No Strings

By kpopfanfictrash

118K 4.8K 1.9K

Author: kpopfanfictrash Pairing: Jimin / Reader (female) Rating: 18+ Status: Complete Summary: It started of... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
(EXTRA) Part 11
(EXTRA) Part 12
(EXTRA) Part 5 - Jimin's POV

Part 3

9.3K 404 197
By kpopfanfictrash

Skype for Business, Gillian Corporation

From: Minsun

Sent: 13:14, Feb 28

So. People are getting drinks after work

From: You

Sent: 13:16, Feb 28

Really? Where?

From: Minsun

Sent: 13:16, Feb 28

Does it matter? Let's get druuuuunk

From: You

Sent: 13:17, Feb 28

Lololol fine I'm in

From: Minsun

Sent: 13:19, Feb 28

Cool, I just texted Jin

He's bringing Jimin

From: You

Sent: 13:25, Feb 28

Sounds good

From: Minsun

Sent: 13:26, Feb 28

Annnd Jin's cousin ;)

Sinking low in your chair, you stare at the screen of your blinking monitor. All around you people are working, chattering to one another while the work week draws to a close. Minsun has been teasing you for awhile about introducing you to Seokjin's cousin. It has always been a hypothetical thing because Seokjin's cousin used to live in New York, making any kind of relationship impossible. Now though, he has moved to your city.

Sungmin – the cousin – lives about two blocks away and Minsun is all about the match. She keeps going on and on about how well the two of you would get along; he is smart, she tells you. Funny, interesting and absolutely perfect for you.

For all the same reasons, you find yourself hesitant. The answer you usually give to blind dates is a no. No, you are not looking for more; no, you are happy being single and no, you do not want to face the possibility of rejection. You have had enough rejection in the past year of single dating.

Besides – blind dates are always awkward. They are full of awkward first kisses, awkward first times and awkward goodbyes.

It is definitely not at the top of your list to meet Sungmin – but you have already agreed to go to the bar tonight and, gritting your teeth, you type back.

From: You

Sent: 13:31, Feb 28

Fine. I'll go – but you owe me

From: Minsun

Sent: 13:32, Feb 28

Please. You'll thank me when we throw our double wedding

You snort, glancing up from your monitor. In the next cubicle, George gives you a pointed look at the disruption. Wincing, you mouth a silent apology and turn away. When George returns to his screens, you sigh and slump even lower into your chair. George is the office kiss-ass, willing to do anything and everything in order to get ahead.

Peering over the top of your monitor, you notice a new message blinking in the corner of your screen.

From: Namjoon

Sent: 13:43, Feb 28

When are we getting out of here?

Grinning, you lower your fingers to type. Namjoon is one of your oldest friends, besides Minsun. He actually was the one who introduced you to Jimin and Seokjin in the first place.

From: You

Sent: 13:45, Feb 28

Namjoon, please. I'm trying to work.

Namjoon stands up and looks into your cubicle. "No you're not," he announces.

Eyes widening, you jerk your head at George.

Namjoon's eyes slide to your right. "No," he amends, overly loud. "You're not the one working on the Jargon account, Y/N." Namjoon's voice is robotic and high-pitched while you fight back your laughter. "I am."

Slowly, still staring at George, he sits back down.

From: Namjoon

Sent: 13:47, Feb 28

No, but really. I have on good authority the boss is leaving at 4:00 for his kid's soccer game. Happy hour?

From: You

Sent: 13:49, Feb 28

Oooo. This is awkward. Minsun already invited me to one... are you sure you're allowed to come?

*Namjoon has created a chat with You and Minsun*

From: Namjoon

Sent: 13:50, Feb 28

Yo, Minsun – what is this?? I'm not invited to happy hour?

From: Minsun

Sent: 13:52, Feb 28

We're fighting. Did Y/N not tell you? You called Jin ugly and he's mad, ergo so am I

From: Namjoon

Sent: 13:53, Feb 28

Tell Jin he's pretty and I'm coming to happy hour, his salty ass be damned

From: Minsun

Sent: 13:55, Feb 28

Jin will accept your apology on the condition you buy him a beer

From: Namjoon

Sent: 13:57, Feb 28

Fine. Your boyfriend is so needy

From: You

Sent: 13:59, Feb 28

... Why am I in this chat?

