Time travel- Bakudeku

By Chezcat321

316K 9.5K 14.8K

Katsuki Bakugou has never been the same after the kid he bullied for years, the poor quirkless Izuku Midoriya... More

Chapter 1- Torture
Chapter 2- Back in time
Chapter 3- I'm sorry
Chapter 4- First Day of middle (again)
Chapter 5- Fight for him
Chapter 6- The troubles of highschool
Chapter 7- Jealous much?
Chapter 8- The confession
Chapter 9- The descion kiss
Extra BakuDeku art (You're welcome 😏)
Thank you!!

Chapter 10- Are we a couple?

22.9K 637 1.1K
By Chezcat321

I just wanted to make their relationship cute. Don't judge.
It had a been a month since that day me and Deku kissed in the janitors closet and it had felt like it was just yesterday.

Me and Deku walked together down the same sidewalk we have for years. But this time, we secretly interlock our fingers together after we were a bit of a long distance away from our houses and the range of our parents.

"I still can't believe your mother is finally engaged to the number one hero, All Might," I say.

"I know!" Gasped Deku, who still hadn't wrapped his head around the fact either. "They just told me last night."

"Did you always tell them last night?" I asked. "About us?"

"No. No, not yet but I will!" Deku told me, clearly nervous. I could tell these things. "When it's finally the right time and place, I will.. Mom still thinks I like Uraraka." He shrugged.

"Well, you better tell her soon." I leaned in closer to Deku who's ears were colored a soft, radiating pink. "Don't you want her too know about us?" I whisper.
I nibble on his ear making Deku squirm.

"I-I do!" Squeaked Deku.

"Then you better hurry up or I'll tell her for you." I roughly tighten my grib on Deku's hand and pull him into an alley where I make us lock lips.

We've been doing most of our make out sessions in the back of an alley way before entering the school's property and having to pretend to be just "best friends". This particular alley was one of our usually spots.

Deku moans softly as I pressed my lips deeply into his, wrapping my hands around his waist and pulling him in closer into me till I couldn't tell who's heart beat was who's anymore. We only would pull apart briefly too catch our breath before returning too each other. This time, the kiss was searing hot.

Briefly, I considered how pretty Deku would look going to school with a bruised lip before Deku, breathlessly, pulled away the kiss. I smirked softly, my cheeks feeling hotter than they were originally. Deku was panting heavily at the lack of oxygen.

"We should.. tell the class about us," said Deku.

"Today?" I asked. I stroked Deku's cheek. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Deku nodded eagerly in agreement.

"Well.. okay then." I threaded my hands into his again, inter locking them together. We walked out the alley secretly, looking frantically everywhere before continuing down the sidewalk.

We walked silently up to the school gate together, still holding hands. I could feel Deku's palms beginning to sweat nervously. I squeezed his hand tightly to give him some reassurance.

"It'll be fine.." I say under my breath. Deku took a deep breath before finally slipping through the school's front gate with my hand clasped in his.

It seemed the eyes around us immediately detected what we were doing. There was staring, echoing laughter and chatter.. it was enough to make anyone feel insane.

I felt Deku speed up his pace to the school's front door but inside wasn't any better.

We walked down the hall way together and I could tell how determined Deku was too stay holding hands with me. Hastily, we made it to the classroom of class 1-A but when we arrived, all eyes darted too us.

There was a loud gasp. Mina has stood up and was strutting over to us. "You two are dating?!" She gasped loudly. How the fuck could she tell that by us just holding hands?!

Deku shrank behind me. I talked up for him. "We are," I tell them. "Now shut the hell up and let us sit before I blast all of your asses too the moon!"

I brought Deku over with me to our usually seats near the window. Deku smiled nervously as we sat down and released our hand holding.

"See, that wasn't so bad, right?" I asked Deku who twiddled his thumbs nervously and bit his botoom lip.

Deku took a big breath before speaking. "That-That was just really scary.."

I reached my hand out to one of his that was placed lightly on his desk. I placed my hand on top of his and gave it a quick reassuring squeeze.

"I know.." I say. I was secretly glad I could hold his hand in class and not have to do it in secret anymore. This is ten times more easier.

