Guiding Light ➙ Peter Parker

بواسطة capamericka

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Harrison Germain has lived on Earth for only a short period of his life. He made the life-saving decision to... المزيد

Guiding Light
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Seven

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بواسطة capamericka

"Mister Stark! I need some help over here." Peter called at the man who flew over to the boys and landed in a small cloud of dust in front of them.

"Harry, you don't look so good." Tony pointed out, noticing the sickly pale tone of the boy's skin.

"Thanks, Mister Stark." Harrison replied with a scoff as he glanced up at the man before turning his attention back to the ground in front of him, focusing every muscle in his legs on just moving forward.

Doctor Strange flew over to the man and the two boys with his red cloak flowing behind him. "What's going on here? I'm sorry, Harrison, I know you're not doing well but if we don't get back to our mission we will all end up hurt. Or dead." The man said, offering a look of sympathy at Harrison before glaring at Tony.

"Hey, easy there, Strange. He's just a kid. He's probably got a few broken ribs." Tony said in defence to Harrison but the boy was quick to speak up.

"No, he's right. You're all going to get hurt if you keep helping me. Go fight Thanos, I'll be fine." Harrison spoke as he glanced between Tony, Strange, and Peter.

"We need to get you out of the battle field first though." Peter stated with a small smile as he squeezed the boy's forearm that was draped over his shoulders.

"I'll be fine. Go." Harrison insisted he be left alone and the older men nodded in response. Doctor Strange and his cape flew over to Thanos with long streams of red energy flowing out of his fist. They wrapped around the gauntlet and outstretched Thanos' arm, slowly prying the golden fingers open.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Peter asked as Harrison removed his arm from around the shorter boy's shoulders.

"Yes, I will be fine." Harrison replied, resting both his hands on Peter's shoulders as the two boys now stood face to face. Harrison turned Peter around and gently pushed him forwards, getting flashed a look of disapproval from the boy as he started walking forwards.

Peter put his mask on and left in a run as he shot his webs at Thanos' chest, tangling the titan up in spider webs. Strange still had a grip on the gauntlet while Thanos' other arm was held down by an electric device that Quill had thrown at him. Tony grabbed at the gauntlet while Strange released his hold, opening a portal above Thanos' head. Mantis fell through and landed on the titan's shoulders with both of her hands resting on his temples.

Harrison breathed heavily from the sidelines as he slowly pulled his mask on over his head. Thanos' yells of protest filled the air as the Avengers tightened their grip on him from all angles. Tony held the gauntlet, Peter had eight spider legs extended out of his back to stabilize himself, Strange and Quill had two different types of energy holding Thanos' unarmed hand, while Mantis still had a firm grip of his temples.

The titan's eyes rolled back into his head in an orange and purple coloured glaze. Thanos was in a trance, unable to fight back as Tony, and now Peter, pulled at the gauntlet. Harrison tapped his wrists together and saw the familiar silver aura surround his body as he ran towards Tony and Peter, gaining a grip on the gauntlet.

"Harrison, no! We got this." Peter explained as he noticed the boy. Tony looked at the boy with his mask hiding the confused expression on his face, then looked to his left to see no one there.

"How come you can see him but I can't?" Tony asked as all three of them continued to pull on the gauntlet.

"I don't know, we never figured that out." Peter replied in a strained voice. Harrison let go of the gauntlet for a brief second before tapping his wrists together and watched as the silver aura faded away.

"Better?" He asked before grabbing hold of the gold metal again, the power stone brushing underneath his gloved fingertips.

"Yes, thank you." Tony answered with a small nod.

Quill flew over to Thanos and removed his helmet, standing in front of the titan with a taunting smile written on his bearded face. "Thought you'd be harder to catch. For the record, this was my plan. Not so strong now, huh? Where is Gamora?"

"M-my Gamora." Thanos mumbled in a gruff tone as he narrowed his eyes at Quill.

"No, bull-shit. Where is she?" Quill snapped as he moved closer to the titan.

"He's resisting." Harrison pointed out as he moved his hands up higher to grab at the gaping arm hole. Peter did the same, both boys pulling at the same time as the gauntlet slowly started moving down the purple arm of its wearer.

Tony noticed the anger radiating off of Quill and removed his mask. "Okay Quill, you gotta cool it right now. You understand? Don't...don't engage we almost got this thing off!" Tony demands desperately.

