Ask Infinite Anything

By InfiniteLeJackal

25.4K 608 1K

Looks like we're up and running. I've actually been asked by multiple people in in real life to do this. (XD)... More

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Bonus: Crystal's Pain
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Question 211/215... The End

Question 45

141 4 7
By InfiniteLeJackal

Infinite: Fight all of the Crash Bandicoot bosses as a dare? Hmm... I'm gonna reduce it to bosses from the first Crash Bandicoot. I don't want to cause too much of a stir.

Infinite teleported to the city and saw all of the Crash Bandicoot 1 bosses readying themselves for a fight.

Papu Papu: I got this...

Infinite: Oh, this will be easy.

Papu Papu approached Infinite and began to spin while sticking his staff out, Infinite easily jumped over the staff and kicked Papu Papu in the back.

Papu Papu: OOF! 

Infinite: Come on, you're faster than that!

Papu Papu did the same as before, except only a little faster. Infinite kicked him in the back again while smiling.

Papu Papu: GRRRRRR!!!

Infinite: What's the matter, Tubby?

Papu Papu: T-Tubby? NOBODY CALLS ME TUBBY!!!

Papu Papu began spinning around extremely fast and hit Infinite in the face with his staff.

Infinite: Ow!

Infinite dodged the staff one more time and kicked Papu Papu in the back, defeating him.


A blue kangaroo in a straightjacket laughed maniacally and started throwing big TNT boxes at Infinite.

Infinite: WHOA!

Ripper Roo: HEHEHE!!!

Infinite spun around and hit one of the big TNT boxes with his tail, sending it flying back at Ripper Roo.


Infinite: That was close... Good thing I have fast reflexes!

Ripper Roo continued to throw more big TNT boxes at Infinite, the jackal dodged all of them and slashed at Ripper Roo's leg.

Ripper Roo: AHAHAHAHA!

Infinite: Oof... This guy's mental!

Ripper Roo threw more big TNT boxes at Infinite, suddenly he pulled out an UNO Reverse Card.

Infinite: Enough! Back to you!

Ripper Roo: ?

The big TNT boxes flew back at Ripper Roo and exploded, sending the insane kangaroo flying into a wall.

Koala Kong: Not bad at all! But now, you face me!

Infinite: WHOA! I forgot how buff you were, Koala Kong!

Koala Kong: I'll take that as a compliment.

Koala Kong ripped a large chunk of rock from the ground and threw it at Infinite.

Infinite: Throwing again?!

Infinite barely avoided the rock and punched Koala Kong in the stomach.

Koala Kong: Agh!

Koala Kong grabbed Infinite and slammed him onto the ground.

Infinite: Ouch!

Koala Kong ripped another large chunk of rock from the ground and dropped it onto Infinite, the jackal kicked it back as it hit Koala Kong in the face.

Koala Kong: OOF! Sneaky bastard!

Infinite noticed one of the big TNT boxes from earlier and got an idea.

Koala Kong: You won't last much longer against me!

Infinite: Are you sure about that?

Koala Kong grabbed a car and lifted it up, then threw it at Infinite.

Infinite: Nope!

Infinite threw the big TNT box at the car which collided and exploded, sending a wrecked flaming car back at Koala Kong and knocking him out.

Infinite: Yes!

Pinstripe Potoroo: Hahaha! 

Pinstripe Potoroo started to fire a tommy gun at Infinite, the jackal stood still and grabbed all of the bullets with ease.

Infinite: Oh, sorry. Firing a gun at me is just a bad idea.

Pinstripe Potoroo: WHAAAAAAAAT?!

Infinite threw the bullets at Pinstripe Potoroo which hit him in the face.

Pinstripe Potoroo: OW! 

Pinstripe Potoroo began to fire his tommy gun again, Infinite hid behind the wrecked flaming car and peeked his head out.

Infinite: Oof... Come on, you fire that gun like you think it's a video game!

Pinstripe Potoroo: SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Pinstripe Potoroo ran towards Infinite while reloading his tommy gun, Infinite simply smiled and snatched the tommy gun.

Infinite: SIKE!

Pinstripe Potoroo: Hey, give that back!

Infinite snapped the tommy gun in half and smiled.

Infinite: You have no way to defend yourself now.

Pinstripe Potoroo began to sweat, then ran away screaming like a girl.

Dr. Nitrus Brio: Grrr! Idiot...

Dr. Nitrus Brio started throwing explosive potions at Infinite.

Infinite: Shit! These guys really like throwing things, huh?

One of the potions had created a green blob which bounced towards Infinite, the jackal easily stomped on it as the blob disappeared. Infinite continued doing this for a while until Dr. Nitrus Brio drank a magenta colored potion.

Infinite: Dafuq?

Dr. Nitrus Brio suddenly turned into a hulking monster and started slamming his fists on the ground.

Infinite: WHOA, SHIT!

Infinite kicked Dr. Nitrus Brio in the head, making him back off.

Dr. Nitrus Brio: RAGHHH!!!

Dr. Nitrus Brio slammed his hands on the ground again, when suddenly an anvil came out of nowhere and hit him on the head knocking the mutant out.

Infinite: Where'd that come from?!

Super Crystal: Up here, sweetie! And no, that was not supposed to hit you!

Infinite: Thanks for the help!

Dr. Neo Cortex: Very impressive! You shall face me now!

Dr. Neo Cortex fired a laser gun at Infinite, as he hit the laser with his sword sending it back at Dr. Neo Cortex.

Infinite: Nope!

Dr. Neo Cortex: AGH!

This continued on for a few minutes, and Infinite dealt one final blow to Dr. Neo Cortex sending him flying.


Crash Bandicoot: WHOA!

Infinite: You guys put up a decent fight. Recommendation, get a little more creative. Throwing objects back and forth is just boring.

Super Crystal levitated down and hugged Infinite tightly.

Infinite: Heh heh, thanks sweetie.

Super Crystal: That was awesome!

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