Dr. Felloniker's Cosmic Book...

By Katorkalist

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Read this... I F Y O U D A R E!! for this is not a single story, no this digital book contains a variety... More

Hack and Slash
The Weird Kids
The Space Bounty
First on the Battlefield
Requiem of the White Wanderer


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By Katorkalist

25 years ago, Saint Nicholas the Sleigher destroyed a village. With his vast strength, he single handedly leveled entire houses with just his Peppermint Maul. With his smarts in strategy, he guided his elves to mass genocide against the people. And with his vast knowledge in advanced technology, he used his weapons to annihilate the entire village. But what was so special about this particular assault? By this point, he had destroyed hundreds of civilizations, most of them bigger than this one. Well, this attack was so special because this would mark the beginning of his demise. In that village, there was only one survivor in the vast carnage. A little five year old boy named Johnathan Foster. And John, he was born with hair white as the clouds. ANd legend has it that the child with shock white hair will be the end of the tyrant saint, and gain vast power upon drinking from the winter fountain. He was found by the council of the wizards, who took him in to let him drink from the fountain, and train him in physical fitness, and in the power he has gained.

And now, 25 years have passed, and what has happened to little John Foster? He has gone through a change of name. Now, he is called Jack Frost, and over the years he has mastered the art of close combat with his fists, and all kinds of weapons. Just as well, he has grown quite strong and dexterous. With that, he has also grown strong with the abandoned forces of Cryomancy, more powerfully than any spellcaster before him. All the while, he has left his home in the Netherlands, and traveled through the arctic region of Greenland, to make his way to the weapons factory at the north pole. There resided his old enemy, Saint Niccolas the Sleigher, who now calls himself Santa Claus.

Jack walks his way through the snow, his mechanical boots sinking three inches deep in the snow. The cold wind howls, blowing his black cloak with it, though Jack is not affected. Frankly, Jack's levels of comfort and power increases in this environment he is in. A flash of white makes its way through the darkness of the grey accompanied by the sound of a thundering boom. Jack can't see through the snowy storm, however, he is able to sense a large, powerful, burning hot presence up ahead. This becomes confirmed when out of the snow, orange lights pierce, followed by the black, metal exterior of Santa Claus' weapons factory. Jack took a few more steps to see the factory more clearly, then stopped to marvel in it's disgusting structure. At which point he continues to trudge forward through the snow, closer to his rival.

Upon closer inspection, Jack sees the front gate is heavily reinforced. He places his hand on the gate, forming a thin layer of frost. He feels the structural integrity of the gate from within, to find out how strong the gate is. It is far too strong for him to break it down, even with his great strength and power. He removes his hand, looking around to see if there is another way in. To his right, he sees a red mechanical box drop from above, only a few feet from the gate. Following that, he hears the sound of mechanical sliding, and light footsteps. It is the sound of metal bars retracting outward from the wall to form stairs, and four little worker elves walking down each step.

Jack has a clear view of them, and what they look like. They're grotesque, deformed, and overall just a horrific sight. Their differently colored red and green eyes seemingly never blink. They may just not have eyelids at all. Each one is outfitted in a red sweatshirt, black rubber gloves, tan cargo pants, black leather boots, and green aprons. Jack does not blame the poor things themselves for looking as hideous as they do. They are grown in a bio lab inside of vats of biofluid, where they work until death. For the past decade, there have been a few problems with the process, which screws with them physically, and mentally. And in case you were confused, they do not tremble because of the cold, no. They are grown to be immune to the harsh conditions of the north pole. They tremble because every second of existance for them is torture, suffering, and pain.

These elves, upon spotting Jack, crank their insanity up to thirteen, and charge straight in Jack's direction. Jack simply stands in place, waiting for them to get close. The first one to reach him, and jump up to tear his face out, gets a Karate styled high kick to the chest. That elf goes flying away, all of the bones in its body shattered, it's death becoming an inevitability. The second elf to reach close proximity gets stomped into the ground, exploding into flesh in blood, by the same foot that kicked away the first one. However, the third elf was more successful, as it leap forward and grappled onto Jack's face. Following that the fourth one would jump up to latch onto his shoulder, and swing onto his back. The remaining two elves claw at Jack as well as they can, until the one on his face gets grabbed, and has his entire skinny little torso crushed between Jack's titanic fingers, and thrown against the gate, where he slowly slides down, leaving a blood stain on the gate. The second one on his back is dealt with by being grabbed by the arm, and thrown away. The Elf goes flying, screaming in pain as it does so, from having it's entire arm ripped from it's socket. He drops the arm, and looks at the red box. From there, he projects an Ice beam from his hand, covering the box in four inches of clear ice, and then kicks it away, watching it roll down the subtle hill. He proceeds by walking up the stairs, noticing that each step behind him retracted back into the wall as he lifted his foot.

