The Beauty Of Senses~ Inuyash...

Oleh Ak1zaV

29.5K 708 409

**CURRENTLY ON HIATUS** You're an artist with a gift of drawing people perfectly by a feel of their face , b... Lebih Banyak

Author's Note
A Simple Drawing
One Step Too Much
A Change of Direction In The Wind
Start of A Tolerable Bonding
Arguing Upgraded To Bantering
Voices of Winter Ice and Spring Flowers
Seeing Past The Facade
Digging For A Heart Buried In Snow
Putting The Skills To Good Use
A Chime Of Realization
The Eyes Are Concealed With Lies
A Chance At A Possible Happiness
A Deafening Departure
When The Body Goes Numb
Gentle Warmth In The Merciless Coldness
A Mutual Euphoria
A Selfless Intervention
A Close Lost
A Moment Of Desperation, A Moment Of Clarity
Blind Faith and Hope
Through Dreams, Do Wishes Exist
The Journey Back Home
Guidance Led By Memories
A Floral Shrine
The Smallest Detail Can Change Everything
A Voice Laced With Comfort
An Unforeseen Twist
World Of Colors, But A Life Of Blankness
Rediscovery of Colors of Passion
Mirage Within Topaz Eyes
Double Take on Double Vision
A Step, A Fall, An Interlocking Moment
Crimson Memories Among Emerald Grass
Collaging Fragments Piece By Piece
A Paper Plane Carries Our Story

A Human, A Demon, And A Tree

908 16 12
Oleh Ak1zaV

The next two days, I've been recovering mostly. My swollen ankle has gone down a bit but I don't know if I can walk properly or not, since I can't move my dominant hand I could only use my other hand to eat. Fortunately, I don't feed myself for long because Inuyasha takes the eating utensil out of my hand and feeds me himself. Inuyasha has stayed by me every day and night, and I'm happy to have him by my side. His warmth fills the atmosphere around me. We don't talk like how a couple would, we banter and tease each other, but we know that behind it all, we love each other. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo all came over to see me the day after I came back to the village, we all sat down and talked. Sango and Miroku checked my wounds and told me that all I need now is wait for them to heal, but I know I'll have scars and permanent damage...but there's nothing that I can do about them. Inuyasha and I also told them about our love that we have finally confessed to one another, Shippo hit Inuyasha on the head. I was surprised Inuyasha didn't retaliate or anything, I suppose it meant that Inuyasha knew that he regretted it. Aside from the scolding of Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo all wished us a happy future. Inuyasha wanted to take me to the tree by the cliff but couldn't because I needed to recover, I couldn't be happier knowing that he wanted to take me somewhere that means a lot to him. Today, I seem to be much better. I get dressed after eating lunch, Inuyasha went out to go to talk to Sango so I got the privacy to change. I haven't really gone out in a while, at least not properly so I wonder what the air feels like. As I head to the door I remembered something.

"My walking stick..." I say quietly.

I let out a sigh and hang my head, now that I don't have my walking stick how am I going to get to places. I put my arms along the cool wooden walls of my hut, and I follow the surface until I find the door. I take hold of the handle and I open it, my eyes begins to wonder around. I can feel the sunlight against my face and hands, but the air is still slightly chilly. I take in a deep breath, how refreshing. I raise my face to the sky and glide my eyes in the emptiness, the sunlight does not bother me at all. I slowly take a step forward and slide my foot along the wooden platform until I find the step, I carefully step down and I sit down. The gentle wind carries my hair around me, I close my eyes and take in the serenity. I can hear people's voice far away, the birds chirps above.

"I suppose Spring is finally here." I say to myself with a smile.

I lower my head and open my eyes, I then try to move my dominant hand. I can still feel the wrapped cloth bandage around my wrist, it's slightly painful when I flex the muscles. Although I'm trying hard but the only finger that moves slightly...or at least on command is my thumb. The other four doesn't. I sigh. With this injury, I may never be able to draw another picture again. I close my eyes lower my head, suddenly I can hear gentle chimes of a bell coming towards my direction. I open my eyes and raise my head, I can hear footsteps coming near.

