By billieachess

298K 7.6K 17.3K

the rewrite is out; read it instead please :) ============================== "I want you and you want me, so... More



6.8K 186 469
By billieachess

^ Hope's Outfit

Hope's POV
Thursday, November 12th

"Alexis!" I whisper yelled as I pulled Lexi around the corner and into the janitor's closet.

"Bro, what's up with bitches pulling me into damn closets this week?" Alexis groaned.

"Girl- you're telling me this isn't your first time being pulled into a closet this week?" I raised an eyebrow.

"That's what I said."

"Who even- you know what, never mind. I've got to ask you something." I shook my head.

"Shoot it."

"Why in flying fucking fucks were you not fucking surprised when I told you that Billie fucking asked me on a fucking date?!" I questioned, maybe a little too harshly.

"Yo, chile, it's not that deep." She put her hands up. "I wasn't surprised because I already knew."

"You what?"

"I. Already. Knew." She said slowly.

"I know what you said!" I facepalmed. "What I meant was how did you know?"

"She told me." She said in a duh tone. "But don't ask anymore questions about it because I won't be telling you."

I groaned. "Why not?"

"Because. Now, unlike you, I have to get to second block." She grinned.

"Lexi, you've never had a problem with skipping class." I narrowed my eyes.

"Yeah, well there's a little cute guy in there!" She giggled.

My eyes widened and I started clapping excitedly. "Tell me all about him! Who is it?"

"I'll tell you about him later, but he's kinda waiting on me right now, so later!" She rushed out of the closet and I heard her run down the hallway. I shook my head, chuckling quietly.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket so i pulled it out and looked at the notification.

Bil the Builder

Come to the senior bathroom


I started walking towards the senior bathroom, but it was halfway across the school, so it would take me a couple minutes.

I was walking peacefully until I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. I looked at the hand that was too close to my face for comfort, seeing black finger finger nail polish. I shoved the arm off of me, internally groaning. Of all times, of fucking course she chooses now.

"What the fuck do you want, Jay?"

"I've seen that you've made friends with my little sister." She ignored my question.

"Little? You're literally twins, but go off, I guess." I glared.

She shrugged. "Anyways, when you're done playing with her, come to me and be with the better twin."

"What the fuck? The fuck you mean 'playing with her?' I'm not 'playing' with her, she's my friend. And get the the fuck out of here with that 'better twin' shit, Jayleen." I pushed her off of me again since she thought it was okay to put her arm around my shoulders again.

She was now fuming. "Don't call me that."

"I'll call you whatever the fuck I want to, bitch." I glared.

"How do you even know about that?" She asked, nostrils flaring.

"That doesn't matter." I smirked.

She quickly walked up to me and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me close to her. She drew her other hand back, which made me think she was going to punch me. But no, she did something worse. Something way worse.

She pressed her lips against mine, harshly. She placed the hand that she had drawn back onto my cheek. She tried to push her tongue into my mouth, but I forcefully shoved her off of me, causing her to fall flat on her ass.

"What the fuck?" I spat, glaring at her. "What the fuck was that?"

"I kissed you." She said in a duh tone of voice.

I clenched my fists at my side, trying my hardest to refrain myself from pouncing on her and beating her ass. "Well, no shit! But why? I didn't want your crusty, dusty lips on mine!"

"My lips aren't crusty or dusty!" She defended. "I kissed you because you looked hot. But chill out! You're overreacting."

I stormed over to her, grabbing her by her shirt and pulling her off the ground so that we were now face to face. "Overreacting?! I'll show-"

"Hope?" I heard someone call out softly. I turned my head to where the voice came from and saw Billie standing there. She had a confused look on her face as she stared at me.

I dropped Jay and gave her a kick in the side, causing her to groan out in pain, before walking over to Billie.

"What happened?" Billie asked softly.

"She had the audacity to kiss me."

Billie clenched her fists that we hanging by her sides, fuming. She stormed over to Jay and picked her up by the collar of her shirt, like I had a few moments ago.

"You fucking kissed her? That best not be fucking true." Billie growled, getting in her face.

"It is true." Jay smirked. "And what're you gonna do about it?" This dumb bitch.

Billie pushed her against the wall, causing Jay to wince. "You've got some fucking balls to be admitting that." She pulled her fist back and punched her in the face. I heard a loud crack. Blood started pouring from Jay's nose.

"What is going on out here?"

I turned to see that a teacher, who I didn't have, standing there. The teacher walked over to Billie and Jay. "Put her down." Billie dropped Jay onto the ground.

"The three of you, come to the office with me, now!" The teacher said after helping Jay off the ground.

I sighed and walked over to where they stood. Billie grabbed my hand and we all walked to the office in silence.


"Okay, I expected Billie and Jay to be in here, but Hope?" Mr. Anderson glared at me. I didn't meet his eyes.

He shook his head. "Okay, so here's the deal. Billie, you're not to come back until Tuesday for breaking another student's nose. Hope, don't come tomorrow. Jay, you'll come tomorrow but will serve all day in ISS. Now, I'm going to allow you all to come to the Sadie Hawkins dance on the 21th, but if you're in my office before then, you can forget coming to the dance."

I completely forgot about the Sadie Hawkins dance! I wonder if Billie would go. Probably not. Dances just don't seem like her thing if I'm being honest.

"Now, all of you go home. I'll be calling your parents."

I sighed and stood up, along with Billie and Jay. Jay was clutching a cloth under her nose to stop the bleeding. I sent her a glare before Billie grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the office.

It was silent until we got to her car. She started chuckling. "I still just can't believe she thought that it was okay to kiss you. Fucking clownery at its finest!" I laughed as well.