As he walked up the stairs, Jack heard more feet walking upon the stairs, to where he was. Jack was then greeted by two more elves, and a Grinch. A grinch is a very special abomination. They're grown for light security purposes. They are made from elves, with some subtle traces of Yeti DNA inside of them. The worst part about that is, the vats they use to grow grinches, have no elf growing defects. They possess dark brown hair, and have red eyes. They are vicious, surprisingly strong for their build, frightfully dexterous, and even possess the ability to climb on walls.

The two elves ran down the steps with little hammers in hand, while the Grinch scurried across the wall. Once the elves drew close, Jack grabbed one by the hammer it was holding, and used it to smack the other one into the wall, finishing it by stomping its face into the wall. That left a gory mess. The Grinch tackled down Jack, causing him to drop from the stairs. Luckily, Jack grabbed onto one of the steps, still holding onto the elf with the other hand. The Grinch was still holding onto Jack's ankle, until he was able to smack it against the wall with his leg. The Grinch let go, falling off. Jack backflipped upward, back onto the staircase. But he stood there still, elf in hand. He waited where he stood, knowing that the Grinch would come back. In moments, the Grinch would come skittering up the wall back to Jack. Jack would smack it against the wall it was crawling on with the elf, making it fall back onto the stairs. The Grinch would land on all fours, and leap up to try and claw Jack's face. But, Jack was able to grab it by the wrist, breaking it in the process, before kicking the Grinch down the stairs, popping it's arm clean out of its arm socket. At which point, Jack would look at the elf he's been using as a weapon, which lead to the elf making some gurgling growling noise. It was highly likely it wasn't saying anything, but one could somehow make out the words, 'Have Mercy.' Jack would proceed to throw it right off the side of the staircase. Jack would then look at the Grinch arm he was holding, and store it in his black cloak.

Jack, in time, made it to where the staircase lead. It was a platform with a locked mechanical door. However, there seemed to be a hand scan. From above the door, two more Grinches crawled down. Jack would charge an Ice Blast, and launch it into the area between the two Grinches. They get covered in frost from the shockwave, and fall onto the platform with Jack. The Grinches stand up, prompting Jack to start pounding one of them with his fists. From behind, Jack can sense an upcoming attack. He uses his elbow to smash the other Grinch from behind himself. Then, he grabs the first grinch he was attacking, and throws it at the other one. They get thrown back, but quickly scurry back to all fours. The Grinches run toward Jack, who just waits for their assault. They both jump at Jack, who catches one in mid air, and smashes it against the wall. From there, Jack proceeds to hold the Grinch against the wall, freezing it in Ice against the same wall. By the time it is under an inch thick of Ice, the other Grinch has drawn very close. Jack then Grabbed that second Grinch, and smashed it against the frozen Grinch on the wall. They both exploded. At which point, Jack would walk over to the hand scanner, and use the disembodied Grinch arm from earlier. The mechanical door opened, allowing Jack to unsheath his cloak, letting it blow away in the wind, and walking in.

Inside the factory was a dull, brown atmosphere, with one of the only sources of light being a river of lava flowing about fifty feet below Jack. Not so high above was a rail, with plates of Ginger-steel being transported along it. Jack could also see a conveyor belt, with elves walking along it, carrying different things. Jack would then proceed down the path he was provided with, being a walkway through the factory. As he walked, he could see six elves on a platform, which is just barely able to hover in place via thrusters, and mechanical arms dropping off sheets of Metal. Each of the elves was equipped with a drill, and uses their drills to cut the metal into shapes. Occasionally, small pieces of metal would fly into their heads, but the elves just wouldn't care. In time, one of the elves would spot Jack, and cry out in warning. The other five would respond by turning around, and raising their drills in a rush of murder. One of the elves destroys one of the thrusters on the platform, allowing it to move slightly closer to Jack. At which point, All of the elves jump onto the walkway with jack. The first one, already close by, tries to drill into Jack's armor, only to have the drill bit grabbed by Jack's hand. The elf starts spinning rapidly. Jack lifts it up, and then lets go, causing it to fly away, and then drop into the lava river. Another Elf tried to run at Jack, but he unleashed a Snow Wave. Jack Projected a forward shockwave of Icy Magic, causing the elves to be blown away, and become deeply frozen. Two of them were blasted off the edge, leaving only three frozen elves. Jack simply kicked the head off of one of them. He picked up another one, and used it to destroy the last frozen elf, as well as itself. And that's when Jack left to keep going.

