A Rose and That One Guy (Ruby...

By The_Kool_Aid_Guy

19.1K 281 287

Volume 4 is finally here! The journey to Haven begins as you and Ruby walk alongside the three members of tea... More

The Next Step and Moving Forward
Remembrance and forgiveness
Tipping Point
No Safe Haven and Safe At Last
Don't look back (Bonus Chapter)

Recovery and A Much Needed Talk

2.6K 48 38
By The_Kool_Aid_Guy

So I'm at 69 followers and I only have one thing to say....


Anyway, as a reward to all of y'all, here's the next chapter as a 69 follower special. It's a short one but I hope you still enjoy. Thanks a lot you guys!

(POV: 3rd)

(Y/N): And so that's why I've been saying some weird thing like... wait some more seconds, or "wait for it" or things that signal something good or bad is gonna happen.

Qrow takes a swig of his flask and looks around.

Qrow: Really? No questions?

Jaune: Of course we have questions. This is just... a lot to take in.

Qrow: (Sighs) Sure, of course.

Ruby: So these... Maidens... they're powerful fighters that don't need dust to use magic?

Qrow: Yeah.

Nora: And there are four of them?

Qrow: Yep. Always.

Ren: Which means, whenever one of them dies, the powers transfers to someone... a female that they care about?

Qrow: Whoever was in their thoughts last. Important distinction. Best option is someone we can trust. Regardless, their souls become combined. In a way.

Jaune: And that's what you were trying to do to Pyrrha. The night the tower fell. You were trying to turn her into one of them?

Qrow: The previous fall Maiden, Amber, had been attacked. She was young, inexperienced. And her assailant, now known as Cinder, somehow managed to steal some of her power. But not all of it.

(Y/N): they were afraid that if they didn't do something, the rest would go to her too.

Jaune:... So they forced it on her. And you just let them. (Y/N), how could you?

(Y/N): Jaune, I didn't...

Jaune: You knew that this was gonna happen! It could have killed her!

Qrow: Calm down, kid. We didn't force anything. We explained the situation and gave her a choice. And she chose. You were there. You heard her. Besides. It's not his fault. He was the one who stopped her from dying, I hear. If he didn't take the bullet, we'd be having a whole different conversation right now.

(Y/N): That's why I didn't say anything. If somebody found out what I knew, they'd try to kidnap me and use my information against you. Or they could have killed you all to get to me. Tyrian could have killed you, you know? I wasn't going to let that happen. Look, the important thing is that Pyrrha and Penny are still alive. Nothing bad will happen to them. I promise.

Jaune crosses his arms, but then he closes his eyes and sighs.

Jaune: Fine.

Ruby: So.. that guy, Tyrian... I get why he was after (Y/N), but why was he after me?

Qrow: (Sighs) Well, you definitely painted a target on your back with what you did at Beacon. I told you having silver eyes is a rare trait. And the fact that you were able to use them seems to have upset some very powerful people. Not many people know about the silver eyes. But those that do aren't very happy when one has surfaced. That's why I've been keeping an eye on you. I wanted to make sure you were safe. All of you.

Ruby: Well, then... why not just travel with us? Wouldn't it be way easier?

Jaune: He was using you as bait.

(Y/N): Come on, Jaune. Really? It's not that. It's a lot more complicated than you think.

Jaune: What is all of this? Ruby and (Y/N) are being hunted, the schools are being attacked, all for what? What is the point of all of this? Will you just tell us what's going on?

Qrow: Would you sit down? You're stressing me out, kid.

Jaune sits down but is still somewhat angry. Qrow explains about how humanity was created and how the grimm and Salem.

Jaune: Alright, say we choose to believe all of this/ There really is this crazy evil being behind these attacks, not just some thugs trying to become powerful. Why doesn't the world know? Why isn't Atlas going after them? Or Mistral?

Nora: And Why aren't we in more of a hurry to get to haven? Shouldn't we be getting them a message? What if they're next?