A blow to the head from Quill woke Thanos up out of his trance. The titan knocked Mantis off of his shoulders and reached for the gauntlet, that Harrison and Peter had managed to pull down just enough so that his palm was showing. Peter jumped after Mantis who went flying through the air, wrapping his arms around her as they collided into the rust coloured dirt.

"Harrison, move!" Tony yelled as Thanos punched at anything his fist could reach. The curly haired boy yelled out in agony as the gauntlet collided with his torso, knocking him backwards and onto the ground. Thanos used the stones to deflect everything the Avengers threw at him, including using the power stone to knock Quill, Drax, and Nebula unconscious.

"You alright?" Peter asked as he scrambled over to Harrison and hoisted the boy to his feet.

"I'm fine." Harrison replied as he brushed the dirt off of his suit. A dark stain had formed on the material over his abdomen and Harrison knew without even looking at his skin that it was blood. His entire body felt like it was on fire with pain but adrenaline coursed through his veins and urged him to keep fighting.

A ear splitting crash caught the attention of Harrison and Peter as they both turned to see Iron Man get crushed by a large piece of space debris. A cloud of orange dust formed in the place of Iron Man as he disappeared under the giant slab of rock. The moon Thanos had just thrown had caused the planet to become severely unstable as the debris starting floating in space, with the Guardians tangled up with it.

"Go help Mister Stark, I'll be back!" Peter instructed as he webbed himself into space and started tying the unconscious guardians up, securing them to parts of the planet that were stable. Their bodies were limp and their heads fell forward as Spider Webs dangled them upright. Titan had become a planet of destruction as nearly everything was destroyed and fire bombs soared through the atmosphere. Doctor Strange and Thanos were fighting each other with flashes of red and purple energy while Harrison slid himself under a piece of metal shrapnel, most likely from the spacecraft that brought him to this planet.

"Mister Stark! Mister Stark, where are you?" Harrison called out. The boy held a hand up to his face and jumped back as a ball of flame came hurtling to the ground two feet in front of him. Black smoke made his lungs burn and his eyes watery as he lifted up pieces of moon debris, looking for any sign of Iron Man.

This was all too familiar for Harrison. He had been in this exact situation before, inhaling smoke with warm blood trickling down his skin. Looking for someone he loved while his world came crumbling down. Harrison's chest felt heavy as he released a sob he had been trying so hard to repress. A few tears rolled down the boy's cheeks, soaking into the fabric of his blue and grey mask.

"Mister Stark!" Harrison called out in a tremulous tone. Opening his mouth to speak made his throat burn with smoke and the boy let out a coarse cough. Harrison removed his mask, breathing heavily and coughing out smoke as he tried to catch his breath.

"Did you find him?" Peter shouted as he made sure the Guardians were secured with webs and safe from the gravitational instability on the planet.

"Not yet!" Harrison shouted back. His face was bright red and his eyes were watery, his throat now dry and sore. The boy put his mask back on and narrowed his eyes at the debris to try and find Mister Stark. The material under his fingertips was wearing thin from picking up pieces of the rough moon and his arms felt like rubber at his sides.

"Harry, I'm here." Tony's faint voice was heard a few feet away and Harrison rushed over to him. He lifted up a piece of rock just enough for Tony to army crawl out from underneath it. He removed his helmet, the glass shattering with the movement. Tony's suit was scratched and dirty, the red paint chipped off to reveal the silver nanotech underneath. He had a slash across his cheek that oozed with fresh blood.

"Mister Stark, you're alive." Harrison stated as he helped the man up and wrapped his arms around his neck in a hug.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Tony replied, awkwardly hitting the boy on the back with one hand. "Where's Pete? He okay?"

"Peter is fine, he's been webbing up the Guardians. Thanos knocked them unconscious with this huge burst of purple light."

"Okay. Where's Strange?"

"Over th...woah." Harrison turned to point at where Strange and Thanos were fighting, only to see about a hundred Doctor Stranges in the sky. They all shot beams of orange energy towards Thanos, wrapping around his arms like rogue vines. The titan used the power stone to break free and erase all of the Stranges from the sky except the real one. Doctor Strange was pulled unwillingly towards Thanos and he wrapped the gauntlet around his throat, dangling him in midair.

