The matters of a spark

By Boredfandomkitty

6.1K 189 46

You stumble upon the Autobots due to Fowler and have never looked back. Your new life is great but becomes mu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

487 15 4
By Boredfandomkitty

You and ratchet talked back and fourth for awhile.  Enjoying each others company. 

"Hey ratch. What are we doing here? "

You haven't even realized but ratchet stopped in front of what looked like a small shopping area. 

"I figured it would be fine if we stopped for a bit. Besides didn't you say earlier that you wanted to look around a bit?"

"You're just messing with me.  You're kidding right?"

"Do you really think I'm not serious?"

You were honestly surprised. "But I thought you said that we weren't here for sightseeing?"

Ratchet looked back at you with a smile. "I know what I said.  I just thought it might not hurt if we went stopped and stretched your legs for a bit."

You leaned your head on his shoulder. "Awe ratchet you're so kind!"

You could hear him scoff at your statement which made you stifle a chuckle. 

Ratchet then got out and walked to the other side and opened the door. You could only imagine how weird that must've felt to ratchet.

Ratchet then extended a hand towards you and helped you out.

"Thanks Ratchet. But maybe you shouldn't be walking around with that coat on.  It makes you stand out even more than you already do." you mentioned while staring at his arm. 

Ratchet followed your line of sight to his coat. 

Without taking much effort he quickly pulled it off to reveal a gray sleeveless shirt.

Your eyes nearly popped out of your head as you saw ratchets arms. "Dang ratchet. I didn't know you had muscles!" you teased. 

Ratchet tossed the coat onto the passenger seat to which it disappeared. While doing so he wore a unamused expression.

"What we're you expecting?"

You shrugged.  "I don't know.  A dad bod?"

Ratchet looked almost offended.

"Sorry ratch. It's just you're not out in the field all the time like the others...   I though that maybe...."

You trailed off before you could do more damage. 

Ratchet tried to ignore your previous statement.

"So where do you want to go?" Ratchet inquired trying to change the subject. 

You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know.  I don't get out much. We could just look and walk around. "

Ratchet nodded. "We can't go too far though.  This form does have a limited range.  Not only that but the further away we get the harder it gets to see."

You nodded back in understanding. "Guess we should just go in a circle then."

"It would be wise to do so."

You quickly surveyed your surroundings and the shops nearby.

Thinking of a route less crowded.

"Ah ha; There!" you pointed out to ratchet.

He looked the direction you were pointing to see a craft store. 

Ratchet raised an eyebrow. 

"Whhaaaat? I need more supplies! Besides it doesn't hurt to look at what they have."

Ratchet shrugged.  If it kept you busy then why not. 

You treaded carefully to make sure ratchet didn't trip or bump into anybody on you way over. 

You noticed the strange stares as you passed by.  Most of them were directed towards ratchet.

It was understandable though. But it didn't make you any less uneasy. 

Ratchet noticed this when you gripped his arm tighter and pulled yourself closer to him. 

You then began to hear the hushed whispers when you passed. You wanted to train your eyes at the ground but you had to look forward. For yours and ratchets sake. 

You didn't even notice ratchet leaning over towards you till he whispered in your ear. 

"Don't worry so much.  They're not saying anything bad."

You jumped but them realized what he told you. 

You quietly observed what they were chattering about to hear them marveling about ratchets appearance.

You started to feel a little proud in a way until you heard a couple of young girls; whispering of what you might be. 

You tried to give them no mind and to show you weren't listening to them. 

"look at the age difference." "I bet she's using him." "Who wouldn't want to jump at the chance to be with a guy like him." "OMG but he's so much older than her how embarrassing!" "He has to be her sugar daddy!"

You couldn't help your face from becoming flushed.  You bit your lip in frustration as you passed them; hearing their laughter.

Just as your backs were to them you could no longer contain yourself and was about to whip around till ratchet put an arm on your shoulder. 

Ratchet then turned to face them and cleared his voice. 

"She and I being seen together isn't your concern and neither of our status together. But I can assure you it's nothing of what you are thinking. Now if you would excuse us please mind your own business."

You were shocked.  Your jaw dropped just as far as theirs. With that ratchet huffed and turned around; linking your arm with his own and continuing in the direction of the craft store. 

