Chapter 4

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"Ready?" I call out from the closet. I hear him chuckle. "Jug? Are you ready or not?"

"I guess I'm ready," He says to me. I chuckle and step from the closet out to face him. I twirl slightly as the cheer uniform moves with me. A huge smile covering my face.

"I'm a vixen!" I say excitedly, "well like the most depressing vixen but that's besides the point. Isn't it neat?"

"Yeah of course," He says to me, "and you look- wow that uniform really just brings out how pretty you are-"

"How big my boobs are?" I correct him, "yeah you have been staring at my tits the whole time."

"Okay well in my defense-" He starts. I move towards him pecking his cheek. As I pull back he moves wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I didn't say it bothered me," I tell him, "I just noticed. Now are you ready to be dating a cheerleader?"

"No," He says honestly, "I can't believe you jumped right to cheerleader. Of all things."

"I like a diverse life," I tell him, "cheerleader and gang member. I like making myself look good." He smirks. "Besides you think I look hot in this and I'm having fun."

"If this is what you want," He says to me. I smile as I pull back from his arms. As my door swings open we both snap our heads to the door. Sweet Pea walks in with a dopey smile.

"Hey Y/n I wanted to know if you'd like to go to see a movie with me and a couple of the other serpents-" He stops then looks between us, "am I interrupting something?"


"No," I say then look to Jug. I roll my eyes then look back to Sweet Pea. "No I was just showing Jug my vixen uniform." Sweet Pea looks me up and down then smirks.

"Damn you look hot," He says to me. Then looks to Jug with a smile. "You are so lucky Jones. She definetly could get better."

"Dude," Jug says clearly not amused. I chuckle as I look between the boys.

"Hey ladies relax you both are pretty," I say to them, "now I'm going to change out of this and then we can all go to the movies. That alright?" They nod. Sweet Pea smirks lightly at me.

"Can I help?" He asks. Jug shoves him as I chuckle.

"No one's helping me change," I say to them, "relax." I move into the closet. I hear them bickering slightly. "Knock it off you two!" I yank up my clothes as they stop fighting. Once done I walk out to see them on opposite sides of my room. Obviously ignoring each other. "Lets go!"

With that we all move to my car. Pea sits in the back in the middle. Not seeming to be too interested in the conversation Jug was leading about a new short story he's working on.

"Are you even listening?" Jug asks him.

"No," Pea says harshly. Jug scoffs harshly.

"Relax Juggie he's just being a dick," I tell him, "he just loves to piss you off. I am listening and I think that this story will be amazing and I can't wait to read it." He looks back to Sweet Pea and glares.

"Do you always just barge into her room?" He asks Sweet Pea.

"Yeah why does it bother you?" Pea asks him, "thats funny coming from the guy who slept with her while she was dating me!"

"Okay alrighty I deserve that," Jug says.

"Yeah," Pea says back. The buried himself into his phone again. He chuckles lightly then moves showing me the picture on his phone. I chuckle in response. He pulls back not showing it to Jug. Petty petty boys.

The Final Act // Fourth Book in the Lucky SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now