Cry Baby - BEN Drowned x Read...

By jeffsno1gf

338K 10K 32.1K

It started with tears, but will it end in tears? -BEN Drowned x Reader -Profanity -Mature themes -LGBTQ+ repr... More

Before Viewing
Exchange Student
A Shoulder To Cry On
Dairy Queen
Whipped (not in the kinky way)
Hold Me Closer
Lovers Amongst The Stars
I Want To See Her Bleed
New Recruit
And Everything Went Dark
So whats next? *not a chapter*


10.5K 354 269
By jeffsno1gf

Once BEN and I got home, we sat down on the couch and just stared at the black TV screen.

"So. That Samantha girl was your friend?" BEN asked.

"Was. In high school. We had a few classes together." I said, emphasizing the 'was'.

"What happened?" He questioned.

"We both grew up and moved on. I heard she moved across the country. To attend some fancy university. She must be back to visit her family." I said.

"Oh." He mumbled.

"You don't seem to like her much." He commented.

"Not anymore." I leaned back.

"Why not?" He asked.

"No particular reason. I guess I feel like she left me behind. She never called, never texted, and now she shows back up and tries to act all buddy-buddy." I said, annoyed.

"Well I think it's because you were jealous. I don't think you even really remember her all that much. You don't care about her leaving you behind. You care that she flirted with me." BEN said matter-of-factly.

"What?! I do not!" I said loudly.

"(Y/N), I already know you're madly in love with me. Just admit you were jealous." He teased.

"I'm not jealous. And besides, even if I was, it's not like you'll ever see her again. So what's there to be jealous of?" I said.

"Yeah, and you know you're the only one for me." He winked, leaning in.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, playfully shoving his face away from mine.

"(Y/N)~!" We heard someone call my name in a sing-song voice, and heard them walking down the stairs.

I instantly recognized it and jumped up, running to the bottom of the staircase.

"Jeff!" I yelled happily.

He finally made it to the bottom and I grabbed him, hugging him.

"Where have you been? I missed you!" I said, breaking the hug.

BEN came up beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

I casually pushed him off of me and patiently awaited Jeff's answer.

"Well, I was getting Cassies body. Slender says we're ready to do the ceremony. I came to pick you up." He said.

My eyes widened and I started to tear up.

"I'm getting her back?" I whispered.

Jeff nodded and I let out a sob.

"Why are you crying?? You should be happy!" BEN said, sounding panicked as he tried to calm me down.

"They're happy tears!" I said, crying but smiling at the same time.

"Oh, good. I was worried." BEN mumbled, giving me an awkward hug.

I composed myself and thanked BEN, then followed Jeff upstairs.

BEN trailed behind me, trying to grab onto my hand.

After about 4 attempts I finally gave in and let him hold my hand.

Jeff gestured to the computer and then let his eyes wander down to BEN and I's hands.

"Are you two dating now?" He asked.

"Not officially." BEN said.

"No." I said sternly.

Jeff just raised an eyebrow and crawled into my computer.

"You go ahead of me, (Y/N)." He said.

"Why? So you can stare at my ass as I do? No thanks." I said, dropping his hand and crossing my arms.

"I mean partly yes. But more so that I can make sure you go through safe. It's your first time using one of these gates. Your body isn't used to it, so a few things can go wrong." He said.

I thought about it for a second before finally nodding.

"Fine." I mumbled, crawling on top of my desk.

I put my hand through first, just to test it.

It was so weird, being able to stick my hand through the screen.

The inside was cold, and felt like my hand was being pricked by pine needles.

I glanced back at BEN, seeing him giving me a reassuring look.

I took a deep breath before pushing myself all the way through.

I tumbled out on the other side, being caught by someone just before I hit the ground.

I looked up to see Jeff looking down at me.

"BEN will be through in a second, so make sure you're out of the way." Jeff said.

I nodded and quickly moved away from the screen.

I looked around to see what was obviously BEN's room.

The bed was messy and unmade, the covers being a forest green with black sheets.

The floor had dirty clothes scattered around it, with a black rug on the floor.

There was a large flat screen attached to the wall, with a dresser underneath it.

On top of the dresser was an Xbox 1, a PS4, and various cords along with controllers.

There was a bedside table next to the bed that had a lamp, and a 3DS, along with an empty glass.

The screen we came out of was a computer monitor.

An expensive one, by the looks of it.

He had a full set up, 3 different monitors, a gaming keyboard and mouse, and a headset next to the keyboard.

There were also speakers, along with a ton of different cords, all labeled with pieces of red electrical tape wrapped around them, making tags.

The chair he had matched the colors of his set up.

It was a replica of PewDiePies chair.

The chair had been pushed away from the desk, so that Jeff could catch me before I did any damage.

But, back to the present.

I moved away from the desk just in time to see BEN effortlessly land on his feet.

"Hey babe." He winked at me.

"Like my room?" He asked, gesturing around me.

I nodded and took another glance, now seeing the dirty posters he had hanging up.

Most of which were of women, but I could've sworn I saw a Magic Mike poster hidden behind one of the bikini models.

I sighed and noticed the room smelled like roses.

I gave a confused look to myself at this realization.

"What?" BEN asked.

"Nothing, it's just that your room smells like roses." I said.

"Huh. I guess it does, doesn't it?" He looked around, nodding a bit.

"Well, should we introduce you to the family?"

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