Riverside Bench

By SuperS24z

241 18 1

Alan's close friend, Jessie, was found in the river. Jessie was gone. How? Alan Brender a fired detective... More

Jessie Myers
The investigation
Silence Isn't Always Good
Wounded Heart
Suspect 01
Careful Who You Bump Into
The Night is Dark
He's Gone
Suspect 02
Fire at Heart
Poor Amelia
Last Breath
Never Over
Courtroom Confessions
Prison Visit
Lost and Found
Pick Yourself Up
A New Beginning


8 1 0
By SuperS24z

Calim woke up. He opened his eyes to a bright white room. It wasn't the hospital. It was the interrogation room, at the police station. Sam Finald circled the room, staring Calim down. Sam gave Calim a dirty look. Calim tried to move his hands but his hands were held down by restraints. "Let me go, Sam. I'm innocent". Sam smirked, "Oh if only I could believe you. But it's not that simple. You are guilty. I will put you behind bars, and trust me. You are not getting out of jail, ever". Calim pulled on the restraints with all his power but they didn't budge. Sam circled the room over and over. 

Finally, Alan walked into the room. "If it isn't Calim". Calim stared at the floor. "Your daughter died. Amelia is almost dead because of you". Alan glared into Calim's eyes. Calim shed a tear of sympathy. 

"I need my meds". 

Alan held up the rattling container, "Oh these". 

Calim begged, "I need them. Please. I'm crazy".

Alan sat by Calim. "You know what's crazy, that you only realized you were crazy after your daughter died. After people died. You killed people. You are crazy. But I think the mental ward jail cell, will give you these meds." 

Calim frowned. "Give me the meds". 

Alan backed away and threw the container out the window. "Those pills won't help you. Maybe this will". Alan punched Calim in the face. 

"Alan this is not the way to get revenge". Sam backed Alan away. Calim stared at Alan, "Killing Jessie and Mia was fun". 

Alan ran to Calim, "You are crazy. Sick". He punched Calim again. Calim stared into Alan's hostile eyes. He spit blood onto the floor.                                                                                                                                          

He grabbed Calim's collar pulling his face into Calim's bruised face. "You are never getting away with this." Sam pulled Alan away from Calim. Alan kept staring at his face. He wanted to let out his rage, give Calim what he deserves. He wanted to punch him until he begged him to stop. So then Alan would get revenge. 


Now he had to put everything together. Every feeling had to be put away. Only evidence could be shown. Only proof, only the truth. No more lies. Alan would get Calim's confession out of his mouth, one way or another. People were dead and now was the time for justice. 

The file of evidence was huge. Inside was the knife, the picture, the pictures of the suspects and their alibi's. Now all Alan needed was Calim's confession and Amelia's alibi. Little did Alan know that it's not that simple. 

Calim remained in restraints, but this time he was in a hospital bed. The mental hospital, where he had escaped out years back. He took out his anger on his wife's death on his kids. He would punch them every time they got a bad grade. He made his daughter's lives hard.  He never comforted them or made sure they were okay after their mother died. He took care of only himself. Calim made terrible mistakes in his life. 

He tried with all his might to get his hands out of the restraints. But it wasn't working. He kept going on and on. That was his problem. Insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and getting the same outcome. 

Alan sat in his office. Staring at the same paper over and over again. Jessie's picture. Her big smile, her kind heart, her young soul. Then, he hung it up on the wall. He smirked at the picture, "You'll be okay I promise. I'm going to get justice for you. I'll get Calim and anyone who helped him in jail. They will get what they deserve. I want to say thank you. Jessie Myers, you are missed. I never got to say thank in person, It's haunted me." Alan cried softly as he took out Mia's picture and Clara's picture. 

Then, he noticed something. Earings. Jessie was wearing them in the picture. They are the same as Mia and Clara had on. All silver, with thin gold lining. 

A motive. The killer always has a motive. That's what Alan had to figure out. 

"I'd like to talk to Calim Myers." Alan's heart skipped a beat. "I am Detective Brender". 

The doctor nodded and stared at Alan's shiny detective badge. "This way, Detective". 

The doctor leads him through the dark and eerie hallways. At every door, a patient banged on the window. Except one. Calim sat in the corner. His head buried in his lap. The air-pressured door slowly opened. Calim lifted his head. "Alan".                                                                                                                       

Alan sat on the floor next to Calim. Showing no fear only confidence. 

Calim raised his eyebrow, "Get to the point. Why are you here?" 

"Why did you kill them?" 

Calim put his head in his lap again. 

"Let's try this again. Why did you kill them? Tell me your motive".

Calim turned bright red. "I- didn't". He stopped.

Alan got up. "I deserve to know. Why did you kill them?" 

Calim nodded, "It's complicated. Long story." 

Alan smirked, "I have all day. Listen, Calim. You think I want to lock you up here. Then tell me."

Calim took a deep breath. "They are gone, because of me." Calim started to cry and buried his head into his lap. 

Alan tapped him, "I know, it's hard. But I need to know why, so I can bring peace with myself."

Calim cried, "I didn't- I couldn't control it. Jessie and Mia were sweet kids, they look like Mark. They wore earrings, our mom's earings. I couldn't stand it when they opened the earring company again. It angered me, so I got someone to kill them for me." 

Alan backed away, he was horrified. Two people were gone because of an earring company. But he felt there was more to this than that. Calim was hiding something. This pity act isn't going to work on Alan.


The hospital lights flickered. Since Calim had attacked the hospital, days had been longer. Nights had been shorter. It was silent in the hospital. No one dared to walk out of the hospital alone. It was rough, fear of what could happen. That fear is the only thing that kept Amelia Myers alive. That gloomy night, she woke up. Out of her deep sleep. She gasped at the sight of bright light. All she remembered was the chilling water. 

The memory came rushing back to her. Her dad's intensified stare into her eyes. She remembered seeing him put out his arms, and then the little descent. But it felt like she floated. All she saw as she fell in, almost in slow motion, was her wicked father. When she hit the water, it sent a chill down her spine. Darkness covered her eyes. Blackwater devoured her, then she felt a rough hit. She felt her head hit something hard.  Then, everything turned black. 

Someone rushed into her room. "Welcome back, Amelia". Amelia saw someone, her vision was blurry. "Clara?" Her vision came back. It was Clara standing there. "I'm not here, A. I'm gone. You killed me, the fire killed me. It's all your fault." Amelia stared into the dark hallway from her hospital bed. She let out a scream. 

Nurses rushed in. Amelia screamed, "Clara? Come back please!" A nurse sat next to her. "Hon, your sister Clara passed away a few days ago. I'm sorry." Amelia felt the endless abyss of guilt. The empty void in her heart would never be restored. Clara was her world, and because of herself she's gone. 

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