The Good Girl Handcuffed to t...

By Justawriter225

5.1K 75 28

A good girl and a bad boy? Handcuffed? Pft like that'll happen. Well it does. When a college student comes t... More



438 6 3
By Justawriter225

I continue my walk to my locker, going over how much of a jerk that guy was. I mean I said sorry he didn't have to be so rude about it. 

I put all my books in my locker since we're not doing much today and we probably won't need them. I mean we have an assembly now and then we go to our homeroom to get our timetables and stuff like that. 

Just as I close my locker, I come face to face again with the jerk from before. 

"What do you want now?" I ask, hoping maybe he came to apologise. 

"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart, I've come to my locker." He says while pointing to the locker next to mine. Nope definitely not an apology. 

"Ok wait, let me guess something" He starts, while leaning against his locker with his arms crossed. "Your the good girl, always getting good grades, never late, never skips, even though if you would it wouldn't make much of a difference since you have good grades and not really the popular group but everyone likes you." 

I stand there for a minute staring at him while trying to figure out how he got all of that right. 

"Ok yeah whatever how about you mr bad boy, huge ego, always skips and has every girl falling to his feet..." He gives me a smirk, telling me I got it right, and I just turn around and make my way to the assembly room, hopefully not having to bump into anyone else. 

Just as I think that a perfectly manicured hand comes in front of me and stops me. Great, just the person I wanted to see right now... NOT. 

"Isa! so nice to see you!" I look up into the brown eyes of the devil herself, Stephanie. We all used to be really close, all of us meaning me, Victoria and Tyler, but then she started hanging out with the 'Popular group' and now we all hate her. 

"Wish I could say the same back to you..." I say with a fake smile. She gives me a death glare before saying. 

"Whatever I'm not here for the chit chat, I just wanted to let you know that the new guy you keep talking to. Yeah well he's off limits,  I already called dibs." I let out a small chuckle, honestly sometimes I don't even know how we were friends, like she calls dibs like the person was an object. 

"Take him, I couldn't care less." and with that I push past her and go towards the assembly room. Once I get there Tyler and Victoria are waiting for me outside and we go in and find seats. 

"What took you so long?" Tyler asks as we sit down. 

"Ugh I bumped into this new asshole and he was so annoying. Like I said sorry and he was just like watch where you're going." Suddenly Victoria gets super interested in the conversation and comes closer to me. 

"ooooo was he hot? tall? blue eye? brown eyes? GIVE ME THE DETAILS!!!" Tyler rolls her eyes. I look around the room until I spot him. Of course he's now with the 'bad boy' gang. 

"Take a look for yourself" I saw while pointing in his directions. Tori gasps while Tyler rolls his eyes again. 

While Tori stares for a few minutes me and Ty Ty end up playing rock paper scissors. I've called him Ty Ty since I was about 2 years old and he finds it really annoying now but that doesn't mean that I'll stop. But he calls me Lizzie so it kind of evens it out. 

"Omg Isa this is perfect!!" Tori states after about 5 minutes of staring in his direction. 

"What is?" Tori looks at me like I'm completely dumb before continuing. 

"You said he bumped into right? which made you fall down?" I nod and she continues "Well in the car this morning you said you wanted a hot guy to sweep you off your feet. Well here he is, a GORGEOUS guy who swept you off your feet." Me and Tyler both start laughing before I reply,

"Umm yeah not happening, he's a complete asshole. Also I said a hot guy who would sweep me off my feet and become the love of my life, he will never become the love of my life.." 

"Ok, whatever you say.." Tori replies, focusing her eyes to the stage where the assembly is beginning.  

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