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Carter is a cool girl who gets along with mostly every body she meets with a few whom she doesn't vibe with... More

Party Tingz
Once again.
In the Moment
"Avoiding me"
Game day.
Off Guard
games begin!
Couple of things.


381 6 0

carter had finished her class and had headed to meet Rome at his car. Rome drove a all black 2020 Chevrolet truck. He had told her his license plate so she would know where to go. As walked to his car she did relies how freaking big his car was and who was she kidding it was a hot car. Carter had been waiting for Rome for about 15 minutes she was getting annoyed and was going to leave then she heard her named get called from afar. she sees Rome running over to his car.

Rome." SORRY IM LATE. Practice ran later than normal ma bad."

she just looks at him with an annoyed face. Carter." so where is this shirt? the quicker we get this over with, the quicker WE get this over with." pointing to her and him. Rome bites his lip but not in a flirty way. he opens his car and looks for the shirt. he cant find it, he turns to carter who is standing there waiting and watching. 

Rome,"uhh hold on, it should be here?" he keeps looking and he cant find it. 

Rome, "shit I think I left it in my room." 

Carter rolls her eyes "So I was waiting for nothing?" 

Rome. " No No No I swear I got you a top, and I want to make truce with you."

carter looks at him and walks over to him. she looks him in the eye and finds her words.

Carter, "Rome don't worry about the shirt and the whole thing at mays party. this is me Carter telling you Rome Flynn that its fine and will make it truce." she puts her hand out waiting for him to shake it. 

Rome looks at her hand and take a deep breath put he shakes it but deep down he knows he didn't want to. Carter smiles and walks away from the car. Rome is watching her and then asks her, "Hey did you drive today." she just yells back at him without turning to look at him.

"NO. but its called a bus."


she stops and looks at her watch. it was going past 7. she looks into the sky and sighs. 

carter, "Yeah I know I was just kidding."

rome, " so how will you get home?"

carter, " its called cardio. really slow cardio." her phone was on 1% and she had no way home, but she didn't want him knowing that. 

Rome," there is no way in Hell I'm going to let you or and girl walk home in the dark be herself."

carter " its fine I've done it soo many times before I'm good." 

rome "ill ride you home. uh I mean drive. Drive you home." he could believe what he had just said.

carter. " Rome I'm good I'm not a damsel in distress ok."

Rome " this woman is going to be the death of me." mumbling to himself.

his starts his car and follows beside her as she is walking.

rome " Carter let me take you home?"

carter keeps walking. "I'm good rome."

rome " carter please I wouldn't feel right if I just left you."

carter stops rome stops beside her. she looks at the ground.

rome " Carter Please please please let me drive you home. this can be my truce to you."

carter looks at him. "FINE. But no funny business and questions in the car deal?"

rome just agrees with her as she walk around the front of his car to get in. As they drive to carters house the car was silent. Carter was looking out the window and Rome had looked at her to see if she was ok.  

Rome " sooo uh how do you like the car?"

carter " mmm it's better then any other car ive been in."

Rome " cool cool cool. uh sorry about never speaking to you?"

carter " no questions."

rome " that wasn't a question it was a statement."

carter " no statement. and us speaking I'm fine with that."

rome " well I am sorry and I really do wish I had spoken to you before I spilt our drink on you."

carter " why? do you wish for that."

rome " cause your the only girl that doesn't want to talk to me."

carter just stays quiet and keeps looking out her window. Rome starts to talk about random fact about himself.

rome " well I like to draw I'm kinda good at it I think." shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't like awkward moments the cant suck ass." he still waits for her to talk but gets no luck so he keeps on going.

"I don't have a fear fear if that makes sense. Or I just haven't found what makes me scared."

"I have 2 older brothers. I lost both last year to a drunk driver." he grips the wheel a lil tighter.

carter looks at him and back at out the window. "I'm sorry. I, I didn't know."

rome "no don't be sorry. No body knew only people I trust."

carter looks at him with confusion. carter " then why did you tell me."

rome " I don't know? but something in me knows that your the type of person that I would trust. if we had spoke."

carter clears her throat. " uh we should be at mine in 5 minutes."

Rome " cool. sorry if I freaked you out about my brothers and."

she cuts him off " NO. don't say sorry. you should never say sorry about that." they get close to her house.  " uh this is me."


Rome " Nice crib." carter smiles a li.  No body besides Moana has ever seen carter house. she gets out the car and before she closes the door she turns to rome. " Thank you for ride." Rome just nods. carter " I have trust issues." she closes the door and walks away. 

rome smiles and drives off. she told him something about herself which meant to him that she was ok with them talking to each other. 

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