A Rose and That One Guy (Ruby...

By The_Kool_Aid_Guy

19.1K 281 287

Volume 4 is finally here! The journey to Haven begins as you and Ruby walk alongside the three members of tea... More

The Next Step and Moving Forward
Remembrance and forgiveness
Recovery and A Much Needed Talk
No Safe Haven and Safe At Last
Don't look back (Bonus Chapter)

Tipping Point

2.5K 40 80
By The_Kool_Aid_Guy

Here's the new chapter. Hope y'all enjoy and stuff. 

Bryan kneels on the floor and groans in pain. Salem is standing over him with her hand held out.

Salem: Since you are technically a grimm. Unlocking your semblance will be a bit more.... Complicated.

Bryan lets out a scream of pain and Salem focuses her power more.

Salem: You have to find it too. I can't unlock it on my own. Picture yourself, a grimm... or a human. What are you?

Bryan's eyes glow red and he focuses his attention on a nearby beowolf. It begins to tremble and howl his beowolf claws form on his hands, while the beowolf begins screeching. The grimm features extend and begin to cover his entire body. It begins possessing him like a well known alien villain and his eyes turn a glowing red. The beowolf continues its screaming until it fades away into dust. His body has gained a more muscular shape and he lets out a terrifying shriek. Salem looks at him and lowers her hand.

Salem: Well done. It looks like there is hope for you yet. Have any of your memories returned?

Grimm Bryan: No... I can only remember she who was my friend... and he who was my enemy... I need to find him... and kill him... then I can find my friend.

Salem: You'll get your chance. For now... I need you to stay here and train. See what else you can do. When we believe you are ready, you will set out. How does that sound?

Grimm Bryan: (Bows) Excellent, m'lady.

Salem smiles and walks away.

(POV: Y/N)

Ruby: Come on guys! If we pick up the pace, we can hit the next town before sunset!

(Y/N): High noon... where we shall duel...

Jaune: What are you talking about?

(Y/N): Oh, never mind. Lets just find the town thing.

Jaune: Assuming it's still there...

Ruby: Of course it's still there! This ones supposed to be really big! Hi... gan...ba...bana...

(Y/N): I think you mean banana.

Ren: Higanbana. It's a well protected village with a popular inn.

Nora: Which means... no camping in the rain!

Ruby: See? Everything's gonna be fine!

(Y/N): Yeah. Lighten up, Jaune!

Jaune: You know, we've had a lot of ups and downs, but... things could be a lot worse. I'd really thought we'd see more grimm.

Ren: As did I.

Nora: I guess our luck is finally turning around!

I stop and look up at the nearby cliff. Ruby stops as well and faces me.

(Y/N): Yeah... something like that...

Ruby: Come on (Y/N). We gotta get to that village.

(Y/N): Yeah... yeah... lets go.

Nora: To Higanbana!

JNRR: To higanbana!

Ruby: To higanban...ahh...bana!

(Y/N): To.... That place!

Ruby: YEAH!!


After checking in to different rooms, one for JNR and one for Ruby and I, we headed inside. I pulled out a small photocopy of my family's picture and smiled. Ruby walked up behind me.

Ruby: Is that... your family?

(Y/N): Yep. My older brother, Louie. My younger brother and sister, Leo and Jacqueline, and my mom and dad.

Ruby: Hmm... Louie even kind of looks like Qrow. Do you ever miss them?

(Y/N): Occasionally, yeah.

Ruby: Do you ever wish you could go back?

(Y/N): Well, after I was shot, I was given the choice to go back or to stay here. Apparently the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff fixed itself or something. Or maybe even someone. Anyways, point is, if I chose to go home, I would die in this world. The bullet wound would've killed me.

Ruby: But what about you're family? Won't they miss you?

I don't say anything but I wipe a tear that almost slides out of my eye and smile at Ruby.

(Y/N): I have a new family now. As much as I never thought I would be able to say this, I don't want to go home.

Ruby: But... why not? I thought you missed your family?

