𝙰𝚗 𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚃𝚠𝚒�...

By 1-800holywaterbitchh

99.1K 2.4K 1K

"Nothing can change the way I feel about you, do you not get this?" I raised my voice and the tears were star... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chpater 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Important Read

Chapter 36.

1.4K 43 18
By 1-800holywaterbitchh

Lucy's POV

The party started hours ago in the common room, so many people arrived that the whole room was hot, sweaty, and straight up stuffy and stinky. Music was blaring loudly through an old music player in the corner, and all I can think about is how many spells did these boys cast to be able to hide such a giant get together?

I somehow got dragged into a game called "beer pong" which is some drinking game I've never heard of, and the weirdest part is that in the cups there was no beer. The cups were filled with liquor. So I guess... Liquor Pong?

Harry was with Ron in the corner, watching us play and have our fun. They were both drinking, but not quite as much as us.

"Oh, come on!" Hermione yelled throwing her arms in the air, she continued cursing at our opponents who were some girls from Slytherin. They had gotten two of their balls into two of our cups again. I groaned pulling the balls out and dropping them into the water next to me, throwing the balls back to the girls and grabbing the cup off the table with Hermione.

"Here we go..." I said rolling my eyes, we threw our heads back and swallowed the burning liquor. I've lost track on how many shots we've taken now, my whole world was becoming a blur and I was dizzy.

"Bleh!" Hermione cringed and stumbled back onto another person in the room, they had an awkward exchange of apologies and she finally turned back around towards the table. "We're going to destroy them." Hermione said slamming her fist on the table. I covered my laugh with my hand at her determination. We are definitely not winning, but if Hermione needs the idea that we are to feel better then that's fine.

"You're right." I lied, agreeing with her as she waited for them to throw the balls. The girls took their turns and tossed them into our last few cups. Leading to Hermione yelling loudly at them and making a scene, and us drinking the last few shots. The girls started laughing to each other and walked away from the table, holding their invisible trophy and their ego's filling their head even more than before.

Hermione flipped the cup in front of her in annoyance and folded her arms.

"Stupid bitches." Hermione huffed, I gasped at her language and fell onto the side of the table laughing.

"Hermione!" I said between breaths. When she drinks it's almost like a new Hermione comes out, a competitive, aggressive and beyond hilarious side. She glanced at me trying to fight a smile with her arms still folded.

"They're Slytherin. Even if they didn't win Beer Pong they still would've been stupid bitches." She chimed, relaxing her arms, she glanced around the room and left my side without saying a word. I shook my head while still holding a grin, she is so much fun when she truly lets loose.

I glanced back over at the corner where Harry was, but him and Ron weren't there anymore.

Where's Harry?

I circled in the same spot standing on my tiptoes looking for him, I couldn't find him anywhere. As I made my way through the crowd numerous times he still wasn't anywhere in sight. Or maybe I was missing him? He's got to be somewhere, I just saw him a few minutes ago. The light from the fire lit over my face and I squinted covering my eyes, all my senses are extremely sensitive right now.

The music is too loud, the voices around me are too loud, it's too bright?

I groaned and hit my foot on something, as I began falling over someone caught my arm and pulled me to my feet. I tried to make out the face of the person but they were too blurry.

Everything was blurry and spinning.

"Whoa." I said grabbing a piece of furniture in front of me. I'm out of it. Way out of it.

"Lucy?" The person still holding my elbow spoke to me, I nodded with my eyes still closed. There's no point in looking, I can't keep anything in focus right now. "Ah, Lucy." They said again.

Yes? It's me. Why?

I tried to form those words, nothing but slurs came out. A light chuckle came from the person, with the deep vibration of their laugh allowed me to know it was a boy grasping my arm, the grip on my elbow became tighter.

"Separated from, Potter, eh? That's rare..." The boy tugged my elbow into their chest, I tried tugging my arm from their grasp but all my body functions were moving much slower than I wanted them to.

Everyone in the room was too focused on their own conversations or games going around, the lights were dimmed down to begin with and the music was blaring. No one was noticing a thing.

"Don't touch me." The words flew out of my mouth with aggression. I yanked my arm back and I finally recognized the person holding me.


He laughed at my words and grabbed my wrist, squeezing it harder than when he held my elbow. I furrowed my eyebrows together and pushed his hand off of my wrist with force, he chuckled, releasing my wrist and leaning into my face. He raised a hand to my cheek, touching it with a finger, I smacked his hand away with pure anger now.

