Private Show (August VS Chris...

By preetamber

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Made a reservation, you're my favorite place to be All day, contemplatin' baby, waitin' patiently There's nob... More



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By preetamber

Alanna Jamison
August 26th, 2017
Atlanta, Georgia

It's okay, Chris is fine he's just having one of those moments. Everyone was mad at him and he felt like he needed some space. He's just clearing his mind that's all. I told myself as I pulled up in his driveway.

I decided it would be smart to come see what Trina might possibly know. We texted a few times but there's things body language tells that texting doesn't.

My phone chimed as I placed my shades on my face preparing to get out the car. I checked it seeing it was a text from August.

"Don't try to solve shit yoself, you and Riya need to leave this to the men."

I rolled my eyes at the message just locking the screen and removing my keys from the ignition. I looked over at Riya who was stuck in a daze.

She was playing with her necklace shifting the pendant side to side. I grabbed her hand stopping her and snapping her to reality. "You know he's gonna be okay right?" I spoke

Her eyes began to fill with tears as she shook her head no slightly " I don't, I really don't Lanna." She said fighting off tears as she wiped the ones already racing down her cheeks.

"It is, don't think anything negative. In this situation we have to stay strong and pray for the best. We're going to find them don't worry Riya." I reassured her

She nodded and pulled the visor down looking in the mirror to fix herself up.

She dabbed under her eyes with a napkin "It's just it's always been me and my brother, ever since I was born I've been tied to Von's hip. Losing him would make this a completely different world to me."

It breaks my heart seeing her like this, yes I know I should be acting the same way right now. Trust me I will, but right now in this moment my friend needs me. Her blood brother life is on the line, Chris is just someone who made his way back into my life recently. I can't be selfish and make this about me.

On the other hand I'm scared out of my mind because this whole situation could leave my child without a father. I know that's how it was before but before she didn't know him, now she's obsessed with him. I'd hate to see her lose that bond so soon.

I looked off into the road while she got herself back together.

It's a lot of cars out here today, normally his street is empty. It's a higher up neighborhood so everyone has plenty of driveway space usually.

"Ready?" She asked looking at me faking a smile closing the mirror

I furrowed my eyebrows noticing one of the cars windows weren't tinted in the back. Luckily I just got my new contacts and could see there was someone sitting in the car.

"Uhh, yea I am but hey you don't think it's odd to see all these cars on the road?" I asked unbuckling my seat belt

She looked around examining them and shrugged
"Maybe someone is having a party, or something." She suggested

"And it just so happens every guest has really tinted windows?" I suspiciously questioned looking over there. I nodded before opening the door"whatever you right."

We got out the car and headed towards the door when Trina frantically bust through it charging for us "THE FUCK YOU DO BITCH?!" She yelled jumping at me

A guy walked out the house behind her grabbing her " it's okay Miss.Brown I need you to relax." He stated as he secured her

Me and Riya were looking at eachother confused.

"Is someone going to tell us what's going on here?" Asked Riya speaking for the both of us

I examined the guy from head to toe as he lowly whispered something into Trina's ear.

He was chocolate with a waves and a beard. His skin was clean and smooth, he wore a Jean jacket and some jeans with black button up underneath and no tie.

Judging by the slight bulge on his right side, there's a chance he has a gun.

"He's a Detecti-"

I was then interrupted by an enraged Trina "Detective, that's right bitches and we gonna find out whatever yall did to my fucking brother."

"Bitch what is going on?" Riya questioned

"I'm mad confused, you think I had something to do with Chris disappearing?" I asked lifting my shades onto my head "I'm actually really offended by that."

"We didn't have shit to do with anything, we actually came here to see if you possibly knew what was going on with him." Riya admitted

I turned around to check on those cars just to see that they were suddenly all pulling off. If that's not weird, then I don't know what is.

"Were you looking for someone ma'am?" Asked the detective

I looked back seeing him looking at the same direction I was then back at me.

"Uh no, I just thought I saw something weird." I said shaking it off " I'm sorry, what's your name again?" I asked looking for a sign of a badge

"Detective Mills, I work in the forensics division." He answered placing his hand out for me to shake I looked at his hand studying it " You used to be in a gang detective?" I asked referring to the three dots forming a triangle on the inside of his wrist as I shook his hand.

He was taken aback and furrowed his eyebrows looking at me " Excuse me?" He said placing his hands down fixing his cufflinks

"Your tattoo on your wrist, the three dots. That's a gang thing if I'm not mistaken." I pointed out

"Ahh, you know some things I see Miss. Jamison.. right if I'm not mistaken." He replied

"Since when did they allow people with a past protect and serve our country?" Asked Riya "I'm sure you didn't disclose that with your captain upon hire."

"Actually I did, I had to go to trial to fight for my position. Although, I never actually got convicted of a crime my tattoos are full on proof that I have a past. I almost didn't make it out training due to having cops already targeting me based off the color of my skin and the small part of my past. "

My face shifted as I thought of what to say next " yea, well I can't blame them for that." I shrugged " it's probably all you knew at one point, who's to say you'll never go back to it."

