Juvie Bully

By darkmodeayvatar

221 0 0

Majin's A Terrible 18 Year Old Bully Who Got Sent To A Bad Girls School Years Ago, hot girl/city girl Patienc... More

Majin's wet journey
Patience | the fight
never having sex again
I don't wanna go back
the shooting

flashback| how Majin got arrested

16 0 0
By darkmodeayvatar


This chapter is pretty much telling you how Majin got sent away oh and some of the characters names and personality's have been changed in the book.


April 2019

Majin's part.

It's usually a normal day but today seems kind of odd so I made my way to school.

soon as I could get into the building I felt someone grab me and threw me out of a 2 story window

I layed their halfway unconscious as teyana and her friends stood there, poured water on me and laughed

I slowly got up with what little strength I had and went home for the rest of the day hopefully tomorrow will be better

The next day.

I went to school hopping to avoid teyana and her crew

As I was walking to school I felt someone pulled me into the woods, it was teyana and her crew

"Where the fuck you think you going bitch?" She said pushing me to the ground I got up and pushed her back

"To school bitch where the fuck do you think?" I said to her

She got up and punched me in the face, I kicked her in the mouth and she fell down but her friends jumped in and started punching and kicking me in the head

2 of them grabbed me and threw me off a Rocky hill when I fell and hit the concrete I could feel sharp pain and my bones crackling I tried to get up but I couldn't and blacked out I'm going to get them for this

The next day.

Last night I went to one of my plugs house last night and brought a gun, I was gonna get teyana and those bitches no matter what after what they did to me they deserve it

I picked up a brick and put it in my backpack along with my gun and headed off to school

At school

I got to school and saw teyana and her crew in the hallways

"Aye teyana what's good bitch" I said as I punched her in the face and she stumbled back

I took out the brick and bashed her head in with it and she fell on the floor then her crew tried to run up on me but I snatched the fire extinguisher off the wall and started swinging on them with it

A big crowed of people hooping and hollering started to form watching me fight these bitches, I continued to bash her in the head with the brick I had until one of her girls pulled me off her

I reached in my backpack and pulled out my gun and started shooting

I shot them and killed them 1 by 1 as everyone knocked each other over trying to get out the door, I looked for teyana and she was nowhere to be found I looked all over the school


I yelled out to her, then I saw her run into the bathroom so I ran in their and snatched that bitch by her hair and dragged her outside, let her go

I pulled the trigger and shot her in the chest "that's for pushing me out the window" I say then shot her in the arm "and that's for you and your friends jumping me" I said then shot her twice in the head blowing her brains out

I heard police sirens so I ran away leaving teyana for dead

So pretty much that is how went down and how Majin got in juvenile

Hope you like it ❤

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