Pyromania and a Love

By NSNPyro

446 1 4

A boy by the name of Nate is all alone in the world. He has nobody to support him or even take care of him. B... More

Part Two
Part Three
Part Four

Pyromania and a Love

236 1 1
By NSNPyro

Part One

"Don't you see? There's nothing wrong with being different... But you're very special... You are the last of your kind... So, follow your destiny into the black flames of your soul, until you are purified..." That woman...she was dressed in a red robe...and had long, black, hair... She was very beautiful... Suddenly, the black flames surrounded me...and I tried to push them away, as I had always done, but they resisted. I was engulfed in them...they ate at my body... "I'm on fire... My soul... It's withering...."

Suddenly, I found myself in my was rising, and falling, fast... It was so hard to breathe. Gently, I reached up and touched my forehead, it was wet. Sweaty, probably, and my body was freezing. I looked over and saw that the clock read 6am. "Time to get dressed, I suppose..."

 I quickly walked to my kitchen and pressed the button and turned on the coffee. It was late already, but I'd have time to grab a Danish or something on the way to school. Then I walked back to my room, I was still in my boxers, so I just threw on a pair of boot-cut jeans, a plain, black, t-shirt that hugged my torso, and my gray and black tennis shoes. I turned to head out of my room, "Oh, almost forgot." I went back to my dresser and grabbed a ring that was on the top. It was a gift, from my mother. It was just a simple, ebony-marbled, ring that didn't have any jewels on it.

On the inside of the ring, it's inscribed with the words, "Never let the flame die out, but never let it roar beyond control." I never understood what the inscription meant, but I held it close to my heart. After slipping it on I heard the coffee maker beep and went to the kitchen. I pulled out a metal canteen and poured sugar, milk, and coffee in it, shook it up, tasted it, and put it in my book bag. Suddenly my book bag started ringing so I searched it until I found my phone. It was a simple, black, Motorola Razor. On the caller ID it said "Raven" so I flipped it open and answered.

"Hey, Raven, why are you calling this damn early?"

"Oh, sorry Nate, I was just worried about you, you're always on time for the bus and it's here."

"Yeah, I'm gonna be a little late today, just got up. I'm getting ready to walk out the door now."

"Okay dude, talk to ya later, and eat breakfast today. I don't like having to feed you in the morning."

"Heh, okay Raven. I'll see ya in homeroom."

"Okay, bye."


I hung up quickly, shoved my phone in my pocket, and grabbed my book bag. It was a simple mail-carrier kind of book bag, but it worked. I then bolted out the door, shutting it behind me of course, and ran down the street to the bus stop. Luckily I made it in time for the next one and quickly got on and I was on my way to school. As I stood between two, annoyingly loud, girls, I pulled out my coffee and drank it. "Sorry Raven, but I'm not gonna eat today, just coffee as always..." 

After a couple of minutes those girls started whispering amongst themselves, and gave me odd looks. "Oh great," I thought, "Another pack of girls that will ogle at me for the rest of my life." You see, I've got a girl problem...bad. I blame my father, he was a good-looking man, and so was my mother. From the pictures I've seen of them, dad had straight, black hair and hazel eyes. Mom on the other hand, she had long, wavy, chocolate-brown hair and blue eyes that sparkled and shined in the pictures. I wonder what kind of people they were... Suddenly, I was jolted from my thoughts as the bus stopped in front of my school and I jumped off to head to class. 

Finally, I reached my locker and threw everything in and grabbed my 1st-3rd period class junk and sprinted down the hallway to my homeroom and 2nd period teacher, Mrs. Hallaway. When I arrived everyone was seated and Mrs. Hallaway wasn't there yet, so I was safe. I took my normal seat next to Raven and he immediately started chatting away. "So, I see ya got here on time Nate! Good job!" and he patted me on the back. I smirked and replied, "Yeah, but I had to endure these idiot girls on the bus who kept lookin' my way."

Raven got this pouty-face and said, much like a toddler, "Why do you have to have EVERY girl that sees you, on you? Why can't it be me?! Why must they look into the depths of your sparkling, blue eyes and fall in love?!" and then I whacked him on the head. "Raven! You're getting all descriptive again! I'm gonna think you're gay or something if you keep talkin' about me like that!" Then I got a sheepish grin from my blonde friend as he shook his head and started to look for Mrs. Hallaway. Speak of the devil; she just walked in the door. Mrs. Hallaway was my math teacher...and she was wonderful at it too. 

Well, here's how my day a nutshell...emphasis on nut...

Homeroom: Wrote a page essay about the character word for the month...responsibility.

Math: Took a test...

P.E.: Played soccer, my team won...

Social Studies: Studied the Western Hemisphere's cultures...

Science: Learned the Atomic Theory

Language Arts: Started our poetry and creative writing block.

This is pretty much my life... I don't have anything else. But now it's lunchtime, and I'm at my normal table, that's empty. I've got one of my favorite books with me and I'm eating and reading at the same always. I got from page 79 to page 93 until someone interrupted and I looked up to see a girl, my age, looking down at me with a timid smile on her face. She asked, almost frightened, "M-May I sit here, sir?" I shrugged and went back to my book. She thanked me and sat down across from me, silently chewing her food very slowly.

After my awkward encounter at lunch I went outside for break, as usual, and went around behind the dumpster where a couple of people would usually be, although I don't normally go there. When I got around behind it, I immediately smelled cigarette smoke and saw it...a lighter. A boy I didn't know, had it in his hand...and it was lit... Suddenly I felt this overwhelming sensation tingling all over my body and I could feel the flame dancing in my soul. My heart skipped a beat every time one of the delinquents used it, and I stared each time. "No, no, get away Nate! You can't afford to be around this at all! It's too tempting!" I quickly shook my head and bolted away from the people smoking the cigarettes. No, I couldn't be near that again, never again. I wasn't meant for this. Not to ogle at the fire, like girls do to me.

I quickly found a dark spot and snapped my fingers, illuminating them with a flame on the tips of all ten.

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