Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia

Galing kay Imjustaweirdwriter

5.1K 16 7

"It's been taken," Strickler said. Bular appeared behind him. "You failed." Strickler continued. "You let it... Higit pa

1: Becoming part 1
2: Becoming part 2
3: Wherefore art thou, Trollhunter?
4: Gnome your enemy
5: Waka Chaka!
6: Win, lose, or Draal
7: To catch a changeling
8: Adventures in trollsitting
9: Bittersweet sixteen
10: Young Atlas
11: Recipe for disaster
12: Claire and present danger
13: Battle of the two bridges
14: Return of the Trollhunter
15: Mudslinging
16: Roaming fees may apply
17: Blinky's Day out
18: The shattered King
19: Airheads
20: Where is my mind?
21: Party Monster
22: It's about time
23: Wingman
24: Angor Management
25: A night to remember
26: Something rotten this way comes
28: Skullcrusher
29: Grand Theft Otto
31: Homecoming
32: Hiss, hiss, bang, bang
33: A hero with a Thousand Faces
34: Just Add Water
35: Creepslayerz
36: The Reckless Club
37: Unbecoming
38: Mistrial and Error
39: In the hall of the GumGum king
40: Night Patrol
41: Arcadia's Most Wanted
43: Bad Coffee
43: So, I'm dating a sorceress
44: The Exorcism of Claire Nunez
45: Parental Guidance
46: The Oath
47: For the Glory of Merlin
48: In Good Hands
!!!Please read!!!

27: Escape from the Darklands

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Galing kay Imjustaweirdwriter

Barbara woke up to her alarm. She woke up on the couch and turned off the tv that was on all night. "Jim?" She called. "Jim, honey, are you up?"

She went up the stairs and saw a note attached to his door.

Late night last night. Sleeping in.


She opened the door. "Honey, are...are you here?"

She looked around to see an empty room. "Jim?"

Jim got up from behind his bed. "Oh, hey!" he said. "Sorry, mom. Putting these socks on is so easy today."

"You scared me. I was worried you'd run off or—"

"Run off? Where would I go? Some scary underground world? No, I've been here the whole time. Oh, your breakfast! Almost forgot."

He quickly ran down the stairs and threw an entire egg, milk carton, and apple into a bowl.

Barbara walked over to him. He was trying to make something in a pan, but the whole pan was on fire. "Looks like you've been taking cooking lessons from me," she said.

"Doctor said, after that concussion and loss of memory, you need all the nourishment you can get." He managed to get a burnt omelet onto a pan. "And voila! Omelette a la Jimbo."

She took a bite and gagged. "Thank you, Jim. Must've been some concussion. I still can't remember when we redecorated the house."

She looked around at a few of the changes that were made to the house after the incident with Angor Rot inside the house. "It's a shame," Jim said. "I-I really love the wallpaper you picked. Mrs—mom. Gotta go, but I'll be back for dinner." He ran into the garage. "See you later, Dr. L!"

"Dr. L?"


Jim opened the garage and saw Claire with her bike and helmet. "We are late, Jimbo," she said.

He sighed and climbed onto his bike. "Keeping up appearances is hard."

They rode down the street. down the street. "She was so close to finding out today," Jim said. "I don't know how long I can keep this up." He ripped his face off and turned into Toby. "You wear the glamour mask and play Jim," he said. "It's got this sweaty troll stank to it."

"No way. We made a deal. You cover for him in Arcadia, I handle all his duties in Trollmarket."

"Fine. Speaking of which, any word?"

"Come on, Tobes. It's only been two weeks, and the amulet hasn't called for anyone else. We know he's okay in the Darklands. He'll be back, and with my baby brother."

They rode down below the bridge. "I hope so," Toby said, "I don't know how much longer I can deal with this stank. Where are you, Jim?"


Jim sat in a cave in the Darklands, trying to light a fire. "Come on, come on!"

The piece of stones started catching on fire. "Yes!"

He heard the sound of a creature and hid behind a wall as a giant creature with giant teeth poked its head out. It slithered out of the cave, carrying a long tail with it. Jim ran into the cave and uncovered a pile of eggs. "Yes!" he said. "Dinner!"