Form over your cubicle, Namjoon laughs and leans sideways to look at you. "So... 4:00?"

You glance at your boss' office. "4:15," you hiss. "At least give the appearance of trying to work."

Namjoon nods, sliding back into his workspace while you reluctantly return to yours. The rest of the day is spent populating PowerPoints and summarizing Excel, waiting patiently until the clock chimes 4:00. That is when your boss's door opens and he leaves, turning off lights and striding out on the floor.

"How's the workforce?" he asks, clapping Namjoon on the shoulder.

It is a struggle not to laugh, biting down on your lip while you glance at your screen. Lars absolutely loves Namjoon, to George's eternal chagrin.

"Good, Lars." Namjoon responds on auto-pilot, wincing when your boss claps him again on the shoulder.

"Excellent, excellent." Lars hitches his laptop case higher and surveys the office. "Have a good weekend!" he says, walking towards the door. "Don't stay for too much longer."

There is an answering chorus of dutiful yeses, the practiced sound of analysts who intend on leaving exactly fifteen minutes after he exits. Lars must know this – has to – but he nods anyways, disappearing with another wave of his arm.

Once gone, you hear Namjoon's chair squeak. "Annnnd, save."

From his desk, George scoffs. "Come on, guys! We should stay and make sure all this work gets done."

"What work?" Katie – another analyst – pops up beside Namjoon's cucicle. "Maybe you work too slow, George because I finished mine an hour ago."

Someone behind you chuckles, while another goes, "Oooooo."

George scowls. "Fine, whatever. If everyone here wants to be degenerates, fine."

"At last," you say, closing windows on your desktop. "He gave us the option – I choose to be a degenerate." Standing, you stretch both arms overhead and wind a scarf around your neck.

Namjoon powers down as well, carefully placing his laptop in his bag. "You ready?" he asks, entering your cube.

"Yep." Grabbing your jacket, you push both arms into the sleeves. "Let's go. Bye, George!" you say, amidst other analysts leaving. "We're going to Rodger's, if you decide to come."

George looks up from his monitors in surprise. "I – uh, well. Maybe. Yeah."

Nodding, you smile and walk off down the hall. Namjoon groans as you leave, stepping into the elevator. "You just had to invite Schmorge," he complains. "I hate how nice you are."

"Hey, now." Frowning, you loop your purse over your torso. "George just wants to be included. Maybe if you were nicer to him, he wouldn't have ratted you out about eating Lars' pineapple cake last week."

Namjoon sputters. "What? I only did that once!"

"And maybe if you'd been nicer to George, he would've let it go."

The elevator dings on the tenth floor, sliding opening to reveal Minsun. "Hey, Y/N," she says, stepping inside. Her eyes glaze over, seeing Namjoon. "Hello, man in denial of all that is good and pure."

Namjoon stares at her, incredulous. "Are you referring to Jin?"

"I'm not not referring to Jin."

"Good and pure."


"Good and pure?" Namjoon snorts. "I'm sorry, I thought you said Jin – not Jimin."

Both you and Minsun laugh. "Jimin isn't pure," you say, shaking out your hair. "Maybe purely sinful."

The elevator dings and the three of you exit into the lobby, Namjoon pushes open the doors to the bitter cold. "Maybe not biblically pure," he admits with a laugh. "But underneath all that lies a soul of gold."

You refuse to answer this, allowing Minsun the rebuttal because recently, Jimin has conjured the exact opposite feelings. Thinking about him in any capacity is dangerous. It has crossed your mind once or twice that Jimin will also be in attendance tonight. It has also crossed your mind that your friends with benefits agreement is now firmly in place.

As you walk down the sidewalk, you wonder if Jimin has ever done it in a public place before. Heart pounding, you struggle to refocus on the conversation at hand.

You emerge just in time to hear Namjoon say, "I won't deign to respond to that."

"Why not?" Minsun grins. "Just say it. Who do you think would win in a fight, you or Seokjin?"

You laugh, chiming in. "Isn't it obvious?" you say, shaking your head sadly. "Look at his face – even Joonie thinks Jin would win. A pity."

