Twisted Fate (UN-EDITED)

By sjshrksprincess

69.2K 1.5K 66

Hey guys this is my first story i have ever written so please be patient with me. Any comments and feedback t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors Note

Chapter 19

1.4K 38 0
By sjshrksprincess

After our conversation everyone fell into silence, some went back to playing with their phones and others just sat there and stared at me or the table. Just as I was getting annoyed the waiter brought out our food and we all begain eating and having a normal conversation. After we all lapsed into laughing and acting like our usual self I see Max freeze. I look to where he is looking and see the girl from his hotel room and she is with Alex and some other guy that I feel drawn to just like I do with Alex. I really don’t understand this, how am I drawn to both of these guys. I can’t help but feel a little jealous and hurt that they are with her. I didn’t think he would go for that kind of girl guess I was wrong.

‘Hey guys, that’s the slut from Max’s room at the hotel’ I whisper to everyone through mind link, except for Olivia and Max.

‘She is way unglier and faker than Olivia’ Jade says and we all agree.

 As they walk to the table I can’t help it I say out loud “I wonder how much her boobs cost” causing everyone to snicker.

“I don’t know but she should go get her money back because they didn’t do a very good job of making her prettier” Olivia says. I can’t help it I laugh and so does everyone else. Then we hear Olivia through mind link ‘that is Max’s mate but she rejected him after sleeping with him a few nights ago.’ Yes Olivia officially joined the pack after the hockey game last night. I turn to look at Max with wide eyes.

“I was going to tell you I just didn’t know how” he says looking with sad eyes. I smile a small smile and look back at her and then I smirk.

“Hey Max isn’t that the girl from the hotel the other night” I say out loud and can’t help but smirk as I see her eyes widen and the guy standing with her and Alex look at her accusingly.

“I thought you went out for the day with the girls” they guys says.

“It wasn’t like that Xavier she is lying” Slut says.

“Oh I’m pretty sure it was you I walked in on straddling him and then again naked in bed later that night” I say still smirking.

“Would you shut up bitch” she hisses.

“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to ask you all to leave” the manager says.

“We were just finishing I’ll go pay and meet everyone outside” I say. I go pay and walk outside to hear the Slut and Olivia going at it.

“You know I am so much better than her Max why are you with her” Slut says.

“Because I’m his second chance mate and yes we did fully mate” Olivia sneers pulling her hair to the side showing her mark. All of us girls squeal and give Olivia a hug and the guys high five Max.

“Well I don’t see how he could want you, your real mate didn’t want you in the first place. Don’t worry Max will come crawling back to me soon enough” Slut sneers. I am officially pissed off. Max is comforting Olivia and reassuring her he only wants her and that he loves her.

“You know what Stacy after all this information I chose her over you” Xavier, the guy that is with Alex says.

“What you can’t do that I rejected my mate to be with you I thought we were in love” Slut Stacy says.

“No you were in love with my money and position of power” Xavier says.

“You bitch this is all your fault” she screams at me.

“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but don’t piss me off” I warn her. I can feel my animal trying to come out and I can feel me fangs wanting to be exposed. She does the most stupidest thing in the world, she attacks me. As my pack yells I throw her off of me and can’t contain myself. I feel my animal come out but I stay in human form my eyes just change and I feel my fangs expose themselves. Everyone gasps as they see what has happened to me.

Alex’s POV:

I could tell Aria didn’t like the idea of me going off by myself but I had to. I mean I need to go get a car and then go pick up Xavier and Stacy. I still can’t believe that bitch rejected Max for Xavier. I mean they were best friends till Max just up and left now I can understand why. I mean can’t blame the guy I would’ve done the same.

I reach the car dealership and walk right in. I find a sales guy and get right to the point.

“Do you have a crimson red 2012 Chevy Camaero” I ask.

“We do and it’s the last one” he replies walking over to it. I look in it and see that it is a convertible and it has the black leather interior that I love.

“I’ll take it and you guys take debit right” I ask.

“Yes we do. Follow me and we will fill out the paper work” he says motioning me to follow him into his office. Once the papers are signed I walk out and they bring my car around. I thank the men and get in calling Xavier to see if they are here yet.

“Hey you guys get in yet” I ask as he answers.

“Yeah just landed we are going to get our luggage now” he says sounding annoyed.

“Alright I’m on my way. She getting on your nerves yet” I laugh as I hear her in the back ground complaining.

“You have no idea. I have no idea what possed my parents to pick her as my betrothed but let’s just say I’m glad you found our mate” he says with a relief sigh.

