Mr. Player is my mate, but I'...

By Chemara_1

3.1M 63.5K 8.6K

17 Year old Katherine Evans, finds out that she's mates with the most popular player in school. She's doesn't... More

Mr. Player is my mate, but I'm a nerd
Heart Broken
A new start
Chap. 4
Blakes POV
Your rejecting me?
Chap. 7
The party
A new friendship
Unexpected Feelings
Trouble on the mountain
Chap 12
You Marked Me?
Chap. 14
Date Night
Chap. 16
chap. 17
Chap. 18
Chap 19
Chap 20
Chap 21
Chap 23
Chap 23 Pt 2
Chap. 24
Chap 25
Chap 26
Chap 26 Pt 2
Chap 27
Chap 28
Chap 29
Not a chapter.
Chap 30
chap 31
Sequal info

Chap 22

60K 1.2K 189
By Chemara_1

Camille POV

How dare he kick me out of the pack for that slut. I cant believe that he really chose her over me. I picked up my suitcase and threw it to the wall, making everything inside fall out. I walked out the room to the bathroom with my fist clenched and looked in the mirror.

The place cuts from where that b*tch scratched me were starting to heal. I was trying to figure out my next move when i heard knocking on my door.

"Camille is everything alright in here" I looked at my dad as i walked out the bathroom. His eyes were fixed on the suitcase before they looked at me.

"No. Did you know Blake kicked me out of the pack" I started. My dad's eyes widen and his fist tightened. I knew my dad would do anything for me so now was my chance to make a move.

"HE WHAT" He yelled. I heard his fist connect to the side of the wall before he turned back to look at me.

"Yes, he told me he loved me but kicked me out. Why would he do that to me? We were having so much fun together" I lowered my head and pretended to cry but i was really smiling on the inside when i peeped through my eyelashes and saw just how mad my dad really was.

"He said he loved and would do anything for me, but then he found her and she ruined everything for us. He kicked me out because of her. She was jealous of me and she hated me so she ran back Blake the opposit of that. I love him so much, i can't let him go." I continued pretending to sob while dad was comforting me.

"Shh, it's okay baby. I will fix this as soon as i leave here. I need to know, did he say anything else as far as you being out of the pack. How much did he give you?"

"All he gave me was three hours" I walked over to my suitcase and picked it up and put everything back in it slowly.

"Look, here's what i want you to do. I'm going to go and talk to Blake and see what happened.If i'm not back before your 3 hours are up, i want you to get out of this land as quick as possible and go to the nearest hotel. In the morning, i want you to call me and i'll tell you if he changed his mind." He reached in his wallet and pulled out one hundred dollars and handed it to me. "Take this money and go to the hotel. Dont talk to anyone from the pack, just go." He gave me quick hug before he walked out the door.

I packed everything again and stuffed the suitcases in my car. I looked back at my house before i hopped in the driver seat and sped away. Now all i have to do is create a genius plan to get rid of the sl*t.


It took me two hours to get out of there territory. Right now i was on edge because i didnt know what news my dad had to tell or if he had any. I have no clue what Blake told him. I couldnt tune into there conversation because the mindlink doesn't work, at least not for me since he kicked me out of the damn pack.

I pulled over when i saw a motel. It wasn't the nicest thing in the world but it will have to do for now, At least until my dad fix this. As soon as i opened the car door, it started to pour down raining. This was just my goddamn luck. I got my hair done yesterday and now its all ruined. I slammed the door and grabbed my bag from the back before heading to the hotel entrance.

I stalked over to the reception desk to see a hot guy watching me.

"Hi, what can i get for you" He said smiling at me.

"Hi. A room" I replied with an attitude. I didnt even bother returning a smile. I saw his smile slowly disappear before he turned his attention to the computer in front of him. So i took this as my chance to check him out.

He had blond hair with green eyes. A really nice face with perfect lips that looked so soft. His body was perfect. His muscles bulged in his tight black shirt everytime he moved his arm. He was really muscular, i can tell you that. He was definetly my type of guy.