"Are you alright?" The voice that I have come to love asks me.

"I'm alright, I wanted to come out for some fresh air. I've been cooped up inside for quite a few days." I reply back with a smile.

I then feel the air in front of me swoosh slightly, the rustling of fabric and then a presence right in front of me. It surprised me slightly.

"Talk about fresh air, let's go to the tree by the cliff. We can both get some fresh air and talk." Inuyasha says.

"Sounds good." I nod back.

I then feel his presence standing up and then becoming heavy again in front of me.

"Get on." He says.

"Huh?" I respond slightly confused.

"Get on my back, I'll carry you on my back. We can get there faster." He explains.

I suppose this is a moment where I need to respond back.

"Oh so you think I'm slower now, gee thanks. You can't blame me for being slow, I lost my walking stick ok? I used it as a weapon, so of course I'm going to be slower now." I say with a huff.

"Alright alright calm down, I didn't mean to insult you and call you slow. You're injured so I thought this will be better for you." Inuyasha replies trying to control his response.

I smile, I know that Inuyasha wants to help. I just wanted to tease him a little, it's a been a while. I put my hands against his strong back, his warmth radiates and flows through my palms. I slide them upwards, his hair tickles my skin. I eventually find his shoulders and I wrap my arms around his neck, I lean forward and I rest my chin on his left shoulder. I can feel his left dog ear fluttering above me slightly, Inuyasha turns his head to the left and I can feel his nose against my right cheek.

"____________?" He says surprised.

"I know Inuyasha, and I'm grateful. It's been a while since we've bantered, it feels nice to be back in the old days." I say gently next to him.

"I suppose it does, now hold on." He replies back with a hmph.

I hold tightly with my still properly functioning other hand, I then feel Inuyasha stand up and his arms hooks underneath my thighs. I don't feel cold because his body warmth flows against my front, the next thing I know the wind picks up. I can hear Inuyasha's steady breathing and his fast footsteps as he runs, I feel like I'm flying as he dashes. I close my eyes and hold on tight as I let Inuyasha take us to the cliff, After a few minutes he starts to slow down, I open my eyes and I can smell the fresh and clean air. The wind seems a bit stronger now.

"Are we here?" I ask him.

"Ya." He responds quietly.

I feel him walk up to something and then he gently lowers me down, I can feel the soft grass below, indeed the snow has melted. I glide my hands along the blades of grass, I smile at the sensation. I hear Inuyasha's footsteps beside me in a distance and the gentle rings of his bell, the sound of his fabric rustles and then a plop. I feel the ground beside me, he's not next to me.

"Inuyasha?" I say his name.

"Ya?" He responds, his voice a bit far away.

"Why are you sitting away from me?" I ask him confused.

"I haven't properly washed in a few days so I don't smell good." Inuyasha says clearing his throat.

Washed? Well, I haven't properly washed these days either due to my injuries but is that all? To be honest I didn't even notice his smell, all I could smell is his normal scent that I have gotten use to. I let out a chuckle.

"Really? I haven't noticed, besides all I could smell is your usual scent that I love. To be honest, even if you did smell, I wouldn't mind at all. So sit beside me please Inuyasha." I say with a smile holding out my non-injured hand out towards his direction.

"You really don't mind?" He asks me.

I shake my head and smile. I then hear a sigh and the grass rustling, footsteps and then a big warm hand gently taking mine and then whoosh of the air beside me. I can feel Inuyasha's presence now, and his scent. Indeed, I can't smell anything different, in fact I should be the one that should be concerned since I'm a human while he is a half demon. His canine nose can probably pick up anything, my face feels warm as I think that. His big hand wraps around mine and I feel warm.

"Since my wounds are getting better, how about lets both take a dip in a stream or somewhere and clean up after?" I suggest.

