The Final Act // Fourth Book...

By DeathInspiresMe_

71.6K 1.9K 2.4K

She was lucky. She was always holding on. She lived through all the paranoia. But in the end does that mean... More

The Final Act
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Ask The Characters
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 3

2.7K 62 58
By DeathInspiresMe_

"Imagine something so perfect is just right there for you and you've been reaching and working for it for years and then all of the sudden bam you reject it for a boy who manipulated you multiple times got you to join a gang had you commit crimes and goes by the name Jughead?" Lily asks harshly, "girl you have a full ride to a school you've wanted for years. You have a study abroad your first year and even better it's in Paris! I mean I can't even afford a picture of Paris."

"Wow Lily I'm glad you decided to stay in Rivderdale I love our fun little chats," I say as I flip through my summer reading book. "And by the way I decided to join the gang myself."

"But you wouldn't of even considered it if Jughead hadn't done it first," she snaps back. She looks to the boy beside me for support. Sweet Pea who had been doing homework with me only shrugs.

"I can't decide for her," he says to me, "that's up to her."

"Sweet Pea you are literally no help," she groans.

"Lily I really need to read this book for class," I tell her, "and finish my summer homework so can you just-"

"I just think you aren't considering your future," she says to me, "seriously I mean of all the things that you could do for Jughead ruining your future isn't one of them."

"It's not the only college I'm applying to," I tell her in a matter of fact tone, "plenty of other schools will accept me without having me move to another country. I mean hell Carson College has a decent art program."

"You are getting out of this town," she says to me, "you are not aloud to pick any college within two hours of this town."

"Okay okay," I say trying to get her to leave me alone, "now let us work."

"Paris! You are ignoring France!"

"I get it thank you Lily," I say to her, "always such a great help Lily. Now I have a hundred pages to read and a report to write so please give me a second to breath-"

"Senior year is lame! You don't need to experience it!"

"I disagree," Mary says joining in as she walks through the room, "senior year is a time to finish college applications and just enjoy yourself."

"Mary I need you to be on team Paris," Lily says, "come on think about it. Paris in art school by February or sitting here in the city of terror."

"I think that she should think about this clearly," Mary says, "moving to another country is a big deal."

"Thank you!"

"Come on Y/n you hate Riverdale," Sweet Pea adds, "you wanted to leave for so long what changed?"

"Nothing changed I just thought that maybe I don't have to run off," I tell them, "now lay off." They all don't seem to believe it. I sigh loudly. "Get off my dick. All of you just let me decide. I don't have to be enrolled until October."

"October is around the corner," Mary adds, "I just think you'd should weigh the pros and cons."

"Sure fine," I say to them, "now let me work!"

"Listen here girly-" Lily starts. Mary takes Lily's arm leads her from the dining room off to another. I sigh looking over to Sweet Pea.

"She's going to cause me to lose my shit," I admit to him, "seriously Lily is so obsessed with this."

"It's a cool offer," he tells me, "I'm not getting offers like that."

"I appreciate them giving me the opportunity but I can't leave my friends and family after all that's happened," I tell him, "as great as it would be to run away from this all. With what just happened with Fred. Leaving Lily alone is almost criminal."

"It seems like she's got a girlfriend to help her," Sweet Pea says eyeing the two women in the kitchen as they laugh.

"Girlfriend? Really?"

"What? Don't you have like a gaydar that shows that to you?"

"I'll end your life right here Sweet Pea," I say harshly.

"I thought all gays did?"




Both of us just break into laughter. It's nice.

It's been weeks after the funeral. In fact we are just a day away from another year at the one and only Riverdale High. Something that even thinking about seems so fake. Like how could I have managed to survive this long without dying? Or how have I not flunked out yet.

Sweet Pea and I decided to binge do our homework in order to stay on track while the rest of the Scooby gang handled their own things. For example Archie boxing, Betty snooping with her long lost detective brother, etc.

