. While Mr Bradshaw tells us to be quiet. 

"So what's your name sweetheart." Jason whispers to me. 

"Why should I tell you?" He smirks before replying, 

"Well because you know my name, its just polite to know yours..." 

"Her name is Isabella." Victoria says from next to me with a smirk. I give her a look like 'why did you tell him' and she just grins and looks to the front again. 

"Ahh, so I'll call you Bella now." I roll my eyes as he chuckles before looking back at the front. 

"Shut up asshole." 

"Well that's not nice, we barely know each other Bella." 

"Well I know that I don't like you." He pretends to look hurt while putting his hand to his heart. 

"Well, all I've done is been nice to you Bella. Why would you not like me." I just roll my eyes and look to the front again, ignoring him smirking next to me for the whole lesson. 

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