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the movie had ended and Moana and Craig didn't relies it cause they were to busy making out to even notice that Carter and Rome had left them.

Carter and Rome walk out of the movie talking about the ending and what they did didn't like about it.

Carter: NO lie I would totally have thought it would of ended differently. 

Rome: Yeah you think its gonna go this way and then it goes the other. it was cool though. huh I wonder if the others even relies we had left them.

Carter: of course they didn't there too busy chocking on each others tongs to even notice. 

Rome: haha that's true.  Well I don't blame them. If you were my girlfriend I would be all on you too. without thinking Rome just said that. he looks at Carter.

Carter: yup you ruined it. you did so well till that moment.

Rome: W-WAIT I wasn't thinking I do that.

Carter: yeah I KNOW.

Rome: can we forget I even opened my mouth.

Carter: PLEASE. 

they stand outside waiting for the other two when carter notices a girl who she hated at her other school. 

Carter: SSSHIT. and she tries to hide 

Rome: huh what?

Carter: uhh nothing 

rome looks at her all confused. 

Rome: then why are you wait are you hiding 

Carter stands strait C: WHAT NO. the girl notices her carter is low key freaking out 

Girl: OH WOW if it isn't Carter I havent seen you since you left.

Carter: Right hi Kendall what brings you here 

Kendall: its the movies why else whould I be here

Carter Right. 

Kendall what who are you here. Wait a minute are you here by yourself umm 

rome walks over carter and puts his arm around her shoulder. Carter is shocked and looks at him he winks at her.

Rome: there you are I just had to find my phone.

kendall looks at rome up and down and is shocked

Kendall: No way your not with her right.

Carter looks away and then down. Rome looks at carter and then looks at kendall

Rome: YESS why?

kendall: I mean your Hot like HOT HOT and shes Carter


carter widens her eyes and looks at him he doesn't look at her he keeps his eyes on kendall

Kendall: Prove it

Carter: No kendall he isn't M-

Rome stops Carter by just going in for a kiss carter is shocked at his actions she doesn't even know what to do. Rome pulls away from her and looks at Kendall.

Rome: did that prove it for you. come on Carter let this Girl go and watch her movie.

Kendall has no words and just stands there looking confused and embarrassed. 

Rome walks off with Carter who is still in shock what he just did too her. he talks to her while his hand is still on her shoulder to make sure kendall doesn't see them break away.

Rome: I'm sorry your going to kill me but she was being a BITCH to you and I didn't like that. I mean ive met some mean girls but she is by far a FUCKING BITCH. 

Carter: uhh thank you.

Rome: w-wait your not gonna kill me.

Carter: no she is the one person that actually made my feel like shit. So thank you for that.

Rome: oh no worries. His phone rings 

Rome answers it. its a girl he had be trying to get at for so long. he speaks to her while looking at Carter who looks uneasy. he tells her if he can call her later. 

Rome: you good Carter

Carter: huh yeah I'm good. who was on the phone?

Rome: uhh a girl I was trying to 

carter: get at? 

Rome: umm Yess but I told her if I could call her back.

carter: why? 

Rome: cause I'm hanging witchu 

carter: Rome your good to take calls and speak to girls 

Rome: yeah I know you just looked upset that's all

carter looks at him and then looks away she cant believe that this guy can tell when she is upset. so she does what carter does and puts on a smile and looks at him

Carter: well don't ever kiss me again or you will have a broken Jaw.\

Rome: well I'm not gonna lie you got some nice lips 

carter: ok I'm leaving good bye and tell the other two I said don't catch aids on these movie seats.

Rome: nope your no leaving me with those two.

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