"Lanna." Said Riya nudging me

"What? I'm just saying you never know." I stated folding my arms

"No, she's fine you're right Miss. Jamison, which is why it made me the best fit for this case. I can look at someone and just know what type of person I'll be dealing with. I know the ins and the outs of these streets. I'll spot a killer before he ever gets the chance to kill."

"So what exactly do you know about Chris's disappearance?" Asked Riya

"All we know so far is there was blood at the crime scene." He stated

"Crime scene?!" Me and Riya both shouted

"What crime scene? The only thing I heard was he's been gone a few days." I spoke

"Well, we found blood at the last place his phone pinged. In an apartment complex off roseland street, which made it a crime scene. We also  tracked his car down to an old abandoned parking garage that also had a few drops of blood."

"Off Roseland street...Crown Heights apartments? That's where my brother stays. He's been missing also." Riya pointed out

I looked at her while feeling a sense of fear because our assumptions were beginning to make sense.

My heart sank to my stomach as I took everything in. Am I really hearing what I think I'm hearing?

I shook my head no "don't tell me you think he's - "

"We aren't sure of it yet, there's only tracks of blood but no major spills. It could be possible he was took for some information." He then looked at me as if he had an idea. " from my understanding you're the mother of his child, do you know anything about his business?"

"Uh, no actually I don't I know he owns a car dealership. Other than that I really mind my business when it comes to his personal life. We actually recently just got back in contact"

"And what about you, what's your brother name? And how long has he been gone?" Asked the detective directing his attention towards Riya

"Since the same day as Chris actually. We never go without speaking and he hasn't made any contact with me."

"Did you try to call us to find him?"

"No- No, I just wanted to believe he was at some girls house or something. Calling the police just for him to pop back up would be pointless."

"FUCK ALL THIS SHIT! This bitch knows what happened to my brother. I told you he was telling me how they argued, because she's flipping from bed to fucking bed. Now all of a sudden he's missing?!" Exclaimed Trina suddenly breaking her silence

This bitch needs to go to bed and try the fuck again.

Why would I ever do anything to Chris? I love him despite all the crazy things that's been happening. My heart just melts for this man, I could never put him in any danger.

"Trina please shut the fuck up." Scoffed Riya "trust me nobody did anything to your fucking brother."

"Exactly." I agreed " we were actually in Florida the last time I spoke to him. I suggest you learn what you talking about before mister detective have different case on his hands."

"Woman gets her ass beat in her own yard." Riya Said in a news reporter voice causing a well needed small smile to creep on my face

" I can arrest you for a terroristic threat you know?" Spoke the detective "how about we get back to talking about Chris and this brother Von of yours." He then suggested

Just then my phone began to ring I took it out my my purse looking to see who it was before answering it.

"Hey auntie, how's are you?" I asked

"Excuse me?"

"Oh no, are you serious? "

"Serious aboutttt?"

"I'm coming hold on, I'm driving to you right now." I replied before placing the phone on mute and looking at everyone " I'm sorry, we have to go. I have a family emergency going on. I'd love to stop by the station and give some more insight sometime."

"Oh no need to do that, get my number from Miss.Brown and we'll be in contact."  Replied detective mills reaching his hand out once again

"Sorry, I don't do germs you never know when it might be a big worldly germ attack." I joked turning to Riya "we have to go, like now."

"Okay." She responded following as I lead the way to the car

We both got in and I cranked the car pulling out of the driveway and passing my phone to Riya
as I watched my rear view mirrors.

"What's wrong, is my niece okay?" She asked

"Take my phone off mute and put it on speaker." I directed her

She looked at me for a slight second and did as I said

"Man what the fuck, HELLOOOO ?" Shouted the person on the phone

"Clarence?" Questioned Riya

"Riya?" He responded

"He- Hey, how have you been?" She asked

"I've been better, what about you? How these days been treating you?"

"Well my brothers missing, so there's that."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm sorry to interrupt this love fest, but we have a problem." I spoke

"Wassup" Clarence responded

"We just left Chris house and it's a shady detective there with Trina."

"I felt something weird about him too."Riya added

"What made you think something bout em was off?" Asked Clarence

"Well for one he never showed his badge, police officers always show their badge upon introduction." I stated " I saw cars parked across the street when we first got there. I know for a fact he saw them too because he was looking the same direction as me. For some odd reason they all pulled off and he didn't say anything or ask anything about it. That's just weird to me."

" he said Von's name and I never said his name.." said Riya

"Exactly bitch! Not to mention he was asking about the business. He suggested Chris was took because of information, but we all know what information he meant."

"We have to tell Trina before she tells him anything, that's if she hasn't told him enough already." Suggested Riya

" so what y'all thinking, the detective must have em?" Asked Chris

"I'm thinking if he doesn't have him then he might know who does." Riya replied

" let's just hope Trina isn't spitting out more than she knows." I said as I  looked in my mirror and saw a black SUV trailing us.

"I think we're being followed." I spoke as I remained calm

Growing up fast has its perks at certain points, yes I've been through some things but it's taught me to be alert. I can remain calm in some of the roughest situations, I just face it and pray I make it out. All I know is I'm fighting til the end no matter what.