Namjoon's eyes bug and he exhales, breath creating a frosty cloud before him. "Why do I even bother?" he complains as you enter the bar.

The place is already crowded with employees for happy hour. All of the seats by the bar are taken, so the three of you scan the booths at the outside.

"Over there!" Minsun says, waving her hand far away.

Your group heads in the indicated direction and you start to unwind your scarf from your neck. The straps of your bag tangle in your hair as you yelp, struggling to pull yourself free. Namjoon laughs from behind and you are about to yell at him for a assistance when sudden, firm hands find yours. They gently guide your motions, leading the material over and under until you are released.

"Thanks," you exhale, glancing up.

You expect to see Namjoon – or, at least someone familiar. When you do not, you pull up short in response. The guy staring back is a stranger; one with a killer jawline, midnight colored eyes and the kind of hair which falls across his forehead with no apparent effort at all.

"Oh," you say.

The guy smiles at you, handing over your purse. "I believe this is yours."

Minsun squeals at your side. "Sungmin!" she yells, darting forward and wrapping both arms around him. "It's so good to see you. When did you get in from the airport?"

That is when it clicks. Your eyes widen because Sungmin – this is Seokjin's cousin. Funny, Minsun did not mention the fact that he is so...

"Hot, huh?" Minsun whispers, grabbing your elbow. "C'mon Y/N!" she winks, pulling you aside. "Let's go get drinks."

You follow her mutely to the bar, blinking at the back of her head the entire way. "What the fuck?" you hiss, collapsing onto the stool alongside her. Minsun erupts into giggles. "Why didn't you tell me he looked like that?"

"I wanted to see your face." Minsun chuckles, signaling the bartender. "I was right, it was worth it."

"Not funny," you say, glancing over your shoulder to where the boys are currently sitting. "Honestly. That guy is single?"

Sungmin is seated beside Namjoon, across from Seokjin. You watch him laugh, head tipped back to display the full column of his throat. Sungmin slides a bit lower in his seat, looking so attractive it hurts.

"Mhmm." Minsun nods and when you turn around, she is holding two Moscow mules. "He's single," she says, handing one of said drinks to you. "Jin says he's normal. Nothing weird, all-around good guy. We want the two of you to get married," she announces.

She says this just as you take your first sip; a sip almost spat back out on the table. "What?" you cough, wiping the back of your mouth. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Minsun grins. "I was only saying –"

"Hey, Y/N. Hey, Minsun."

Stiffening at the sound, you glance sideways to see a familiar profile. Jimin does not look back, leaning over the counter to smile at the bartender. She immediately looks up, dropping the order she had to take his.

Passing all this by with barely a glance, your eyes widen at his head. "Holy fuck," you breathe. "Your hair is pink."

Wincing, Jimin turns. "Yeah. I lost a bet."

"Hm," you say, gaze wandering to the fringe of pink falling into his eyes. "I like it," you declare because it is true – you do. Whomever thought Jimin was losing a bet in doing this was sadly wrong; the pink highlights his cheekbones, making him seem like a slightly over-it rock star.

He seems surprised by your reaction. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." You suppress the sudden urge to touch it. Keeping both hands firmly around your cup, you discourage yourself from reaching out. You and Jimin are in public and one of the rules of your agreement is that no one can know. Which means you cannot run your fingers through the base of Jimin's hair, push it back and pull him close. The desire surprises you, so you quickly turn yourself away.

"It looks good," you tell him.

Jimin continues looking at you; you can see this from the corner of your eye but ignore it, downing your drink instead to face Minsun.

"Careful Y/N," she laughs. "Are you trying to get Sungmin to carry you home? Hm, actually that's not such a bad idea. Drink up."

When you punch her arm, Jimin frowns at you both. "Sungmin?" he queries, prompting Minsun's attention. "Is that the guy sitting next to Namjoon?"

"Your hair!" Minsun gasps, blinking in shock. "Sexy. Yeah, Sungmin is Jin's cousin. He just moved here and is about to fall in love with Y/N."

Jimin freezes, glance darting to yours. "Is that so?"

You groan, embarrassed by Minsun's words. "She's being ridiculous," you say. "Minsun and Jin want to set me up – that's all."

"That's all," Jimin repeats, expression unreadable. His gaze flicks over your shoulder and he nods, subtle. "Right."