"That was amazing" you breathed.  "Nobody has ever stood up for me like that before!"

Ratchet scoffed "I wasn't going to let them treat you like that. Especially with everything that you've been through."

You blushed a bit. "Thanks ratchet."

You approached the shop and ratchet opened the door for you and  let you enter first. 

"My what a gentleman." you teased as you walked past him. 

Ratchet tried not to roll his eyes.  

You immediately scanned the area of the shop.  It wasn't big by any means. Nothing like the giant stores they had back in the rural area you lived in. It was small like a store in a strip mall. You walked around and glanced at their selection. You trained your eyes to try to look for some more pencils or another book. 

You felt ratchet tap your shoulder.

As you glanced up you noticed a guy in a apron approach you.  

You stood up straighter as he politely asked if you needed help with anything. 

You froze for a second. Your anxiety starting to crawl up your throat.  "I'm good. Thank you though" you told him politely with false ease. 

He told you to ask if you needed anything and turned to leave. As he made his way back to the counter you released a breath you didn't know you were holding. 

You were embarrassed by your social anxiety. It sucked. It made simple things difficult.

You found some nice pencils with a small sketch pad then made your way to the counter.

Ratchet finished looking at all the little science kits they had and followed you to the front. 

As the guy was ringing up the total he glanced at you and began to speak. 

"So you aren't from around here are you?"

You shook your head. And handed him the money you owed. 

"People made quite a fuss when you guys showed up." 

You and ratchet shared a look and you raised your eyebrows at the guy. 

The guy laughed "you don't talk much do you." 

You shook your head in response.

"Did we really cause a fuss?" ratchet inquired.

The guy gave a light laugh.  "we didn't know what to expect. Seeing an unmarked ambulance pull up and you guys get out. Not the typical scene for this town."

This piqued your interest. "So does much happen here?"

The guy handed your receipt and your bag of items. "Not really.  But usually if something happens the news spreads quick."

You gave a thoughtful hum.

"But there have been rumors." he trailed off with a big grin. 
"That a giant ship would pass over the city at night every now and then.  News has spread and more people are traveling over to see if they can catch a glimpse of it. Those that have claimed to have seen it says it's alien; and huge. But I don't really think it's true. But it does sound interesting. Thought that maybe you came here to see it too."

You looked at ratchet. Then looked back at the guy. Your anxiety practically nonexistent. "Just out of curiosity. Where are people saying they see this ship?..."


You walked over to ratchets alt mode and jumped inside. 

You didn't waste a second as you buckled yourself in and pulled out your phone. "So he said north from here. About 10 miles..." You trailed off. 

Ratchet started pulling out.  "There's no need I'm already on it."

You stopped what you were doing and looked up.  Easier for you; you guess. 

"So if they claim they saw the nemesis that means that they are probably mining a bit further. More than likely near a hill or a good clearing with some cover around it." you pondered out loud. 

"Were going to search the area within a 3 mile radius. Remember, if there is any decepticon activity we do not engage.  We will contact optimus and report back."

You nodded in understanding. You couldn't wait to see if there really was a mine. 

You remembered back to when you and wheeljack blew up the one mine and your smile faltered a bit. 

You looked over at ratchet and immediately smiled again.  You had ratchet. That's what's important right now. 

You looked at the map on your phone as ratchet used his own way of navigation. 

You looked at satellite radial images of the terrain to see anywhere there could be a good place the decepticons could be. 

Not far the hills got larger and more and more trees would pop up. 

"Hey ratch look at this!" you subconsciously leaned towards the holoform and pointed at your phone screen. 

You pointed to a road that lead to a quarry. From what you could think it was probably abandoned once they hit bottom; exhausted most of what they were mining for and it started to fill a little with water. Perfect place to try to mine energon from if it was there.

"Good eye." ratchet praised 

You puffed up a little and you let him see the coordinates. 

You felt good being of use.

Ratchet took the best route and arrived fairly quickly. Who's to say that the best route was to simply ditch the road and just make a straight shot there.

You both came up near the entrance they use to drive down the deep pit.

Ratchet quickly surveyed the area around you. Then once checking all clear for any human or cybertronian activity he motioned for you to get out. 

Once you hopped out he transformed up and activated his blades. 

