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BแปŸi fvckinwrite

420K 11.5K 2K

While Sam and Dean were looking for their father, they come to find out that they have a sister... Not only i... Xem Thรชm

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quick a/n pls read!!!
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vote for a face claim!
a/n (again sorry!)


6.6K 212 7
BแปŸi fvckinwrite

XXVI. follow me

                    AFTER DEAN'S PHONE CALL WITH MEG, the two Winchester brothers went straight to an old friend of their father's, Bobby Singer. There, they set up a trap and lured Meg in before restraining her to a chair. They questioned her on the whereabouts of their father and little sister, but in return, she used every word she spoke to irritate Dean and Sam. 

"Where is our Dad," Dean screamed into Meg's face. "What are you doing with Sybil?"

Meg smirked maliciously. "Oh, the little princess? She's having a grand old time with the demon you've been hunting after."

"What do you mean," Sam questioned, pausing the exorcism. 

"He's making sure that little Billie is prepared to execute his plans, even if it means bleeding out every day."

Dean's jaw clenched, grabbing Meg's attention. Her smirk only grew wider. 

"Aw, Don't worry, Deanie," Meg reassured sarcastically, using Sybil's nickname for him to her advantage. "The demon won't let Sybil die. Not until she does what he wants her to do."

                    A SHRILL SCREAM ESCAPED SYBIL'S LIPS causing John to wince at the sound of his daughter suffering. Two demons surrounded her, attempting to possess her to force her to use her abilities. To their misfortune, Sybil's spell worked, and she was stronger than before. Every time they would try to possess her, she would cast a spell that allowed her to put up a shield, making it almost impossible to do what they wanted. 

"Dammit," cursed the demon possessing a man in a tracksuit. "You need to prepare for the plan, or else it'll be our heads he'll have."

Sybil responded by spitting at the demon's face, a mix of blood and spit landing on his cheek. Out of frustration, the demon slapped Sybil, causing her to let out a small cry. The demon possessing a woman's body grabbed the man. 

"We were instructed not to lay a hand on her," she scolded. "Are you insane?"

"I'm pretty close to it because of this kid!"

Sybil grew annoyed by the duo. If she wasn't exhausted from protecting herself from being possessed, she definitely would've used her abilities to escape by now. Unfortunately, Sybil didn't have time to rest and reserve the rest of her strength, so she remained tied to the chair.

John groaned, grabbing the attention of the two demons. "If you lay another hand on my daughter, I'll make sure you live to regret it."

The man raised an eyebrow, almost challenging John, who was tied to the bed. "Oh, yeah?"

The man turned to face Sybil, his hand raised to prepare to strike Sybil once again. Still, as he moved his hand closer and closer towards Sybil, her eyes turned a misty white as she whispered in Greek. 

"Meínoun píso."

Just like that, the man flew across the room, groaning in pain. Sybil's eyes returned to their natural brown color as another man walked in suddenly, grabbing everyone's attention. This man, however, was different. Instead of having black eyes like the other two demons, this man's eyes flashed yellow. 

"Well, well, well," The man said, clapping slowly. "What do we have here?"

"You," John growled. 

"Yes, John, it's me," he smiled, slowly walking towards Sybil. "And this is the lovely lady I need. Now, you're not giving these demons a hard time, are you?"

Sybil just rolled her eyes. Although she was terrified of the demon's record, she refused to show any signs of fear. "What do you think?"

"I think that if you don't prepare, you'll die much earlier than I need you to," the demon smiled. "Now, be a doll and let these demons do their job."


"Well, that's too bad," the demon pouted. "I guess the next step is to force you to do as I ask."

Sybil's eyes turned a misty white and pushed back the hand the demon was about to place on her head. The demon was stronger than she had initially thought, causing her to scream for strength. White mist surrounded the two as blood trickled down her face from all the power she was using. The demon smirked as his hand inched closer and closer to her forehead until a sudden wave of energy caused him to fly back. 

When the demon looked up, he saw Sybil surrounded by black mist. His face lightened, realizing he was successful in making her do what he wanted. 

"Den tha váleis chéri se ména.*"
                    * you will not lay a hand on me.

The demon stood up, walking closer to the young girl who now had blood all down the lower half of her face. "Don't worry, darling. I won't."

"What did you do to her," John groaned, attempting to look up. 

"I didn't make her do anything," the demon responded, staring at Sybil. "She's doing this all herself. She's ready to do what I ask."

"She'll never follow you."

The demon looked over at John. "We'll see about that."

With that, the demon-possessed John's body, and Sybil, now seeing no threat to use the mist, allowed it to slip from her body and passed out herself. 

                    WHEN SYBIL AWOKE, SHE WAS IN a musty bed of what seemed to be a cabin and saw Sam sitting beside the bed, worry in his eyes. She noticed that one of Sam's eyes were swollen, causing her to pout. 