(Y/N): I do, but I after all we've been through... I can't just leave everyone. Especially not you.

Ruby smiles and wraps me in a hug. I return her embrace and we both smile. As we continue to hug each other, I look out the window and see Qrow in the inn across from us. He points his fingers at his eyes and then at me. I roll my eyes and we let go of each other.

(Y/N): Well, I guess we'd better get something to eat. I could go for a burger or something right now. How bout you?

Ruby: (Giggles) Sure.

She takes my hand and we join team JN*R for dinner and we rest up until the morning. Before heading to bed, I load Fate's Protector with the dust crystals that the huntsman gave to me. I then get into the bed and wrap my arms around her. She does the same and gives me a peck on the cheek. The next morning, I keep a close eye on Ruby to prepare for the incoming attack. I hold her hand as we continue to walk through the forest.

Nora: Another day, another adventure!

Ruby: What's on the agenda today?

Jaune: Walking.

Nora: With a side of...?

Ren: Walking.


Ruby hangs her head and groans in sadness.

Ruby: Haven is a lot farther than I thought.

(Y/N): Well, kinda too late to go back now.

Ren: Ruby? How long did you think this journey was going to take?

Ruby:... I don't know! I grew up in a small area! I've never been this far away from home!

Jaune: Right, but... how long?

Ruby: Maybe like... um... two weeks?

Jaune: What!?

Ruby: Okay! Fine! Three or something!

(Y/N): Don't worry Ruby. We'll make it there. Besides, I'm sure today will be cool.

Nora: Walking?

(Y/N): Uh... sure! Yay! Walking!

Ren: (Sighs) I guess (Y/N) is right. We should keep a positive attitude, no matter what dangers we may face.

Jaune: Yeah... I guess. I just kinda wish that there was a little bit more action around here, you know?

(Y/N): (Mumbling) Careful what you wish for, Jaune.

Jaune: Huh?

(Y/N): Oh, nothing.

Ruby: Hey, whats that?

(POV: 3rd)

Nora jumps on to a nearby fence post and looks ahead.

Jaune: Hmm... that's strange. I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few days.

Nora: Are those buildings... damaged?

Jaune: We should search for survivors!

He drops the map and you all run towards the village. As you all enter the town, you all spread out and look around.

Ruby: Anything?

Nora: Nothing over here!

Jaune: No one over here either!

(Y/N): I've got nothing...

Ren: It's almost like this town was abandoned.

He stands up and walks away. Ruby turns to you.

Ruby: (Y/N)? What happened here?

(Y/N): I don't think I could've stopped this one. This one has a little bit more story to it.

Ruby: Do we ever hear it?

(Y/N): Wait two more sec-

Nora: Hey guys! I think I found something!

(Y/N): Or just walk over to where Nora is.

You regroup with the team and Nora brushes away some leaves hanging down, covering a sign.

Nora: Onyuri? Uh... never heard of it.

Jaune: Me neither.

Ren: I have.

The rest of the team, excluding you, look at Ren in shock.

Ren: You might think of it as Anima's Mountain Glenn... had it never been completed. Years ago, the richest members of Mistral were unhappy with how the kingdom was being run. Frustrated with the counsel, they pooled their resources together to build their own city, with their own laws. They hoped that one day, it could maybe even become it's own kingdom. Many thought it would be the future... I know my parents did...

Ruby: What happened?

He brushes the dust off of a nearby stone fence, revealing scratch marks.

Ren: What always happens...

Jaune: The grimm.

Ren: (Clenches fist) Not just any one.


You all keep silent, hoping for an explanation, unfortunately, Jaune interrupts that train of thought.

Jaune: Come on, let's just get through here. This place gives me the creeps.

The team continues forward. Ruby hesitates for a while but eventually follows the rest. You turn around and look behind you. You pull up your hood and pull out your hand cannons. After catching up to the rest of the team, Ren stops. He puts his hand up.

(Y/N): Here it comes....

Ruby:... what?

(Y/N): Ruby, get in front of me. Now!