"I said don't touch me." I said louder. I've never even spoken to Goyle before, who does he think he is to even approach me with his natural terrible attitude he has all the time. I couldn't fathom being friends and around such negativity. Let alone let it touch me. After the woods, no one is ever going to lay their hands on me again. I will not let it happen. People are dangerous, and this boy has only proven to me once again that inside and out of the castle is still dangerous, and people are not done messing with me.

"Didn't she say not to touch her?" A familiar voice boomed through the crowd, a few people stepped back from Goyle and I and examined the situation. I glanced up and saw Harry standing next to me with pure rage in his eyes, his cheeks were a beat red and his fists were clenched. I stepped forward and placed my hand on his forearm, trying to grab his attention, his eyes remained on Goyle.

"Come on. I'm okay. He's not worth it." I said in a calming manner, Harry didn't move as Goyle began laughing in his face.

"Good thing you're here," Goyle said sarcastically, "she might've ended up in the woods half dead again." Goyle sneered evilly. All feelings in my body went numb from his words, and this time, it wasn't from the alcohol.

Not even a second later Harry's fist collided with Goyles face. He fell onto the ground and began spitting out blood from his mouth, Harry climbed on top of him and continued pounding his face into the carpet.

I wanted to stop him, I wanted to pull Harry off and take him away from this toxic human. But I was in complete shock.

Could Goyle have been my attacker? How could he say something like that?

A small tear fell from my eye as I was frozen to the ground, it felt as if the air in the room had been completely sucked out and I couldn't breathe anymore.

I wasn't breathing. As I watched Goyle take a hit to Harry's eyebrow, I finally launched myself forward attempting to grab him, but someone's large arms were wrapped around my body pulling me a few feet away from the fight happening in the center of the common room.

"There's no way I'm letting you near that," Cedrics voice said behind in my ear, he let me go and approached Harry. Pulling him off of Goyle as he made one last hit to his face, Harry continued fighting Cedric until Fred and George helped hold him down and pulled him away from the fight.

I watched Goyle on the ground, who was a complete bloody mess. He spat his blood everywhere once again and slowly rose from the ground, watching Harry carefully.

"I'll kill you, Potter." He said wiping the blood from his nose, he glanced at me and exited the common room. The room fell silent as they all watched Harry.

Harry had a large slice over his eyebrow and cracked glasses, he tugged his arms free from Cedric and the other two, still breathing heavily. He glanced over at me, fire dancing around in his green eyes. I snapped back to reality and it felt as if the air in the room had returned, I walked over to Harry and pulled him upstairs into his dormitory. Ignoring the eyes of everyone on us, and tuning out the voices and chatter of their talks.

Once we reached the stairs I closed the door behind me and locked it. Harry stood near his bed with his fists still in a ball, the blood from his eyebrow trickled down his face and onto his shirt. I sighed and grabbed my pajama shirt that was still on his floor from earlier and brought it to his face, he closed his eyes, wincing at my touch. I gently pulled the glasses off of his head and sat them on the dresser.

"Sit." I instructed him to his bed, he did as I said and kept quiet. I went through the first aid kit in Neville's closet, he always has something for stuff like this. Neville is oddly always prepared for whatever is to come. I grabbed a few cotton swabs and bandaids with some alcohol.

Once I sat myself next to Harry, the anger in his eyes had begun to diminish, but was still very present. His breathing was very heavy and he was still tensed up. The adrenaline still pumping through his veins.

"I was going to kill him." He broke the silence. I glanced into his eyes momentarily, seeing the rage that had filled up the pupils of my normally loving Harry, "what he said to you. I should have." He clenched his jaw. I kept quiet as I continued to clean his face, once all the blood was away I dabbed him with alcohol and put a bandaid over his cut.

"He was just being a prick. He wanted a reaction, out of the both of us, for some reason." I said out loud the only conclusion I could come up with. I wasn't even sure why he was there. Could Malfoy have been there? Goyle goes wherever he goes, he acts as his little pet. That's what he is. A little Malfoy follower.

"Are you okay?" Harry raised his bloody knuckles to my face, I studied the large gashes on his hands and it made my heart sink.

"Are you okay?" I said quietly taking his hands into mine, I pulled my wand out and pointed the end at his knuckles. "Episkey!" I've used this spell on Harry twice now, I would prefer to not have to use it at all.