He put the eggs in his sack and looked up to see the giant creature looking at him. "I don't suppose you want to talk about this?" Jim said.

The creature was a huge, black, snake-like creature with a pair of large horns on each side of its head, a series of thick, scales covering its back and a large mouth covered with crooked teeth. It doesn't have eyes, so it was blind and depended on its tongue to perceive its surroundings, similar to a snake and lizard

He ran away with the creature chasing him. His sword appeared in his hand and he ran as fast as he could out of the cave. The snake-like creature chased after him. The eggs fell out of his sack and the creature caught them. It slithered away from him and he walked into a smaller cave away from the creature. "Alright," he said, taking one last egg out of his sack. "Papa's bringing home the bacon."

He cooked the egg above a fire and blew on it. He opened it up and drank the green liquid from it. He gagged. "Still beats chicken surprise."

He looked up at a drawing of Toby, Claire, Blinky, and Aaarrrgghh. "Hey, Tobes," he said. "You want a bite, Claire? No? How about you, Blink? Gotta get in here while it lasts. Says the guy who's getting far too comfortable talking to himself. Man, I miss you guys. Anyway, your loss. More for me." He drank more of the green liquid and picked up a piece of chalk. He made a marking on a drawing of a map on the wall. "Where are you, Enrique? There's no end to this place."


"Then, Tobias and I ride in on the Vespa, in a blazing fury," Blinky said. "Obviously utilizing Claire's shadow staff's temporal portal ability. Yes! I believe this could work. What do you think, old friend?"

He looked at the stone statue of Aaarrrgghh, who stood there, motionless. "No, you're right," Blinky said. "That can't work. A shadow staff cannot cross into the Darklands. So, the question remains. How does one open a bridge to save the Trollhunter when one needs a Trollhunter to open said bridge? The quandary is confounding. Think, Blinkous, think!"

Toby and Claire walked into the room. "Any luck, Blink?" Claire asked.

"Per usual," Blinky said. "I'm never short on plans, but a working one? No. I must say, it is most frustrating to find oneself without any options. What about you, Tobias? Any fortune with the fetch?"

Toby poked his head inside the fetch. "I've been sticking my head through this thing everywhere in Arcadia," he said, taking his head out. "All I see is endless Darklands. No Jim. But I have been leaving Nougat Nummies to let him know we haven't given up. And to provide a boost of nourishment." He sighed. "This is hopeless, isn't it?"

"As my brother, Dictatious, use to say," Blinky said and spoke a sentence in Trollish.

"Even the word hopeless," Claire said.

"Isn't a void of hope," Blinky finished. "Glad to see you still know your Trollish. Which is precisely why we mustn't give up in helping Master Jim. Our adventures have already taken one friend away from us. We must not lose another. The answer to saving Jim is in here somewhere."

Toby looked at his Warhammer, which looked a lot like a backscratcher now. "Hey! Who turned my Warhammer into a backscratcher?"

"After witnessing your troubles handling it," Blinky said. "I sought to stabilize its unpredictability and make it, as you might say," he flicked the air with it, and it turned back into its normal Warhammer shape. "Fun-sized."

"Pocket hammer," Toby said, taking the Warhammer from him. "Fun-sized." He pressed a button and it grew into its normal size. "Awesome-sized." He pressed the button again and it turned small again. "Fun-sized!"

They heard the sound of a horn. "Holy horns," Toby said. "What was that?"

They pushed past a crowd of trolls and saw the Krubera trolls, Quagawumps, and one of Gatto's troll guys walking to the Heartstone. "All the troll heavyweights are here," Toby said. "Hey! Wise Wumpa lady!" he waved. She gave him a sad look and continued walking. Blinky went over to Vendel. "Who summoned the Tribunal, Vendel?"

"The Tribunal summoned themselves," Vendel said. "Word of the Trollhunter's stupidity to enter the Darklands has spread like the plague. And now, they're calling for the destruction of Killahead Bridge."

