Abused Wolf Faunus

By SoccerGKLuke

140K 1K 689


Chapter 1
Sembalence explination
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chaper 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Duke's Bio
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author Note

Chapter 16

3.9K 33 15
By SoccerGKLuke


Y/N pov

Right now Duke and I were looking for Blake, however Duke was invisible and I was pretending to be a random person.

Y/N: Did you find her?

Duke:*on scroll* No. Did you?

Y/N: No.

Duke:*on scroll* Dang. Alright I'll keep looking closer to Beacon, and you look towards the docks.

Y/N: Alright.

I hung up with Duke and started walking around look for Blake.

Y/N: Jeez where could she have gone?

???: Finally she talks!

I looked around and saw Blake with that monkey Faunus. So I called Duke.

Y/N: Come on pick up.

Duke:*on scroll* Hey what's up?

Y/N: I found her.

Duke:*on scroll* Great! Where is she?

Y/N: Down at that coffee shop that we..... you know.... got banned from.

Duke:*on scroll* Of all places she could be at, she has to be there!?

Y/N: Yeah. Well get over here. I'm going to see what's going on.

Duke*on scroll* Ok. I'll be there as soon as I can.

I hung up on Duke and walked over to the tables and sat right next to Blake.

Y/N: How are you doing?

Blake: Do I know you?

Y/N: Maybe you do, maybe you don't.

???: What's that supposed to mean?

Y/N: It means, this conversation is between me and Blake. Not you so please be quiet.

Blake:*aggravated* What do you want?

Y/N: What a friend can't catch up?

Blake got really tense.

Blake: Is that you, Randy?

Y/N: Randy? Who is Randy?

Blake: Then who the heck are you?!

Y/N:*sigh* Well the fun's over now. It's me

Blake: It's you?

Y/N: Who else do you know that can change into different people?

Blake:... Why did you have to do that?!

???: Uh.. Blake who is this?

Y/N: Yeah, Blake who is this?

We both said pointing at each other.

Blake: Y/N this is Sun.

Sun: Sup?

Y/N: Are you sure about this guy?

Sun just looked at me.

Y/N: Anyway.... oh, hey Duke.

Blake: Duke?

She looked around but could not find Duke.

Duke: Right behind you Blake.

Blake jumped onto the table.

Y/N: Best reaction ever!

Blake was fuming and got down.

Blake: Remind me why we are all friends again.

Y/N: Reasons, but back to the main reason why we are here. Are you doing ok Blake?

Blake: I don't know anymore. Also why is Duke invisible and why are you a different person?

Duke: That is not important.

Y/N: It might be.

Duke: What do you mean?

Y/N: I'm about to sneeze.

I heard Duke leave.

Blake: Why is that important?

Y/N:*sneezes* This.

I pointed to myself and saw I was back to my original self.

???: Hey, boss he's back!

Y/N: Oh no.

Blake: What?

A man came out and stared straight at me, and I got nervous. The whole time Blake and Sun was watching.

Y/N: H-hey it's g-good to see y-you again!

???: Where is the other one?

Y/N: He l-left.

???: Are you going to destroy my cafe again?

He started to crack his knuckles.

Y/N: No!

He walked over to me. As soon as he got to me he pick me up chocking me slightly.

???: What did I say to you last time you were kick out?

Y/N: D-don't come back.

???: That's right.

He punched me in the stomach and tossed me out of the cafe and onto the street.

???: Next time I won't be as merciful if you come back!

Y/N: Ow! I hate him so much.

Blake and Sun walked over.

Blake: Are you ok?

Y/N: Yeah.*groans* Why did I have to sneeze?

Sun: Who was that and what did you do?

Blake: Yeah. Why was he mad at you?

Y/N: His name is.. umm....

Blake: You don't remember?

All of a sudden Duke reappeared next to Sun.

Duke: His na-

Sun: Aahh!

Sun jumped three feet away from Duke.

Y/N: Okay all I have to say is.... that you can scare people really good.

Duke: It's a gift... anyway his name is Antonio.

Blake: Okay.. why did you destroy his cafe?

Duke: Reasons, we'll tell all of you some other time.

Blake: Okey then... So Sun what was your plan?

Sun: Oh yeah! So this is what I heard..

Time skip later that night
On rooftop at docks

Y/N: Soooo.... you were in the White Fang?

Duke: Dude, did you even listen? Yes, she was in the White Fang.

Sun: What did I miss?

Blake: Not much.

Sun: Well... I stole you all an apple.

Blake: Do you steal stuff without thinking?

Y/N: I think he does.

Then an engine roared over us. Blake has a sad look on her face and Sun noticed it.

Sun: Is that them.

Blake: Yes it is.

Sun: You didn't think they did it. Did you?

Blake: No. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to.

???: Hey! What's the hold up?

Y/N: Him?! How did he get out so fast?!

Blake: What's your malfunction?

Duke: Y/N has had some history with him.... meaning he put Roman in jail a few times. He's just a bit angry.

Y/N: You bet I am!

Blake: Regardless, I'm going to stop him.

Sun: Wait.

She jumped down.

Y/N: Well I'll infiltrate them and sneak in, while you go invisible Duke.

Duke: Okay.

Sun: Hey! Don't leave me out of this.

We all jumped down. Sun went to help Blake, while Duke turned invisible and started taking down the White Fang. I turned into a girl that is always near Roman, and went to him.

Y/N: Let's hope this works.


Man!!! I'm glad I got chapter over with. Sorry again that it took me awhile to get this chapter done. I'm not giving up on this book. If you guys have any suggestions for this book please tell me. Thanks for all the support on this book, I never thought it would get 10k reads!! Once again please go support GKPurge and his stories. This is SoccerGKLuke signing off.................... FEELS GOOD TO TYPE THAT AGAIN!!

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