Nora: What's going on?

(Y/N): Everyone! Defense positions!

Ren grabs his weapons and the rest of the team does the same. You transform Fate's Protector into katana form and dash behind you. As Tyrian lands, he spreads his arms out and dashes toward Ruby. You run in front of him and block. He kicks and you dodge by ducking. You get up and slash at him twice but he blocks both hits. He tries to punch you but you block. He takes his opportunity to knock you over and he makes his way towards Ruby again. He slashes at her but she uses Crescent Rose to block. He keep trying to slash at her and she continues to block. Jaune steps forward and blocks him with his shield. Tyrian peeks over and laughs. He jumps off, knocking Jaune back as Nora arrives. He jumps off of her hammer and crashes into a nearby building.

Jaune: We're not looking for a fight!

Ren: Who are you?

Tyrian jumps down and lands in front of you and your team.

Tyrian: (Chuckles) Who I am matters not to you (Points to Ren), or you (points at Nora) Or you. Or... well, you do interest me. (points at Jaune). Huh, no. I only matter... to you two.

He points at you and Ruby.

Ruby:... us?

Tyrian chuckles and then laughs maniacally.

Tyrian: (Laughing) You haven't the slightest clue? Do you? Oh, how exciting this must be!

Ruby: What do you want!?

Tyrian: Oh! The rose has thorns! My little flower, I'm here to whisk you away with me!

(Y/N): Yeah... look, joker. She's not going anywhere, cuz... well, you see, I'm not exactly gonna let you take her... so... piss off and stuff.

Tyrian: My dear boy, you must understand that you're coming with me too! Of course... you'll only be the third wheel.

You clench your fist in anger and you step forward. Nora stops you.

Nora: What if they don't want to go with you?

Tyrian: Hmm.... Then I'll take them!

Jaune: We're not going to let you do that.

Tyrian:... good.

He runs behind Jaune and prepares to attack.

Ren: Jaune!

He fires his weapon as Jaune blocks with his shield. Tyrian manages to dodge the bullets as he spins atop Jaune's shield. Ruby tries to swing her scythe at him but he kicks her away. You activate your semblance and knock him off of Jaune.

(Y/N): Somebody charge Nora!

He backflips and lands. You switch your swords into hand cannons and begin to clash blades with him. You begin pushing him back and he laughs again. He laughs again as he begins to push you back. You begin grunting as you begin lose your strength and he looks down at you. He continues to push you backward but fortunately, Nora, now charged with electricity, uses her hammer to knock him into the ground. Unfortunately, it does nothing because he has blocked it with his scorpion tail.

Tyrian: (giggling) Surprise!

He jumps and kicks Nora away as he backflips onto a nearby building.

Ren: He's... a faunus!

(Y/N): Really? Wooow...

Ruby: What is this about!? The White Fang!? Roman Torchwick!?

Tyrian: Plastic soldiers and pawns! My heart and body belong only to a goddess!

Ruby: Cinder...

Tyrian: Ha! Only in her wildest dreams!

He jumps down and wraps his tail around Crescent Rose. Ruby pulls it away and she tries to attack, but he manages to dodge every move toward him. He begins to attack Ren, who also dodges his opponents attacks. You try to cut him with your hand cannons, but he knocks your weapons out of your hands and kicks you back. You put your fists up.

(Y/N): Come on, then!

Tyrian:(Cackling) You don't even have a weapon!

(Y/N): I don't need a weapon. I am (Y/N) (L/N)...

You reach into your pocket and pull out a metal utensil.

(Y/N)... And this is my spoon! AHHH!!!

You run towards him and he slashes at you with his hands. You block and grab his other forearm where the blade can't cut you. You then used your wrist to hit his head with the spoon and you jump on his head and backflip away while he groans from the spoon. He places his hands on his head and then looks at you angrily. He rushes toward you and you throw the spoon at him like a throwing knife. He swats it away and you quickly pick up one of your hand cannons. You use the dust crystal you loaded in the slot to ignite the blade a glowing red. He flips as he jumps toward you, slashing again. One of his blades get slightly damaged from grinding against the sword. He knocks your weapon away again and trues to kick you back, only this time, Ruby jumps in front of you and takes the hit. She flies back and drops Crescent Rose.