"You're full of tricks, wizard. Yet you never once used your greatest weapon." Thanos spoke as he grabbed the gold Eye of Agamotto from around Strange's neck and yanked it loose.

"No!" Strange called out in protest as Thanos crushed the Eye in his hand, nothing but air filling the inside.

"A fake." Thanos scoffed before throwing Strange away from him. The man hit his head as he collided with space debris, laying unconscious on a hill of rock.

"Stay here. Get Peter to come down." Tony spoke before running away. One of his nanotech weapons collided with the palm of the Infinity Gauntlet and pried Thanos' fingers open. Iron Man launched himself into the air and landed with a bang in front of Thanos, his fist pressed into the ground that he used to push himself upwards.

"You throw another moon at me and I'm gonna lose it." Tony spoke from behind his Iron Man mask. His fists were curled at his sides as he faced Thanos, every nerve in his body on edge.

"Stark." Thanos muttered out.

Harrison listened to Tony and stayed where he was, waving his hands above his head to try and catch Peter's attention. "Come on, Peter...Pete..." The boy was too busy trying to repair the planet with Spider Webs that he didn't notice the boy below him.

"Parker!" Harrison shouted, dropping his hands to his sides as he breathed heavily. The use of the boy's last name caught his attention and Peter dropped to the ground directly in front of Harrison.

"What?" Peter asked as he removed his mask. One eyebrow was raised in confusion.

"We need to help Mister Stark." Harrison mumbled and turned to where Thanos and Iron Man were fighting. Tony's nanotech suit had crumbled under the impact of Thanos, his face scratched and bloody.

Peter was frozen as Thanos drove Iron Man's own weapon through the human man's abdomen, pushing him backwards until he was sitting on a loose boulder.

"You have my respect, Stark." Thanos mumbled to the man. Anger exploded in Harrison as he tapped his wrists together and a charged towards Thanos. He tapped the button in his palm just as spider webs wrapped around his torso and hoisted him upwards, onto Thanos' shoulders. Harrison wrapped his palms as tightly as he could around the titan's purple neck, sending waves of electricity through his body. Thanos reached up to try and grab Harrison but Peter shot webs at the gauntlet and yanked the hand as far away from Harrison as he could.

Tony used all the energy left in his body to stand up, parts of his Iron Man suit crumbling off as he moved. He held up one hand that was still plated in red and gold and shot an orange blast of fire at Thanos, hitting him directly in the chest and knocking him backwards. The sudden motion caused Harrison to lose his grip and he slid down Thanos' back, grabbing at any part of the titan he could reach before hitting the ground. The boy's palms sparked with electricity that sizzled out in a small puff of blue smoke.

Harrison rolled away from Thanos, ignoring the burning ache that spread through his entire body. His fingertips were raw and exposed while his chest felt heavy and swollen. A surge of purple light broke Peter's webs free from the gauntlet and knocked the boy backwards, landing beside a heavily breathing Tony.

Thanos lifted his gauntleted arm, aiming the infinity stones at Peter and Tony. A whirring noise ringed in Harrison's ears as all four stones started glowing. The boy tapped his wrists and became visible, walking over to his best friend and his mentor as they prepared for their demise.

"Stop." Doctor Strange spoke as the wizard came to his senses and sat up. "Spare them and I will give you the stone." Thanos turned to face him, the gauntlet still raised.

"Don't." Tony argued, using all he had in him to just say one word.

Doctor Strange ignored the man as he reached upwards and plucked the green time stone out of thin air. He held his hand out flat and allowed the stone to glide to Thanos, where it found its place in the infinity gauntlet. A green glow surrounded Thanos as he closed his eyes and allowed the gauntlet to absorb the energy of its fifth infinity stone.

"One to go." Thanos spoke just as beams of fire were shot at him. Quill flew overhead, fully awake and ready for action. A cloud of black and blue smoke formed behind Thanos as he used the stones to make a portal, falling through it just as Quill reached him. The man fell face first into a pile of space debris with a loud groan. He sat up on his knees and removed his mask, glancing between Tony and Doctor Strange.

"Why did you just do that?" Tony asked as he looked over at Strange, both men with matching stains of dried blood on the sides of their faces.

"We're in the Endgame now." Strange replied.

Harrison and Peter glanced at each other as they removed their masks, both holding expressions of fear on their pale faces.

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