~Bakudeku OneShots~

By LittleGrayYandare

182K 1.9K 2.9K

it's just Deku x bakugou one-shots^~^ ~Information about the book~ warning may contain smut/lemon There are n... More

Request page
~Snowy days part 1~
~Snowy days part 2(end)~
~Sleepover dominance~
Sorry guys(plz read)
Thank you guys so much!!!
How, why and thank you!
You guys have to check this person out guys
Not an update just another apology
~accidental pic๏ฟผ~
~My little deku~
~The best moment of my life~
~Suicidal deku~
Suicidal deku pt2
Yet again one of my infamous apologizes

~Trick or treat Halloween special~

13K 174 108
By LittleGrayYandare

~Bakugos P.O.V~

Well, I officially hate Kirishima and kaminari they made me dress up for Halloween. they even forced me to take a picture 'tch'

I was ranting on about how much I hate everyone then I got a text from Kirishima
(this = bakugou and this = Kiri)

Hey, bakubro you ready!
Tch yea shitty hair
Great I'll see you in a little bit then! Around 5:30 sound good?
Yea yea whatever

I hopped off my bed and went to the common area but when I got there I blushed a little because of a certain someone, Deku. yes I know I "hate" him but the truth is I've actually liked him since we were younger but I bullied him so people didn't find out.
He was jumping up and down around the couches talking to pink cheeks, he was wearing a ghost costume with an all might bucket 'heh so cute" my thoughts were cut off by a loud Kirishima and kaminari coming out of the elevator dressed as a shark and Pikachu how fitting

~TiMeSkIp brought to you by your lazy ass Author~

~Deku's P.O.V~

It was time to go trick or treating and I was so excited!! I haven't gone in a long time I know it sounds childish but it's fun just hanging out with your friends, laughing and dressing up together we even had plans to go to a scary house we all had partners to go in with that was chosen randomly, unfortunately, I got kachan I MEAN NOT THAT I HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST IT I just don't want to get killed by him...Anyway, it'll be really fun I just hope I don't jump on kachan from being scared in there
"Hey deku it's time to go" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard uraraka "Oh okay I'm coming!" I run towards the doors of the dorms and head outside with everyone

~Time skip to the haunted houses~

Everyone is wanting in line along with me and kachan. Soon everyone went in one by one coming out screaming and running, now it was me and bakugos turn. We head in and as soon as we did we got jump scared and I accidentally squeaked and jumped a little, I heard machan laugh at me and I put my face in my hands and kept walking. I felt an arm wrap around me and I looked up to see it was kachan "K-kachan?" "You're scared aren't you so don't think of it, okay dumbass" I blushed a little at his actions and replied with an 'mhm' throughout the haunted house I screamed and nuzzled into kachans chest 'why is he being so nice' I thought to myself but soon realized we were out of the scary house and I snapped out of my thoughts "whoa what happened in there" "w-what do you mean uraraka"
"you guys are holding hands!" I look down and see what ura was talking about and I immediately ripe my hand away from his but when I did he looked a little hurt? Uraraka started laughing like crazy along with half of class 1-a. I started running away from embarrassment I don't know where but I just needed to get away from that

I finally stopped running and sat down on a bench and curled into a ball and closed my eyes. after a bit of doing that felt a par of arms wrap around me I look up and see kachan "um hey deku" "Y-yea kachan" "I need to tell you something" "what is it"
"Well 'sigh' izuku I um" did he just call me izuku!?!
"I um I...I like you izuku like really like you"
"Ka-chan I-I like you t-too" "wait what? You're not gonna reject me and tell the whole school I'm gay"
I didn't say anything I just hugged him and he hugged me back "do you want to go back to the dorms and hang out" "I would love to kachan"

Kachan and I continued to the dorms hung out and laughed even kissed a little but at the end of it all me and kachan dating. What a great Halloween

(Hey guys what's up happy Halloween hope you guys have a great one!! Anyway, that's all and as always I'll see you next update bye!^~^)

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