The group all handling their own things to get everything together for their senior year. Something all of us have been half dreading and half anxiously awaiting for years. The end of an era for us. Something that marks the start of our lives. Hopefully marking the start to a less murder filled one.

"You good over there?" Pea asks me. I nod. The boy and I have gotten really close. Since I was the only one there for him after Fangs left with the farm i got to see it all. Everything he tried to keep back from showing me. He told me all about his life things he wouldn't share while we were dating. Both of us told each other every raw truth about ourselves. With that we found a bond I don't have with anyone else. It's nice but everyone reads way to deep into it.

"Of course," I tell him, "I'm golden Ponyboy." He chuckles at the reference. Both of us move back into our reading and other homework. Crushing it all quickly. As the night falls and he excuses himself to return home I realise that it's awkward the new difference in north and south. Without Jug and I in serpent city or either of the new bases and housing we've kinda sacrificed complete control over the serpents. Which isn't bad it's just different.

"You know," he says before he leaves, "I'm glad we can be friends with out it being awkward." I smile at him.

"Me too," I tell him. He waves before ducking out of the house moving off towards his bike. Leaving me to gather my things to meet the others at Veronica's for dinner. We each had bags prepacked in preparation to stay over there. Despite my constant objections to this somehow I got roped into this.

"I want a picture of you and Archie together!" Lily calls as I head out. I give her a thumbs up before jumping into my car.

As I arrive Veronica smirks widely at me.

"With your other boyfriend I presume?" She asks me. I roll my eyes harshly at the comment. Always starting shit this one.

"He isn't my other boyfriend or my boyfriend at all," I correct, "he's just a good friend. Something he really needs. Not a girlfriend." The smirk doesn't leave her mouth. I decide to ignore her and move towards Jug who was simply smiling at me. Thank god he isn't grilling me about this. I don't want to start something between us over a friend.

"You all finish the homework?" He asks me.

"Yeah and now Sweet Pea is all caught up in calculus," I say proudly, "he's honestly smarter than he seems. I wouldn't have thought that if I didn't know him." Jug chuckles lightly as Betty helps Archie bring out the plates and such from the kitchen. With the two living her with Veronica it always is slightly amusing seeing them do all the host stuff while Veronica simply gossips.

"I guess we can eat now," Betty says, "so lets dig in." The meal consists of some chicken season with some fancy ridiculous thing and some sides of vegetables and such. It's good food but knowing that Veronica simply had it catered kinda ruined the whole friend dinner fun for me. It should have been something we all made and fucked up but laughed over. Not some snotty chicken from a caterer in Greendale that went to culinary school and hasn't been appreciated enough.

After the meal we all gather in her living room. I curl onto Jug's lap as he excitedly talks about a book he's been reading.

"And right now it's at the climax and I'm on the edge of my seat," he explains, "the suspect of murder is explaining what it takes to commit a murder. She's probably about to confess. The book is amazing."

"Sounds like it," I say as I trace along his arm, "tell me more."

"You want to hear more?" He asks not understanding why I'd care to listen.

"You are so excited about this book," I say to him, "I love seeing you this excited about things. So tell me more." He smiles widely and continues on. Describing the characters and how the suspect is the wife of the victim and the detective had a past relationship with the victim so everyone thinks it's her. He explains how raw the emotion is in the book and how every scene is written so clearly that he can picture every single scene in his mind with a crystal clear image.

"I wish I could write like this author," he says finally, "I mean they have such an amazing talent."

"They would have to if they have you such in awe," I tell him, "seriously I'm glad you are so excited."

"They have a book signing soon," he tells me pulling a flyer from his pocket. I see the name of the author and their picture. Alex T. Pitch. A small person with slender frame and feminine features. They smile widely in the picture as the nonbinary flag hangs behind them. My eyes scan over the flyer reading along the words.

"Meet the LGBT+ authors! At Joseph Jeff on August 17th, featuring Alex T. Pitch, Lana Colder, and more!"

"I'd love to go to this with you," I tell him, "I wanna see the author who made you trade spending a night with me for reading."