"Sure, we can go to the waterfall just outside of the village." Inuyasha replies.

"Wonderful, I could use something refreshing after a hectic few days." I say with a sigh.

I lower my head and I try to move my fingers on my dominant hand, my thumb is the only one that properly moves. My tendons has been severed so my fingers doesn't function properly now, I can never draw again, I won't be able to hold a charcoal stick again. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Then I feel Inuyasha letting go of my other hand and he takes hold of my dominant hand with both of his, I open my eyes and lift my head up. The warmth from his skin flows through mine, how soothing and comforting.

"Inuyasha?" I say his name softly.

"This hand has helped me so much in these few months, because of your art and compassion, it has helped me slowly let go of my past. Now...because of me, you lost the mobility of this hand. You may never draw again." He says quietly.

I feel my heart ache, I shake my head before I even knew it. He's feeling regret all over again because I may never use my dominant hand again. I shift my body to face him, and I lift my other hand up and slowly find his cheek, his warm skin touches my fingertips. I feel him lift his head up, I shake my head again and smile.

"I don't want you to feel sad or anything Inuyasha, I may have lost the mobility of my dominant hand but it's not like I can't do anything without it. There are many people out there in the world with disabilities bu they are still living life the way that they want. Miroku once told me, you lose things but you also gain something. Because of my choice to want to help you move on from the past, I have fallen in love with you. Then because of my love for you I realized that it's burdening you, so I left. Then because of that decision, I got injured and lost my dominant hand. I may have lost that, but I got something in return. My drawing hand was sacrificed and in return, I managed to help you move on from your past little by little till you got to the point that you allowed yourself to love again. To be able to love me. I don't regret it, so I don't want you to regret it either. My decisions has lead to the moment now, and I won't give it up for anything." I say to him with a gentle smile.

There's a brief moment of silence, I then feel Inuyasha lift my dominant hand up and gently kisses each of my fingertips. I soften my eyelids and smile.

"I know I said something about your eyes before but it didn't express how I really felt because I wanted to suppress my feelings, now I'm able to say it properly... I never realized how gentle and beautiful your eyes were_____________." He tells me.

My eyes widen slightly at his compliment filled with love, I smile again. I then feel him leaning forward and then resting his forehead on my chest, his scent fills my senses. I can feel his thick long hair brushing against my cheek and his dog ears fluttering slightly against my chin, his hands still holding mine.

"Inuyasha what's wrong?" I ask him worried.

"During these 3 months, I started out from guiding you by holding the walking stick because I wasn't really fond of you. I didn't want to touch you. Then as we spent more time together and you helping me, I realized that I have fallen in love with you. But due to my past and memories of Kagome, I didn't want to let these feelings take over me so I tried my best not to touch you, to feel your skin. Unfortunately, at times I didn't realize that I am and it lights the feelings that I had for you little by little. Perhaps, if I fully held your hands and guided you I would have let everything go sooner. Now, I have let most of my past go and that my feelings for you are known, I can finally touch you and hold you, it comforting and peaceful." He says.

I feel my chest becoming congested, I now understand everything. I always wondered why he didn't want to guide me by taking my hand, but now he's able to and proudly with nothing to tell him that he can't. I rest my chin gently on top of his head, his dog ears flutters again on both side of my jawline. I use my free hand and stroke his thick hair, I move my still mobile thumb of my dominant hand along the skin of his hand as I can't squeeze his hand to show my affection. I kiss the top of his head, it feels like I'm patting and giving my affection to a dog. But I know that this isn't, this is a demon, a being, a being who's able to love. And a demon who has loved passionately twice and suffered through heartaches.

"I understand everything Inuyasha, thank you for telling me your feelings. This moment feels like back in the first two months or so when you told me your past and thoughts because you trusted me, Now that we know that we love each other, I want you to come to me whenever you have things on your mind. Don't run away and keep your feelings locked in, I don't want you to go back to the time when you shut yourself off again. Alright?" I ask him.