"You stay here just in case. I don't know the conditions or if the decepticons are mining down there so I want you to stay put and out of danger."

You crossed your arms and shifted your weight in irritation. 

"But what if once you leave the decepticons spot me up here all by myself and capture me.  They would be gone before you would even know what happened. Besides. What if humans are still down there for some reason.  Then what?"

Ratchet scoffed.  Then paused and let out a agitated huff. "Fine.  Fine fine fine. But if ANYTHING HAPPENS. Or if we see any decepticons we are immediately bridging back to base." 

Ratchet knew he couldn't argue with the point you made. Either way there were risks.  But some were worth more than others. 

You walked over to the edge and peered down the giant crater. 

So far so good. 

You glanced down again and deadpanned. There was no way you were walking your ass all the way down. 

"Uh ratchet...  Some assistance please."

You felt sort-of awkward asking for help like that but ratchet followed your line of sight and understood. 

He deactivated one of his blades and let you climb up on his servo. 

Once you sat down and got settled you looked up at him with relief. "Thank you."

Slowly you both made your descent towards the bottom keeping high alert for any activity or tunnels the decepticons could be using.  Knowing them they wouldn't dig straight down. At least not without a side entrance as well. 

Finally near the very bottom you and ratchet found a possible entrance. That didn't look like it was part of the quarry either. 

"Eureka!" you said triumphantly but quietly. Better not draw attention to yourselves if it's being actively mined.

Ratchet stopped momentarily.  "I don't believe it."

You looked up at him.  His expression was that of surprise and euphoria. 

You knew finding energon was crucial. So hopefully this will turn out for the autobots.

You leaned forwards. "So now what? Return back to base or check it out?"

"Normally we would immediately report back to optimus but I want to be sure this is what we have been looking for."

You looked at him in shock.  "Wow that really out of character for you."

"yes but right now we need to make sure we can get all the resources we can find. I want to make sure we don't waste time or energy if there isn't anything here."

Ratchet then looked towards the tunnel in determination. "I want to be useful and help as much as I can. I want to make up for what I lack in the field."

You nodded in understanding determination. 

"But we will use the utmost caution and if we find any activity we will call for backup and retreat."

You looked back at the tunnel.  Your stomach tightened in anticipation and excitement. Though it masked your nerves that wrought havoc on your insides. 

Ratchet wasn't like wheeljack.  Thus making the situation a bit more unpredictable. In a way.  You know wheeljack can handle his own and gets into shenanigans like this all the time.  But ratchet is hardly ever in the field anymore. Not only that it was only the two of you.  A mere human and the cmo. Totally fit for potential combat. 

But drastic times call for drastic measures. 

Slowly you both made your way into the dark tunnel. 

You wished you had the eyesight of a cybertronian because damn did it get dark and creepy fast. 

You gripped a little tighter on ratchets digits.

Silently you preyed nothing would come and jump out at you.  

Why was this tunnel darker and longer than the others. 

Ratchet noticed your unease. 

"Don't worry.  I'm not picking up anything and I can see fairly well.  You don't need to worry."

It brought some comfort but not enough. 

As you slowly made your way through the dark tunnel you started to hear sounds of drilling. 

Both you and ratchet perked up. Noticing how ratchet quickly yet quietly treaded closer to the sounds.  

Finally you could see a little bit more. Eyes adjusted to the dark and noticed how it started to open up more. 

Your heart started to pound harder in anticipation. 

Once you neared the edge of the tunnel you both peaked around the corner. 

You couldn't believe it.  

Within the wide opening on multiple levels were decepticon miners. 

And rear the back wall was a whole pile of energon ready for pickup. If only you guys could get your hands on that. 

You both retreated back a bit so they wouldn't notice you.

"OK game plan." you whispered. 

"Were calling for backup."

You held up your hand in thought. "That might be too risky. If we leave and call it might be too late." 

Ratchet thought for a moment. "Maybe if we contact optimus and open a bridge midway from the outside and here inside this tunnel.

You looked back the way you came.  That was your best bet.  You knew ratchet was considering all variables. Including you both sneaking inside. 

So cautiously you both retreated back into the tunnel until it was a safe distance away to contact optimus. 

The dangerous part is they might detect or track you and ratchets signal once the comm is connected. You would have to act fast. 