(Y/N): Ruby! Oh, you've done it now! HAAA!

You activate your semblance and run toward him and begin to speed punch. As he blocks, he uses your own move on you and sweep-kicks you. You fall onto the ground and he stands on your chest. He readies his tail and grins. He begins to cackle as the rest of your teammates watch helplessly.

Tyrian: Oh! So you're the one Green spoke about! How underwhelming.

(Y/N): Wait... what?

Ruby: (Y/N).... no...

Tyrian: Say good night now!

(Y/N): five... four... three...

Tyrian looks at you puzzled but then ignores you and raises his tail.

(Y/N): (Quickly) Five four three two one EX-MACHINA!

Qrow rushes in and pushes him away while he blocks his tail from stinging you. Ruby smiles and you breath out a sigh of relief.

Qrow: Hey shrimp.

Tyrian: Ha! As I live and breath! Qrow Branwen! A true huntsman has entered the frame! Such a shame your... apprentice... doesn't quite live up to your name.

He looks back at you and Ruby.

Ruby: I don't know, this guy's weird.

(Y/N): And a little bit on the insane side.

Qrow: Look, pal. I don't know who you are, but you need to leave my niece and my apprentice alone.

Tyrian: Why, friend, my name is Tyrian!

(Y/N): Nobody cares!

Everyone looks at you.

(Y/N):... Said... Jim Carrey.

Tyrian ignores you and continues to speak. You pick up your weapons and stand next to Ruby.

Tyrian: I'm afraid that is not possible. My assignment from her grace was to retrieve these children. So that is what I must do. One must not upset the Queen!

Ruby: Queen?

Qrow/(Y/N): Salem...

Ruby: Who?

Tyrian: I think we've had enough talk now, don't you?

(Y/N): I couldn't agree more!

Qrow: Took the words right out of my-

Tyrian jumps forward and Qrow blocks. While he slashes, you begin to fire shots at him but he dodges every single one while evading Qrow's attacks. Each blow they deliver is either blocked or dodged. Qrow clashes his blade against Tyrian's and he begins to push him down. Tyrian smiles evilly and fires shots, causing Qrow to jump back. He continues to shoot at him as he runs in a circle, but Qrow spins his scythe around and deflects all of the bullets. Nora and Ren rush to aid him but Tyrian anticipates and leans back so that he not only causes them to crash into each other, but he also kicks them both away. He runs toward you and Ruby again and Qrow jumps in front. He stabs his broadsword into the ground and pushes Tyrian back slowly.

Qrow: Don't come any closer!

Ruby: Fine!

She runs off toward a building and jumps above it. She points her scythe at Tyrian but is unable to get a clear shot. Qrow swings and blocks every time Tyrian swings his arm blades at him and then flings his tail at him. Qrow dodges but he wraps his tail around his scythe and pulls it away. He cackles and grins at Qrow until he notices a bullet fly right in front of him. Ruby fires shots at him while he deflects them with his tail. Qrow takes this opportunity to punch Tyrian in the face. He right crosses him and then uppercuts before kicking him away. He walks over to his scythe and pulls it out of the wall where it flew. As he places his hand on the hilt, he jumps on it as Tyrian slams his fist into the same wall. Qrow presses a button on his sword and it begins to curve.

The barrel of the shotgun feature points right at Tyrian's face and Qrow fires, causing him to fly back and lift up a wooden plank on which he balances on. Tyrian jumps up and slices it in half and Qrow lands on the roof. He then attacks Qrow with his arm blades but Qrow blocks it with his sword and he jumps behind Tyrian as he tries to forward punch Qrow. He falls through a hole in the roof, but uses his tail to swing himself back up and fire more shots at him, which Qrow continues to deflect by spinning his blade.