Deku smiled brightly at me making my heart skip a beat. I wanted to layer him with kisses but I have to draw some limits for what we do in public.

"So.. Deku," I start. "Would you like to go on a official d-date with me?"

Of course! I just had to mother fucking stutter!

"R-really?" His eyes were wide.

I smile. "Of course, we've never been proper date before so, why not now while we're coming out?"

Deku straightened up, his cheeks turning red. "Yes! I would love that."

My heart felt like it was glowing. I was finally going on a date with Deku! I hope you goes well.

*this time skip was brought to you by my level of craziness*

The end of the day came quickly and I was soon coming out of the 1-A classroom smiling and my heart feeling like it was going to explode.

I walked out the front doors of the school and Deku stood by the school's front gate, waiting for me. A smile grew on my lips and I felt my face burn up. I immediately began sprinting towards him. He smiled when he saw me making me want to squeeze him tightly.

When I reach him, I noticed that Deku seemed nervous. He played with his fingers while turning a red I didn't know possible. I cocked my head in confusion.

Deku turned his head quickly and pecked my cheek making me jump in surprise. He chuckled at my reaction as I growled angrily and I felt my face heat up with embarrassment.

"Oh no you don't.." I growl at him as he continues laughing. "I don't want no half-ass kiss from you~"

I grab his chin and pull him in closer so that we were kissing by the school's front gate. When we pulled away, Deku's eyes were the size of the moon.

I whispered "Hey babe~"
He somehow relaxes under my touch.

I pull my hand into his and I drag him down the sidewalk, away from the UA high school. Deku was still processing the kiss as we turned a corner.

"W-where are we going?" Deku asks. I could tell he was trying to make his voice sound normal. I know he's still not used to us being a couple out in public yet.

"On our date." I roll my eyes and look towards him over my shoulder. "You know, the one you agreed too."

Deku nodded vigorously. "I-I remember!" He squeaks. "Where are you taking me on this date?"

I smirk mischievously. "You'll see~" I purr.

I pulled him along the sidewalk, still holding his hand till we made it to the main shopping district of the city. Deku looked around everywhere, searching for where I was taking him.

I pushed through a crowd of people to make it to a store. Deku's favorite.

"The All Might gift store" it read. Deku saw the building and gasped loudly.

"Our date is here!" He asked me, his grin tightening on my hand.

"No duh, Sherlock.." I roll my eyes jokingly. Deku smiles.

"Well.. come on then!" He cheers. This time, Deku leads me into the store. As soon as we enter the air-conditioned building, I'm met by about a thousand All Might faces and a bunch of red and yellow. Lots of "I am here!" or "Plus Ultra" was also on a lot of posters.

"I haven't been here since we started dating!!" Deku said a little too loudly. We got questionable looks from the store clerk who quirked a heavily pencil eye brow at us.

I growl protectively at him. Deku didn't seem to notice as he leads me deeper into the store. He gasped, pointed, and grabbed anything he found even remotely cool. I found this absolutely adorable.

"Hoodies!" Deku squealed. Other costumers looked at us but we didn't care as Deku then pulls me into the back corner where all the All Might hoodies were.

"I haven't worn one of these since I was 12!" Gasped Deku who grabbed a large All Might hoodie of a hanger. I couldn't help but notice how over sized it was.

How big do you have to be to fit into that?

Deku didn't notice as he walked into the dressing room and closed the curtain that separated us.

"You sure you wanna wear that?" I ask him, trying to hold back my laughter.

"Of course I want to wear it!" Called Deku from. I heard him ruffling off his clothes.
I chuckled softly before stepping back.

After 2 minutes searching stuff on my phone, I noticed how quiet it had gotten in the dressing room.

"Deku?" I called out too him, growing worried.

"Y-yeah?" He stammered back to me.

"You okay in there?"

I got no response.

"Come on, I want to see it!" I yell.

Deku then finally came out. He was blushing madly, almost resembling a tomato. The All Might hoodie was so big that it draped down to his knees.

I snickered.

"Don't laugh!" He whimpered, crossing his floppy arms and pouting.