Along the way, Jack spotted a hologram of the entire factory's map. He smashed the projector open, and took out the main chip. From there he would store it in a program container, so that he now had permanent access to the map. He looked through it, noticing there was a shortcut to Santa's lair via garbage disposal. Jack continued making his way through the factory, until he was met with two more grinches, both of which dropped from above. One of them tries to Leap at Jack, who promptly makes an Ice wall. The Grinch goes splat against the wall. Jack then proceeds to punch right through his own Ice wall, destroying it completely, and blowing the grinch away. The other grinch leaps right over the incoming other one towards Jack. Jack turns himself into an Ice statue, with icicles sticking out of him. The second grinch gets stabbed by many of the icicles, and cowers away as it does so. After a few moments, it freezes completely. The Grinch from before tries to run toward him, only for Jack to Create two giant Ice clumps at his fists, and smash them against the Grinch's head so hard both clumps break. At which point, Jack walks over to the frozen one, which is on its fours, and steps on it's back, breaking it in half.

Jack eventually made it to the Garbage disposal. He entered, sliding down a narrow tube. Unfortunately, Jack missed the grabbing point, and slid down an extra twenty feet, into the material dump. It was incredibly hot inside of there. So hot even, that just about everything that had gone down there, had melted at some point, mixed with a bunch of other things, and then re-hardened into some messy compound. From those compounds, something began to rise. Many things, really. They began materializing into humanoid figures.

These were called Ginger-Steel men. They are made mostly out of Ginger steel, but also many other materials, including organic material. It is said that they form when someone falls victim to the effects of the Material Dump, and their bodies get mixed in with the soup of matter. At which point they would haunt the Dump, until they can re-materialize themselves with the baked in Biological matter.

Jack looked around at the Gingers as the lumbered on towards him. From what he could see, there were six in the area. But he was corrected to eight when an unseen Ginger Tackled him from behind and began constricting, followed by yet another one coming in and seemingly squeeze hugging him. Jack struggled, even though the Gingers where somehow too strong for him. From there, Jack thought to use a Winter Blast. From all around him, cryo magic erupted from him, frosting over everything in the area, and throwing the two Gingers on him onto the nearby wall behind him. It was right then and there that two elves fell from the chute above him. He picked both of them up, and then readied himself in attack position. The closest Ginger steel man, covered in chunks of Ice, Ran toward Jack with murderous intent. Jack quickly gave it two quick jabs, before throwing a right hand uppercut, and a left hook, and finishing with a high kick. Another Ginger from behind was next to charge, prompting Jack to make a low kick, stopping the ginger in its tracks. Jack would then Proceed to hit it with a high punch, and then a gut punch, before knocking it back with a two handed punch, with one arm placed vertically above the other. The elves Jack was holding where now a few inches closer to death, and had their faces smeared by their own blood. Suddenly, three Gingers ran toward Jack in an arrow shaped formation. Once they had drawn close, Jack hit the middle one in the chest to stop it, before very quickly hitting the ones on the left and right with each hand. At that point, Jack right hooks the middle one so hard it falls over. Then, the Ginger to the left of Jack tries smacking him, only to have him arm locked in by Jack's arm. At which point, Jack spins around the Ginger to smash it into the neighboring ginger. Then, yet another Ginger runs in, only for Jack to throw one of the elves he's holding straight at it. Then, the one he knocked in the head gets back up, only for Jack to finnish it with the Elf in his other hand. Then, upon inspecting the area to see it was safe, Jack walks to the wall at the back of the dump, and starts to create Chunks of Ice for him to scale the wall with.