"Oh sorry about that."

"Oh relax it's alright," I tell him, "there have been nights I've told you I wasn't up to it just so I can finish a book so I completely get it."

"Really?" He asks me with a devilish smirk, "you've given up a night with just us for a book?"

"If a book is good enough," I say smirking back. He just chuckles then looks back to the flyer.

"I'm glad you want to go to this with me," he says cheerfully, "it'll be a fun date." I peck his cheek as he pulls me closer to him. Making sure to point out I wasn't going anywhere. I chuckle at the action.

"You know," Betty says addressing the whole group, "I really can't imagine a better way to spend our last night of summer vacation."

"Isn't it crazy?" Veronica says, "In just nine months, life as we know it will be over. No more high school."

"No more Blue and Gold," Betty says, "No more heart-to-hearts at the lockers."

"Hey don't get soft on us now," I say to her.

"I'm sorry," she says slightly teary eyed, "I can't help but think life goes by so fast. And none of us are very good at stopping to savor it."

"But tonight, we will be," Jug says moving to place a soft kiss on my neck. I move then settle into a deep kiss as we move together. As we pull apart Veronica smirks at us.

"I think that's our cue, Archiekins," she says then leads him off leaving me with Jug and Betty. Quickly Betty makes an excuse for herself and shuffles off.

"And then there were two," I say to Jug. Smirking widely as he looks to me. "Time like this is rare. How about we use it well?"

"I'm more than okay with that one," he says moving to connect his lips to mine. As we move together I hear Veronica shift music on in their room. I pull back for a second to toss off my shirt then connect back. Jug, acting as if this was the first time, moves his hands to my side hoovering over them for a second before I guide them to my waist. He holds on as I take control. I feel him smirking along. He pulls back watching me carefully. "You sure about this?"

"You Wanna back out now?"

"Not at all," he says to me.


"You guys, wake up," I hear Veronica yell. I pull myself off of Jug slightly annoyed. As I stand I quickly yank my clothes on. Then move fixing my hair and clothes.

"Hmm?" Jug groans.

"We're gonna be late for the first day of senior year," Veronica calls, "Hurry up."

"Oh, my God," Betty says running from her room. We all hurry running around the penthouse pulling on clothes fixing hair and clothes. Girls doing makeup as the guys stuff backpacks for us. It's terrible and chaotic but somehow we all manage to get it together. We all pack into my truck and speed all the way to the school. It's already 8 minutes into first period. As we get inside the school we are met with a stern faced Male staring at us.

"You're late," he says harshly.

"And you are?"

"I'm Principal Weatherbee's replacement, Mr.
Honey," he tells us. We nod. Knowing we are a little fucked.

"We apologize for the tardiness, Mr. Honey, it won't happen again," Veronica says.

"I don't know what kind of a ship Waldo Weatherbee was running around here, but things are going to be different this year," he says to us, "We'll have order. Discipline. Consequences. Now get out of my sight."

"Yes sir," I say mocking a salute. He sighs then waves us off. We make it about six steps before realization hits me. "I don't have a first period!"

"You're kidding," Betty says to me, "so you mean you didn't have to do any of this?"

"No i didn't have to do any of this," I say softly growling, "with that I guess I'll be in the art room. I'll catch you losers later." They call goodbyes but Jug hangs back. "You're going to be later that you already are for no reason."

"I think you are a pretty good reason," he says to me. I roll my eyes at once.

"I love you Jug," I say then peck his cheek, "now go to class."

"I love you too," he says to me. I chuckle waving him off. He moves towards his class as I walk the opposite way towards the art room.

"Home sweet art room," I say as I walk into the room filled with various other art kids. I smile at them all. "Art club?" They all nod. I remember why I was actually struggling to come on time today. The art club I got together meets first period one Monday's. Hence the group of kids in my safe spaces "Sorry I'm late. Sometimes I forget that I have things to do and I just sleep through several alarms." I see our art teacher in her office with the door shut tightly as she types away at her computer. "Let's start with something simple? Free sketching!"