"But if they destroy the bridge," Claire said. "Jim won't be able to get out."

"I am well aware of that, and I'm trying to prevent it. Let's go, Blinkous."

"There goes out hope," Claire said.

"We must keep searching," Blinky said, following the Tribunal. "Master Jim's time is running out."


A pack of white goblins sniffed around the Darklands, followed by a hooded troll. Jim saw them and quickly erased most of the drawings on the walls. The hooded troll went over to the remains of the drawings as Jim ran out of the cave. "The human Trollhunter is here," The hooded troll said. "The bridge can be opened. Find him."

Jim ran through the Darklands, panting. He tripped over a small stone and landed in a pit. He heard the sound of babies and looked around. "No way."

He looked around at the hundreds of baby cradles. "The nursery. That's a lot of babies."


Toby and Claire walked through the Heartstone and head the trolls talking. "I see no reason for your impatience," Vendel said. "He may still be alive. There's been no other Trollhunter chosen. Why do we have to move now?"

"We cannot allow the child's folly to endanger all of trollkind," Usurna said.

"Foolish he was to go in alone," Wumpa said. "Should not have gone at all."

"If Gunmar finds the boy," Usurna said. "What's stopping him from getting out?"

"Killahead Bridge is locked in the vault," Vendel said.

"Like a vault will stop Gunmar."

Pieces of Gatto's volcano formed into a face. "Tear it down, and let the flesh thing perish in the Darklands," Gatto said. "Your toy amulet will choose another."

"Those ungrateful turds," Toby whispered to Claire as they hid behind a pile of rocks. "We don't have a say about Jim, but volcano guy does?"

"The Trollhunter's fate is not yet sealed," Vendel said. "The amulet has yet to call another. He may return to us."

"Capture already he may be," Wumpa said. "With GumGum horde marching for us!"

"I am astounded at what I'm hearing!" Blinky said. "Master Jim's deeds may be brash, yes, but in his short tenure bearing the sacred mantle, the Trollhunter slayed Bular the Vicious, rallied Trollmarket against Angor Rot, uncovered the changelings in our midst, and captured the very bridge you now wish to make his tomb. So many times, he has granted our kind mercy, saved us from ourselves. I don't merely ask that we keep the bridge standing. I demand we go in after him!"

"Very moving, Blinkous," Gatto said. "But answer me this. Who's to say this human isn't a changeling, who went in to free Gunmar?"

"I am flabbergasted!"

"I see no proof otherwise," Usurna said.

"How dare you!" Claire said as she and Toby came out from behind the rocks. "You were the one who said he has to answer every call!"

"He went in to hunt down Gunmar," Toby said. "The one troll the rest of you are too scared to deal with!"

"Not these two," Gatto said. "They're always a pain in the rear."

"They deserve to be heard!" Blinky said. "If you boot them from these proceedings, you may as well do the same to me!"

They picked them up and they got thrown out of the Heartstone. "Scum of the Earth!" Blinky said.


The hooded troll walked through the Darklands. "Dark Underlord," he said. "The Trollhunter is here."

"The bridge..." Gunmar said. "It can be opened! Find him! After centuries, we will be free.


A goblin hopped over to a baby cradle and handed a baby a bottle. The baby started drinking it and another goblin went over to accompany it. Jim was hanging from a different cradle a few yards away. The red-headed baby looked at him and giggled. Jim tried to shush her. He swung from the cradle and landed on a different one. He read the nametag that was on the cradle.

Eloise Stemhower: Born 1894

He looked at the baby in the cradle. "What are they feeding you guys?"

He hopped over to a different cradle and the baby that laid there started crying. Jim tried getting him to be quiet. He handed the baby the bottle and he stopped crying. He looked at the nametag on the cradle.

Waltolomew Strickler

"Strickler?" he looked at the baby and he started giggling. "You're the real Walter Strickler?" Jim asked. "You're so...small."

He swung to another cradle and saw a blonde-haired baby drinking from a bottle. He looked at the nametag on the cradle.

Enrique Nunez

"Enrique!" he picked him up. "I know a girl who has been dying to see you."

