Number 9: The Genetically Mod...

By everyday_imstumblin

1.5M 61.8K 15.8K

-Completed- [Definitely not your average Werewolf story, if you expect love at first sight - please thou sha... More

Number 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part l
Chapter 15 Part ll
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Part I
Chapter 21 Part ll
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 Part I
Chapter 29 Part II

Chapter 9

51.4K 2.1K 384
By everyday_imstumblin

IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE (you know it's important if i put it up here) - *gasp* She's right!!! This must be legit!!

So as you know I have not been updating much on this book and I have decided, with a completely heavy heart, to let this book go....

That's right it will flutter away incompleted... 

For further information read the end A/N

but please enjoy this chapter. Thank you. :D


“Want me to kill him?” Nine snarled, her red eyes glaring at the Alpha.

“N-N-No!” Dexter shouted and shook his head furiously.

“What did she say?” Slade stepped forward, staring straight at Nine but aimed the question at Dexter. He knew they were talking about him and whatever she said was making Dexter very nervous.

“U-Uh…” He looked everywhere except the Alpha.

“You can tell him.” Nine spoke to her friend and kept her narrowed eyes trained on the Alpha. “He can know what I said.” She sneered showing off those sharp teeth.

This placed Dexter in a very difficult position. He fiddled with his hands and kept looking between Slade and Nine uneasily.

The tension began to build in the room, thankfully Paul came to the rescue.

“Why don’t we let them talk?” Paul said, shooting a worried glance at his son.

Squeezing his hands firmly before forcefully relaxing them and Slade sighed in defeat. He shut his eyes tightly and just breathed in his mate’s scent, using it to calm himself.

He couldn’t hide his hurt and longing when he opened his eyes to gaze at Nine.

God, what he would do to just hold his mate in his arms.

Shaking his head, he looked to his father and stiffly nodded his head. He watched as his friends and father left the room, he took a long look at Nine and walked forward. Only when he was at the doorframe did he look away to glance at Dexter. Shooting him a look, Dexter discreetly nodded and Slade left the room. He hope Nine would tell her friend something to help him become closer to her.

Running a hand through his hair, Slade left his faith in Dexter’s hand. Praying he could talk some sense into his mate.

Once they were gone, Dexter finally asked, “Wh-y do you h-hate Alpha Sl-Slade?”

He knew she didn’t trust him but hopefully she could tell him something more that could help the Alpha get into Nine’s good books.

Nine huffed angrily, she knew the Alpha’s name but refused to recognize it. Acknowledging it was accepting him and she wouldn’t allow that.

“So?” Dexter asked again and sat down on the floor in front of the cage. He needed to somehow convince Nine to at least try and give the others a chance, hopefully one day she may come to trust them the way she trusts him.

Once again Nine began to pace in front of the bars. “It’s just the way he makes me feel. I don’t understand it. There’s just something about him that makes me so-so – Argh!” she roared in anger.

Dexter tried to hide his guilt. He could not tell her that they were mates. It just wasn’t the right time.

She needed to have some trust for Alpha Slade because she would mistake the pull as Slade having control over her. She would think he was just like Victor, only using her for his pleasure. He needed to wait until Nine could learn to trust other people – to know that they wouldn’t hurt her. If he told her now, than it’s a guarantee that Nine will hate Slade like the way she loathes Victor.

For Alpha Slade, being hated by your mate was pretty much a rejection.

“N-Nine, can you pl-ease g-give them a chance?” Dexter pleaded.

Abruptly coming to a stop in front of him, she shot him a hard glare, making her friend flinch at the intensity of her red eyes.

“I’m trying! B-But I’m not like you Dex!” she shouted through the link, “I cannot simply trust them when all my life I was taught to kill them.”

Her friend looked down in shame making Nine feel bad for letting out her anger on him. “I’m so-rry. I-I guess I just w-want you to f-f-finally be free a-and ex-ex-perience the world.” Dexter mumbled and drew random patterns on the concrete floor.     