You do not know why, but you have the sudden urge to defend yourself. It is not as though you are doing anything wrong. Besides, Jimin is currently accepting a drink from the very attractive bartender. She smiles flirtatiously at him, giving a giggle and a folded up phone number. Jimin slips this into his pocket, winking at her before turning away.

Catching you staring, the corner of his mouth lifts. "What?"

"Nothing," you glower, looking away. "Minsun, why don't you introduce me to Sungmin?"

More than eager to continue, she hops down from her barstool. "Yes, perfect! Come on."

Making sure to brush Jimin's arm as you pass, you push yourself into the sea of people. All of a sudden, you wonder what you are doing. Sungmin might not like you, might not want to be set up at all – or set up with you, specifically. That whole thing with the scarf and purse could have been a fluke, he might have just been being nice, he –

Sungmin looks up when you appear. His eyes are dark, gentle in a way you cannot help but respond to. Even more startling is the way his eyes seem to follow you across the dance floor. He watches you walk closer, blinking when you come to a stop at the table.

Minsun grins, nudging you forward. "Sungmin, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Sungmin," she says, sliding into the seat beside Seokjin. Happily, she wraps an arm around his waist. "You two have fun."

You are left standing there, both your gazes dancing over the other. "Hi," you say, watching his crescent smile return.

"Hi." Sungmin nods at the drink in your hand. "I was going to ask if you wanted a drink, but it looks like Minsun beat me to it."

"Kind of," you laugh. "Minsun is pretty much in charge of the nonsense around here. At least until midnight, when she asks Seokjin to take her home."

Sungmin's laughter reveals a wide smile. "Midnight? Does she turns into a pumpkin, or something?"

"Something like that," you say, taking another sip.

The music grows louder, making it all the more difficult to hear what Sungmin is saying. He leans in, placing one hand on your elbow to ask, "You work with Minsun?"

You nod in response and as you do, see movement in the corner of your eye. A girl enters the bar, unbuttoning her coat and scanning the room. Almost immediately, Minsun appears to hiss angrily in your ear.

"Who invited Victoria?" she fumes, glancing over at Seokjin.

Seokjin seems taken aback, pointing across the bar to the person Victoria has zeroed in on. Jimin. Spotting him alone, Victoria wanders forward. You watch her approach, sliding both hands around Jimin's neck to turn him around.

An odd emotion squeezes your insides – something akin to jealousy, although that is ridiculous. It is only that this is Victoria, that is all. You know her in passing mostly, from when she stole Minsun's boyfriend a couple years back.

Stealing is the wrong word. After all, it takes two people to cheat and that guy ended up to be a total toolbag. Victoria did not make the situation any better though, flaunting their relationship before Minsun for months and making your best friend feel like crap. Overall, Victoria is not the kind of person you would want any of your friends to date – let alone Jimin.

Jimin does not seem to mind, though. You are not sure if he knows the Minsun story but if he does, he does not seem to care with her arms locked around his neck. His eyebrows rise when she asks him a question, whispering sexily into his eat. When you make eye contact over Victoria's shoulder, you know that you should look away. Quickly, you look down, but not before you see his arm tighten around her waist. His grin at the same time is dangerous, especially when she tilts her head in response.

Returning to Sungmin, your gaze becomes determined. "Do you dance?" you ask.

Sungmin's eyes widen. "With you? Yeah."

Your initial shyness is forgotten when he grabs for your hand, interlocking your fingers to lead you out on the dance floor. The feeling of your hand in his is strange, but there is an undeniable current of excitement beside it. You do not normally dance with guys you just meet, do not normally dance with guys as good-looking as Sungmin. The fact that he seems to want to dance with you gives you more confidence.

Enough that you lean in and remember some of what Jimin taught you. "I think Minsun and Seokjin are hoping we hit it off," you say, raising both hands over your head.

Sungmin laughs and moves closer. "I think so, too."

You let him, swaying your hips and watching his eyes drop. "I can't say I find that a bad thing," you confess, lifting your eyes to his. Sungmin swallows, gaze roaming your face. He opens his mouth to reply but before he can, a hand closes around your arm.