Once out, Jack carefully navigates his way up the chute, until he finds the dumping area that leads to Santa Claus. He jumps out through that dumping area, to be met with a dark hallway, and two giant doors. Jack lifts his leg up high, and then kicks the doors open. Inside are rows upon rows of long tables paired with a set of benches, and upon those benches are countless working elves. The room is decorated with white walls and birch floor boards, almost looking decent. But, on the opposite end of the room, was a throne of black and green metal, and upon it was the disgusting, stenchful, unrelentingly horrific, incredibly old, terribly overweight, absolutely grotesque, Santa Claus. He was only wearing a pair of red and green striped pants, so that everyone could see the entirety of his oversized disgusting body. His beard was four feet long, and had bits of crap stuck in it, whilst incredibly ill groomed. And on his head was a red hood with a white pom pom and white fur at the edges. He laughed with a 'ho ho ho' as he coughed and weezed. Finally, the monstrous sack of sweaty deer feces spoke to Jack. "Well well well. Jack Frost. I've heard some terrific stories about you, and your quest to end my rein of doom. Personally, it's a thrill to see you in person, I'm quite a fan." Jack clenched his fist in anger. He was both disgusted at what Santa had become since the last time he had seen him, enraged at who he was, and yet quite glad that he has lost all dignity in his own health. Jack responds, "This isn't our first time meeting, Nicolas. You destroyed my village and killed my family right in front of me! And now I'm going to drown you in your own piss and blood!" Santa thought for a moment about what Jack said about them meeting before, but then concluded his thoughts. "I've done that so many times that this barely has any impact on me. But knowing we've met before, why don't I bring out the welcoming committee?"

Santa snapped his fingers, causing all of the elves in the area to go berserk and scramble across the area. However, only an armful of elves ran toward Jack to combat him. Jack started with a Cold Burst, making him slam his hand against the ground. This caused the majority of elves in the area to have their legs encased in ice, and stuck to the ground. Jack ran over to roundhouse the closest elf in the face, blowing it's entire head clean off. Jack quickly turns his attention to another nearby elf with a rapid fire punch. It's head kept shish-kabobing back and forth with each punch like it was spring loaded. That was, until Jack finally upper cut the elf, causing it to fly upward, tearing it's still frozen legs off. The third elf Jack approached was unlucky enough to have it's face grabbed as Jack flipped over it, breaking the elf from the ground, although it's legs were still encased in Ice. Jack uses the elf to perform an overhead smash on another elf, making them both explode into gore and chunks of Ice. That was when Jack was greeted with two grinches simultaneously. Both of them made a panther like pounce, though one was low enough to trip Jack, and the other one was high enough to tackle him down. The grinch started tearing at Jack's face, though he was able to coat himself in a layer of Ice, to nullify the monster's attacks. At which point, Jack was able to grab it by the wrists, and start to slowly freeze the grinch. It tries to pull away, but Jack's grip is far too much. In time, Jack crushes the grinch's wrists by squeezing, and breaking its hands off. Jack finishes the job By encasing its mouth and nose in a block of Ice, and throwing it off of him. When Jack gets up, he notices that there are now more grinches, and all of the elves that had their legs frozen were freed. Jack rolls his eyes, and gets into combat ready position. Three different Grinches ran toward Jack. Jack used each of his fists to hit each one on the hard left and hard right, while using a high backward kick to get the one behind him. Then, jack uses two nearby elves and smashes them against the behind Grinch's head, before dropping the now limp elves. Then, Jack turns to one of the other grinches, grabbing it by the shoulder, and giving it a right hook and a back hand with the same fist. Then he turns and throws the grinch at the other one. At which point, yet another grinch runs on in, with an elf riding on its back, bone saw in hand. Jack stops the Grinch by grabbing it by the chest, and then proceeding to take the elf from off of its back, and shove it down the grinch's throat. That was when some more friends burst in from the walls. They where elves, four of them, but they where each driving a ten foot tall mech, decorated beautifully with a red and white paint job. Jack rolled his eyes, then rolled his shoulders, which made an audible cracking noise. About ten more elves ran in Jack's direction, who stomped into the ground to cause multiple ice spikes to shoot up from the ground in a forward direction. Half of the elves got impaled on the spikes, although none had died just yet. The first one to reach close proximity was grabbed by Jack, who flipped it over his head to cave in the skull of a grinch that was hiding just behind. The