“Yeah me to, see you in 5 minutes” I say hanging up and pulling up to the airport. I park in the pick-up spot and go in to find them. As soon as I walk in I hear her annoying voice doing none other than complaining. I mean really what were his parents thinking. I walk over to him and laugh as I see the relived look on his face. As I reach him we do the man hug and I just nod at Stacy.

“Here you can carry my bag. I don’t see why you had to bring me all the way here Xavie if you wanted to propose you should’ve taken me to Paris or something and used the private jet” she goes on complaining.

“Hey Stacy carry your own god damn bag” I say shoving her bag in her hands and turning around walking out the door and to my new baby. As they walk out behind me she won’t shut-up.

“Stacy shut the hell up no one cares and wants to hear your whiny voice complain” I say really irritated now. I can’t believe I left Aria this morning for this.

“Xavie you’re just going to let him talk to me like that” Stacy whines.

“Yes I am because he is right so just shut-up” Xavier snaps at her and her mouth snaps shut. Turning back to me and noticing the car he says “nice car bro you think they got any more?”

“Yeah but probably not in the color you want” I say.

“Well that’s fine take me to the dealership and I’ll buy one and then take it to a shop to get it painted” he says climbing in the passenger seat.

“You’re in the back” I growl to Stacy. She just glares at me and gets in.

“When are we getting me a new car Xavie” she says wrapping her arms around his neck.

“We aren’t” he replies removing her arms from him. “If we have it our way you will be on a plane tonight back to your parents” he says and we smirk. I don’t think she understood what we meant because she just nodded and sat back.

We pull up to the car dealership and the guy recognizes me.

“I hope everything is alright with the car” he says.

“Everything is perfect, actually my friend wants one now also” I say nodding to Xavier.

“Very well what color where you looking for” he asks.

“You wouldn’t happen to have it in artic blue would you?”

“No I’m sorry but the best thing to do is buy a white car and then have it painted over” the sale guy says trying to get another sale for the day.

“Then that’s what I’ll do and I want a hard top with a sun roof not a convertible please” Xavier says smiling.

“Right this way” the guy says. After checking out the car Xavier signs the papers and pays. We leave with him taking Stacy in his car, because I can’t stand the bitch, and go to the auto shop to see if they can paint his car.

“How can we help you gentlemen” the guy asks walking out of the shop.

“Well I was wondering how much it would be to get a stereo system put in, tinted windows, and the car painted artic blue” Xavier says to him.

“And I would like a window tint and stereo system as well” I say.

“When would you like it done by” the guy asks.

“Tomorrow” we say in unison.

“Um well I already have a car that needs to be ready by tomorrow and its getting a paint job, window tint, and stereo system” he says hesitantly.

“We will pay $15,000 for both cars if you can get it done. Half now and half when we pick it up tomorrow” I say.

“Deal lets go sign the work” the guy whose name tag reads Mike.

“What other car has to be done tomorrow” Xavier asked curious. I must admit so am I.

“Oh it’s an Audi R8 GT Spyder, a girl dropped off. I guess the dealership only had cherry red and she wants blood red. She also wants window tint and a custom stereo system” Mike explains.

“Wait a girl came in here with that car” I say my eyes wide.

“Yeah with some guy on a motorcycle” he says shrugging. The whole time he was ignoring Stacy’s attempt to flirt with him. Finally he turns to here and says “honey the girl that was in here earlier was all natural and better looking, I wouldn’t touch you with a 10 foot pole. I don’t like implants.” She gasps and I can’t help but laugh. She storms out of the office slamming the door.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disrespect her or you but I hate girls like that” Mike apologizes.

“No need to apologize” Xavier says smiling at him. Wow what happened to mean Xavier I think to myself.

‘He and his blood brother have found their mate’ he smirks and says through mind link. I shake my head but can’t help but smile. Once we are finished Mike tells us we can come pick it up the next evening any time after 6pm. We walk out of the shop and go get his bags out of the car and make Stacy carry her bags, then we hail a cab. Just as we get in the cab my phone rings.

“Hello” I answer.

“Hey Alex it’s Crissy I just wanted to tell you everyone is meeting up for lunch at Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery” she informs me.

“Okay I’ll meet you there and I got Xavier and Stacy with me. Oh and don’t tell Aria yet okay.”

“Alright but the both of you better keep Stacy on a short leash because if what Nick says is true Aria doesn’t take bullshit from anyone exspecially if they use it against her pack” Crissy warns.