Qrow: The headmaster over there saw what happened to Beacon. He's not dumb, he'll be on his guard. Besides, it takes time to mobilize forces like that. Do you really think they planned that attack on Beacon overnight? And to answer YOUR question. (Points to Jaune) It's the same reason we keep quiet about the Maidens. If the whole world knew about the relics...about Salem... it would be chaos. We'd have another great war on our hands and this time, you'd have to fight. Look, I had the same questions too. But old Ozpin put his foot down. We can't cause a panic. Huh... I can't tell you how many times I've heard that. Salem's smart. She works from the shadows. Using others to get what she wants. So that when it comes time to place the blame, you can only point at each other. She's trying to divide us... humanity. And so far, she's done a pretty damn good job. (Sighs)

Ruby:... alright. So... what should we do?

Qrow: Hehe... I don't really know. Ozpin has put a lot of trust in the headmasters. Like I said, the schools are an important part of stopping Salem. Atlas is going to be on high alert after the last attack and Vacuo is well... Vacuo. It'll be hard to hire thieves and scoundrels to fight other thieves ans scoundrels.

(Y/N): Last I heard from Team CFVY, they were there.

Qrow: Take that, and the fact that Cinder and her crew are from Haven, I think it's likley the next target. So, we're on our way to the headmaster. I haven't heard from him in a while. Even before the attack. I'm hoping he has the answers. (Stands) Alright. I think it's time you kids got some sleep.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow?

Qrow: Yeah?

Ruby: This is a lot to take in... and it all sounds crazy... but I'm willing to do whatever I can to help. Because I trust you. But why couldn't you trust me!? Why couldn't you travel with us instead of all this... secrecy and...

Qrow: Look, It's nothing to do with trust or anything.

(Y/N): Well... you see, it's about his semblance...

One semblance talk later...

After talking, you and Ruby stand up.

Ruby: So when did you get these?

She holds up your wrists to reveal the web shooters you used against Tyrian.

(Y/N): Oh, I was putting these ones together during our free time in Patch. I developed the designs for a bunch of other cool stuff, too. I only thought to bring this, though. I'm gonna use it for emergencies this time. I only brought so much webbing solution.

Ruby: Oh, I see. You wanna go to sleep?

Qrow: Actually, I think shrimp and I need to talk. Don't worry. I won't try and kill him this time.

(Y/N): Don't worry, Rosebud. I'll be fine.

Ruby: Uh... okay. Don't kill him, okay uncle Qrow?

Qrow: Heh, I'll try. Good night, kiddo.

You walk next to Qrow and he takes another swig from his flask. He offers you some.

(Y/N): Uh... I'm fine. Thanks. So, you needed to talk ?

Qrow: Based on that ring I saw back there, I'm guessing you and my Niece finally sealed the deal, huh?

(Y/N): Not exactly. We're just engaged. Are you mad?

Qrow: A little iffy on the fact that you two are 16? Yeah. Mad? No. I gave you my blessing. Remember? You promised to protect her no matter what. Yang, too.

(Y/N): Oh thanks... but... I didn't...

Qrow: Huh?

(Y/N): Yang... she's... I dunno. I think she hates me for not warning her about what was gonna happen. The injury will make her stronger, sure. But will she forgive me? And what about Blake? She blames her for running away. I could have stopped all of this!

Qrow: Shrimp, listen to me. You can't prevent everything. Don't think I haven't seen a few Sci-Fi flicks in my day. You can't say anything. Give her some time. She'll forgive you. In the meantime, Welcome to the family, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Thanks Qrow.

Qrow: Now quit your worrying and go back to her. She needs you, you know that, right?

(Y/N): Of course. Good night.

Qrow: Night.

The next morning...

(POV: Ruby)

I wake up. (Y/N) isn't next to me. I hear coughing and (Y/N)'s voice.

(Y/N): It's alright, buddy. You're gonna be fine. We just gotta get you to a town or something. This is fine.

I walk up to him.

Ruby: (Y/N)? Uncle Qrow? What's going on?

