Guiding Light โž™ Peter Parker

By capamericka

2.4K 145 29

Harrison Germain has lived on Earth for only a short period of his life. He made the life-saving decision to... More

Guiding Light
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Four

126 7 1
By capamericka

The wheels of Harrison's beaten up skateboard rumbled loudly as they rolled over every crack in the sidewalk. Earlier in the day, the boy had found himself bored and unsure of what to do to pass the time. Peter was busy at school, and Harrison didn't know many people in the city. He knew the other boys at the orphanage and Peter's aunt, May, but he wasn't going to call her up and ask to hang out. Peter had texted Harrison in the morning, letting him know he was going on a field trip today and his phone might be shut off. Peter had a bad habit of accidentally breaking phones, so he only used his current one in emergencies.

Harrison had spent a good two hours skateboarding around Queens, enjoying the different views the city had to offer. He had gotten so used to seeing everything from the rooftops but wanted to start seeing the city more up close. Today was the first day in a while that he hadn't worn his black, grey, and blue suit around town, with Peter at his side. It was refreshing to be himself, not concealing his curly mess of hair and speckled skin from the world. As much as the boy loved his skin tight superhero suit, he also enjoyed wearing his black ripped jeans and plain coloured t-shirts.

The sky seemed to be slowly turning a dark shade of grey above Harrison and he knew it was time to head back home. A brisk wind picked up as the boy road his skateboard towards the orphanage, his clothing rustling against his skin. It didn't take long for Harrison to reach the front steps of the orphanage, picking up his skateboard as he ran inside. He walked to his bunk and rolled his skateboard under his dresser, waiting for the sound of raindrops to start hitting the shingled roof.

However, the rain didn't come. Screams of panic reached Harrison's ears instead and he quickly pulled his blinds open to see the sudden chaos in Queens. People that he had passed moments ago now seemed to be running for their lives, and traffic was jammed on the road right outside the orphanage. Debris flew through the air, consisting of mail, flowerpots, and anything small that had been at a peaceful rest on the ground.

"What's going on out there?" One of the boys asked, a few bunks away.

"I have no idea." Harrison mumbled, not even sure if he was heard as he ripped open the bottom drawer of his dresser and pulled out a black backpack. He pulled one strap over his shoulder as he ran away, ignoring the yells of the boy asking him where he was going.

Harrison was hit with a gust of wind that almost swept his feet out from underneath him as he left the orphanage. He felt the rough surface of brick on his fingertips as he tried to stabilize himself, while his other hand gripped so tightly onto his backpack that his knuckles turned white. Harrison ran down the steps of the orphanage, getting his shoulders knocked around as people rushed past. It didn't take long for Harrison to figure out what everyone was running from as he spotted a donut shaped spaceship out in the distance, cutting through the grey sky. Orange sparks flew out of it and disappeared as they entered the atmosphere, along with a black cloud of dust forming around the base of the ship.

People blocked the sidewalks and cars were lined up bumper to bumper on the streets as Harrison pushed through the crowd, heading towards the spaceship. He ran down the first alleyway he could find, fighting against the wind to open his backpack and change into his suit of armor. Harrison pulled his mask down over his face before pressing the circle on his chest. The black and grey suit vacuum sealed to his skinny body, the technology of the fabric making him look more broad and muscular than he actually was. The only thing the suit didn't change was his height, with Harrison standing at a solid six feet and two inches.

Inviso-Boy emerged from the alley, tapping his wrists together to make him blend in with the world. He darted past people, them assuming the bumping of their arms and shoulders were caused by other citizens around them. Harrison's sprint slowed down as he watched a beam of blue light descend from the spaceship, before picking up speed again to try and find out what was going on.

Harrison fished his phone out of his sleeve and without taking his mask off he dialed Peter's number. The boys had called each other so many times that they were always at the top of each other's recent call list, so all Harrison had to do was press a few buttons before his phone started ringing.

"I see it." Peter answered, knowing exactly why Harrison was calling him.

"Where are you?" Harrison's voice was muffled by his mask and he sounded out of breath as he darted through Queens.

"I'm on a bus, going on a field trip. Where are you?" Peter replied but his voice sounded muffled as well, and Harrison knew he was lying.

"No you're not. You've got the suit on, don't you?" Harrison asked, recognizing exactly how Peter's voice sounded when he had his Spider-Man mask on. All of a sudden the boy saw a figure wearing a red and blue suit swing above the rooftops, his arm extended as spider webs shot out of a small piece of technology on his wrist. "Parker!" Harrison yelled but quickly covered the mouth area of his mask with his hand, hoping nobody heard him.

"You need a faster method of transportation!" Peter pointed out, easily swinging himself around the city of Queens. The conversation between the boys was cut short as there was a crunch on Peter's end of the phone and a high pitched feedback sound. Harrison huffed loudly, knowing that Peter had just dropped his second phone of the month.

Harrison ran as fast as his legs would carry him, trying to follow Peter towards the spaceship. It seemed that Spider-Man wasn't heading towards the spaceship though as it started getting further away, but Harrison was getting closer to Peter. There was a break in the public chaos as Harrison ended up in a park, almost immediately noticing Iron Man fighting with a large creature that had blueish grey skin and was welding a hammer around. His suit looked scratched and dirty, with a large spot on the ground where the grass was ripped up.