Jimin pulls you to face him, glancing over your shoulder. "Can I steal her for a minute?" he says, not waiting for an answer before pulling you off the dance floor.

"Hey!" you protest, too surprised to react as he leads you away. Jimin's hand drops your wrist when you reach the back door, turning sideways to face you.

When he does not speak first, you frown. "What do you want?"

Jimin glances at the dance floor. "Are you going to go home with him?"

His words prompt you to frown. "Excuse me?" you say, scanning his face for amusement. He must be joking. "Just because I'm dancing with some guy in a bar doesn't mean I'm sleeping with him. Besides, aren't you doing the same thing with Victoria?"

Jimin's face is shadowed, so you cannot see how he reacts. "That's not the same thing," he insists. "And that's not the point."

"Oh really?" you say, tapping your foot. "Then what is the point, Jimin?"

Seeming to remember himself, Jimin exhales, stepping into the light. "Ah, you're right. Sorry," he apologizes, running a hand through his hair. "I'm just a bit tipsy. You should get back to Sungthin."

"Sungmin," you correct, glaring at him.

"Whatever you say." Jimin smiles, back to his usual self. "He's pretty thin for a tall guy, though. He might weigh the same as me."'

You cannot help it – you laugh at this, covering the noise with your palm. "Don't be ridiculous."

"Ridiculous?" Jimin leans closer, eyes dancing. "I'm not ridiculous, what's ridiculous is –"

"Jiminnnnn," a girl drawls, looping her arm through Jimin's.

Victoria gives you a once over before, apparently, deciding you are not worth the time. "I want to leave," she whines, tugging Jimin's arm.

Jimin blinks, glancing from you to her.

Your jaw tightens, although you cannot say why. Jimin has every right to sleep with her within your arrangement, so long as he wraps it up. "Don't worry," you hear yourself saying. "I was just leaving."

Without waiting for Jimin to respond, you turn and walk away. Folding both arms over your chest, you move towards the dance floor before realizing Sungmin is no longer there. Stomach sinking, you consider returning to the front of the bar but abruptly make the decision to leave. Turning on your heel, you text Namjoon to bring your things to the door.

He arrives there moments after you do, said items in hand with a quizzical expression on his face. "What's wrong?" he asks, frowning when you slide your arms into your jacket.

"Not feeling great," you lie, avoiding his gaze. "I'm heading home."

Namjoon frowns, but he nods in acceptance. "Okay," he says. "Feel better, okay? Text me when you're at your place."

Attempting to smile, you nod goodbye and duck into the night. It is freezing outside and you find yourself shivering while hailing a cab. The back seat is warm; you sink into it as you pull out your phone and type Minsun through chattering teeth.

Y/N: I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer! Not feeling great :/ Think there's any salvageable chance with Sungmin? [11:22 PM]

Her response back to you is quick.

Minsun: You're the worst. [11:23 PM]

You laugh, unsurprised when a follow up text message comes through.

Minsun: Nah, jk – feel better! 100% salvageable. Sungmin couldn't stop talking about you when he came back to the table. Wanted to know everything. Also, wtf is up with Jimin? Apparently he ditched Victoria and left right after you did. Serves her right [11:24 PM]

You sit up straighter. It is news to you that Jimin left alone.

Y/N: He did? That's strange... but for the best. She's the worst [11:25 PM]

Minsun sends back an emoji of agreement, along with the information that she is staying at Seokjin's tonight. You text back a smile, sliding your phone into your pocket and watching the streets flick by your taxi. When you arrive at the apartment, you pay the driver and sprint the quick but brutal pavement from the street to your lobby.

It is one of those nights where, as soon as you walk through the door, you realize you are not tired. You end up wandering around the kitchen for a while, pouring yourself a glass of wine before deciding to crawl into bed. Pulling out the book you are reading, you lose yourself in the story, relaxing against your pillows when a knock sounds at your door.

At the sound, you lift your head. It is probably Minsun, having forgotten her keys or her concealer, or both. She is probably grabbing her stuff before heading to Seokjin's. All the same, you tug your camisole higher before leaving the safety of your room. Covering your chest, you open the door to the cold.

It is a good thing you do, since you find Jimin standing on your doorstep. His gaze darkens, scanning your body and then his gaze lifts to yours. "Let me in."  

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