Nine sat down in front of him, her expression softening a little. “I’m sorry Dex but it’s hard for me. I’m not like them. They don’t have a monster inside of them that always wants to kill everything in sight.” She replied and laid her head down on her front paws.

Dexter reached out to caress Nine’s dark fur through the gap, making her purr.

“B-But you l-let me.” He said softly.

Nine raised her head to look him in his eyes. “That’s because you are my family and best friend. You are important to me.”

“But the others c-could also bec-come your fam-ily! Maybe e-evn a-ccept Alpha Sl-Slade a-a-”

Nine was quick to cut Dexter off and abruptly stood up and turned away from him. “No!” she boomed loudly making Dexter recoil. “Not him!” she growled.

“I can’t stay here Dex.” She looked at him with a stricken look in her eyes. “You know that fighting helps me control the beast. If I can’t fight then how will I restrain him? What happens if he bursts out and I can’t stop him? What happens if – if I kill you?” she whispered the last part and looked at him pleadingly.

 Nine shook her head furiously and blinked away the water in her eyes. “I-I could not live with myself if I hurt you…” 

Dexter face fell at the sight of her. He opened his mouth to speak but Nine continued.

“Besides, they wouldn’t want someone like me.” Her voice hardening, “They wouldn’t want to become friends with someone who could easily turn on them in a blink of an eye.” She looked sharply at Dexter, the beast revealing a little of itself through her clouded eyes. 

“T-Then why didn’t you?” Dexter said loudly, his brows furrowing in anger.

“What?” Nine asked, not knowing where her friends’ sudden anger coming from.

Dexter stood up and took a step forward. He straightened his back to stand tall, catching Nine in surprise. “Why d-didn’t you k-kill me when we fi-first met? Y-You hated me then be-because you th-thought I was like V-Victor! You co-could’ve ea-easily killed me all those y-years ago but you didn’t…why?”  

Nine gazed at him before turning away to stare blankly at the wall.

She didn’t have an answer for him. There was nothing she could say to prove him wrong.

When she was younger, Nine was far worse than she was now. She had no control over the beast and had to learn how to contain him over the years. She remembered the day she almost killed Dexter.

Six year old Nine constantly had a crazed look in her cat eyes. The beast was mostly in control of her little form from the moment of her first shift at the age of five.

Already at this tender age she took down four fully grown men and was easily capable to slaughter a gentle, fourteen year old boy.

She was pacing in her small cage. No one entered the room except for Dexter who she found as an annoying nuisance that Nine would love to get rid of, but she never got the chance until today…

Nine was distressed which caused the beast to become more agitated and quickly lash out at anyone close by. The silver collar her master put on was on too tight. Every time she moved, it dug into her skin. She had to be careful with the way she moved her head or else she could end up choking herself.

No one dared to go inside her cage to help her except one.

Dexter noticed her struggle and didn’t hesitate to enter her domain. Immediately Nine pounced on him and held him down on his back. She growled loudly in his face, the beast wanted to maul him and was about to when she suddenly paused her deadly intentions.

Maybe it was the look in his kind eyes or how even now, when he knows he was about to die he kept staring at her – not a single sign of being afraid.

For the first time, Nine did not give into the beasts’ command. She used everything inside that little body of hers to pull away. The large grin Dexter gave her that day was something she would never forget. It was one of her fondest memories. 

Even to this day, whenever Dexter would smile at her proudly, it would bring her back to that memory when he became her everything.

“I-I trust you with m-my life Nine.” Dexter’s voice broke her out of her trance. “I know you c-can control h-him b-but you are us-using h-im as an excuse when re-really you are j-ust scared…”

 Nine laid down, her back facing Dexter. She didn’t want him to see how right he was.

She was terrified.

What if they were like her master? One of them already hit her with a whip, whose to know that they will treat her any different than when she was in the arena?