Tyrian slashes and Qrow blocks until he is pushed toward the end of the roof. He runs toward a different part of the roof and Tyrian jumps in front of him. Unfortunately for him, he falls through the roof. Qrow jumps away, but Tyrian grabs him and pulls him down. Ruby jumps off of the building and runs to where they were fighting. Qrow flies through the building and his weapon falls to the ground away from him. He lands, but Tyrian is now jumping toward him. Before Ruby can reach them, you jump in front of Qrow and block Tyrian's attack.

You both begin to push each other's blades back. He begins to push you back further as you let go of one of your blades. Tyrian smiles, but he stops when you do the same. You extend your arm and shoot out a piece of webbing towards Qrow's sword. You grab it and swing as hard as you can. Tyrian blocks, but this causes him to fly backwards and hit his back against a wall. He takes no time in recovering and he dashes toward you again. This time, Ruby blocks.

Jaune: Ruby!

He steps in to help her, but Ren stops him.

Tyrian: Do you two wish to be taken?

Ruby: No, but I won't stand by and let my loved ones get hurt!

(Y/N): Damn right!

You and Ruby fist bump. You hand Qrow his weapon and you combine your swords together to make the larger sword feature. The three of you all clash blades with Tyrian and stare him down.

(Y/N): Is it just me? Or is it getting crowded in he-

Tyrian jumps and kicks you and you fly back. Ruby swings at him and he dodges. But as she swings, you shoot out another web to her scythe and you grab on. She takes notice of this and swings again, but harder. You fly towards Tyrian and you push him backward. He swings at you, but Ruby jumps on front. Qrow jumps in front of her and holds Tyrian back.

Qrow: Ruby! What did I say!? Get back!

Ruby: This is my fight too! Tell him, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Sorry Qrow! I'm afraid I can't do that!

Qrow: No! It's not that! It's...

You both rush to try to take him from behind. He leaves Qrow and focuses his attention on you two. As Ruby swings with her Scythe, he grabs a part of the hit and jumps up. While he's in the air, you shoot webs at him and pull him toward you. You realized that you done shucked up as he kicks you. With all the force from you pulling him, you flew back pretty far. A pile of wooden planks falls down from the building you crash into. Before they can fall on top of you and Ruby, Qrow slices them in half. You and Ruby smile at him and he smiles back. Unfortunately, your "Qrow is a badass" moment was interrupted as Tyrian slashes Qrow's abdomen with his tail. The entire team looks at them in shock as Tyrian smiles and chuckles evilly. While everyone is caught up in the moment, Ruby doesn't hesitate to cut off Tyrian's tail. He screams in pain and you run up to him, kicking him away. He falls back and lands on his knees.

Tyrian: You BITCH!!

You kick his face and he falls back again. You stand on his chest and point your sword at him.

(Y/N): Watch your fucking mouth! That's my lady you're talking to!

The rest of the team surrounds you as you lift him by one of the straps on his chest. You lean closer and say in a threatening tone...

(Y/N): Get out of here... NOW!!

You throw him towards the ground and he slowly gets up.

Tyrian: She'll forgive you. (Grunts)

He runs away and you put down your weapons. Qrow falls over and you run to him. He starts breathing rapidly.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow! Are you okay!?

Qrow: (Breathing heavily) I'll be fine... he just grazed me.

You spray some web on his wound and wrap it around him and he groans more but eventually calms down.

Qrow: Thanks, (Y/N).

Nora: Who was that guy?

Ren: How did you get here?

Jaune: Why are people after Ruby and (Y/N)?

Ruby: Uncle Qrow? (Y/N)? What's going on?

Jaune: Wait, what does (Y/N) know about all this?

Qrow: (Panting)... what's your favorite fairy tale?

Now, I need you're help everybody. I've got writers block. I need a few Ideas for the halloween special based on the first bit I released in the bonus story. If you have them, please message me directly to prevent spoiling for everybody else if I pick you're Idea. Thanks a lot and I will see you all next time!

-The Kool Aid Guy

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