π™΄πšŸπšŽπš›πš–πš˜πš›πšŽ βœ”

By Jessthebatnerd

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Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twelve

2.9K 182 164
By Jessthebatnerd

I took my seat and watched as the rest of the guests took their places at the other tables, waiting on Sebastian to provide further instruction. Many of the younger girls glared at me while the older ones like Justine and Lottie looked elsewhere.

The Vicomtesse Dupré, on the other hand, had been glaring at me from the moment I arrived making rather obvious, even to a blind person, that she held a great amount of disdain for me. Her two daughters, that she had brought with her, were sitting to her left and they looked absolutely miserable. They reminded me of how Alveary always looked before her, and Madame had made up. I felt awful for them, they deserved better than to be neglected by their mother who had all but ignored their presence all because she could not accept the fact that Camille was gone, and it was her own fault. Not even a week had past since they lost their eldest sister, and it was clear that they suffered in silence, being pranced about in public as they grieved without any comfort from their own mother.

Sebastian stood up after everyone was seated, "Shall we start the night off with a dance?"

"Indeed, your grace." Many called back.

Everyone waited eagerly to see who the duke would choose for his first dance. Many mothers whispering about one another, carefully suggesting to their daughters to adjust their dresses and fix their hair, and some mademoiselles sat nervously while others attempted to catch his eye.

Sebastian stood, pressing the wrinkles from his coat, then turn to look at me, hand outstretched with a smile on his face. "Mademoiselle Lafleur, will you do me the honors of being my partner as we start the first dance of the ball?"

I wanted to reject the offer instantly. But instead, I looked over at Madame and Alveary to see what they thought I should have done, and they just nodded. After all, it was rude to refuse a man's request to dance.

A look of horror flashed the faces of many of the onlookers, but as quick as it appeared, it was replaced with glares from all of the mamas and mademoiselles in the room.

"She probably has no idea how to dance, look at her she is hesitating." I heard someone say two tables down from us.

"I hope she says no, the duke should not degrade himself by entertaining someone such as herself." A girl whispered.

I understood a lot of it was jealousy coupled with the fact that they were predisposed to have prejudice against lowborns, but they did not have to go as far as to have said it aloud.

It was beyond me how people could judge others based on their financial standing rather than inspect their character instead. It was astonishing how those people, who held themselves in such a high regard, were more vile and unbecoming than the people they believed to have been beneath them.

"I am very flattered by your offer, Your Grace, I would love to." I accepted out of spite while wearing a huge smirk on my face. I had no reason to prove myself to those people, yet I did want to make them eat their harsh words.

He took my hand and escorted me, like he did at Madame's, to the dance floor where we stood in the middle of everyone and everything. He bowed and I curtsied; I could hear my heart in my ears, my breathing had quickened, and I felt like I was going to faint.

"Relax Isabelle, you are a wonderful dancer. I shan't let you look foolish in front of all these people." He tried to disguise his meaning with pleasantries, but I knew he meant that he was not going to let me make him look foolish in front of all his peers. "We will be dancing the Minuet, so you have nothing to be worried about, just follow my lead."

I was glad he chose one of the dances I enjoyed learning and could actually do correctly. I took a deep breath, and then the music started. I followed Sebastian and the rhythm as I drifted away from the crowd. It was much easier than I thought it was going to be once I completely erased everything that was around me and got lost in the music and steps. Dancing, for me, was the pinnacle of the night.

During the second dance a young man, whom I did not know the name of at the time, cut in and saved me from Sebastian but also angered him. Sebastian removed himself from the dance floor and watched as the young man and I danced.

"You dance quite beautifully Mademoiselle Lafleur, not to mention you yourself are very easy on the eyes." He smiled as he twirled me around, "My name is Julien Pelletier the eldest son of the Pelletier family and it is my pleasure to meet you."

He was a tall, medium built young man who had short wavy brown hair, green eyes and a warm smile that could put anyone at ease. Like Sebastian, he wore an embroidered vest but his was green and white to match his eyes. He too had a sword strapped on his side, and though his paled in comparison to Sebastian's, I thought it was more attractive.

The Pelletier family came to Du Ciel not long after my family did. They were very wealthy farmers who flocked there, like many of the middle-class had, after the prince, in hopes he would give them titles and land. However, since the curse the noble worthy families had access to very few if any of their lands. Though, since everyone was affected by the curse financially, the town as a whole voted on a law making it so one's annual income would stay at whatever it was previous to the curse.

That it could only increase if one invested in the town by, for example, owning a shop and selling goods, or renting out homes or fields. Many of them struggled attaining businesses in town because the wealthier people were able to outbid them. That meant those families had no real power nor means to progress in the hierarchy, unless they happened to get their hands on a high-income business, which in turn left them to be mere peasants.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine, Monsieur Pelletier."

