Til Death Do Us Part.

Par Cammy2418

2.3M 58K 24K

You were his wife in the 40's through thick and thin, sickness and health, richer or poorer, and through all... Plus

Final Night.
Lost In Snow.
21st Century.
3 Items.
Beneath The Moonlight.
A Little Run In.
Haunting Nostalgia.
The Cruelest Thing...
A Good Show.
Goodbye Isn't Farewell.
After Ultron.
Over Coffee.
Sokovia Accords.
A House Divided.
"It Always Ends in a Fight."
Stand Down.
Falling Out.
Civil War.
Snow Covered Memories.
December 16, 1991.
The Beginning Of...
Months Later.
Champagne and Scotch.
Catching Up.
Soldier's Of War.
The Calm...
Ashes, Ashes.
The Return.
No Trust.
To The Garden.
All Hope Lost.
5 Years Later.
House Call.
A Second Chance.
Desperate Times.
Getting The Gang Back Together.
It Worked.
Time Heist.
The Hours Before Daybreak.
"Everyone Comes Home..."
A Hero's Death.
Old Friend.
The End.

Whatever It Takes.

9.9K 294 111
Par Cammy2418

"Five years ago we lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost apart of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams. You know your missions. Get the stones. Get them back. One round-trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. This is the fight of our lives, and we're gonna win. Whatever it takes." My dear friend told everyone.

"Whatever it takes." The Avengers reaffirmed in unison, us formed in a circle on the platform, the Quantum Tunnel beneath our feet. 

Suited up in our Advanced Tech suits and Time-Space GPS' we all stood, ready for our last stand. This was it, so it had to count. No second chances. We were prepared for whatever lie in wait, within the past, and no matter what we had to be stronger, braver, and better than the obstacles in our way. 

"Alright, Avengers. No lolly-gagging now. We have a deadline." The Iron Man imparted, a slight grin laced across his mouth as he thought about the adventure which awaited us. 

"See you in a minute." Natasha assured, and I felt Steve grab hold of my hand before the tunnel opened up below us, the swirling vortex phasing, ready to go. 

Wrapping my hand tightly around Steve's hand as well I glanced over at him before we all just jumped right in as if the Inter-Dimensional gateway was a slide. 

The Time Heist initiating. 

Rocket and Thor to Asgard to retrieve the Reality Stone. Natasha and Clint to Vormir to get the Soul Stone. Rhodey and Nebula to Morag to obtain the Power Stone. And, Tony, Bruce, Scott, Steve and me off to New York to collect the Mind Stone, Time Stone, and Space Stone. 


New York. 

Once being sucked out of the tunnel we all landed in a torn apart alleyway, the Battle of New York in full swing. 

The Chitauri Invasion was at it's height as it commenced on all around us, wrecking havoc and demolishing anything that stood in it's way. Under the command of Loki, Thor's brother, the assault was relentless. 

The other worldly assailants free-falling straight out of the sky from the Tesseract-powered interdenominational portal which was opened up. Serving as a doorway between Earth and Space. 

And, a few blocks down the heroes were all experiencing their first Alien attack. The army from Outer-Space completely new and petrifying to all those who witnessed it first hand, let alone dared to even try fighting against. 

Hoards of Alien foot soldiers battled it out on ground-level while flying, fang-toothed, armored monsters took to the skies, soaring like ginormous fishes in the sea. 

The phasing blue portal still creating a rift in the atmosphere, the infinite number of extraterrestrial enemies pouring out of the opening like spilled water. With every droplet being a new hoard, the battle seemingly endless against the never relenting onslaught. 

"Alright, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone down." Steve instructed, his Nano-Tech suit shifting into his old uniform. 

"This is an absolute mess." I couldn't help but comment, the gaping portal to Space a formidable spectacle to say the least. The sight of gargantuan, ironclad creatures reflecting in my eyes as they continued on their spree of bloodlust and anarchy. 

"Hey, cut past us some slack. This was our first little outing with the big dogs up in Space. And, what exactly were you doing right now, huh? Oh, that's right, Ice Block. You were still frozen in the Swiss Alps." Tony was quick to backtalk. 

But, before I could counter with a few words of my own the view of past Hulk appeared as he stomped down the street, smashing a throng of Alien minions with his bare fists. Screaming all the while like a berserk maniac. 

Standing in the alley in silence we all just watched as past Hulk went about on his rampage, demolishing vehicles and crushing a motorcycle as if it were a mere can of soda. And, Bruce just shook his head in shame at his former self. 

"You might want to smash a few things on the way." The Captain advised while past Hulk went on his merry, destructive way. 

"I think it's gratuitous, but whatever." Bruce stated, ripping his shirt off before begrudgingly pounding his fist down onto a couple of car roofs before lacklusterly trying to do a battle cry.

The Scientist proceeding down the shredded, blasted to pieces street, going to fulfill his part of the Heist. 

"Alright, now, Doc. You can't let 2012 Rogers see you because otherwise he'll get all teary eyed." The Iron Man delegated, much to Steve's annoyance but I just smiled. 

"That's why I'll be wearing a helmet. Can't have Steven finding out that I'm alive 2 years early." 

With that, our portion of the mission continued on. 

Bruce went to retrieve the Time Stone from the, then Stonekeeper, the Ancient One at the Sanctum while Scott, Tony, Steve and myself infiltrated the, not quite established yet, Avengers Tower to get the other two gems on our list. 