"Oh come on!" I sigh. I walk up to him and wrap my hands around his waist, pulling him closer. He blushed even redder and I felt I'm his hot warmth against my own. "I think it looks great.." I breath.

He smiles lightly before we begin kissing, our lips mooing in sync. We pull apart quickly since we were in public, both with lustful eyes.

"I'll buy it for you, nerd" I tell him. "Now come on before we get kicked out!"

Deku giggled. I walked with him too cashier that gave off a weird vibe when she saw us together.

"How much?" I ask her roughly.

The store clerk scowled at me. "30 bucks," she stated.

"But it says twenty on the tag." I point out.

"Don't care." She shrugs. "30 bucks and then leave before I make forty."

"How dare you!" I yell. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO FUCKING DO THAT!-"

"I do! I'm the manager now pay before I kick you sluts out!" She yells back.

"Kacchan.." Deku touches my shoulder. "It's perfectly fine. I'll just put it back."

"No, you don't have too," I tell him. I take a deep breath before roughly taking out my wallet. "30?" I ask her again.

She nodded slowly, looking confused. I felt the urge to punch her and run but I knew Deku wouldn't want me doing that.

I smack down a 20 and two 5' dollar bills on the desk roughly before grabbing Deku's hand and yanking him away. Deku was dragged along and out the store.

"Damn people.." I growl too him.

"You-you didn't have too do, you know?" Deku said. "I didn't need it..-"

"But I like it on you." I look up to Deku. He seemed nervous. "You look absolutely amazing in it."

Deku blushes and I notice him play with the edge of the hoodie nervously while blushing.

"Do you want to get some ice cream?" I ask him. He peeked up at the offer.

"S-sure!" He squeaked. We began heading to the park where, after a quick tour around, we made it to the ice cream truck.

"Mint chocolate chip and a pop rock flavor ice cream please!" Deku told the die cream man.

"Will do!" The man said before making two cones with ice cream on them with his quirk.

"Thank you!" Deku thanked, giving him a ten dollar bill. "Keep the change!" He called while running away with the ice cream.

He hands me the mint chocolate chip and begins licking the pop rock flavor one.

"You didn't have too pay for the ice cream" I tell him.

Deku smiles, ice cream covering his upper lip. "You paid for the hoodie. Let me do this!"
I smiled and begin licking my cone.

We walked over to a bench and sat down next to exahother. I put my free hand around Deku's shoulder. "Why did you pay him extra though?" I ask Deku who was licking his ice cream happily. "You didn't have to do that, you know."

"I just wanted to help the ice cream community!" Deku said.

"You..-" I laugh loudly at him. "You're too fucking nice, Deku~"

I leaned forward quickly and kiss Deku's lips swiftly that tasted sickly like the Pop Rocks candy mixed with vanilla. Deku look flabbergasted. I chuckled at him before beginning to lick my own ice cream.

We than began talking too one another till our ice cream was completely gone and we were left with just our cones. I handed Deku my empty cone which he took graciously and ate before finishing his ice cream.

"Your house..?" Deku asked me nervously.

A smirk grew on my lips. "My parents aren't home~" I tell him before swiftly standing up, licking the extra ice cream that was left on my fingers.

I knew what I was doing too him.

With that, we tracked down to my house which wasn't that far away from the park. Deku struggled too keep up with me so I grabbed onto his hand till we reached my house. Luckily, my parents already knew about us so we had nothing to hide.

I pull open my door and stepped inside with Deku by my side. I could feel that he was nervous as we stepped into my empty house.

The old hag was gone on a girls-only vacation with herself and dad was on a week long business trip. We had the whole house too ourself.

I smile and pull Deku upstairs who stumbled behind me while walking. I pull him swiftly into my room and we sit on my bouncy bed.

I pull Deku onto my lap.

Our lips melted into each other like two perfect puzzle pieces and moved together, meaning, till we were gasping for air and had too pull away. Deku tangled his fingers into my hair which I loved way too much, pulling me in closer. We both wanted more as I slipped my hand under his shirt.

Was it time?

I hope you enjoyed this cliff hanger.. 😈

Anyways, I'm wondering if I should write some Smut but I'm scared of my Smut writing skills and what you guys will think..
Should I write some..?
Let me know 💕

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