Nine closed her eyes and curled her body in a vulnerable position.

Dexter sighed and looked at her in sadness. “At-least g-give Alpha Slade a ch-chance. If – If h-he hurts you then w-we will run away. Ok-ay Nine?” He pleaded but was met with silence. Sighing again, Dexter moved towards the door. The sun was setting, hopefully one day he could show Nine the sunset but for now, he would give her time to think.

“Good-night.” He whispered and closed the door, leaving her in a cold cell with the only light coming from the small window above Nine’s head.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out in defeat, Nine pulled her body inward even more.

She just wanted to leave. She didn’t want to trust anyone else. Her master taught her that many of the Werewolves were as cruel as him. Dexter was too trusting which confused her greatly because he didn’t have a reason to even get close to another person. His parents abandoned him, master was not nice to him and even Nine tried to kill him and yet, he so carelessly trust those Werewolves.

Nine wished she could return to the arena. She never told Dexter that she hoped that a much stronger Werewolf would come along and defeat her – taking her away from this world. She knew she doesn’t belong among those wolves or anywhere for that matter.

She was nothing but a weapon for her master. Nothing more, nothing less.

Nine placed her paw over her muzzle and quietly whimpered.

Tomorrow she will return into the cold, silent monster her master trained her to be but for now, she will allow herself to crave for something she will never have.   


Nine’s ears perked at the sound of the door opening. Her back was still facing the entrance but she could smell him.

Holding in a growl, she opted to ignore his presence. She decided to test him and see how long it takes him to snap at her. Her master wouldn’t allow her to ignore him and would easily deliver painful blows to her body as punishment.

Maybe the green-eyed male will be the same?

She heard him clear his throat but Nine kept her eyes closed.

“I – uh, brought you some breakfast.” Her ear twitched slightly at the sound of his deep voice. She almost grumbled to herself for letting him have even a small effect on her.

Nine’s nosed suddenly got a whiff of something else. Something far more delicious than that male’s scent. It had to be coming from the food he brought. It was strange to her because her normal diet was raw meat and that’s all she’s ever given. Her master made sure of it, saying something about a wild wolf should not be treated like a spoilt human’s pet.

She never did understand him, but Nine wasn’t one to complain. Her master gave her what she needed to survive.

Breathing heavily out, she continued to lay down and ignore the green-eyed male in the room. Upon hearing his sigh in frustration, she felt her lips twitch.

It didn’t take him long to get angry, Nine thought almost smugly and waiting for him to lash out.

Seconds passed and the male shuffled. Nine strained her ears to figure out what he was doing but when she heard silence, she took a risk and stretched out from her curled position. She made sure to lay straight and not face the male directly but she could peek at him through the corner of her eye.

Her eyes narrowed into slits when she spotted him coolly sitting against the wall. One leg was propped up whilst the other was straight and he casually laid his hand on his knee. Unconsciously her fur bristled at the way his eyes stared intensely at her.

It was not like her master’s wicked gaze but something like the way Dexter looked at her.

The male stared with a soft expression. His mouth lifted into a small smile once he noticed her watching. He pushed the tray closer to the cage. It was filled with food that she could recognize when Dexter showed her on his laptop but have never tasted before.

Speaking of her friend, where was he?


Nine responded with a low growl and for some reason it made the green-eyed male chuckle. She sneered and took a quick look to the door in hopes of Dexter coming but then turned away and resumed her curled up position.

Slade caught her eye movement and understood what she wanted. Though he was irritated that his mate always looked to another male instead of him but Slade knew that Dexter and Nine will never have a romantic relationship. However, it didn’t stop the jealously from bubbling within him.

“If you’re wondering about Dexter, he’s fine. Just trying to settle in the pack house and getting to know the others.” Slade ran a hand through his hair and watched her for a reaction before continuing. “He didn’t come this morning because I asked him if I could bring you breakfast instead.” he shrugged even though Nine wasn’t watching him. He hoped that by being nice to Dexter that she might come to trust him a little more.