“I’ll keep that in mind and tell Xavier.”

“Okay see you there” she says and hangs up. I mind link Xavier and tell him what Crissy says. I then turn to the driver and tell him where to take us.

“Stacy we are meeting up with some friends and you will keep your mouth shut” Xavier says.

“But what if I can make a deal go down for you” she asks in he trying to hard husky voice.

“You won’t so don’t try” he snaps at her and she sits back and pouts.

Reaching the restaurant we all get out and just as Xavier was going to ask him to wait I tell him not to and grab all their things. I walk over to a brand new 2012 maroon Ford Mustang and put their bags in the back seat. This car screams Cole.

“Whose car is this” Xavier asks.

“I’m guessing Cole’s” I say shrugging and walking into the restaurant with them right behind me.

“Why are we here Xavie we should be at a nice fancy resturaunt” Stacy complains.

Just then I notice Max has seen us and his eyes are wide. Aria then looks at us and I see she recognizes Stacy. As I look at her eyes I see jealousy and hurt go threw them but she quickly covers it up.

‘Did you see that’ Xavier asks.

‘Yeah, shit she must think I left her this morning to go be with Stacy because she caught Stacy and Max in bed together the other day. The day Max was supposed to take her out on a date’ I reply now I regret asking him to bring Stacy but it had to be done. I look back over and they all look like they are having a conversation through their pack link. ‘They are all a pack’ I tell Xavier and he just nods.

Then as we get closer we hear Aria say “I wonder how much her boobs cost” causing everyone to snicker.

“I don’t know but she should go get her money back because they didn’t do a very good job of making her prettier” Olivia says. Xavier and I snicker while everyone else laughs. Someone must have said something through mind link because Aria looks at Max with wide eyes.

“I was going to tell you I just didn’t know how” he says looking at her with sad eyes. Someone must have told her about Stacy being his first mate.

 “Hey Max isn’t that the girl from the hotel the other night” Aria says out loud while smirking. I see Stacy’s eyes widen and Xavier turns to look at her accusingly and I can’t help but smirk too.

“I thought you went out for the day with the girls” he says to her.

“It wasn’t like that Xavier she is lying” Stacy says and I almost growl at her.

“Oh I’m pretty sure it was you I walked in on straddling him and then again naked in bed later that night” she says still smirking.

“Would you shut up bitch” Stacy hisses.

“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to ask you all to leave” the manager says walking over to us.

“We were just finishing I’ll go pay and meet everyone outside” Aria says. She goes to pay and we all walk outside where Stacy starts pleading with Xavier. Then she turns her attention to the girl Max is with.

“You know I am so much better than her Max why are you with her” Stacy says.

“Because I’m his second chance mate and I love him, and yes we did fully mate” Olivia sneers pulling her hair to the side showing her mark. All of the girls squeal and give her a hug and the guys high five Max.

“Well I don’t see how he could want you your real mate didn’t want you in the first place. Don’t worry Max will come crawling back to me soon enough” Stacy sneers thinking she won when the girl starts to cry. Max is comforting Olivia and reassuring her he only wants her and that he loves her. I notice that Aria looks extremely pissed off.

“You know what Stacy after all this information I chose her over you” Xavier says looking at Aria but I don’t think she even notices her focus is solely on Stacy.

“What you can’t do that I rejected my mate to be with you I thought we were in love” Stacy whines.

“No you were in love with my money and position of power” Xavier says.

“You bitch this is all your fault” she screams at Aria.

“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but don’t piss me off” she warns her. I see that she is really pissed off because she is shaking. Then Stacy stupidest thing in the world, she attacks her. As the pack yell out a warning and Xavier and I reach for Stacy it’s to late she already being thrown off her. I look at Aria and I can see she is to far gone but what I don’t get is how Aria hasn’t shifted yet. Looking at Xavier who is looking at me our heads snap up when everyone gasps at Aria.

I look at her and her eyes are still turquoise but they have red specks in them which only demons have, and she has fangs like a vampire. My eyes widen at how seriously sexy she looks pissed off. Ok get a grip Alex now is not the time to get turned on I say to myself trying to calm down my wolf and panther.

“Trust me I’m having a hard time too” I hear Xavier say and I can see he is having just as much trouble nor going over to her too. Then as if I thought Stacy couldn’t get any stupider she taunts Aria and runs into the woods. Aria doesn’t even think before she takes off after her.

“Shit Stacy can produce poision” I say jumping out of my own head.