"Your in room 10b" He handed me the key.

I took the key and gave him a smile. "Look, i'm really sorry about before. I didnt mean to sound like a b*tch. Do you think we can start over."

I leaned on the counter a little to grab his hand and play with it while i batted my eyelashes.

"Yeah, that'd me nice" He looked up at him to see him looking at my cleavage.

"Well why dont you show me to my room to see so you can see how nice it'll me."


I woke up to the sound of rain. Oh god it was still raining outside. I stretched while looking around the room for what's his face. Scott i think. I definetly had a nice time last night. He knew all the right places to touch. I looked over at the clock to see it was 8AM.

"Sh*t i was suppose to call my dad" I mumbled to myself while reaching for the phone.

'You know you shouldn't be sleeping around like this. Especially when our mate can be anywhere.' My wolf exclaimed. She was beginning to annoy the h*ll out of me. She was always telling me what was right and wrong. Like i need to find my mate before somebody else claims him and that i need to stop wasting my time trying to get Blake back. If our mate really wanted us, dont you think he would have found us by now. And if he doesnt want us, he can scr*w himself.

'As far as i'm concerned, we dont have a mate at moment so stop bothering me about it.' I said while still listening to the ringing of the phone.

'We have a mate. I'm pretty sure he's around somewhere.' She tried reasoning with me.

'Do you know something that i dont know'

'No' She mumbled.

'Then keep it shut. I'm free to do whatever the hell i want. If i want to hookup with guys then that's my choice.  Just leave me the h*ll alone" I said right before i heard his voice.


"Hi dad. So what did they say, am i back in the pack." It all came out in a rush but i'm pretty sure he heard everything i said.

"WHY THE H*LL WOULD YOU ASK A STUPID QUESTION LIKE THAT CAMILLE. YOU WANTED TO RUIN THERE LIFE. I'M GLAD YOU GOT KICKED OUT OF THE PACK BECAUSE YOUR SELFISH AND STUBBURN. I CANT BELIEVE I RAISED SOMEONE AS HORRIBLE AS YOU. AFTER EVERYTHING ME AND YOU MOTHER DID FOR YOUR ASS, YOU LIE TO ME." He was completely and utterly astounded with my dad. I've never heard him yell like that, especially at me. He just went from calm to screaming in a matter of seconds.

"Dad its not what you think" I said calmy.

"NOT WHAT I THINK, I DID EVERYTHING FOR YOU CAMILLE. YOU LIED TO ME. YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE LIARS. You know what, i'm done with your bullsh*t. Completely done. Dont you ever ask me for anything ever again. Better yet, dont even bother to call." Those were his lasts words before he hung up the phone. I let the phone drop from my hand as hot tears slid down my cheek. I've never been treated that way before and i can honestly say that it hurt.

I quickly wiped my eyes with the back of hand before i got up and walked to the bathroom.

***After Shower****

I removed the towel from around my head as i walked out the bathroom. I let the tower slide down before i quickly got dressed. I was walking over to the door with  my suitcase in tow when i heard knocking. I opened the door to see scott.


"Hey, you going somewhere" He looked at my suitcase then back up at me.

"Yeah, i was just leaving."

"Well can i have a goodbye hug" He smiled a really cute smile. I just couldnt help but smile back.

"I let the handle of my suitcase go as i stepped into his arms. His cologne filled my nostrils. I felt a little prick on the side of my neck but i didnt think anything of it.

I pulled away and grabbed my suitcase while walking by him. I started stumbling a little and had to use the walls for support. I didnt know what was going on but i wanted it to stop, and fast. The stumbling only got worst until i found myself falling to the floor.

I couldnt move, i couldnt do anything.

I felt footsteps walking and then stopping right beside me.

"Well Camille, it looks like you will be staying for a while."


There's another Chapter.

I wanted to do this chapter in Camille's POV because she has a lot to do with the rest of the story. I just wanted you guys to know how she takes being kicked out of the pack.

Just wanted to say sorry for the late upload. I will trying to upload again either saturday or sunday.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.



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