"I won't anymore, I have you now by my side. You gave up so much to help me, and because of you I can finally see happiness in the future. I hope that you will stay with me from now on." He replies lifting his head up.

"Of course Inuyasha, I never lost anything, the people that I care about are all here. You're here, you grabbed hold of my life and brought warmth back into my numb body. Loving someone is never easy, but when you let your heart fall in love with someone, one must be prepared for any heartaches. I'm just happy that my affections were returned. Before I left I told you that if you want me to stay, I'll stay, but if you want me to leave, I'll leave. Just now, you asked me to stay by your side, so that's what I'll do." I tell him with a smile and a nod.

"Thank you___________, for everything." I hear him say.

I nod, I clear my throat. I suppose something lighter will be nice, brighten up the conversation a little.

"Now that we are back together side by side, I guess you get your job as my "unofficial eyes" again." I say with a chuckle.

I then feel his hands on my cheek and waist, He pulls me gently into him. I wrap my weaker hand around his neck and the other onto his left arm as I lightly fall into his lap, I can suddenly feel his warm and soft breathing against my nose. My heart starts speeding up and I can hear my heartbeat through my ears, he caresses my cheek lovingly.

"I think giving me the title as your "unofficial eyes" is a bit downgrading. At this point, I don't mind being your eyes if I'm able to. I will take you to wherever you need to go, I'll describe everything that you wish to know. Rely on me as much as you need to, and I'll be there whenever you need me." Inuyasha tells me.

I then hear the gentle chimes of the bell around his neck that I made for him, I can feel my eyes tearing up as I hear him say that. I said it for fun but it looks like Inuyasha is ready to act as my official eyes without any complaints. How things changed when our true feelings are revealed.

"Thank you Inuyasha." I reply back to him slightly dazed.

"Don't cry on me, I'm bad at comforting people." Inuyasha says slightly flustered.

I chuckle at his reaction, his hand then lifts my face up towards his. I then feel his nose touch my cheek as he leans in, his lips presses against mine. I let the feeling sink in and I close my eyes, the warmth and softness of his lips caresses mine. My body feels calm and warm as his lips touches my own, we kiss each other for a few seconds, then we pull away from each other. I rest my head against his strong chest, his hair brushes against my face as he holds me. The gentle Spring wind blows across the land, I feel Inuyasha lean back against the tree trunk with me in his arms. I close my eyes and I soon fall asleep. When I wake up, the weather has started to become a bit chilly. It's still early Spring, the Winter atmosphere slightly lingers. I can feel the gentle wind but I don't feel cold, strong warm arms wraps around me, rhythmic breathing fills my hearing from above.

"You are up?" Inuyasha's voice asks me.

I sit myself up straight and stretch, that was a good rest. I smile and my eyes wonder around.

"Ya I am, what time is it?" I ask him.

"The sun is setting, the sky is fiery orange and red." He tells me.

I smile at his description of the world around us.

"Thank you for telling me what the world is like Inuyasha, I can imagine what the sky looks like." I say turning to face him.

"I'm your eyes now so of course. Come on, lets go and relax at the waterfall and head back." Inuyasha says.

"Sounds nice." I respond.

Inuyasha stands up and pulls me up, suddenly I feel my body falling back and my legs going out. I let out a gasp of surprise but then I feel arms hooking behind my knees and waist, Inuyasha has lifted me up and I hook my arms around his neck. His long hair brushes against my skin.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I'm going to carry you there." He responds simply.

"You know I can walk right? You don't need to." I tell him.

"Your foot is still slightly swollen, it's going to take us a long time to get back if you walked." He replies.

"Hey, I'm not that slow." I fire back.

I then hear him letting out a hmph, and then his nose nuzzling against my left cheek. My heart flutters at the gentle sensation, it calmed me down. I close my eyes and lean into it.