Harrison ran towards Iron Man, trying to distract the alien and grab it's hammer. His powers were activated so he couldn't be seen, but both Inviso-Boy and Iron Man took a nasty blow of the hammer that sent them both flying backwards.

"Hey, Mister Stark." Harrison mumbled as he became visible to the eye, quickly turning towards the ground and shielding his head with his arms as the alien raised it's hammer.

"Hey, Kid." Tony Stark breathed out from under his red and gold mask. Both males prepared for the impact that would soon come from the hammer that hovered above them, but it never came. Harrison peeked out from behind his forearm to see the red and blue suited Spider Boy holding the hammer back.

"Hey Harry. What's up, Mister Stark?" Peter said over his shoulder as the alien growled and grabbed him by his torso.

"Kid, where'd you come from?" Tony asked as he propped himself up on his elbows to face Spider-Man.

"Field trip to MoMA!" Peter shouted, his voice getting distant as the alien chucked him across the park. "What is this guy's problem, Mister Stark?" The boy asked as he shot spider webs at the alien, missing his target as Tony quickly flew into the air to attack the alien with his lazers.

"He's from space, he came here to steal a necklace from a wizard." Tony replied as Peter let out a painful groan, his body colliding with the alien's weapon. He quickly recovered and jumped out of harm's way just as the alien picked up the front end of a destroyed yellow taxi and swung it at Tony. Peter used his web shooters to grab the taxi, slamming it into the alien and knocking the creature into the ground.

Peter and Tony landed safely on the ground just as Harrison made himself visible again, all three of them watching the alien as it lay deafeated in a large crater the collison had formed in the ground.

"We need to get you some sort of weapon, Harrison." Tony declared to the boy who felt bad that he wasn't able to help fight.

"I know," was all he said in response. All Harrison could really do with his superpowers was turn invisible to attack enemies and them not see him, but he had no way of actually fighting them.

With a loud groan the alien was back on his feet and prepared to fight again, both Peter and Tony jumping into action just as a scarlet coloured cape flew by.

"Kid, that's the wizard. Get on it!" Tony said and Peter was quick to start chasing after him. Harrison watched as he webbed himself out of the park, following the cape that zipped through the sky. "As for you, Harrison..."Tony quickly turned to the boy and stuck something to the front of his suit. "Give that a try." The man said before resuming his fight with the alien. Harrison felt something travelling down his arms and legs as a warmness filled his body, almost like a gentle surge of electricity. He looked down at his suit as it transformed to grey and blue nanotech, similar to the technology that made up Iron Man's suit.

"Thanks, Mister Stark." Harrison grinned from inside his mask, now having better vision and a high tech screen that helped him analyze his surroundings better.

"Push the button that's in your palm, aim it at this guy." Tony instructed as he shot lasers at the alien. Harrison did as he was told, pushing small circular buttons that were centred in the palms of both of his hands. Blue lasers shot out of his pointer finger and pinkie finger, strong enough to slightly burn the metal of the alien's armor.

"That's awesome, Mister Stark!" Harrison exclaimed as he pressed the button again, accidentally burning a patch of grass with his new lasers. "Mister Stark?" The boy didn't get an answer and quickly looked around, seeing Iron-Man laying on the ground with a piece of metal wrapped around his suit and a blue voltage going through him. Harrison shot his lasers at the alien as it ran towards Tony, not being able to do much because his aim was so off. All of a sudden a large orange circle appeared that the alien fell through, causing him to disappear. Two men stood in front of the portal and closed it just as the alien tried jumping through. Harrison grimaced as the portal sliced off the alien's hand, leaving it on the grass.

"Wong, you're invited to my wedding!" Tony shouted as he broke free of the alien tech that was wrapped around him and flew into the sky towards the ship. Harrison could see him and Peter in the sky together, watching nervously as they both disappeared with the ship.

Harrison yelled out in surprise as he felt spider webs wrap around his body and harshly throw him into the sky. Peter had swung back down to grab him, Harrison immediately noticing the new suit that he had on.

"Push that button on your chest!" Peter yelled over the loud wind that thrashed in both his ears and Harrison's. The boy heard him though and did as he was told, igniting jet packs in both of his feet. Harrison shot into the sky the same way Tony had, heading straight for the ship. Peter followed close behind with his webs until both of the boys were able to grab onto the metal of the ship and pull themselves aboard. Harrison glanced over his shoulder to see that they weren't even on Earth anymore, his stomach wrenching with motion sickness at how fast the planet seemed to be moving farther away.

"Peter, we should not be here." Harrison mumbled as a door closed in front of the boys, locking them aboard the alien aircraft.

Author's Note
I want to make it very clear that I am in no way trying to copy or replicate Tony's powers. Tony made Harrison's new suit, the same as he made Peter's suit, but he added some enhanced features to it because Harrison doesn't have any true combat powers, he just has the ability to turn invisible! Please understand that I am in nooooo way trying to copy Iron Man.

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