As I sit in the blue and gold giving Betty the flash drive with the pictures for our back to school paper. She smiles at someone actually helping her instead of screwing her over.

"So back at the blue and gold together Isn't that exciting?" She asks me.

"Yeah a little," I tel her.

"I'm not too late, am I?" We hear someone cut in. We look over to see Kevin standing at the door. "To sign up for, uh I don't know, I was thinking, maybe an arts reporter?"

"Kevin," Betty says harshly.

"Well um I- I'm also here because I've been doing a lot of work on myself," He tells us, "ever since I was left behind by the Farm, and it's helped me to realize that I don't I don't need the Farm to make me feel whole, but I I do need my friends and my former best friends. I am so sorry for the way I treated you while I was under Edgar's spell. Especially you Betty."

"Oh, you mean like when you dragged me by my ankles to get a lobotomy?" She asks him harshly.

"Yeah," he says, "I- I'm most ashamed of that.
I hope that I can show you how much I've changed. And I hope that I prove to you that you can trust me again. Um, I I'm so, so sorry, Betty." Kevin looks to both of us for a long while. I wait for Betty to respond. This isn't really about me. Kevin and I are okay.

"Just fill out an application, Kev, and then we'll see," Betty says harshly. Kev looks to me for support. I merely shrug. This isn't my club and I don't control it.

"Jughead Jones, please report to the Principal's Office," A voice over the Intercom cuts in, "Jughead Jones to the Principal's Office."

"How has he already got in trouble?" I ask them in disbelief, "it's been two hours? Like if he can't last two hours by himself how is he supposed to last college without me?"

"You being there gets him in trouble," Betty says. I sigh knowing it's the truth.

"Fine sure but he gets in less trouble with me," I tell her, "he and I share half a brain cell and apparently I have it right now."

"Apparently," she says laughing slightly. Kev looks to me again. I sigh looking over to Betty.

"I need to talk to Kevin," I say to her. She nods and I move towards him grabbing his arm and dragging him out of the room. As we reach a hall and shoo away some freshman I sigh loudly. "So how's Fangs?"

"He's alive," Kev says, "that's all he'll tell me." I sigh as I run my fingers through my hair.

"I still haven't been able to get in contact with him," I tel Kev, "it's stressing me out. I just want to get him away from this farm bullshit." I look back up to him curiously. "I know you were in deep with that but it wasn't good for either of you. And I'm so glad you are here and safe with us but he's still gone and he's a serpent meaning he's my family so I have to get him away from that murder cult before they make this something it doesn't have to be."

"I know," Kev says, "I understand." I rub along the back of my neck knowing that this whole situation is more complicated then I would have ever imagined. "Do you know anything about the investigation?"

"No," I say honestly, "I wiped my hands clean of this bullshit. I just want to know Fangs is okay."

"Well we know that," he says to me, "I'll keep you posted."

"You better," I tell him, "and take care of yourself. Get that cult shit out of your head." He chuckles lightly nodding in agreement. The bell above us rings loudly. "Now lets get to ap bio." He and I make our way towards the class. I can tell he's a little on edge. Like he's just waiting for everything to fall apart. I guess that's what happens when you are cleansing yourself from a Jonestown level cult. As we get into the class and take our seats he relaxes a bit. Just following along in the class. The teacher reviews the summer homework but I feel Kevin's eyes drilled into me. "What?" I ask quietly.

"You have a huge hickey on your neck," He whispers back with a huge smirk on his face. I roll my eyes at the comment and move my hand to cover my neck. "Jughead needs to work on placement."

"Trust me I know," I whisper back. He chuckles again.

It isn't until lunch I meet back up with Jughead who seems to be itching to tell me something.

"Why hello pretty boy," I say as I move towards him, "you already got in trouble and its only the first day. How'd you pull that one?"

"Uh actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about," He tells me, "no trouble but I did get a crazy offer."

"Really? Tell me all about it," I ask him.