"Just stay still and don't move too much, we'll be there soon." He tells me quietly.

I nod my head in response as I can't seem to form words, I then feel him walking. Each step rocking me as he walked, I rest my head below his neck and I listened to his breathing. About 15 minutes later I can hear the sound of heavy water, sounds like we are here. Inuyasha lowers me onto the ground and I take a deep breath, it's so fresh.

"We're here?" I ask.

"Yep." He responds.

I then hear rustling of clothing where Inuyasha is standing.

"You're taking off your clothes now?" I ask him surprised.

"Sure am, you should too if you want to head in the cool water." He tells me.

"That would make sense wouldn't it?" I respond back with a chuckle.

I take a deep breath and start to untie my obi, my heart is starting to speed up. Why should I be nervous and embarrassed? Inuyasha has seen me bare to my skin already. We are in love and this shouldn't be a problem. I fold up my obi and then open up my kimono. I shed my clothes and fold them up and place them on the ground. I feel Inuyasha walking up behind me and scoops me up again. His warm skin flush against mine feels heavenly, his long hair brushes against my arm. I cover my front with one hand and my other around his neck as he holds me. He then starts walking, I can hear small pebbles crunching below us. The sound of flowing water fills all around, I then feel the two of us descending. The water ripples sounds beautiful, the cool water touches my feet and bottom and I shiver slightly. Inuyasha's hands tighten around my legs and waist and holds me closer to him. He lowers the two of us completely into the water, it's cool but refreshing. The side of my body that is flush against Inuyasha feels warm, Inuyasha lowers me completely into the water and then wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me onto his knee. We sat down in the water and I leaned against his shoulder, he rests his chin on top of my head. The two of us just sit there in silence as we let the water run against our bare skin, cleaning us.

"Remember when you fell asleep by the tree? That was nice." I say with a chuckle.

"Ya, I really did fall asleep that day, the rhythmic tapping of your walking stick and your words lulled me into a gentle slumber, I'm not lying. Kinda miss seeing you and that wooden walking stick." He responds with a sigh.

"I'm glad. Ya I miss that walking stick too, I miss that butterfly." I reply back.

"Why did you carve a butterfly on the walking stick? Is it because of your nickname?" He asks me.

"I suppose that can be the case, but no. Butterfly symbolizes changes and growing stronger. I wanted to become stronger for myself after I lost my sight, to not let anything bring me down because I can't see. I wanted the butterfly to remind me everyday to live life freely and beautifully." I answer him with a chuckle and smile.

There's a moment of silence, and then he kisses me on my left temple.

"You are more stronger than you know, even stronger than me. Even when the world is crashing around you you held on, and I'm grateful to you for holding on and waited for me. I'm thankful." He tells me with slight sadness in his voice.

I lift my left hand up and gently touch his face, I then turn my body around and I find his lips with mine. I push the two of us underwater but not losing contact between our lips. I let the cool water submerge my whole body, the moment we both submerge in the flowing element, everything went mute. The only thing that I can here are the muffle sound of the flowing water and my own heartbeat, we caress each other's lips as he holds me close to him. His body heat keeping both of us warm, our hair flows against our faces. How calming this moment is, I then release his lips and rest my cheek next to his. We stay like that for a good few seconds and then we surfaced, water droplets flows down my face, the dripping of the liquid sliding down my bare skin. I open my eyes, and I start to wonder around but my face is laced with a smile.

"Calming wasn't it? Let's not think back on the past and focus on the present." I say to him.

"You're right." He responds back.

I nod, the two of us stayed a bit longer and exited out of the water, we dried ourselves and Inuyasha helps me dress up. He then piggybacks me back to the village, I assume it's dinner time now. He takes us to the big hut and I can smell dinner, the two of us enter and the warm atmosphere that I missed comes back.

"_____________!" Shippo's energetic voice shouts.

"Hi Shippo, Sango, Miroku." I reply with a smile.

"Glad to have you join us dear." Sango replies with kindness in her voice.