“You should really eat before it gets cold.” He said.

Nine once again ignored him. Her eyes were wide open as she stared blankly at the wall in front of her. She couldn’t let her guard down around the male.

“Dexter told me to keep you in the cage, even though I hate it so much.” The male grumbled in anger and then took a deep breath. “I thought that maybe we can get to know one another.”

Silence was his reply.

But that would not deter Slade. He would keep trying until he finally gets through to his stubborn mate.

Clearing his throat, Slade thought that maybe telling Nine about himself might show her that he wasn’t like Victor.

“Since you’re not much of a talker-” he and unknowingly also his mate almost snorted at his comment, “I thought I’d tell you things about myself.” Pausing, Slade watched for a response. When nothing happened he began to sprout random things about himself.

He began with his favorite things and then started to tell his mate about his wild childhood. Slade was half in his own world as he explained the crazy things he, Ryan and Nolan did as kids. He failed to notice that Nine was quietly listening as her ears twitched whenever he laughed at a memory or when his voice would speak softly as he talked about his family and especially his sisters Tori and Ariana.

She may hate the male but Nine was curious about a wolf being out of the arena. She never got to talk to any of the Werewolves that weren’t rogues, except Dexter of course but he didn’t count completely because he too, didn’t know what it’s like to personally live in a pack.

It was both their first times being in one.

Nine listened closely as he told her of the story he and his friends got in trouble and the older Alpha that smelt like the green-eyed male caught them. She thought he would then describe the harsh punishment they received but Nine became puzzled when he told her that their punishment was to clean the whole pack house.

Nine was about to ask him why the Alpha didn’t physically hurt them but she was quick to restrain herself. She wouldn’t talk to the male. She wanted him to leave and talking would make him stay. Thankfully Nine was distracted by a shout coming from outside the jail cell.

Standing up, she moved towards the window. The male had stopped talking and was now watching her curiously.

“What is it?” he asked but she ignored him and lifted her head to gaze out the small window. She didn’t even have to stretch that much as the window was just a little higher than her head.

Her cat eyes spied a group of boys pushing each other around and laughing. She watched with deep interest as one tackled another to the ground. Nine thought that he would go for the kill but instead he just laughed at the one he attacked.

Tilting her head in confusion, Nine was surprised that none of them were trying to slay each other but they were fighting.


She turned to face the male who was frowning. Nine didn’t have Dexter her to explain why the boys where not taking the fight seriously when easily one could turn on them. She needed to know why those wolves aren’t killing each other – it was just not right.

It was rule number two her master taught her.

If you fight, you fight to the death.

Rule number one being – always trust master, never any other Werewolf.

Nine remembered the day he told her about the rules. She was only five then. Growing up, he drilled many rules but made sure that particular rule was always first.

He may be her master and his creation but Nine would not trust him with her life. She was not stupid. She could never trust a man who abused her but that did not stop her fear of him growing.

She would always fear her master.

“Nine? What is it?” the male’s voice pulled her back to reality. He was standing now with a concerned face.

Not bothering to continue on the plan of ignoring him, Nine twisted around until she was standing in front of him and asked the question that was bothering her.

“Those boys...” she nodded towards the window before staring into those green eyes. “They – I don’t understand why they didn’t try to kill each other? Two of them were fighting but the stronger one didn’t finish off the weaker one – why?”

The male immediately turned dark which made Nine bristle and watch him cautiously. She saw him shut his eyes and took a deep breath before reopening them.

“They were training to become stronger.” Slade spoke slowly, trying to hold in his anger for what Victor did to his mate. Making her think that every fight only needed one winner.