(Y/N): He's fine. I just need him to... damn it Qrow! Move your hands away!

Qrow hesitates, but slowly moves his hands away and reveals a purple stain on his bandage and on his hand. I gasp and (Y/N) does the same.

(Y/N): This is no longer fine.

(POV: 3rd)

Tai throws a punch and Yang blocks it. He throws another one and she blocks it again. She tries to kick him but he blocks.

Yang: Come on!

Gray: I've detected a fight pattern, If you block him and push him away, you should be able to...

Yang blocks her dads foot from hitting her and pushes it away. Tai slides back.

Gray: Excellent! Remember to anticipate!

Tai: Whoa... that thing packs a punch!

Yang: We've been at this for weeks! I get it. You wanna make sure I can still fight. (Pounds fists together) I think I'm ready.

Tai: You're close. You're still off balance.

Yang: What!? No I'm not!

Tai: (Chuckles)

Yang: Honestly, I kind of thought it would be this huge weight. But... it feels... natural. Gray's been a real help, too. They did a great job with this thing, and... (Y/N) did a good job too.

Tai punches her and she barely steps back.

Gray: What are you doing? I said anticipate!

She blocks another punch and attempts to hook kick Tai. She repeats the kicking motion twice but Tai blocks both advances. She tries to punch him, but he grabs her arm as she grabs his.

Tai: I wasn't talking about your actual balance.

Gray: Yang, get out of there, do it now before-

Tai moves his leg and trips Yang from behind. She falls on her back. Tai walks over and Zwei grabs him a towel. He takes it and pets him.

Tai: Although... that could use some work too.

Yang: (Panting) How did I do?

Gray: Well, minus your defeat at the end of the fight, not too bad. You fought well. You blocked, you punched, you kicked, you followed my advice... yeah. I'd say you did pretty good!

Yang: (Chuckles) Thanks, Gray. It means a lot coming from you.

Gray:... what do you mean? I've only been activated for a few days, Miss.

Yang: Oh! Of course. I mean, you do sound a lot like a person I once-

Tai: Now now, Yang. Don't let the robot become a restraint either.

Yang: Meaning?

Tai: I saw your tournament fights.

Yang: (Sits up) Let me guess. "I was sloppy"

Tai: (Chuckles) What? No, no. You were predictable. And stubborn... and... maybe a little boneheaded. Do you realize that you used your semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers?

Yang: (Turns away) So what? How is using my semblance any different than someone else using theirs?

Tai: Because not everyone else's is basically a temper tantrum.

Gray: Hmm. Well, based on your records, I have to say... he's right.

Yang: Shut up, Gray!

Gray: Okay! Okay, I'll be quiet now.

Tai:(Laughing) I'm serious! Once you take damage, you can dish it back twice as hard, but that doesn't make you invincible! It's great when you're in a bind, but what happens if you miss? What happens if they're stronger? What then? Now you're just weak and tired? You've always been one to burn brighter than everyone else. Whether it was with your smile, or... well, I remember your first haircut.

He ruffles Yang's hair and she scoffs while pushing his hand away. Tai chuckles and stands up.

Tai: But you gotta keep your emotions in check. Keep a level head. And think before you act. Your semblance is a great fallback, but you can't let yourself rely on it. It won't always save you. Obviously...... You definitely have your mom's stubbornness.

Yang: Oh, so now we can talk about her?

Tai: Well, as I have been informed, you're an adult now. Remember?

Yang: Well, sorry I remind you of her.

Tai: Don't be. Raven was great in so many ways. Her strength, her ambition, her dedication to what ever cause she thought was worth fighting for. I'm proud of how much of her I see in you. But, I'm glad I don't see all of her in you.

Yang: Why?

Tai:... (sighs) Your mother was... a complicated woman. Like everybody, she had her faults, but those faults, are what tore our team apart. And, they did a real number on our family. You both act like the easiest way to tackle an obstacle is through it. That strength is all that matters in a fight. But if you take a closer look, than maybe you see, that there's away around it. And hey, you know... sometimes a guy looks for a girl with all the traits you have. Whether you're stubborn, or hotheaded.

