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By piscesstrology

571 46 100

Rosalie and Lance have been best friends since their early childhood year. They know each other better than a... More

๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„ ๐ˆ๐ ๐‚๐”๐๐€
ยซ The end of class. ยป
ยซ Debilos. ยป
ยซ The trip. ยป
ยซ Abuela. ยป
ยซ In Victor's shadow. ยป
ยซ Spooky house. ยป
ยซ Cherry dress. ยป
ยซ Truth or dare. ยป
ยซ Beach picnic and unexpected encounters ยป

ยซ Big news. ยป

52 3 0
By piscesstrology

"Where's the salt?" Asked Marco, Lance's younger brother.

As planned, Rosalie and her family went to the McClains' house for the evening meal. Zacharia, her older brother, being in college and no longer living with his family, was not at the meal organized by Lance's family.

"Here!" Rachel replied, another younger sister of the Cuban. The young girl slide the salt to her little brother who thanked her.

Lance's family, unlike Rosalie's, is what you might call a large family. 5 children for two parents, cohabitation has always been complicated, but the atmosphere always warm.

"Otherwise, how has your year been for you, kids?" Asked suddenly André, Rosalie's father.

The teenagers were quick to respond, each telling their memorable anecdotes of the year, sometimes being cut off by another to add a little comment. The parents, for their part, listened attentively with a small smile at the words of their progeny.

From the outside, the McClains and Morgans looked like one big family. To be honest, Isabel and Angela had known each other since their college year, which is also where they met those who were going to be their now-husbands. Thanks to Angela, who played the matchmaker with Isabel and Javier, and the latter who Javier introduced André to Angela. This story looked like a movie, yet their friendship had lasted for years.

Thus, their children always considered themselves family ​​to each other. Well, at least for most of them..

"I have an announcement to make!" Isabel declared, clapping her hands to get all the attention on her. Her gleaming smile was sure to announce good news. "Rosalie, as we know, during the first month of vacation you never leave and you're very bored without your friends, according to your parents."

The young girl looked suspiciously at her parents - wondering why Isabel is bringing up this subject - who simply answers her with a smile from her father and a wink from her mother. Lance's mother having seen what had just happened between them let out a small laugh before resuming.

"So we suggested to your parents to take you with us to Cuba! Of course, you don't have to accept if you don't want to. But it will be good for you to take a break from here."

Completely speechless, the brunette turned to her best friend, gently grabbing him by the forearm, still not believing that she was going to go to the country of his origin, IN his company.

"You knew that?" She stared at him with her brown eyes, a twinkle of excitement in them.

The brunette shook his head, grinning with his almost dazzling white teeth. "No, but it's gonna be awesome! I will show you Varadero!"

The two young teenagers started to leave in a conversation where it was just them and no one else before Isabel's voice brought them back to the table.

"In conclusion, is that a yes?"

The young Morgan exchanged a knowing look with the Latino before declaring:


At her positive response, all of Lance's siblings almost pounced on Rosalie to tell her about Cuba and how lit this summer was going to be.
Only Marco does not have the same reaction as his brothers and sisters. He just smiled before looking away from his elders and giving Lance a mischievous look, which no one else has seen and understood, because he was the only one of the siblings to know his brother's little secret.


originally posted the 02/11/2019.
reposted the 13/11/2020.


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