“How does that make you stronger? It’s not like they will experience the real feeling of getting bitten or learning to mask the pain and continue on fighting?” Nine replied seriously. With her experience in the arena, she found it much easier as time passed. Her mind and body where always prepared whenever a wolf attacked her. Nothing fazes her anymore, well, except whenever her master gets angry.   

“We do not work alone. If a member is injured, then another pack member will protect him. A pack works as one.” Slade said through gritted teeth.

Just how deep was his mates’ hate for packs? Did Dexter know about this?

Huffing at his stupid reply, Nine moved away and laid on the ground. Her plan to ignoring was resumed as she pretended the male didn’t exist.

She heard the male sigh in irritation. “How about you tell me something about yourself?” he asked instead.

Nine flicked her tail but said nothing. The green-eyed male was annoyingly persistent, much to her displeasure.

“You know I’m just going to keep asking you stuff until you answer one of them.” He said in a challenging tone. Her silence gave him go signal. “Okay then.” And then Slade sprouted out the most random of questions, half of which Nine didn’t know.

Minutes ticked by and his voice was getting to her. Every now and then, her lips, ears and tail twitched in irritation and the male noticed it which only encouraged him even more.

“If there was one person you could be with, who would it be?”

Not you! Just please keep quiet!

“I know I’d pick you.” He let out a low chuckle. “Okay how about this – if you could go somewhere, where would you go?”

A low growl began to rumble in her chest but the male was too busy talking to notice.

“Once again, I’d go wherever you go.” She could practically feel the grin from here. The next question though set her off the edge.

“Okay last question, will you give me a chance?”

In a second, Nine was on her feet and standing inches from the bars – snarling viciously at the male. Slade didn’t even flinch at her sudden aggressiveness because he knew it was coming.

Why should I even give you a chance!” she snapped viciously. Eyes narrowed and teeth bared.

Calmly, Slade stood up from his spot and walked slowly to his mate, not once breaking eye contact.

“Because you are the most important person to me.” The soft and gentle tone in his voice caught Nine off guard. No one else had ever spoke to her like that except Dexter.

Her snarling lowered until she was heavily breathing but kept her deadly glare on him.

Slade’s eyes softened yet it still showed his determination, “No matter what Nine, I will keep coming back every day because I will show you that I am not like Victor.” Slowly Slade lifted his hand and reached out to his mate, “I would never hurt you the way he did.”

His hand slipped through the bars but Nine was too stiff to move, she couldn’t turn away from the tender look in the male’s eyes. “I won’t give up on you Nine.”

His hand was inches from her face, “Just give me a chance to show you.” He whispered just as his hand brushed lightly against her fur.




Reasons why I decided to do this prank will include the following:

1-Because SniperRabbit (person I dedicated this to) wrote a touching little comment on my previous chapter and I was like awwww and then my evilness kicked in and was like...

"It would be just plain cruel if someone were to prank them! kekeekkeke!!"

It was only then i realised it was Timmy who was giving me such thoughts, but that's not the point.

2- I realised that a lot of you really like this book and coz I like crushing people's hopes and dreams, I did this for Timmy's horrible amusement!! :P

3- Instead of studying for my exam, i decided to waste time doing this. My parents think i'm studying kekekek!! It's just that I've come to accept that I will fail this exam! 

4-I've realised I've been a horrible author coz i havent replied to you guys comments and I'm letting Timmy attack me for that. I'm soorrryyy for that!!! forgive me!!!! (and no i will not uplaod another chapter as a forgiveness present! -.- dont push your luck people!) 

5-This could maybe count as a late halloweed scare? I dont know but i bet you guys must have been like whaaaaa nooooo!!! *cue screams* 

So yhh...

now if you excuse me but i do believe i need to run away. Give me an infinity head start :D)

Look a ghost!!! ~>     (((༼•̫͡•༽)))

\(>o<)ノ Woop, Woop, Woop, Woop!!!

┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ You see nothing....

(=ↀωↀ=) "meow - Purr, purr, purr" 

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