Yang: And yet he chose Ruby...

Tai:... Oh... well, as far as I'm concerned, that's (Y/N)'s loss. But Ruby is amazing too. You should be happy for both of them.

Gray:... If it's any consolation, Miss, my creator does seem to have missed out on a quite a large opportunity to get with you.

Yang: (Sigh) I guess you're right. Thanks, guys...

Tai: (Holds out hand) Come on. One more before dinner.

Yang takes his hand and stands up. They both put their fists up. And circle each other. Yang rushes toward her father and they continue to spar. After a while, Yang slowly begins to gain her confidence back. After dinner, she walks up to her room and gets ready for bed. A few minutes go by and Yang can't seem to fall asleep. She reaches toward her dresser and puts her glasses on.

Yang: [Gray... you awake?]

Gray: Why are you whispering? Are we in stealth mode?

Yang: What? Oh, no. I just want to talk.

Gray:... I was programmed mainly for combat assistance. I didn't think I'd be asked to... talk...

Yang: Well, just step out of your comfort zone for a little bit.

Gray: I will switch my interface settings to comforting. What would you like to talk about, miss?

Yang: Gray, come on. We're friends. You think you could stop calling me miss?

Gray:... friends?

Yang: Yeah. You know? A person you can talk to. Someone you can hang out with.

Gray: Um, Miss... Yang, I can't actually... um...

Yang: I know. You're just a pair of glasses, technically.

Gray: Yes. I know they were building a prototype cybernetic body, but I've yet to find the correct access code to link myself with it.

Yang: But, why would you need it?

Gray: Well, in the lab, I've heard of the heroes and the protectors of the world, and I'd like to be one. Rest assured miss... Yang... I would continue to be your... friend... but I would like to help you as more than just a HUD. I also may not be able to sit down with you and... talk... but I can project an image of who the scientists based me off of. We can talk as if I was the person. Just set the glasses on the dresser and I will take care of the rest.

Yang: Okay.

She takes her glasses off and sets them on the dresser as Gray instructed. She watches as a part of the frame lights up and a glowing transparent image of (Y/N) (L/N) appears in her room. He sits down in a chair near her bed.

(Y/N)/(Gray): So what did you want to... talk... about?

Yang: Gray... do you have... feelings?

Gray: Technically no. However, it has yet to be proven whether or not I can evolve. Most of my... feelings... were programmed the same way as Miss Polendina.

Yang: Penny?

Gray: Yes. She's very nice. They hoped I'd be able to join her one day. If there's one thing I have to thank my creator for, it's saving her life.

Yang: Yeah, but he wasn't there when I lost my arm...

Gray: Hmm... does it anger you?

Yang: What? No, not at all. I just... I'm glad he cares for my sister, but at one point, I kind of hoped he would look at me the same way he does at her.

Gray: Does he know how you feel?

Yang: I told him, but I told him those feelings had passed, and they did, but now... I dunno. He's such an amazing person. I can't help but feel a little jealous of Ruby. What if she was in the same situation? Would he have stopped her from losing an arm?

Gray: I'm not sure. But I do know one thing...

Yang: What?

Gray: You need to stop thinking about him that way. When a person makes a commitment to another, they should be loyal. And you shouldn't try to take away from them what you don't have... rather... you should look toward their future as well as your own. You never know what it may bring.

Yang: I guess you're right. Thanks, Gray.

Gray: Of course, Yang. Anything for a friend.

Yang: Right... friends... Good night (Y/N).

Gray: Good night Yang- wait, I'm not (Y/... you know what? I'll let it slide this once. Good night, Yang.

So, thanks again to all of you who followed me. Again, I am having trouble with the Halloween special, so I am currently taking ideas. Don't be afraid to message me. I'll see what Ideas I can use. See you all next time!

-The Kool Aid Guy

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