A Villain's Rise

By KapUnivers

133K 4.8K 1.4K

After years of suffering under a system that thinks he is waste of resources, Izuku finally sees the truth be... More

The Birth of a Villain
The League of Villains
Allies and betrayal
The Hero Killer
A Change of Heart
Attack on Musutafu
The Spark of a Revolution
The Girl in the Dreams
The Culture Festival
Deku's Journals
A Villain's Christmas
The Phoenix's fight
The Phoenix's ash
Izuku's conflict
Setting up the pieces
The fall
Secrets Laid Bare
Endeavour's downfall
The Collapse
A Small Favour
Biding his Time
The Rise
Catching Up
All Hands on Deck
Casting the Dice
The Silence Before The Storm
Into the Fire
Izuku's Farewells

Saving someone in need

3.5K 122 22
By KapUnivers

"So you're the one All Might choose as his successor?" Deku pondered as he dodged another strike from Uraraka. "You killed Iida!" She yelled as her fist connected with Deku's chest. "So that's why I didn't see the pads you had on your fingers before" Deku mumbled as he tried to regain his breath. "Are you ignoring me!?" Uraraka shouted, ready to lash out again. "Of course not. I just know that if All Might made you his successor, then there is no use in trying to change your mind on matters you've already decided on" Deku retorted. "And regarding Iida, it was Stain who killed him" He added. "You let Stain kill him" Uraraka protested. "Yes, but what reason did I have to stop him. Look at it from my point of view. I'm trying to change the world and I have two enemies. Useless criminals and the government, which the heroes protect. I had no reason to save him then, I would have no reason now. Besides, Iida got himself into that mess and would have died regardless" Deku explained.

"You're still just a villain" Uraraka said. "If trying to fix the world is considered being a villain, then yes. I am a villain" Deku replied. "You're not trying to fix anything. You're just killing innocent people and making their lives miserable!" Uraraka yelled. "Didn't you just see my memories like I saw yours!? Or do you just decide to turn your back on all the suffering that has happened to me? The suffering countless people are going through right now!" Deku shouted back. "Of course I know about it, but becoming a villain isn't the right way. There are other ways to help people" Uraraka replied. "What other way!? Becoming a hero? I was never given the chance. Besides, the entire system is already rotten to its core. Even if there are 'good' heroes, they won't make enough of a difference to fix anything. Or maybe you thought about becoming a politician? Don't make me laugh. There are barely any relevant quirkless politicians and even fewer of them who aren't in the pockets of the hero industry. Now tell me what other option is there" Deku complained.

"We aren't getting anywhere like this" Uraraka sighed. "I guess your right" Deku reluctantly agreed. "Neither of us want these dreams to continue. So, for when we are in these dreams, we have a truce so that we may find a way to stop having them" Deku said and offered his hand. "Alright, but only in these dreams" Uraraka said and reluctantly shook Deku's hand. "Great!" Deku exclaimed. "Now we've been here for some time now, so I don't think we have much time left here for tonight, so we need things to work on until next time. This is clearly linked to one for all so we should get as much information as possible..." Deku muttered, making Uraraka even more uncomfortable. "Oh, I know. You tell All Might about this and see if he knows anything. Meanwhile, I'll look into the samples I have of the quirk and see if I can find anything" Deku said "If we get more time we could..." He began, but couldn't finish before suddenly waking up in his bed.

Some time later, Deku was talking with Dabi and Todoroki about their plan for the meeting with Overhaul when Spinner entered the room. "Deku, the nomus that chased Shigaraki is back" He reported. "Did they bring the body?" Deku asked. "Yes, although two of them hasn't returned and another one seems to have lost an arm" Spinner replied. "Of course" Deku huffed. "Presume that the two missing nomus are dead, dispose of the injured one and put the remaining two on storage. Meanwhile, I want to see the body" He ordered. "Right away Deku" Spinner responded and started doing what he was told to.

Deku entered the room where Shigaraki's body was. The body was laid out on one of Deku's many operating tables. "See Shigaraki, there is no escape from the revolution. Dread it, run from it. Destiny arrives all the same" Deku said with a smirk as he looked down on the dead body. "The revolution will claim it all and burn it down. First was you and everything you tried to build. Those who are beyond repair because of this broken system" Deku narrated as he picked up the dismembered hand covering Shigaraki's face. "Then we'll remove the heroes. Ruin their reputation and the entire corrupt industry they have built" He said and put the dismembered hand to the side "And lastly, we'll take all the power away from the government, burning it all down. Only then will the new order arise from the ashes" He narrated as he filled a syringe with Shigaraki's blood. "I could probably use this in a nomu" He mumbled to himself and put the syringe away and pincked up the dismembered hand again. "As for this..." Deku began "I think I'll keep it as a trophy" He said with a glee. "Goodbye Shigaraki" Deku chuckled before he left the room.