"I am now." He said with a straight face, I smiled gently at him and pressed my lips to his. He gladly accepted my kiss and parted my lips, sliding his tongue in my mouth.

"You can't just go around punching people when they say stupid or mean things, Harry..." I said between kisses. His breath was hot against my mouth.

"Cedric was watching you all night, I was bound to punch someone. Luckily, it was Goyle." He let out a small chuckle, I pulled away slightly while still holding his face in my hands.

Cedric was the one who pulled me away from the fight, and he attempted to pull Harry off of Goyle as well. I wonder if I be remembers any of that. Or if Harry's black out was that bad.

"Cedric watching me or not, you will get expelled if you do something like that again." My eyes became soft as I watched his beautiful gaze search my face, he pulled away, using his dyed red knuckles to pull his shirt over his head.

"Sorry. There was blood on it." He smiled, I laughed at his excuse and let him push me down onto his pillow.

"Maybe we should take my shirt off too.... just in case there's anything on it." I whispered seductively as I lifted the black jumper of his off of my body, he trailed his fingers down to the waistline of my sweatpants and pulled them down my legs without asking for permission. His actions were rushed, yet so desiring. I squirmed at his touch to my stomach, he left a long trail of wet kisses from my bra line to my pant line, and his hands held tight on my hips

My body was tingling, and everything he was doing felt magical.

"Are you sober?" He asked looking up at me from my waistline. I nodded.

"More or less... watching you smash Goyle's face in sobered me up." I admitted. I heard Harry chuckle, his warm breath hit under my belly.

"I only have a few more hours of freedom before he informs someone that I did that to his face," Harry climbed back on top of me, resting his elbow next to my head while his other hand entered my panties, I let out a small gasp at his could touch, "I want to fuck you so badly." He whispered shaking his head, his dark hair falling onto my face. I grabbed his face gently, ready to push him to do so. I want Harry so badly, and I'm not scared to tell him what I want.

His dirty words sending an alarm through my body, a fire alarm to be exact. I was on fire.

I was turned on by the fact he was covered in scratches and blood, the way he so quickly defended me, the pure rage in his eyes was scary, but so lustful. Everything he has done tonight has shown me he cares, and that he'll go to great lengths to make sure I'm okay and I feel safe here. He put Goyle in his place, do I feel bad for his face? Not entirely. It was greatly deserved.

"Then do it." I said still holding his face in my hands, he was towering over me and watching me intently.

"I can't." He finally closed his eyes, sighing in frustration.

"Why not?" I asked as a wave of unpleasantness set in. Could it be me? Every time we get somewhat close to this he pulls away or we're interrupted.

Maybe it is me? Maybe I need to stop rushing this. I want it to happen so badly... but it will happen when it's meant to.

"I'm still angry, and when I finally do have you I want it to be out of something else. Not anger." He fell on the empty space next to me on his bed, pulling his free hand out of my panties and taking the tease away. I frowned and glanced over at him. He was tugging at his dark roots and sighing, evidently frustrated.

"Hey." I smiled at him at even though he wasn't watching me at the moment, "Angry or not. I would give myself to you in a heart beat." I squeezed his biceps, he glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

"Why?" He blankly asked. I shrugged and pulled the covers up to cover myself.

"Because I don't think this is about perfect timing, it's been just a few months and look where we are now together. A lot can happen in a matter of seconds, and a lot has happened within these past few months. So, as badly as I want you," My lips were trembling with each word as I glanced down at his bulge, a smile appeared across his face. "I'll be here. Ready for you when you are." I said tilting my head towards him. Despite everything that has happened tonight, I think Harry could be gentle, and I know he wants to feel the inside of me as much as I m dying to feel him.

"You're so sexy, Luc." He sat up and crashed his lips into mine, I kissed back with all the passion I had in me. He pulled my body weight onto his lap, pressing himself against my center, driving me absolutely wild. "I love you, Lucy. I love you so fucking much that it scares me." He pulled my hair tie out of my hair, allowing my long brown hair to fall down my back. The moonlight from the window was shining through, we could only see each other's features with each movement in the night.

"I - I love you." I whispered and placed my hands on his chest. He ran his finger through my scalp, giving me an incredible seductive massage.

I want him more than anything. The full length of him inside me, I fascinate him pulling in and out of me and what it would feel like.

But for now, that is a touch that can only live in my imagination.

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