"Ratchet to base.  Energon has been sighted and are in the tunnel as we speak."

Your heart pulsed.  You watched as a bridge opened up and the crew came through.  You both felt relief but it wasn't over yet. As they came through you went back to the base.  Someone needed to man the bridge for their safe return.

Once you stepped through you both looked out with hope.

Before they switched places ratchet advised them to be quick but stealthy. Since so far their presence hasn't been alerted.  Now all you had to do was wait. 

You waited within the tense stuffy atmosphere. Hoping for a win for autobots this time. Time felt like it just crept by.  Feeling the minutes ticking by.  You were about to lose it as the anticipation as getting to you.

Finally the silence broke as optimus Prime's deep baritone voice filled up the base alerting ratchet to send a ground bridge.

You rushed over to the edge of the human viewing area.  

You saw them slowly reappear from the swirling green portal. Everyone with a pile of energon in their servos or pushing carts full to Max capacity.

Ratchet finally relaxed and pushed out a vent as you jumped up and cheered. 

Optimus set down his bounty along with bee, bulkhead and arcee 

Then came back to you and ratchet. 

"You did well old friend.  You have definitely helped us in being able to keep fighting in this war."

Ratchet straightened up at the compliment. "Thank you optimus. But I have to say."

Ratchet paused and looked over at you.  Causing you to blush a bit at all the attention that suddenly turned to you. 

"I couldn't have done it without (name)'s help."

You blushed harder.  "Awe stop ratchet. I didn't do anything."

"Well if it weren't for us stopping by in that shop. we probably wouldn't have gotten the intel that we needed. So thank you."

You covered your face as you felt it get hotter. While everyone laughed. Well besides prime but he had that sparkle in his optics. 

After that everyone was dismissed and went to go pick up the kids from school.  

Ratchet was about to go back to the computers when he stopped for a moment and turned around.

"Oh I almost forgot. Here." he mentioned as he picked out and handed your art supplies. 

Your eyes widened a fraction.  "Oh I almost forgot thanks ratchet! I would've been looking for these."

"Anytime." he told you softly as he made his way back to his post. His spark humming in contempt. Glad that he could finally make a change. But also that you both did it together. 

You were about to go put away your new materials and find your current sketch book when you paused as you were about to pass ratchet. 

You suddenly remembered something else you wanted to ask ratchet and then would be the perfect time to do it. Since most of the bots were gone to pick up the kids and optimus was currently occupied you took this as your chance.

"Hey ratchet." you called out. 

To your relief he heard you and immediately looked down at you. 

"I uh I want to ask you something." you motioned for him to pick you up.  

Once you were on his servo you felt immediately embarrassed.

"Hey ratchet.... I want to ask you about the bond stuff...." You twiddled your thumbs awkwardly. Finding them much more amusing.

You could practically feel ratchet warm up a bit. "What do you want to know."

"I don't know.  Just maybe what kind of bond wheeljack and I share."

Ratchet let out a sigh. "There's many different kinds of bonds and just by scans alone I can't tell what kind of Bond you have. You both have to figure that out by being together.  Though usually as soon as a bond is created both parties know immediately but you two are a special case."

You hummed in thought. "What kinds of bonds exist?"

"First there are what you would call parental bonds.  Between carrier and sparkling. Then there are sibling bonds.  Most are formed by twins that were from a split spark.  Like skyquake and dreadwing."

Ratchet paused to make sure you understood so far.

"Then there are the most sacred of bonds.  Between two cybertronians. Usually between sire and carrier."

You nodded in understanding. "The one where they are bound together with love right?"

Ratchet nodded.  "Yes."

You sat and thought which one would be between you and wheeljack. 

Though it was too much for you take in.  You kept searching your memories of you together to try to piece together what bond you had. 

Sure he was protective of you. But that could be any.  You were small. So of course it was easy to feel the need to protect you. But also he loved to make you happy.  And he would let you be in dangerous situations. Unlike ratchet. 

Then above all he called you babe before he left. He used to call you kid.  

You pulled at your hair.  He was hard to read sometimes.  You weren't sure and it was starting to drive you mad.

"If it helps for awhile now I've viewed you as a sparkling to me."

You looked up wrinkling your nose while you stuck out your tongue. 