“You mean like Jack could” Jade asks looking at me.

“Yeah and how do you know Jack” Xavier asks.

“Long story” everyone but Olivia and Crissy say in unison.

“Shit” Cole says and he takes off into the woods after them shifting into a panther as soon as he enters the tree line. Not waiting for an invitation Jade, Sam, and Chad follow shifting into wolves, Nick shifts into a lion, and Chase shifts into a black jaguar . But then Nick shifts into a wolf seeing as its easier to move around. The rest of us look at one another and follow. As we enter the woods I shift into my midnight black wolf and run along side Xavier. As we near a clearing we hear growling. Standing in the middle of the clearing is an all white wolf. The wolf sniffs and it’s head snaps to us. I hear a sharp intake of breath coming from Xavier and my eyes go wide, the wolf has the same turquoise eyes as Aria. It can’t be. I then hear growling and look to the side where the others are growling at me in their forms. Shit I forgot they’ve never seen me in my wolf form. I shift back and they all relax and turn back to Aria.

Stacy attacks Aria but she just dodges waiting for her to mess up. It doesn’t take long for Stacy to slip up and Aria has her pinned.

“Aria don’t kill her” Max says. Aria looks at him and he says “she is from a powerful family they can do a lot of evil things and get away with it.” While Aria is listening to Max she doesn’t notice the knife Stacy pulls out.

“Aria” Xavier says but its to late. Stacy plunges the knife into Aria’s side and she lets go. As soon as Aria lets go she shifts back into human form and stands up. Damn no one I know would be able to get up from that.

“You really shouldn’t have done that” Aria says making it all the way onto her feet and within a second she has Stacy pinned against a tree by the throat. “If I ever catch you around anyone in my pack or my lands again I will not hesitate to kill you” Aria growls out hiding her pain.

“How can you chose her Xavier you don’t even know if she will accept you” Stacy chokes out. Aria’s head snaps to us and she growls.

“Start talking Alex” she says still gripping Stacy. Before I start I see Cole and Jade walk over to her and nuzzle her. She looks down and lets go of Stacy only to have Conner and Chad hold her. I didn’t even notice Chad shift back. Aria slides down to the gound and Cole whimpers. We take a step to her and Jade growls at us.

“Well you want the short version or long version” I ask.

“The short version seeing as I’m in pain and not in the mood for a long story” she says glaring at me.

“Well the short version is that Alex and I are blood brothers, meaning that when we were born fate or whatever decided that all the demons, vampires, werewolves, and werecats should finally be united under one rule. So we are blood brothers and you Aria are our mate” Xavier tells her. She looks at me accusingly.

“Yes that is why you felt drawn to me and safe with me. Do you feel the same with Xavier” I ask. She nods her head slowly. “Remember when I promised to explain things later I was waiting till Xavier got here.”

“Now Aria I need to know if you accept me. If you accept the both of us” Xavier says looking at her.  She nods her head yes again. “I need to hear you say it” Xavier says seriously.

“I Aria Santos accept the both of you, Xavier and Alex, as my mates” she says hissing at the end from the pain.

“I Alex Valdes accept you Aria as my mate and you Xavier as my blood brother” I say.

“I Xavier Camponelli accept you Aria as my mate and you Alex as my blood brother” Xavier says. As I start to feel the bond being formed between the three of us, which will only get stronger once we fully mate, Aria falls on top of Cole’s wolf and passes out. Cole slowly stands up and when Xavier and I go to grab her he growls at us.

“You’ll have to excuse him until he gets used to her being mated. It’s been the 2 of them relying on each other so long they don’t really trust anyone else to take care of the other” Nick says. We sigh but nod this is going to be hard I think as we walk back to the cars. As we near the edge everyone shifts back into their human form and Cole lets me take her from his back. As soon as he shifts though he takes her from me and I whimper but also growl that someone took my mate away from me that wasn’t Xavier. We all go to the cars.

“Jade what’s the address to the house” I ask her. She gives it to me and then asks why. “Because even though I don’t want to, Xavier and I have to go make sure Stacy get’s on the plane back to Italy” I sigh.

“Fine but I’m going with you so we will take my car” Conner says putting Stacy’s suitcase in his trunk and hoping in his bright green Dodge Charger. We all follow and head to the airport while the others take Aria to our new house. After we made sure Stacy got on a straight flight back to Italy we all rushed back out to Conner’s car and sped the whole way to the house, which by the way is between 30-45 minutes away. I am freaking out here. 

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