My lost mate

By Tiikko

1K 48 3

Noma was only 8 when she and her bestfriend Xander( Alpha of the black moon pack) went out of the packs terri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

chapter 8

58 2 0
By Tiikko



I wake up, suprised that i had the same dream twice this year, was my birthday yesterday just a dream.

Of course not dummy, your birthday was yesterday. To prove it, i'm still here remember.

Rita is right, she's still in my head so my birthday wasn't a dream, but why did i have this nightmare again. I have a glimpse of my clock and shit, i'm almost late for school and we are writting a math test today. I can only thank the lord that i'm good at math cause i didn't even study, how could i if i found out i am a werewolf and i found my mate. Anyway, i take a quick shower and wear the first thing that came to mind, black tank top, black pants with that knee rip up in them that i like so much, black and white vans and a soft jean shirt, if it isn't for the jean shirt, i'm sure i'd look like i'm heading to a funeral. I grab my bag, phone and head phones and head downstairs but i can't have breakfast cause if  i do i'll be late so i just grab a sandwitch and have it on my way to school.

I arrive earlier than i thought so i head to my locker and grab the books i need for the other morning classes. I walk into the class room and i don't know why but maddie, ash and ryan stare at me till the math test is done.

I walk out of the class room after the test and notice maddie looking at me with a worried yet angry face but i just ignore her. I walk to my locker to drop off my math book when i see ashley and ryan rush towards me and walk me to the janiter's closet.

"Why'd you guys bring me here", i ask confused " we want to ask you about what happend last  night", says ashley with a smile on her face. What is she talking about, is she talking about me being a werewolf or even worse......xander. " what are you talking about, ash".

"Urgh, don't play dumb, wasn't last night you first shift?", she  asks " hahaha, what do you mean, i don't have a job", i say trying to avoid the conversation, " she means your werewolf shift" ryan says " hahahahaha, werewolf shift, i'm guessing last night was the first time you got fangs. You too have gone on too many movie dates that you think what you watch is real" i say, for the record, that was a fake laugh. I start to walk away when ashley calls my name and i feel a strange aura originating from her and i snap back to face her and say "'re a werewolf" my eyes widen and i can't stop them from popping out " yes, both of us are, and now you one as well, so isn't it fun" ashley, a part of me was upset that no one told me about it but another was happy, but of course we could talk more cause of bad luck, the bell rang and we all had different classes and this is one of those days where we can't see each other, not even at lunch and my mom was going to pick me up early so we could go visit the optician to get a new pair of glasses for me, so i said" the day is busy, you can call me once you get home and tell me all about it, kay. Bye", i said and we all went our seperate ways.

So i've got a new pair of glasses which i definetly won't wear  often cause my sight is getting better. Immedeatly after the visit to the optician's, ashley called me and we spoke all the way home, we spoke  in code so that mom couldn't understand. We got home and i went straight to my room still on a call with ash then i got there and we said our goodbyes through the phone. I took a long shower had dinner and started doing my homework, i did it and lay in my bed waiting to fall asleep. I started dozing when i heard sonds of hustle, i ignored it and later heared someone climbing up the balcony, i had a quick look at the time and it was 11:55 only five mins till mid night, i got scared so i developed a fighting stance while in bed. I heard the sounds get louder until i heard the door slide open and i saw a figure which looked like a man, he cam close to my bed and seeing this, i had my chance so i pounced on him and he pushed me onto the bed hard, not too hard to hurt though, i was about to try again when he started laughing then turned on the lamp on my bedside table and i couldn't believe who i saw.........xander, holy shit, what the hell is xander doing here.

Sorry it's too short, infact, sorry for the past few chapters being short it's just i'm extremly busy to write long chapters, my apologies, but any way i hope you like the chapter and the story. Thanks to all the viewers and voters, you inspired me to write more, thank you, thank you, thank youuuuu.
Don't forget to vote and comment guys i really need to know what you think and if you have any suggestions so please comment, love you.


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