Astrid the Asteroid: Hothead...

By ggg7650ip

22.5K 297 107

Astrid and the Ducks are back. Jesse and dean came to stay and plan on going no where. What will happen when... More

Chapter 1: Strawberries||
Chapter 2: Fake||
Chapter 3: Bad terms||
Chapter 4: Breakup||
Chapter 5: Quit||
Chapter 6: Varsity||
Chapter 7:Guy||
Chapter 8: Speechless||
Chapter 9: Pills||
Chapter 10: Left her in the hospital||
Chapter 12:Coach||
Chapter 13: Guardian Angel||
Chapter 14: Highschool Sweethearts||
Chapter 15: Santos Family||
Chapter 16: Community Service||
Chapter 17: More severe||
Chapter 18: Welcome Back||
Chapter 19: Angels in the sky||
Chapter 20: 3 Coaches, New start||
Thank you

Chapter 11:Jumped||

1K 13 4
By ggg7650ip

Astrid's view:

School came rolling by. It's Monday and I Didn't want to go. At all...

I got up and did my morning necessities. I put on black skinny high waisted jeans. A yellow sweater with a white shirt with a collar under. I put on some boots and did my hair. I put them in low ponytails. I got my book bag and left.

Apparently sandy left the hospital Saturday. Her beating happened Wednesday. So she was in the hospital for 4 days. Today she is coming back. I also found out some news. She became Assistant captain like a week after I left. I'm guessing they really needed a assistant captain.  As I made my way to my locker, Mindy stopped me.

"Astrid!" She squealed in my ear. I winced at the sound of that.

"Hey Min's."

"We are doing tryouts for cheerleading. Since you do gymnastics, we figured you will be great for our team. What do you say?" 

"Thanks for the offer. But Hockey takes most of my time. I just won't have enough time. Plus Buckley prohibited me from participating in any more sports or clubs. Apparently I cause too much ruckus. Which I just don't understand. But thanks." She smiled.

"It's okay." 

"Got to go. See you in lunch". She nodded and hugged me. I was close to my locker when I saw Guy standing right next to it. He had a single Rose in his hand. I came closer and kissed him.

"Hey Germaine".

"Hey babe. Here. Just something small to start your day". I smiled widely and hugged him.

"Thanks Prince Charming." I kissed his cheek. Out of nowhere the devil came. As In Charlie. Guy tensed up and I got his hand and intertwined it with mine. He gave me a small smile.

"Can I talk to you?" Charlie asked. Guy was glaring at him but I give him a reassuring smile. That seemed to calm him down a little. I nodded and we began to walk to the front of the school. Where there was benches. We picked one and sat.

Awkwardness filled. I decided to break

"What do you want?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I came to say you were right all along! About sandy. She isn't the person she said she was!We haven't been winning games! In fact, it's like Sandy finds a way to help the other team and helps them win. I haven't been able to control the team. I don't have a grip on nothing and-". I cut him mid sentence.

"Wait. Say that again." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Say what?" 

"That I'm correct. Always have." He rolled his eyes.

"Still being the smartass I see". Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Still being the ignorant I see". He lightly smiled.

"I've missed you". Not this time. Not this time Conway.

"And I haven't. I'm happy with guy. There is no reason for you to go in between us. You lost your chance."

"I know. I sincerely apologize."

"I don't know how I'm going to respond to that. But okay".

"You never are changing your ways are you?" 


He scratched the back of his neck before taking again.

"So I uhm- got to was nice Talking to you."

"It wasn't bad."

"Bye". He gave me a smile and left.

I got up and made my way to the school's hallway before being stopped. Sandy.

"Santos. I still have unfinished business. Guess with who?" Sandy said.

"You mom. Cause I think you are genetically mutated cause you for real don't look like a normal human being. In fact more like a horse. Cause I could feel your spit all the way from here". She was fuming. I continued. "How was the hospital? The bed must of been pretty stiff. Like your hair". She lost it.

"Girls". Out of nowhere 4 girls came out of nowhere.

"Anything you want to say?"  She asked me.

"It's like if you are going to murder me. Couldn't even do it yourself." She signaled them to start fighting me.

One girl pulled my hair. Another kicked me and made me fall. Third one kicked me in the sides. The fourth one kept hitting my head.

I grabbed the one that got my hair and punched her straight in the nose. She faced the other way to take care of her bleeding nose. I got the one who was kicking my sides and caught her feet when she tried to kick me again. I dropped her too and got on top of her. Hitting her repeatedly. Once I was done with her I began to fight the other one. I got the other one and hit her head against the lockers. Kicked her with my knee I'm her stomach and punched.  She fell. A crowd began to form. Sandy was in the side. Scared when I faced her. She looked at all the girls that were on the ground and attacked me. I fell to the ground.

She punched pretty good. I turned us around and began to punch her. Her face. Her stomach. She was bleeding fast. Then out of nowhere Coach Orion got me pulled me from them.

They are so lucky I didn't have my pocket knife. Oops. I guess.

I stood where I was. Fixing my hair. Everyone was looking at me like if I was crazy. Then dean Buckley came out nowhere. He looked horrified of the scene.

Teachers came to the aid of the bitches on the floor. Dean looked at me.


I nodded. No more school. The crowd looked at me surprised.

The ducks rushed out of wherever they were and came to the scene. They looked shocked. They knew I could fight but not more than 1 person at a time. New York teaches you things. 

Even if my parents are rich and I'm privileged. Doesn't mean I haven't struggled with my self. New York is a rough place. I got taught to carry a pocket knife but I left it back in New York.

They jumped me.

I defended myself.


No school.

Life long break.

Can't wait to hear a bunch of speeches.


I'm going to go through a hear full.

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