After 2012 Tony went through the Wormhole with the missile, disabling the Chitauri and after Natasha closed up the portal the inter-galactic fight was done. Leaving only the aftermath. 

The severely injured mischievous God now being apprehended and with that the Avengers had done their duty, so it was time to move. 

"Okay, looks like things are pretty much wrapped up here. S.T.R.I.K.E. Team is coming to secure the Scepter." Tony described, eavesdropping on the scene that played out. 

"I'm heading to the elevator right now." Steve commented through his earpiece. 

"Alright, it's go time." Scott chimed in, shrinking down small enough to crawl up past Tony as the former playboy held onto the case with the Space Stone inside. 

"Alright, Cap. I got our Scepter in the elevator just passing the 80th floor." Tony reported, having done a scan of the lift's shaft and a heat signature. 

"On it," The Captain established, going to procure the Mind Stone. "Head to the lobby." 

And, with that, Tony and I did just that. 

Donning S.H.I.E.L.D. guard attires complete with combat boots, bulletproof vests and helmets with goggles we stood, ready for the action to kick off. 

Past Tony, Thor and a cuffed Loki stepped off the elevator while Tony and I stood on the sidelines in the entry. 

"Alright, Thumbelina. It's go time." The billionaire expressed, giving Scott the queue to travel down past Tony's shirt and straight into his Arc Reactor. 

Scott miniaturizing himself enough to eek into the hidden circuit's and crevasses of the device. 

Meeting the 2012 Avengers, or rather, stopping them dead in their tracks was none other than Alexander Pierce as he stood confident, surrounded by a collection of his lackey's. The two-faced Mr. Secretary impeding the heroes from stepping one foot out of the lobby. 

"Congrats on the victory, Avengers. But, I'm gonna need that case. It's been S.H.I.E.L.D. property for over 70 years. Just hand it over and the prisoner, then I'll let you be on your way." The double-dealing leader asserted. 

"Isn't that Alexander Pierce?" I noted, observing from a safe distance as the conflict ensued. 

"Yeah, in the flesh. Try not to kill him today, okay Doc?" Tony rebutted. "And, let's get a move on, Stuart Little. Things are getting dicey real fast." 

And, they were. With Alexander's underlings trying to nab the case, the quarrel in the lobby slowly but surely morphing into a full blown brawl. Words not settling things in the dispute apparently. 

That, and Pierce, like most men with power, thought he could do whatever he pleased. Even against literal God's and a powerful stone he couldn't hope to contain. 

"Promise me you won't die." Scott brought up, now within the inner mechanisms of past Tony's Arc Reactor. 

"We're only giving me a mild Cardiac Dysrhythmia." The Iron Man quelled, piquing my interest. 

"I'm sorry, what? That's your genius plan for creating a diversion? As your Doctor I don't think that's wise." 

"Yeah, well wise or not it's the only way. Now, come on. Pull my pin. Do it, Lang." Tony ordered, just as the scene was indeed becoming more than a squabble. 

And, just like that, past Tony began to gasp and choke before collapsing to the tiled ground. In a convulsing, trembling mess. His heart palpitating irregularly, his mouth agape, desperate for air. 

The debate for the case ceasing instantaneously as everyone flocked around the in distress billionaire hero, who was in the midst of a full blown seizure. 

"Okay, Doc. Now, I'd like your professional opinion here. Will past me be fine?" Tony brought up. 

"Now you're asking me that!?" I shouted as the panicking masses called for a Medic and while Scott discreetly pushed the case away from the fiasco. 

"Okay, well..." I started up again, needing to quickly think up a solution to the disaster Tony just caused. "If past Thor here used his hammer as a makeshift Defibrillator and created an electrical current against your Arc Reactor it would end your Cardiac Arrest. But, I can't really tell him that or-" 

But, then I watched as past Thor did just that. By tapping his lightning charged hammer against past Tony's chest, thus allowing the heart failure to stop and for a normal Sinus Rhythm to return. 

"Well, look at that. The God did it." I said just as Tony swiped the case. 

"Okay, cool. Let's get a move on and meet in the alley, but first I'm feeling a little peckish. Anyone want to-" The Iron Man was about to say before being slammed to the ground by past Hulk as the green giant ripped open the exit door to the stairs. 

The massive impact causing Tony to skid across the floor and for the case to burst open. The glowing blue cube sailing along the smooth tiles, stopping right at Loki's feet. 

As the past Hulk continued to make an obnoxious demonstration of himself I went to dive for the Space Stone. 

Going to retrieve it before the mischievous God had a chance. 

But, to no avail. For Loki picked it up and fled through a portal before I could stop him. 

"Shit." I cursed under my breath, lying belly first on the floor inches away from where Thor's brother had been standing. 

"Well, that wasn't supposed to happen." Scott deadpanned. 

"Boy, we blew it." Tony added, trying to walk off the hit from the Hulk.

"Becky, what's going on? Tell me you've got that cube." Steve said through the earpiece. 

"Well..." I began, but was cut off. 

"You've got to be kidding me..." 

"What, Steve? What's happening?" 

"I've got a situation here. Becky, meet me on the 14th floor. And, make sure to leave your helmet on."  

Continuer la Lecture

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