Maybe // M.C.

By xxLostStoriesxx

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Chapter 2

Chapter 1

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By xxLostStoriesxx

"Maybe this life isn't too bad." And that's what everybody says, before the hurt and sorrow kicks in. I, like many other people, have had to deal with this. "A ship can float if you don't let the water in." I'm not sure who said that but it sure is bullshit. Not one person on this Earth can keep the water out. Pain is like a disease, people who feel it share it, and then other people realize it, and then they share it. It just keeps going on and on until somebody snaps the chain. Sometimes by snapping their neck. Nobody ever said it was right, but nobody could tell you its wrong. Let me tell you, even people who live the most perfect lives have the worst pain. And I know this because my name is Skyler and I would normally live your typical rich bitch life, but unfortunately life doesn't work like that.

My parents are rich lawyers and they set me up with a typical rich bitch boyfriend. I don't even like him or even talk to him at all he just kind of never has time for anyone but himself. His name is Stephan not Stephan as in STEEVEN Stephan as in STEFAN. Like he's supposed to be lost in some royal blood line. He's always complaining about how I can't get over myself. This is all because once I tried to give him a chance and see if he would comfort me if we talked about our problems. It sounds girly and all but I am a girl so what else would you expect. Let's just say he didn't even have the time to listen.

So I was on my way to school walking with the wind blowing my hair into my face. I got into school just in time for chemistry there was this incredibly beautiful new guy who came in late. He was the ultimate definition of gorgeous, his dyed black and purple hair and striking green eyes on his pale skin was truly amazing. "This is our new student from Australia," Mrs.Miller said. Only then did I realize I was staring and I turned away hoping nobody else saw. "His name is Michael Clifford. Ms.Wright I assume you will not mind Michael taking the empty seat next to you?" "Sure." I said removing my feet from the desk next to me. Michael sat down next to me and I could feel the burning sensation of his green eyes watching me as I listened to Mrs.Miller talk about chemistry stuff. I wasn't even listening really I just wanted to avoid awkward eye contact. The bell rang and because I was kind of avoiding him I rushed to leave the room.

'"What's your name?" I heard a deep voice behind me.

"Skyler." I said turning around. It was him again, gorgeous Michael Clifford.

"Can you show me to Algebra?" He said.

"Sure I have to go there anyway." I said.

The walk was silent and it was a long walk to the other side of the building, but I didn't mind. The whole walk was just basically me catching him staring at me. It was flattering and all but I just kept thinking about Stephan. We finally got to the algebra classroom when I told him I was going to the biology lab next door. I don't know why I did this but it was definitely good that I did. I felt Stephan's hand on my arm and I turned around to see his flustered face, and I was terrified. I didn't like him at all but it never occured to me that he was this protective. He pulled me into the janitor's closet. I was too scared to scream when he punched me hard in my face.

"If I ever catch you walking around with somebody else I will hurt you a lot more than this." He said sternly.

"I wasn't doing anything!" I yelled back to him. He slapped me.

"You know what I'm breaking up with you! I never even loved you!" and by that I made a huge mistake. He punched me again and this time I was out cold. Left in the janitor's closet. And left for somebody to find me.

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