second one to get close was met by Jack getting down low and kicking with the entire force of his leg. This caused the elf to shoot back like an artillery round, and knock the following elves down like they were bowling pins. From Jack's left, one of the mechs had approached, and was ready to take a swing at him. As it did, Jack created a frost barrier, which was strong enough to block the attack, and cause the machine's forearm to become frozen. That's when Jack heard a certain screaming. He looked back to see that it was an elf, only it had some sort of mechanism on its back. Jack took this to be a suicide bomber, and stopped it with an ice ball. With that, Jack pulled it close with a cold lift, and then threw it at the mech behind. With a fiery explosion, the mech's entire frozen arm was destroyed, and detached from it. From there, two more grinches drew close to start circling Jack. Each one was holding a really weird looking gun. Both elves fired their guns at the same time towards Jack, who literally bent over backwards to dodge the bullets, Keanu style. He used his position to sling himself forward, and knock down one of the grinches. He picked up the de-mounted elf, looked it dead in its dodo bird eyes, and crushed its skull. The incapacitated grinch began to get back up, while its friend ran in for an attack. Jack got ready to counter, only for the elf on its back to cap him right in the eye. Yes, the attack did hurt, but you would expect that to be an instant kill, or at the very least take your entire eye out. The eye hit caught Jack off guard, allowing the grinch to slice him two times. Then, Jack could see from behind them the one armed mech from before about to project some rockets. Jack stood there, ready, until it fired, at which point he front flipped close to the mech. Both of the grinches where blown into winter passed, but there was still one elf left weilding a gun, in addition to the mech. Jack charged both fists with cryo magic, and then performed a punch with both fists on the mech, shoving it back eight feet. The elf from behind hit jack in the arm, which only annoyed him. He walked slowly and almost casually up to the elf, and picked it up. Then he looked back at the mech, which launched a different kind of missile at Jack, who leaped right out of the way. But, before it could hit a wall, it turned right back around to hit Jack. This was a homing missile. Jack ran over to the mech and leaped onto it, looking at the elf piloting it, and then grinned evilly. Just before impact, Jack leaped high into the air, causing the missile to hit the mech. Now, some of the mech's inner workings could be seen, including some sort of internal turbine. Jack looked at the elf he was holding, held it close to the turbine, and let go before jumping off. After a few moments, the mech exploded. Jack turned around, remembering that there are still three mechs to go and an army worth of elves and grinches. From above broke in ginger steel men. But unlike the ones in the material dump, these ones had been cut into shape with a more refined look. Jack took one of the work tables, and began swinging it around to swat away truck loads of grinches and elves. Then the gingers drew closer, prompting Jack to start beating in those. While they were taking noticeable damage, the same could be said about the table Jack was using. With each swipe, the reach of his acquired weapon drew shorter. Then, another mech was just about to fire, until Jack spun around a few times before throwing the half table at it. The mech took some damage, and the windshield was completely broken. Jack then ran his way over to the mech, and then leaped onto it. He pulled the elf out of the cockpit, and took the wheel on the mech. He used it to blow up some ginger, stomp some elves, and pound some grinches. Then, came the third of the mechs. They both started trading off left and right hooks. The mechs unfortunately were not built to have a set of real skills. That was, until Jack noticed a big blue button that said 'break dance' on it. Out of curiosity, Jack pressed it. The mech flipped upside down, and began spinning around, hitting the enemy mech multiple times in the process with its legs. The break dance was finished with a spinning uppercut, knocking the other mech down on its back. Then came the last one, which ran in with its arms forward. Both mechs caut each other in the shoulders, now in lunge position. Then, after a few moments, a holographic screen came up with orange words saying, 'accept fusionary self destruct?'. Jack shrugged, and hit 'Yes'. At which point, he scrammed out of the mech, running along the top of the other one. The elf piloting the enemy mech tried ejecting, but Jack caught it, and stuffed it back inside the mech. Energy could be seen passing through each mech, until both made a big explosion. Jack looked at the chaos he had wrought through the room, panting heavily. Then, the mech he used break dance on before began to try getting back on its feet. "NO!!" shouted Jack, who proceeded to use an Ice beam on the mech, slowly freezing it. After a few moments, it was packed tightly in ice, completely imobile. "You stay down." he says.