He looked at all the cradles. "I'll come back, I promise," he said. "I'll come back for all of you."

He swung to a different cradle with Enrique in his arms.

The goblin landed in Enrique's cradle and saw that he wasn't there. He hopped away to alert the other goblins he was missing, and Jim let out a sigh of relief. The bottle slipped out of his hand and fell onto the ground, creating a loud clank. He quickly swung from cradle to cradle with the goblins chasing after him. He hung from one and a goblin hung from his arm, trying to pull baby Enrique out of Jim's grasp. Jim managed to push the goblin away and saw four of them on one cradle. Jim set Enrique down on the cradle he was on and one of his blades appeared in his hand. He threw it at the cradle the goblins were on and it fell to the ground, taking the goblins with it. He looked around, only to see even more goblins getting closer to him. "Hang tight, little guy," Jim told Enrique. "The bough is about to break."

He picked him up and swung down to the ground. He landed behind a big rock. Enrique was looking at him and giggling. Jim heard the goblins howling and ran through the Darklands with baby Enrique in his hands.


A hoard of GumGums grabbed their spears. "The Trollhunter must not escape," The hooded troll said. "We need him alive!"


Jim ran through the Darklands. "Let, then right," he said, trying to remember his way around. "" he stopped. "Jim, you were never good at remembering things."

He continued running through the Darklands and Enrique started crying. "Come on, Enrique," Jim said. "Don't cry. Come on, you want everyone to know we're here?"

Jim started humming and he stopped crying. "Thank you."

Enrique looked at him and started crying again. Jim started running again, only to be stopped by a few goblins. They started crawling toward him and Jim ran the other direction, with Enrique crying even louder. Jim saw more goblins in front of him and turned around to see the other goblins chasing him. He was surrounded by goblins on a bridge in the Darklands. He jumped off the bridge and landed on the ground, using his shield as a cover for him and Enrique. He started running again as GumGums started chasing him. He threw his sword in one direction and ran in the other direction. The GumGums ran toward his sword and it disappeared. They turned around to see the snake-like creature behind them.

Jim's sword appeared in his hand and he continued running.


Toby, Claire, and Blinky ran up the steps to the vault that held Killahead Bridge, where Draal was guarding the entrance. "Woah, there, younglings," he said. "I'm afraid the vault is off-limits until the Tribunal ends."

"Draal," Toby said. "The Tribunal's going to tear down the bridge with Jim in it!"

"Bushigal!" Draal said. "They can't do that!"

He opened the vault. "They're not going to get through us."


Vendel, Usurna, and a few other trolls marched toward the vault. "I'm sorry," Vendel said. "I've forgotten my eyeglasses."

"Trolls don't wear eyeglasses," Usurna said. She looked up and Blinky helping Toby up the stairs to the Vault. "What are they doing in there?"

"Please, stop them!" Vendel said. One of the Krubera trolls ran toward them, but Vendel tripped him with his staff. "Oops."

The Krubera continued running toward the vault. "Break the controls!" Blinky said.

"You know," Toby said. "If only I had a portable Warhammer. Oh, wait!" He took out his pocket-sized Warhammer. "I do!"

He turned it into its full size. "Let's rock this joint!"

He smashed the button to the vault with his Warhammer and the door closed. He and Draal fist-bumped. "So, now what?" Toby asked. Claire took out her Shadow Staff. "We hold them back as long as we can."

Toby took out his Warhammer again. "For Jimbo."

Draal cracked his neck. "Always had a thing against authority."

"I just hope Master Jim is near," Blinky said.

Jim continued running through the Darklands and saw a small bridge with a glowing, red light on it. "Yes!"

He saw more GumGums running toward him and continued running to the bridge.

The Krubera managed to open the vault doors and Usurna walked through. "The Tribunal shall discuss matters of your ousting after this, Vendel," she said.

"Kiss my mossy bottom, Usurna."

Jim continued running with the GumGums chasing him. He ran as fast as he could and the light on the bridge started glowing on both sides.