"Do everyone remember the plan now?" Deku asked as he and Todoroki got ready visit the yakuza base. "I think we got it after the second time you repeated the entire thing. But of course, Spinner had to forget one small part" Dabi replied. "It was just one small detail. How important could this visit even be? You don't even want to accept Overhaul's offer anyways" Spinner wondered. "Overhaul has a test subject with a quirk that can potentially destroy someone's quirk permanently. I need to know who this is, what they quirk is and if we need them. That is why this is important" Deku replied. "Anyways, Overhaul is probably waiting already, let's go and meet him Todoroki" He said and opened a portal that he and Todoroki walked through.

Once Deku and Todoroki emerged on the other side of the portal they were greeted by Overhaul. "Good, you're here Deku. I was starting to worry. I can also see you brought..." Overhaul began, but was cut off by Deku. "Cut to the chase Overhaul. I'm only her to observe your research to find out if I want to help you or not. I have other things to do as well" He said. "Fine then, come this way" Overhaul said and began leading Deku and Todoroki into the Yakuza base and through the underground corridors.

Eventually Overhaul brought Deku and Todoroki into a room with research equipment and an operating table. One the operating table sat a white-haired girl with a horn on her head, dressed in a hospital gown. Deku quickly noticed the bandages wrapped around her arms and the fearful look she gave Overhaul. "Is this the subject? What is her quirk?" Deku asked. "Yes. Her name is Eri and her quirk allows her to rewind objects" Overhaul replied. "Let me get a look" Deku said and approached Eri while giving Todoroki a signal behind his back. Deku began examining Eri, to see if she had been injured elsewhere besides her arms, meanwhile Todoroki began talking to Overhaul, distracting the Yakuza leader.

"Please don't hurt me" Eri quietly pleaded. "Don't worry, I won't. You just need to hold out a little bit longer" Deku whispered back. "If you do as I say, you will be safe. All you need to do is..." he began as he whispered instruction to her. "Are you finished Deku?" Overhaul asked, making Deku slowly back away from Eri "I think it would be better to look over what I've done so far while Eri isn't here" Overhaul said. "Yeah, I think so too" Deku replied. "Get back to your room Eri and don't try running off again. We wouldn't want a repeat of yesterday do we?" Overhaul ordered. Eri silently complied and left the room with the same terrified expression. "There, now show me your research" Deku said. "Right over here" Overhaul replied and walked over to a row of filing cabinets.

Just after a few moments of Overhaul showing Deku his research notes, Deku stepped back. "You're sick, you know that?" Deku asked. Overhaul just gave him a questioning look. "Experimenting on a little girl and taking pride in it" Deku said. "I thought you were the guy that would reach his goals with whatever means necessary?" Overhaul calmly asked and became slightly more defensive. "Almost anything. Some lines you simply don't cross. I hope you lose everything when the heroes raid this place" Deku answered and opened a portal behind him. "But for now, I'm content with having Eri safe" He said as Overhaul realised what had happened. "You won't get away" Overhaul threatened and took of his gloves and charged towards Deku and Todoroki. Suddenly, a nomu came from behind Deku. Once Overhaul touched the nomu, it exploded into tiny pieces, showing that Deku and Todoroki had already left through the portal. "Bastards" Overhaul growled.

When Deku and Todoroki returned to their facility, they were greeted by the sound of Dabi and Spinner trying to calm down Eri. "Hey kid we're just trying to help" Dabi said as he tried to approach Eri. "Stay back! You're not the nice person" Eri yelled back with a terrified voice. "Dabi! Spinner! Stay back, you're scaring her!" Deku ordered. Once Eri heard Deku she ran to him and grabbed his leg. "I'm scared" She whispered. Deku carefully lifted her up and looked at her. "Eri, no one here will ever hurt you, just breathe" Deku calmly told her. Eri started slowing her breath down and began calming down. She then clung on to Deku around his neck. "There you go. Now, let us find a nice room for you to sleep in and in the meantime my colleagues can prepare a nice meal for you" Deku said and watched as Todoroki went to make food. "How does that sound?" Deku asked. "Yes please. Thank you" Eri replied.

Deku slowly backed out of Eri's room and gently closed the door, careful not to wake her up. "You seem to have grown attached to her" Todoroki stated. "Perhaps. After seeing all those scars Overhaul has given her, both physically and mentally. I just want to protect her, make her feel safe and happy" Deku confessed. "That will be difficult considering the things we do" Todoroki remarked. "Yes, but I don't feel it's safe to let anyone else take care of her" Deku replied. "By the way, you and Dabi seems to be getting closer" He commented. "What can I say, he's my brother and we have a lot of catching up to do. He ran away when I was six after all" Todoroki replied. "Good on you. Maybe your other siblings will eventually join us as well?" Deku wondered "Anyways, it's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight" He said and walked into his room. Deku laid down on his bed and drifted off to sleep, back into a familiar dream landscape.

A/N: I'm going to be honest and say that I've actually had this chapter finished for a while. For an entire week in fact. But due my internet issue and the fact that I have run out of mobile data I haven't been able to publish it. This wouldn't be a problem if had just used the internet at my school, but of course I had to get sick and stay home the entire week. I did get the time to play some games I haven't played in a while so that is a plus, I guess. Anyways, all my problems aside, I hope you're all having a wonderful day. Goodbye.

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