"Indeed, it's been quite a while since we all sat down and ate together, come sit." Miroku responds.

We all sit down and Sango finishes setting the table, Inuyasha sits beside me with Shippo on the side and Miroku and Sango across from us.

"It's nice to see you and Inuyasha together." Miroku mentions.

I feel my cheeks heat up but I smile.

"Don't tease us Miroku." Inuyasha replies flatly.

"No one is teasing, we're happy for you two, thank you so much again___________ for helping Inuyasha get pass the hurdle of his past when we couldn't." Sango responds.

"It was my own choice to try and help him, I'm just happy that I was able to help lighten the weight that he has carried for years. Thank you for the congratulations." I respond back with a bow.

"Inuyasha you stubborn and stupid dog, it was stupid of you to push___________ away like that after everything that she has done for you. I could hit you right now." Shippo mutters.

"You don't need to keep reminding me you little brat, I know what I did." Inuyasha replies back with irritation in his voice.

I feel bad after hearing that, I feel like I did all that to gain something in return. I look down.

"You're staying with us from now on right_________?" Sango asks me.

Her question pulls me back to reality and I lift my head up, I smile.

"Inuyasha has asked me to stay, so I'll stay by his side." I respond back.

"That's wonderful, any future plans?" Miroku asks.

Future plans? Uhm, I don't think we have thought of anything that far yet. I don't know what to say, then I feel a big warm hand take mine in theirs. It startled me slightly, I realize it's Inuyasha.

"We haven't thought that far yet, we will see where each day leads us." He tells them.

I smile at his words.

"Indeed, the present is what matters. We're happy to have you back Inuyasha." Miroku responds back with content in his voice.

I place my other hand over Inuyasha's and gently squeeze it in return. We finish dinner together and I helped clean up as much as I can. Then Inuyasha and I walked back to turn in, His hand held mine as we walk side by side. The sounds of crickets are in the distance, our feet crunches on the gravel.

"Today was nice, thanks Inuyasha." I say to him.

"It's nothing to thank me for, besides, you helped me more than I have you." He responds.

"Listen Inuyasha, I don't want you to feel like you owe me anything, I don't want this relationship to be like that. It would be great if we bantered and teased each other like before but except with love involved." I say to him.

Inuyasha doesn't respond back to me but then he stops walking.

"We're here, I should light some candles and warm up my room a bit since you're here tonight." Inuyasha says.

What? His place? I thought he was guiding me back to my place, guess I wasn't paying attention since now that Inuyasha is with me. I'm slightly dumbstruck.

"Your place? I thought we were walking back to my place." I say to him.

"I was going to, but I changed my mind. I want to spend tonight with you here. I know what you mean when you said that, I do feel like I owe you a lot for what you have done, but I know that you don't want anything in return. The only thing that I can give you is my love, I love you isn't because I owe you, I love you because I have truly fallen in love with you. You don't need to feel as if you are robbing me of something, because you are not. I'm willing to give you everything____________. Tonight, I want you here with me....I want you." Inuyasha tells me straight out.

I feel my eyes widen as I hear him say that, Inuyasha caresses my face. I feel like everything went mute for a second, I let everything sink in slowly.

"____________? You alright?" Inuyasha's voice asks me pulling me back to reality.

I blink and I try to focus my eyes on the person that is standing in front of me. I smile at him and touch his hand with mine. The warmth of his skin laces the palm of my hand. I want you too Inuyasha, if you are willing to give everything of you to me, then I shall give the same amount back.

"I want you too Inuyasha." I respond back.

"I'm glad." I hear him say his voice laced with content.

He then lets go of my face and takes my hand in his.

"Let's go in, I'll light some candles for us." He says.

Inuyasha then guides me to his hut, I hear the wooden door open and the light thud of our footsteps as we enter into a space just for the two of us. My heart is beating fast but I know it will be alright, because I love and trust Inuyasha.

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