The two of us danced half the dance until he broke the silence yet again.

"Shall I be frank with you?" He asked pulling me aside, Sebastian's furious gaze stayed fixed on the both of us.

"Of course, I would rather you speak your mind than beat around the bush." I smiled back.

"I am without a wife and came to this party to find someone not just beneficial to me and my family but also someone to make a life with, however hard that might be considering the circumstances."

I looked at him puzzled, "I have nothing to give you, monsieur, I am far too poor to be beneficial to you or your family."

He grinned, "That is where you are wrong. Your father owns quite the business and if he were to become partners with my family, we could turn it into something greater. See your father does not have the money to hire help, nor time to work on all the orders that he could have. But, with a little help he could be servicing all carriages and fixing all the breakages in town resulting in more money than he currently makes. Which would push your family into the middle-class and make it easier for you to climb higher."

This was a business offer. He made very valid points and could have given me a very promising future. This was an offer I had to think long and hard on, plus I had to propose such a thing to Papa before being able to accept. These people needed a way of extra income and if we did this correctly, we could have used that against them in turn keeping a larger cut for ourselves rather than being owned.

"That sounds quite interesting. However, you must let me get back to my father about this and see if this is something he would like to indeed consider." Marriage was something I did not want unless it was based upon love. Yet, with such a simple man like Julien, love was sure to develop along the way.

I wanted to consider the offer, but no matter how wonderful it might have been, I was unsure if I could have agreed to a marriage where there was only a possibility of being happy, not a guarantee.

"I hope to hear from you soon, Mademoiselle Lafleur." He kissed my hand and then left me to continue about my own.

I could feel Sebastian's eyes as they burned into my back. I turned to make eye contact with him only to be met with fires of pure fury that blazed behind his eyes. I knew he was possessive, but the look he had on his face was one that could have killed.

After I returned to my seat, Madame and Alveary included me in their conversation while we watched the upper middle-class guests dance to their heart's content. Sebastian on the other hand left the table before I got back and had started to make his way around the room while he conversed with the other wealthy families, and some of the more elite middle-class guests. As I looked around the room, I caught a glimpse of Monsieur Chambren and gave him a small smile that he returned with a nod of his head.

He looked so lonely. I felt awful for the man because everyone at the ball had someone except him and that was only due to the fact his family was dead. No one really attempted to speak with him and if they did it was rather briefly. It was as if the people held him somewhat responsible for the Offerings, but he was only the messenger they had appointed years ago. Madame must have been friends with him because he told her I had volunteered myself for the Offering. But other than her, I did not think anyone else associated with him outside of town matters. He was not that complex of a man, and he did have a rather morose air to him, but I understood why.

I approached Monsieur Chambren against my better judgement. It pained me to look at him sitting there all alone, for I knew the feeling all too well. In my mind I thought, these people were watching me so if I did something or spoke to someone, I was sure some would follow because of their flocking mentality.

I laid a hand on his shoulder, "Good evening, Lord Chambren."

"Ah, good evening, Mademoiselle Lafleur you look as lovely as ever." He seemed quite enthused to speak to me and it even lightened his mood.

"You looked so lonely over here and I wanted to come let you know that you are welcome to come join in conversation with the Marchioness, Alveary and I if you would like."

"If it were that easy I would, however it would make all of us look guilty." He was not wrong. I wished I could have done more to make him feel less alone, but the longer I stood there talking to him the more harm I was going to end up doing than good.

I held small talk with Monsieur Chambren for a few more moments, then started to make my way back to my seat when I was stopped by Madame Rancourt. She talked and when I say talked, I meant she driveled on about everything and nothing, and as she spoke, I looked everywhere else hoping for an escape.

In the middle of her telling me about how her second cousin twice removed was to be wed to a duke in England, I caught a glimpse of Sebastian approaching Julien. The two of them engaged in conversation and laughed once or twice before Sebastian handed him something. It flashed before my eyes and was at quite the distance, but I had seen it somewhere before. Though Julien had been laughing, he looked extremely uncomfortable.

Once I had returned to my seat, after being held against my will in conversations I had not retained a bit of information from, I took a well needed sip of tea and relaxed for a moment while I talked to Madame about coming to see her on the weekends. That was, until Madame Dupré cut in.

"It must be nice being doted on like you are one of us." She hissed, not even attempting to hide her rude tone.

"Ah, Vicomtesse Dupré I was wondering what took you so long to come speak, after all we have been friends for quite some time. I was beginning to think you did not like me anymore." Madame smirked.