The Krubera raised their weapons and Draal rolled toward them. One Krubera troll knocked him back. Claire ran toward him and picked her up. Toby charged at him with his Warhammer in his hands. The Krubera troll knocked them both back. Blinky started punching him with all four of his fists. The Krubera troll picked him up and threw him toward the bridge. "Good gracious!" Blinky said. "You're condemning the boy!"

"A fight against the Tribunal is an affront against Trollkind," Usurna said.

She snapped her fingers and one of the Krubera trolls walked over to them. The bridge started glowing. "Wait!" Toby said. "The amulet! He's coming through! He's coming through!"

The portal started opening. "It's Gunmar," Usurna said. "Tear it down, now!"

One of the Krubera trolls raised his hammer that was similar to Toby's Warhammer.

Jim was so close to the bridge. He saw the bridge getting destroyed and tried calling to them. "We're here!" He said. "We're right here!"

Claire could hear Enrique crying. "Enrique!" she said. "Stop! That's my brother! Let him through!"

She ran toward the bridge and the Krubera troll was about to stop her when Draal pushed him back.

Jim got knocked to the ground by a GumGum. He managed to get up and ran as fast as he could toward the portal. "We're here! We're right here!"

"Stop!" Claire said. "Please!" She stuck her head through the portal and saw Jim running toward her with Enrique in his hands. "He's coming through!" Claire said. "You'll hurt him! Jim!" she held out her hand and he reached for it.


He managed to grab her hand but got pulled the other direction by a GumGum. His hand slipped out of Claire's. The Krubera troll continued hitting the bridge. The amulet started moving out of its place. Jim managed to get out of the GumGum's grip. He threw Enrique through the portal and the bridge collapsed right before Jim managed to get through.

Jim saw the destroyed bridge in front of him. "I was right there."

A GumGum pinned him to the ground.

Claire looked at the baby Enrique in her arms. He giggled as tears started falling down her face. "Enrique," she hugged him. "Mi hermanito."

"You've killed him!" Toby yelled. "You've killed him!" He picked up his Warhammer but a Krubera troll picked him up before he could do anything. "You killed him," Toby whispered.


Claire, Toby, and Blinky sat in the library, with Claire holding Enrique. "He was right there," Toby said.

"Jim..." Claire said to Enrique. "He got you back. He kept his promise."

Blinky looked at the stone Aaarrrgghh standing near them. "This is my fault," he said. "I could've done more."

Toby set Jim's amulet down on the table. "We can do more! There has to be a way. There has to be something we haven't thought of. You said it yourself. As long as the amulet doesn't call to anybody else, we know he's okay."

The amulet on the table started glowing and it floated in the air.


"It's calling," Claire said. The amulet flew to Aaarrrgghh's statue and landed on his chest. The amulet started speaking in Trollish. "I don't understand," Blinky said. "It's not making any sense."

The amulet continued speaking the same thing in Trollish repeatedly. "What's it saying?" Claire asked.

"The troll is the key, the key to the hunter. The troll is the key, the key to the hunter. Over and over. It must be a glitch."

"Is it broken?"

Toby looked at the amulet. "No," he said. "They're helping us!"

"Who?" Claire asked.

"The voices in the amulet. The ghost council."

"Well, what are they trying to say?"

"The troll is the key," Blinky said. "Aaarrrgghh is the key! But that's impossible. He's--"

"Gonna get us Jim back!" Toby said. "Did you hear that, Claire? If we save Aaarrrgghh, we save Jim!"

"I don't believe it," Claire said.

"Now that is some glitch!" Blinky smiled.


The GumGums sat Jim down and the hooded troll walked over to him. "At long last," he said. "Here you are."

Jim looked up at him and could see six eyes blinking at him through the hood. "You look just like Blinky," Jim said. The troll removed his hood to reveal a troll that looked almost exactly like Blinky.

Dictations had dark green and frizzy hair that stuck up, sea foam green skin, and a dark nose. He has brown eyes and wore brown pants with a strap across his chest.

"You're..." Jim said. "You're Blinky's..."

"My brother has taught you well," Dictatious said. "But not well enough." He hit him in the head with a stick and knocked him out.

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