"I'ma get eighteen bean burritos. With only beans, nothing else. Only beans inside. Only beans. Eighteen burritos and only beans. You know what? Make that twenty. I swear to God." Billie turned to me. "You want anything, babygirl?"

I stared at her, wide-eyed. Twenty burritos and that was just for her? "Uh, yeah... just some quesadillas."

Billie turned back to the window and repeated what I said. She pulled up to the first window, where she paid for everything. She then pulled up to the second window and we waited for them to get our order ready.


"Ah shit." Billie mumbled as we pulled into the driveway of her house. There was two cars in the driveway that I didn't recognize and I assumed that they was Billie's parents.

We got out of the car. Billie held two bags that held the twenty burritos she got from Taco Bell and I held one that contained my quesadillas. We walked to the door and I opened it, letting Billie walk in first.

When we walked into the kitchen there was an older lady standing in there, who I presumed to be Bil's mother. Her face lit up into a smile as she saw me.

"Oh, so you must be that Hope girl that Billie is always talking about!" I felt my face go red. "It's nice to finally meet you!" She greeted, walking over to me and giving me a quick hug which I returned.

"Mom, shut up!" I heard Billie whisper to her mom, which caused me giggle.

"You be quiet, little lady. You're in trouble! Your principal called me and told me you broke a student's nose! I'm tired of you getting in trouble! We'll talk about this later but just know already that you're grounded!" She scolded. Billie groaned loudly, setting her bag onto the counter and pulling a burrito out. She unwrapped it and angrily took a bite.

She turned back to me and smiled once again. "I'm Maggie by the way. Again, it's nice to finally meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too, Maggie!" I smiled. I set my bag down on the counter as well and pulled out my quesadillas. I started eating, unaware of how hungry I was until now.

"Since you're such a good friend of Billie's, I thought that you might want to come and spend Thanksgiving with us. You certainly don't have to if you don't want to, but just know that you're invited!" Maggie smiled.

"Really? Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Of course! We'd love to have you over!"

"We'll I'll definitely consider it." I gave a small smile.

"Alright, well I'll be back in my room if you two need anything!" With that, she walked to the back of the house.

"No, Finneas, I don't understand why you want to try that!" I heard a voice coming from the hallway, growing closer as she seemed to be coming to the kitchen. I turned around in my seat to look.

"But, Claudia! I just wanna try it once! Come on, now!" Finneas whined.

"No, I-" The girl stopped talking as she looked at me. Her eyes lit up and she practically ran over to me, grinning.

"Oh my gosh! Billie said you were pretty but I didn't know you was this pretty!" She gushed.

I blushed and flashed a shy smile. "Thank you! You're pretty too!" I complimented.

"Thank you!" She smiled. "I'm Claudia by the way."

"I'm Hope."

"Move over Claudia. I wanna see one of my favorite people!" Finneas said as he came over. "Rude." Claudia scoffed.

I smiled and stood up from the stool that I was sat at and wrapped him up in a hug. "Hey Fin Fin!"

"Hello." He said as he pulled away from the hug, ruffling my hair. I playfully pouted but sat back down and took a bite of my last quesadilla.

Finneas stood in front of the counter where Billie sat. "I heard you got grounded." He smirked.

"Shut the fuck up." She flipped him off.

"Nah, I don't think I will. Kinda feel like talking, you know?"

Billie groaned. "Well I wish you wouldn't talk. It's fucking annoying." Billie turned to me. "You done?" I nodded my head. She took my hand and waited until I had got out of my stool to start dragging me into her room. "See you later, loser. See ya, Claudia."

I gave Fin and Claudia both a small smile and a little wave before Billie pulled me around the corner and into her room. We sat on her bed as she pulled her laptop out and typed Netflix into the search bar of google.

"Random question but why red lights?" I chuckled.

Billie's lips pulled up into a smirk. "So I can practice living in hell." She typed The Office into Netflix's search bar as she sad this. "Also because they're sexy as hell."

"Okay, so it's my turn to ask you a question." Billie said. "Do you usually go to the Sadie Hawkins dances?"

"Yeah, I plan on going this year." I shrugged.

She nodded her head. "Alright. Lay down so we can watch the best show in existence."

I laughed as I laid down beside her. She clicked on the next episode for us to watch and we quieted down as it started. We started watching The Office about a week or two ago because it's Billie's all time favorite show and she wanted to show it to me. She's apparently watched it over nine times by herself so she was really excited to have someone to watch it with. She was just being so cute about it I couldn't just not watch it with her.

After we watched about two or three episodes, Maggie came into the room. "Billie, you need to get Hope home. Your grounding starts now."

She groaned but paused the episode, putting her laptop the side. She stood up from the bed and held her hand out for me. I took it and she led me out the room and into her car.


"See you later, babygirl." Billie smiled as she leaned against by the doorframe of my front door.

"See you, Bil." I smiled back.

Billie turned around and started walking to her car. I turned around as well and walked inside where I was met by a stern glare from my mother.

"Addison Hope Lewis." I cringed as she said my full name. Hope was actually my middle name but I didn't really like the name Addison, so I went by Hope instead. "Your principal called me earlier and told me that you laid your hands on another student and threatened them. What was you thinking?"

"She kissed me! I didn't want to kiss her nasty ass lips!"

"Well that don't excuse threatening her."

"I didn't threaten her though!"

"I don't want to hear it. Go upstairs."

I opened my mouth to protest but thought against it and just walked upstairs. I walked into my room and laid down on the neon green teddy bear that Billie had won for me the first time we hung out.

A/N Hi I hope you enjoyed the chapter! What do you guys want to see happen next? I've got so many ideas, but I can't write them until way later in the storyline, so give me some ideas of what you would like to see please <3


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