"What happened to you?"

Sam instantly looked up, shocked to hear Sybil's voice suddenly. He gave the girl a hug, causing her to groan a little. 

"I should say the same to you," Sam remarked. "By the time Dean and I found you, you had blood all over your clothes and face."

Sam and Sybil separated from their hug as a concerned expression took over his relieved one.

"They didn't lay a hand on you, did they?"

"One of them did," Sybil answered honestly. "The man in the tracksuit. Most of the blood is from using my powers."

Sam's jaw clenched at the sound of someone hurting his little sister. Now remembering that he was supposed to inform Dean when the little girl had awoken, he got up and walked out the door. As Sam left the room, Sybil's head began to pound as memories of what happened earlier started to replay in her head. Realizing that her father had been possessed by the yellow-eyed demon, she jumped off the bed and ran into the kitchen to see Dean pointing a gun towards John. 


Dean looked over his shoulder and saw Sybil. "Hey, shortcake, do me a favor and step back."

"He's possessed, Deanie! It's the yellow-eyed demon!"

Before Dean could react, the demon caused the colt to fly out of Dean's hands. He then proceeded to push the Winchester siblings against the wall, restraining them from laying a hand on him. As the demon antagonize the two older brothers, Sybil began to meditate, gathering all of her energy into getting rid of this demon once and for all. 

As she closed her eyes gathered her power, she heard Dean scream, causing her eyes to snap open and revealing a misty white color. Seeing Dean getting cut deeply on the chest, Sybil instantly shrieked, grabbing the demon's attention. The white mist slowly turned to a dim black as the color in Sybil's eyes began to darken. The demon smirked, finally understanding the trigger of Sybil using the mist for energy. 

"Apokalýpste tin alithiní."

Suddenly, John's eyes returned to their natural brown as he began to beg the demon to stop. Sam, realizing that Sybil had brought their father to the surface, began to watch as the little girl's nose began to bleed. The force restraining the three of them was released, allowing Sam to run and grab the colt. 

Sybil, on the other hand, ran towards Dean, the black mist still surrounding her. She flipped the eldest Winchester over and placed a hand over his wounds, murmuring a spell under her breath. As Dean groaned in discomfort from the healing, a shot erupted in the room. Sybil looked up and saw her father fall to the ground, unconscious. 

Sam ran towards his siblings to check on the state of Dean's injuries, but Dean instructed Sam to check on their father, insisting that Sybil has got him covered. While Sam checked on John, he suddenly awoke, telling Sam that the yellow-eyed demon was still in him and that he had to shoot him. 

Sam pointed the gun at his father but hesitated in pulling the trigger. John, then, turned towards his only daughter with begging eyes. 

"Sybil, please kill him," John pleaded. 

The young girl paused in healing Dean and lifted her hands towards John. Before she could recite another spell, she felt a sudden pounding in her head, causing her to drop her hands and draw them towards her skull. She began screaming in pain as she heard his whispers. 

"You will follow me. You will do what I have planned for you."

"No," Sybil shrieked. "Never!"

Sam and Dean looked at Sybil with furrowed brows, concerned with what Sybil was saying. 

"Sybs," Sam called, running towards her and dropping the colt. "What's wrong? What's happening?"

Sybil let out a blood-curdling scream, causing the room to be filled with black mist, which blinded them from seeing the yellow-eyed demon leave John's body. By the time the Mist subsided, Sybil fell with blood trailing from both her nose and her eyes. 

"Sybil," Dean yelled, groaning as he crawled towards the seven-year-old. 

As her brothers attempted to shake her awake, she remained unconscious.

                    SAM WAS DRIVING THE IMPALA TO the nearest hospital as Dean laid in the back seat with an unconscious Sybil. As John scolded Sam for not shooting the demon dead, Sam stated that killing the demon does not come before anything. 

"If you had shot the yellow-eyed demon, Sybil would be conscious," John argued. "This all would've been over now."

"Look," Sam interrupted. "We've still got the colt. We still have one bullet left. We just have to start over, all right? We already found the demon—"

Before Sam could finish his sentence, they were hit by an oncoming truck, causing them to be run off the road. By the time they had stopped, Sybil suddenly woke up, gasping for air. She put her hand on her temple and looked at it, realizing that there was blood everywhere. She looked around and saw her family all bloody and unconscious. Looking out the window, she saw that the truck driver had black eyes and was smirking down at her. 

"We're after you next."

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Hopefully, this chapter makes up for it (kinda). I know, I know. I keep ending these chapters with these cliffhangers, but we've finally reached Season 2. I won't really focus on doing every single episode this go around. I'll be posting another chapter soon. I've already started on it!

ฤแปc tiแบฟp

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