"What? Where y'all at? Hold on let me add Sammy to the call, I'm coming." Clarence responded

"What do you see?" Asked Riya as she repeatedly eyed each mirror

"Yoo" Sammy spoke

"The black SUV that's two cars behind us, it's been following us since we turned off Chris street." I answered stopping at a red light

"What the fuck y'all add me to? Where the fuck y'all at ?" Asked Sammy

"We're about to turn by the gas station on east 23rd." Responded Riya

" Bet, me and some fella's handlin business roun the corner from there. It's a ducked off area you can lead them to, just take it slow don't get anxious and shit makin em wanna take action."

"I'm good, just tell me where to go."

"Take a left after you make that first turn, keep going straight after that." Instructed Clarence

I did as he said

"I can't believe this shit is happening." Stated Riya

"Once you hit the roundabout take another left, you'll see majority woods but it's okay." Clarence added

"Okay." I said following his directions

"Are they still behind you?" Asked Sammy

I checked my mirrors and sure enough no one was on the road but us two " Fuck!" I said hitting the wheel " yea they still there."

"Riya turn the music all the way up." Said Clarence

"What? Why?"

"Just do it."

She did as he said.

The music began to blast filling the car as it blared through the speakers

"Al.. Mosttt.. GOTCHA BITCH!"

I could faintly hear Sammy shout through the music. With a loud crash following soon after.

Riya tapped my leg and pointed toward the mirror. I looked up to see the car that was following behind us flipping over again and again until it landed on its hood.

There were other cars pulling up to the scene. I stopped the car in our tracks turning around and going back.

I parked the car on the side of the road getting out . Sammy was stepping out of one of the few cars the pulled up and so was Clarence.

Then came August getting out of the car with Lucas.

There was another car that was actually used to hit the car who was following us. Of course they had one of the workers do the dirty work. All in all I'm thankful for the save but still. He was already walking towards the SUV to see who was in it.

"I told yo ass to stay out of it." Spat August walking up to me

I rolled my eyes at his nerve to believe anything he said mattered at the moment " I follow my own rules, you better stop walking up on me like you about to do something". I spat back

"Aight, Ike and Tina we got bigger shit to handle right now." Interrupted Lucas referring to the flipped car near us

"He's right, we got shit to handle y'all need to leave like today."

"What? I need answers too." Retorted Riya

"He's right, y'all need to leave and get out of town too." Added Clarence

"I can't just leave town."

"You can, and you will."  He sternly spoke

"I was already about to take us out of town anyways." I replied

"You was?" Questioned Riya

"Yes, once I suspected the cop I knew there was no telling what Trina told him. That puts me and my child in danger. If they were scoping out Chris house, then that means they'll be at yours." I replied " I don't want to leave, but your life is in just as much danger as mine right now."

"Where y'all plan on going?" Asked August

"I have somewhere in mind. We can go get some clothes then head out." I spoke

"No!" All the men spoke before digging in the pockets

"Here."uttered Lucas smacking a stack on my car

"Huh." Said Sammy slapping a stack too

"Take this shit." Added August

"Y'all don't make no stops til yall make it out Atlanta." Clarence directed as he and August both placed stacks with the others " and be careful." He then added looking at Riya

"We will." She spoke

"Take this hea for safety." Spoke August as he handed me his hand piece from behind his waist " remember what I taught you aight, deep breaths then pull."

I nodded taking it and placing it in my purse.

Clarence and Riya had drifted off as he walked her to the car for some privacy.

August looked at me and twisted his lip before letting out a sigh " Riya I do have feelings for you." He spoke " I want you to be safe out Thea, come back safe fa me. Safe fa ya baby. I'll get Chris back for you no matter how bad it hurts me, I just wanna see you happy."

"Thanks August." I replied wrapping my arms around him hugging his waist tightly

He hugged me back slightly squeezing me as he kissed my forehead.

"Aight na get goin we gotta get this shit fixed fast."

"Okay, please be safe you guys." I said speaking loud enough for everyone as I walked to the car joining Riya

I got in placing my seatbelt on and looking at her.

"So, where we going?and you know we have our own money right?" She asked placing the money from the boys in the backseat

"Of course I do but they have more." I winked " but we're taking a trip to Savannah I have to see someone." I responded pulling off

"And who is that? She questioned raising an eyebrow

"Someone I haven't spoke to in a long time... My Mother." I answered looking at her then back at the road

"The mother who kicked you out at 15?"

I slowly nodded my head " yep, that one."

"Oh wow, and the quest continues."


It's been yearsssss literally 😭

HIIII, how are you guys? How's life?

I'm 25 now LMAOOO, a long way from the 16-19 year old I was before but yea 🤣

I recently read this book with my girlfriend and she loved it and so did I. While I read it I came up with more ideas and she inspired me to write another chapter. So my love this one is for youu🤍

Also, My sister writes short stories. I allowed her to change my profile name to make it easier to find her. She also posted them on here. If you love my books then you'll love these stories. So go take a peak 😘

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