"Well one of the guys who was a judge in the writing contest apparently is a teacher from Stonewell Prep," He explains, "and he's offered me a chance to go."

"Really? That's super neat," I say to him, "well what did you say?"

"I told him no," He tells me, "I don't want to spend my senior year away from you." I chuckle lightly.

"Jug we don't have to spend every second of the day together," I tell him, "if you want to go to Stonewall then go to Stonewall. I'm here for whatever you decide." He bites his lip lightly then sighs.

"I don't want to," He tells me, "I want to be here with you."

"Then I support you in that too," I tell him. I lean in planting a soft kiss on his lips and move my hand to his raven locks. He moves with me for a couple moments before he breaks the kiss returning to his tray of food. I stretch out on the ground under the tree. It was nice to be in our lunch spot again. With all of our friends constant drama just the two of us felt nice. It really brings us back to when things were easier.

"So I'm chaperoning JB's date tonight," He tells me, "wanna come and embarrass her?"

"Of course," I tell him, "but I actually have something to do before."

"Oh really?" He asks me, "what is this something that's more important than embarrassing my little sister?" I chuckle at the comment.

"I actually have tryouts," I tell him. He looks at me curiously. Wondering what the hell I could be trying out for.

"You rejoining track?" He asks me, "I thought you hated it and would never go back."

"Nope," I tell him.

"Are you going to tell me what it is?" He asks me.

"Nope guess," I say to him, "use your detective skills."

"Okay softball," He offers up.

"Nope," I respond.

"Uh Soccer?"


"Volley ball?"

"Not a chance," I tell him.

"Are you trying to play football?" He asks me slightly taken back at the thought.

"Nope," I say to him. His eyes widen in realization.

"You can't mean?"

"Oh I mean it."


"Listen up ladies!" Cheryl yells as she looks over the line of girls we all just finished the dance and interviews meaning it was time for Cheryl to decide who made it and who didn't, "as amusing as those performances were. I think we've made our decisions." I shift my weight on my legs waiting for her to just say who made it. She smirks at the girls. "You had to wait til senior year to join us?" I chuckle as she looks to me. "Well congrats Y/n welcome to the vixens." I move towards her smirking widely.

"Maybe this'll mean you and I will fight less," I tell her.

"That's a cute idea," She says to me smirking lightly, "but we both know better." I chuckle. I stand beside Betty and Veronica as Cheryl finishes giving the list. She allows a second for the ones not picked to walk out then shoves us into a practice. "Come on bitches we have work to do."

I shuffle into the spot she puts me into as she and Veronica show the moves to us all. I attempt to keep up as well as I can. Its hard but at least I don't embarrass myself. As the practice finishes and we move into the locker room Betty smiles brightly at me.

"So Vixens?" She asks me, "I didn't think you were going to actually do it."

"Well I figured its my senior year and I have nothing to lose," I tell her, "besides my mom was a cheerleader so I'm like legacy or whatever." She chuckles lightly. "I think I'm keeping up."

"You looked good out there," She says to me, "I'm sure you'll be able to handle it." I move yanking my top off and moving towards the showers with the others. The water feels nice against my muscles. I haven't done any kind of sports since 8th grade when I got a strong recommendation to quit the track team after the car accident. So my body is really feeling this. As I climb from the warm shower and pull on my underclothes and shorts I hear Veronica yell.


All of the team moves to her voice seeing her pinning a man against the locker.

"This pervert was taking  pictures of us while we changed," She says harshly.

"Collecting photos for your sad,  pubescent spank bank, are you?" Cheryl says harshly.

"No! No," He says, "A reporter from  reached out, and he told me   he would pay 500 bucks  for a photo of Veronica.   How am I supposed to say no to that?" Veronica yanks the camera from his hand and yanks the film out. I cringe at the action.

"You just say it, you worm," She says harshly. The boy rushes out leaving us with the drama. Whispers fill the room. Was this really a good choice?


I know there was a crowd who wanted her to be a vixen and bam here is the content for you

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