Bad Boys Have Good Hearts

By StellaBlanche

5.2K 213 8

What happens if your first love broke your heart and left you to pick up the pieces? You start living in the... More

Scared Milburne?☑
Author's Note
What was that?!☑
Live a little☑
This is what you call living?!☑
The Bully Whisperer☑
Creepy hallways, thunder storms and knights in shining armor.☑
Chick Flicks and a Fake Boyfriend☑
New and Improved Attitude? Check!☑
Bad to the Bone☑
Did you have to be so dramatic?☑
What the f...☑
The boys in my life...☑
My Brother's Best Idea☑
Are You Ready To Be Wooed?☑
Moment ruined - like totally!☑
Well Fuck.☑
Time Out☑
So are they days of our lives...☑
No Interruptions? That's a first.☑
I'm not freaking out... Are you freaking out?☑
When the shit hit the fan but it's a swoon worthy moment...☑

Lifestyle of the grounded ones...☑

266 10 0
By StellaBlanche

I screamed into my pillow trying to get rid of my frustration! What the hell was wrong with my parents?

They were never here and now suddenly they unite against the common enemy. Oh yeah, that's me by the way.

This was why I prefer my room - with a closed door - snuggling up with a good book or hours of Mc Steamy.... But oh no Summer, you had to go out - once! I punched my pillow. 'Live a little Milburne' I mimicked Tristan's voice as I threw my pillow against the opposite wall of my room. "You need to have a little fun." Hah! I allow my hormones to take over once and it just had to come around and bite me in the ass. Why? You might ask.... Well, that's simple... It was because I was Summer Millburne and someone up there hates me...

Why, why, why did I have to listen to stupid Tristan?! Oh if you haven't figured it out yet, I was grounded...

Not that that bother me because of my non existing social life, but my mom sensed this and pounced like a lioness!

She took my phone, my I-Pad, my I-Pod, my kindle and she locked my books in the hallway closet. I got double my chores and no TV.... Oh Mc Steamy, my life is empty without your gorgeous twinkling eyes and sparkling smile!

I sighed and rolled onto my back looking up at my dark purple ceiling. It was true, being a teenager sucks! And yes, everyone hates me! No - I'm not being dramatic or over-reacting. This was what my life was like!

I looked over at my door that was slowly opening, my brother glancing into my room before quickly slipping inside, closing the door quietly behind him. I smiled at him, he always showed up to make me feel better, my smile quickly faded however when I saw his dark frown.

"What were you doing out? With him?" His voice was soft, and no, not because my parents were still here, but because he was really really angry.

"I honestly don't know." I said looking down at the pillow clutched in my arms. "He said I needed a fun night out."

I glance at him tentatively and swallowed.

"A fun night out?! What the hell.... Did he.... Did you..." He clenched his fist and closed his eyes breathing deeply. It suddenly dawned on me what he thought happened and I blushed furiously.

"No! We went to some bar, well actually we first picked up some stuff downtown and then we went to the bar and then this girl jumped him, and they disappeared to get it on, so I yelled at him and left."

I rushed through my explanation to set his mind at ease, and don't ask me because I'm not sure why I left out the part where I hung out with Damien. If I thought I was putting him at ease, I was way wrong! He looked positively murderous!

"He took you downtown to get drugs, then left you at a bar to get laid?" I bit my lip and nodded.

"That's it! He is fucking dead!" He stormed out and before I could move a limb, he has already slammed the front door and I heard his car racing down the street with screaming tyres.

Great! My brother is not only mad at me, but he was also about to go ballistic on my crush, whom I was kind of hating at the moment and now I had to walk to school! Fun-freaking-tastic!

I left the house without breakfast, not wanting to be late since school was pretty far away. I couldn't phone Jane for a lift because I had no phone - yeah! I couldn't phone Jay to talk some sense into him before he and Tristan had a full-blown fist fight because, once again, I had no freaking phone! I sighed as I bit my nails, cutting through the park.

Upon reaching the other side, I had no more nails left, so I settled for biting my lip.

"You know that's incredibly sexy?" I glance up startled, my heart nearly jumping out my throat. Tristan was just a few feet from me, leaning against his bike smoking.

"What are you doing here?" I asked quickly, mentally kicking myself for not ignoring him. I was still mad at him, remember?

He shrugged. "Hanging."

I nodded and started walking again, ignoring him completely. Or at least trying to...

"Where are you going Milburne?" He called after me, but I ignored him and kept on walking.

Just keep walking, just keep walking just keep walking...

Okay I was starting to sound like Dory from finding Nemo.

"Hey, wait up."

I love to waaaaaaalk, when you want to walk then walk....

Great! Now that song was stuck in my head! His hand on my arm stopped me. "What's up?"

I jerked away, glaring at him through narrowed eyes.

"Don't touch me! Why don't you go bother your babe from last night!" I spat at him. "Actually, why don't you go snort some coke of her ass?!" I turned and walked away quickly, I had the sudden and overwhelming urge to cry.

"You're just jealous Milburne!" He shouted at me and I stopped and turned around slowly, the tears glittering in my eyes, but my mouth set in a thin line.

"Of what exactly? You showing me a good time? Or you getting high and doing a girl in an alley on a dirty couch that smelled like pee?" His eyes widened in shock at my anger.

"Oh yeah, that totally sound worthy of getting grounded and locked up in my house for two weeks! Oh wait, I already am grounded, and I didn't even get a spin on the Thorne wagon. Thanks a whole freaking lot!" I spun around and walked away, my fists clenched. He was too damned arrogant for his own good and just..... I keep looking straight ahead as he sped past me on his bike. Oh, if only I could get my hands around his neck for a second ... I'll choked the living daylights out of him. He was wasting his life and I won't let him drag me along with him. I don't care how beautiful his eyes were, how soft his lips looked or how hot his body was.

I stopped and sighed, I was going around in circles thinking about how hot he was and what an ass he was, this was getting me nowhere. I looked up as I heard a distant ringing. I was already at school and I didn't even notice. I hurried towards the building and towards my locker - I was already late for Algebra and the teacher hated me enough already.

I heard a girl giggling and looked down the corridor. Perfect! Looks like we have a new girl in school, and it was none than the babe from last night. Right now, she was pushed against my locker, her legs wrapped around Tristan's body, her skirt rising dangerously high and he was licking? her neck.


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