Only proving his point further. You then paused in thought.  "Wait you're not telling me..." you trailed off as you looked up at ratchet with big innocent eyes.

"Maybe but there's no way I'm going to confirm or deny." ratchet finished. 

"Stubborn old medic." you teased.  "the spark wants what it wants." you teased him even further.  Understanding what he was trying to tell you without outwardly telling you. 

By the time you were done teasing ratchet about him viewing you as his own sparkling. Everyone started to return back to the base. 

Raf and Jack making their way up the steps talking about the tests they took; while Miko simply tossed her stuff aside and glanced around for you. 

Once she spotted you in ratchets servo she broke out in her usual smile. 

You looked back at ratchet giving him a silent thank you and waited as he set you back down as the spunky girl raced to see you. 

"Hey what happened today?  Did you forget?"  Miko grilled you as you awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck.

"Sorry.  Optimus sent ratchet and I on a mission so it kinda escaped my mind." you replied sheepishly 

Mikos eyes lit up, "I can't believe you actually went on a mission with ratchet! But you seem to be telling the truth. What did you do? Did you do something boring.  I bet it was boring huh?"

You waved your hands. As she quickly questioned you. "No, no.  We were just surveiling an area and looking our for energon since deceptions were said to be spotted there. But it was fun! We got to talk a lot too. He even showed me something cool!"

Miko leaned forwards. Examining you.  "I doubt ratchet showing you anything cool."

With that you heard ratchet in the background "I HEARD THAT."

You stifled a laugh. "I'm honest. Really. He really did. He may even show you guys eventually."

Miko leaned back "Sure whatever you say.  Now come on! Let's see those sketches!" 

She then began to pull in your arm. Loving drawing already she loved to see your art too.  Especially since you were so talented and could really capture the bots well. 

You humored her as you let her pull you along. 

Once you were inside the haven of your room you set your new sketch pad down and held out your used sketch pad. 

You silently thanked yourself for stuffing the sketches you didn't want Miko to see in the back of the sketchbook earlier that morning.

You both then got cozy on your bed sitting side by side as you opened your sketch book for you both to see. 

The first sketch was of Fowler.  You tried to capture a serious expression but for some reason it didn't seem to fit.  Sure he was a bit bossy but he was under a bit of stress all the time.  But once you get to meet him he was great and had a bit of a sense of humor. 

You let Miko go at her own pace turning the page when she was ready.  

She got excited at the next one. "Hey that's me and bulk! 

You laughed a little. "yeah it was the day you both tried to have karaoke at the base till ratchet basically kicked you out." she perked up a bit "Oh yeah I remember that! That was just about a week after you arrived!"

You nodded "Yup. And one heck of a week that was."

She then giddily turned to the next. Of course it was ratchet. "You're going to find a lot of those." you told her. Since you were around ratchet the most it only made sense there would be a lot of him. 

You continued looking together and going over the memories that came with each individual sketch till you reached the last one of ratchet.  The one you finished working on that fateful day. 

Your stomach clenched and you fought the urge to close the book. 

Miko looked up and noticed you were off.  Concern painting her expression.

"Hey is everything okay over there?"

You snapped out of your daze.  "oh I'm fine."

She gave you a flat look before nudging you.  "No really.  What's up?"

"Turn the page." you advised. So carefully she did and stopped. 

Her eyes widened in amazement.

There greeted her a perfect sketch of one of her favorite mechs. 

"You did this?!" she breathed in amazement. 

You nodded.  "Yup and that's not the only one." a small lump formed in your throat

Realization dawned on her as she turned the page to see the same wild wrecker. A perfect sketch to capture his signature smirk. 

"I'm sorry." she told you somberly. She almost forgot all that had happened and you were going through at the moment.

"No you're fine.  They are great sketches. So you should have the right to see them."

As soon as you told her that you notice your phone vibrating.  

Curiously you both glanced at it but your heart nearly stopped as you looked at the contact.  Making Miko gasp lightly. 

"I don't believe this you mumbled as you stared momentarily.  Deciding weather to answer it or not.  

The curiosity gnawing at your insides and Mikos urging gave you the push to answer the phone.

Hesitantly you placed the phone to your ear as Miko leaned close to listen in. 

"Hey babe. Before you say anything let me explain."

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