"Do not act as if you are not guilty, Marchioness Fontaine."

"Oh, my dear friend, the only guilty one here is you." Madame turned to make full eye contact with her while sipping her wine.

"I beg your pardon?" Her voice trembled a bit.

"I overheard you begging Monsieur Chambren to remove Camille's name from the Offering basket the night before the last Offering. Something about she was going to be married in less than a fortnight?" I said turning to join the conversation. Madame seemed to have been very pleased with me. "It is good to see you again, Vicomtesse."

"You are just as guilty. I saw you go into his home, unchaperoned in fact. Only God knows what you did in there." She was deflecting, but it was very clear she was intimidated.

"I went to ask if I could be sent over all the other mademoiselles but instead was told that any interference with the Offering was not allowed. Unlike you, Vicomtesse, I did not have any ill intentions. You disrespected everyone who was in the Offering and their families by thinking you could bribe Lord Chambren into removing your daughter's name from the basket. I had no intentions on telling anyone and I am very sorry your daughter was taken from you. But if you are looking for anyone to blame you need to look in the mirror and not Marchioness Fontaine or myself." I felt terrible and out of place for addressing her in such a way but allowing her to continue to blame me and Madame for her daughter being taken was only going to cause more problems.

"I-I see." She paused for a moment with misty eyes, as she tried to collect herself, "You are correct, I have done nothing but shame my family since the taking of my daughter. I was wrong to assume the worst in you Mademoiselle Lafleur, and perhaps you will forgive me one day. And, for you Marchioness Fontaine, it was dishonorable of me to assume anything of you without previously conversing with you to get your side of the story. However, I still do not understand why you have taken such a fancy to Mademoiselle Lafleur." It was clear she had been out maneuvered, and to save face she surrendered the argument without a fight. By the pain in her eyes, it had been clear that my words had cut her deeply.

"The child lost her mother seven years ago, so I figured I would show her some kindness since everyone else had only showed her hate. She cannot help she was born poor, nor could she help she was in this town when the curse started as well as being eligible for the Offering at the same time as our children. So, since she was going to attempt once again to go in place of the other girls, including my own daughter, at the next Offering, I thought I would treat her like the angel she is during the time she has left. I have never known someone who is as pure hearted and as selfless as her." Madame spoke so highly of me, and even allowed herself to appear weak. However, it seemed her words were believed by Madame Dupré, and that the door had closed on all the unneeded drama.

"I beg your forgiveness, both of you. I have never looked so foolish in my life. Please, do not speak of this to anyone, and I will forever be in your debt." She said curtsying and making her way back to her seat.

I supposed pointing out how she disgraced her family made her realize she was ignoring her own guilt and putting the blame onto us instead. I pitied the woman, she had been so consumed by the loss of her daughter all because she had no son. Camille had been weeks away from securing her family's future with marriage, which meant she had to marry one of her children off soon or her nephew, the eldest son of the Tessiers, would receive her estate and her family would be left without when the Vicomte died. And to make matters worse, he had been having heart troubles for the past few months. Her life was literally falling apart right before her eyes.

After another thirty minutes had passed, Sebastian returned to his seat next to me and attempted hold a conversation. Which, to his dismay, went in vain because many of the Madames and Monsieurs came over to speak with me or him. This only angered him because he couldn't speak to me without being interrupted.

Many were nice and complimented my dress, others spoke well of Papa and assured me they would tell all their friends of him to help us out. Others came to question me and give offhanded remarks all in an attempt to have me make a fool of myself, which I disregarded and sent them on their way with a smile. I was exhausted by all the conversations, and after a while lost track of who I had spoken to and what they had said.

Justine approached just as Sebastian had finally been able to carry a conversation longer than a couple of seconds, pushing him almost to the point of breaking. Sadly, however, he gathered himself and smiled before he did any real damage to his image.

"It is very nice to meet your acquaintance, Mademoiselle Lafleur. It seems that Marchioness Fontaine has been treating you rather well indeed. That is such a fine dress, it looks lovely in contrast with your brown hair and eyes. I must say, pink is your color. Your fair skin only adds to the beauty of the ensemble." Justine was very kind and polite; however, she only complimented the dress, not me. As if the dress wore me, not the other way around.

"I think you look far better than I, Mademoiselle Tessier. Your dark complexion is so beautiful on its own, and the lavender dress only adds to your natural beauty. I have always been in awe of you." I only spoke the truth, for there really was not anything else I could have said.

"You are too kind; you must come to my estate one day and have tea. Oh, and do bring the lovely Alveary along with you, I desperately miss her company from when we were children." She smiled over me at Alveary who was wearing the fakest smile in return that she could muster. It made me wonder what history the two had between them.

