Chapter Five

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"Peter we really shouldn't be here." Harrison repeated himself as he and Spider-Man walked through the spaceship, silence surrounding them as the boys cautiously anticipated danger to jump out at them. The hairs on the back of Peter's neck stood straight up as his spider senses racked through his entire body.

"Yeah, I think maybe you're right." The brunette agreed. The inside of the spaceship seemed to be made of just a metal structure that made their voices echo. "Hang on, I think I hear something." Peter heard the faint voice of Tony Stark and used his webs to quickly get to the man, leaving the curly haired boy alone.

"Peter, wait up." Harrison hissed into the dimly lit air as Peter disappeared. He ran in the direction that Peter went and jumped down onto a lower part of the spaceship where he and Tony stood facing each other, a scarlet coloured cloak floating beside the older man.

"You're here too? This is exactly where I didn't want you to be." Tony scolded both the boys as they stood in front of him, wearing the suits that he made them with their masks off.

"Well, to be fair Mister Stark I didn't expect Peter to web me into a spaceship. But now here we are." Harrison tried to point out but only got smacked in the arm by his best friend. "Ouch," the boy mumbled and turned to glare at Peter while rubbing his arm. Tony rolled his eyes at the boys while the cloak looked like it shrugged.

"You couldn't have thought this through, putting you and Harrison in danger like this." Tony stated as he seemed awfully disappointed in Peter's actions.

"No, I did think this through. Harry was on the ground all by himself and you can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there's no neighborhood." Both Harrison and Tony looked at Peter with confused expressions as he spoke. "Alright, that didn't really make sense but you get what I'm trying to say."

Tony let out a shaky breath as he looked away from the boys. "Come on, we've got a situation." The man led the way over to a ledge where Doctor Strange was being tortured below. He was floating horizontally in the air with an alien standing in front of him, with what looked like a hundred icicles piercing themselves into his body. "See him down there? He's in trouble. What's your plan? Go." Tony said as Peter crouched down to study the scene and decide what he was going to do.

"I have an idea." Harrison stated as Peter stood back up.

"Okay, did you ever see this really old movie, Aliens?"

Harrison and Peter stood awkwardly in the background as Doctor Strange and Tony argued, after saving the wizard's life and evacuating the dangerous alien from the spaceship. The two boys had introduced themselves to Strange at one point but weren't involved in the bickering of the men while they tried to decide who was to blame for being stuck in a doughnut that was flying through space.

"Under no circumstances can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos." Strange said sternly as Tony was deep in thought, the gears spinning in his brain as he tried coming up with a plan.

"Who's Thanos?" Harrison mumbled to Peter who shrugged in response while the two adults continued to argue. Tony started walking over to the two boys with his face scrunched up in annoyance and determination, facing both of them as he tapped them on the shoulders with the edge of his hand.

"Alright kids, you're Avengers now." He declared without looking at either of them.

Harrison briefly glanced at Tony before turning his attention to Peter, a confused expression on his face while his friend wore one of pride. "Mister Stark, are...are you sure?" The boy asked while turning back to Tony.

"Don't push it, Harry." Tony called over his shoulder while Peter jabbed the curly haired boy in the ribs. Harrison relaxed his face and allowed a small smile to form as the man's words sunk into his brain. He and Peter were Avengers now and he wasn't sure if he should be happy or worried. It was a huge responsibility that was now weighing down his shoulders but he was glad to be an official member of something so special.

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