Santa slow clapped to Jack's success. He was still sitting in his throne like nothing had changed. "Ho Ho Ho. Well done, Jack. I never thought you'd impress me so much." the old mountain of christmas turd laughs. Jack slowly turns to meet Santa's green, corrupted looking eyes. "Clap now while you can, Clause. Because in a moment, the only applause there will be, is the whole world cheering to your death." Jack stomps over to Santa, before the lights go out, and everything goes completely pitch black. "Oh, ho, Jack. You have no Idea what I'm still capable of." says Santa, his voice seemingly emanating from all around Jack. That's when the lights go back on, and Santa has completely vanished from his throne. Jack looked around the room, only to see nothing but the same destruction he had caused before. Jack then looks back to the throne, and then notices something peeking from behind it that he didn't see before. In that moment, Jack heard a soft pair of feet touch the ground ever so subtly. He quickly charges a two handed Ice ball, and spins around to project it. But that's when he realizes what he just provoked. The thing spins around and hits jack with its tail.

Jack remembers this monster. A twenty five foot tall monster with a hunched back, and dark brown hair so thick and so long it was hardly possible to see most of its physical features. Mounted on its head is a collection of eight protrusions. Two twisted sheep horns, two small stumpy spikes, two devil like horns, and two giant antlers. Its face looks as if a wolf, a moose, and a bison all had an orgy with cookie monster. It's eyes glowed a bright piercing yellow, and it's fingers were long and bony, pointed with big curvy eagle talons for nails. This monster, is Santa's little pet, Krampus. Krampus, the fire demon summoned from the very depths of hell. This monster has claimed the lives of a nearing billion. It's strong as a thousand and one elephants, and smarter than nearly any human. Jack remembers it. Jack saw this monster do the sum total of damage, as he and Santa destroyed his village. Never will he forget the many homes, torched in sun-like yellow hellish fire. Never will he forget the monstrous shrieks it gave for every life it took.

Jack hit the wall, and fell behind the throne. Jack covered his ears as the monster gave a familiar shriek. That's when Jack noticed what was hiding behind the throne. A red and white colored hook, shaped dull so it can act as a powerful warhammer. Jack recognizes this as the weapon Santa used to use back in his prime. Jack picks it up, and leaps over the throne, now right in front of it. Krampus notices this, and raises a giant spider-like hand to crush Jack. He promptly jumps out of the way, causing the monster to smash the throne. Jack uses this opportunity to attack the monster, by slamming the butt end of the hammer against the ground. He releases an incredibly powerful forward shockwave, which should normally be able to freeze something like Krampus. However, Krampus, being a Fire Demon, only gets frosted over a little bit, and steps back a little. In a rage, Krampus' eyes glow brighter, and his mouth lights up. Jack turns the hammer upside down, and smashes the head of it against the ground, creating an incredibly strong frost barrier. In that moment, Krampus breaths a storm of terrible flames. Jack's barrier, despite being created with full effort, being enhanced by the Hammer's magic, and overall being incredibly strong to begin with, starts to rapidly melt with the heat of the fire. After a few hot seconds of blocking the fire, it stops, leaving the barrier just barely big enough to cover Jack himself. Krampus then raises a foot to stomp on jack, who leaps all the way to the other side of Krampus from between his legs, as he stomps the barrier, covering the bottom of his foot in a layer of Ice. Jack then runs toward the monster with a battle cry. He smashes in his ankle, causing him to fall to his hands. Jack then uses the hammer to start bashing on Krampus' face. Each hit deals sufficient damage, even breaking some of Krampus' teeth, and even breaking off one of the devil horns. But in time, even Krampus has had enough, and lets a puff out of his nose, blowing back Jack. He makes a three point landing, as Krampus stands himself back on two feet. At which point, the hairy monster spits a single car sized fireball. Jack charges the hammer with cryo magic, then makes a 360 before hitting the fireball hard enough to destroy it. But, from the black smoke comes Krampus' massive jaws, ready to bite Jack into to pieces. But Jack holds the Hammer horizontally, forcing Krampus' jaws to be stuck on that instead. Jack then began channeling his cryomancy through the hammer, which started frosting over Krampus' mouth. This persisted until Krampus' jaws were coated in two feet thick of Ice. Jack then leaped up on the monster's head, as it stood back up on two feet. At which point, Jack began to charge all of his punches to maximum power with cryo magic. Jack would proceed to pound at Krampus' noggin. This persisted until a crack formed on the top of Krampus' head. That's when Jack pulled one of the shorter horns out of Krampus' head, and stuffed it into the crack. And just for good measure, Jack took a massive, Cryo stomp on the horn to jam it in deeper. After one last scream of pain, Krampus fell limp to the ground. Jack leaped off of him shortly afterward. He looked at the corpse of his rival, until he heard something in the nearby room corner.

He looked to see a fireplace. There was nothing in the fireplace except for smoldering wood, but could hear something moving through it. He used his soul sensitivity to analyze it. It was Santa, crawling through the chimney. Jack's sensing was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking behind him. He looked to see that the elf piloting that mech he had frozen earlier just broke out of the windshield. Jack stormed over to pick up the elf, and meet it eye to eye. "Listen, working stiff." Jack says to the elf. It's not obvious, seeing as their resting face is wide eyed with a frown, and they are always trembling, but the elf is quite freaked out. "I'm sure you know something. I can do something horrible to you, or, I can do something, rather... generous. But first, I need you to tell me something." he holds the elf incredibly close. "Where is Santa Claus going now?"

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