"I hope to see you later on this week, do excuse me I must return to my seat for I believe it is almost time for dinner." She giggled and walked away.

"What did she want?" Alveary asked over her mother who too was intrigued.

"She wants the two of us to come have tea with her later on this week."

"No." Alveary furled her eyebrows, then looked Justine's way. "I refuse to go back to that infernal place. All she will do is try and pit us against one another for pleasure."

"I agree with Alveary, the Tessiers only mean trouble. I think you should decline her offer, but that is your choice to make after all." Madame gave me a small cautious smile.

"I agree as well." Sebastian added himself into our conversation. "I have always disliked that family."

We three turned and looked at him as if he had lost his mind. He just laughed in return. I supposed after the scene at the Fontaine's it did not matter to him if they knew about mine and his real relationship. In truth the damage had been done so there was no reason for him to keep up the façade, at least to a point.

"Here, here." He stood up and tapped on his wine glass. "It is my honor to welcome all of you here tonight, for I consider you all to be great friends of mine. I do hope you have enjoyed yourselves so far and now without further ado, Dinner is served. You may indulge yourselves to your heart's content."

An influx of servants filled the room carrying food and drinks. They buzzed around like bees, but all walked and acted in sync with one another. It was like they were all copies of one person, for none stepped out of line.

I listened to the many conversations going on around me as I ate, trying my best to speak when spoken to, which oddly enough was rare. Though the food was magnificent, and there was so much of it. I did not drink anything other than tea, which I had to ask Sebastian if it would have been acceptable considering he was the host. He told me I could do and have anything I wished. But the only thing left that I had wanted to do was leave.

I was tired. It had been a long day, but it was not over just yet.

"Excuse me," Madame stood up "I have something I would like to announce, if that is fine with you your grace?"

"Do proceed, Marchioness."

"Well, as you all have most likely noticed the Marquis is not with me this evening yet again. I think this is the best time, if any, to tell everyone that my dear husband's health has been declining over the past few months. I come to you now for he is not getting better, and I fear he will leave us soon. I wish many of you he once called a friend will come visit him during the last moments of his life. It would mean the world to both of us." Madame looked slightly scared, but I thought it was brave of her.

"I am so sorry Marchioness Fontaine." Someone called out.

"I will come see him this week you can count on it. He was always a wonderful friend to me." A man spoke.

"I propose the final toast for this evening be dedicated to the Marquis, Gerald Fontaine, for being one of the greatest men this town has had the pleasure of knowing. Here's to him passing peacefully." Sebastian raised his glass once more.

Everyone called out in unison glasses raised, "To the Marquis."

It was quite the beautiful sight.

After everything started to wind down, people began their departure. Many came by to speak with Madame about coming to see Monsieur Fontaine and others to give their condolences. For a moment they all seemed civil, but I was sure the majority would leave speaking ill of Madame, accusing her of his declining health and of other things. Though, I was sure that did not bother Madame. She had come to terms with her decision hours prior, so nothing they could have said about her would have phased her.

"Isabelle, you are absolutely exquisite. I could have never dreamt that you would have been this beautiful dressed like the lady I always knew you could be. You have far exceeded my expectations." Sebastian gave a backhanded compliment like it was charity. He still spoke of me like a possession, all I needed was a good buffing up and there, I was worthy of him after all.

"You would look quite nice as well if you were anyone other than yourself." I smiled.

"Oh no need to be harsh, love. Just succumb to me already." He grinned, "I have everything you will ever need, look at my home. This could be all of yours if you would just say yes."

"I am fine living in my small home with Papa. You forget, your grace, I do not plan on being here after the next Offering so do find someone else who is daft enough to marry you and leave me alone." I stood up, curtsied then motioned to Madame that we should leave.

"I will not allow you to leave me. You are mine and have always been mine, do not forget that, Isabelle. I shall have you one way or another even if I have to dirty my own hands to do so." He bowed in return. "It was lovely having you next to me where you belong, darling. Let's do this again."

He seemed quite calm after what all had been said two days before, too calm in fact. It was as if he had slowly started to lose his mind, yet there was no real evidence of it as of late. But something told me in the days to come, it was going to become very apparent he was not as put together as he appeared.

"Au revoir Duke Merlae." Madame interjected trying to peel me away from him.

"Au revoir, Marchioness, Mademoiselles." He raised a glass after us, tipped his head back, downed it all at once and finished off the display with a sinister smile.

His words weighed heavy on my mind. They felt threatening and caused me discomfort for the most part. It made me wonder, and fear, what lengths he would have gone to, to acquire me. More so, what he would have done if he could not.

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