the Presidents Security Guard

By KikiNP

1.8K 24 18

In a world where she is completly out of control, Dee is desperately trying to hold on to her best friend Chr... More

Protecting Secrets - Chapter 1
Protecting Secrets - Chapter 2
Protecting Secrets - Chapter 3
Protecting Secrets - Chapter 4
Protecting Secrets - Chapter 6
Protecting Secrets - Chapter 7
Protecting Secrets - Chapter 8
Protecting Secrets - Chapter 9
Protecting Secrets - Chapter 10
Protecting Secrets - Chapter 11
Protecting Secrets - Chapter 12
Protecting Secrets - Chapter 13
Proctecting Secrets - Chapter 14

Protecting Secrets - Chapter 5

114 2 1
By KikiNP

Chris had been left at the their room, with strict instructions not to touch the fridge. Evan was currently walking Dee throughout the halls. Through polite introductions, Evan had indicated that Dee was to deal with him directly, as he is responsible for the running of the magor aspects of the household.

"So, Miss Davina, May I ask how you know the President?"

"Oh his wife is my mum's stepsister."

"You're his step-niece?"

"That would be me! Dad and mum are getting a divorce at the moment..." Dee's face fell slightly; as she let her thoughts take her away. Then she shook her head and came back to the conversation, smiling sweetly at Evan. "Anyways, They organised me to be dropped off here so I can chill with my cousins for a while. Till they sort themselves out a bit. Ya know?" Evan looked sadly down at Dee, obviously worried about her as she was losing her family. Despite not really having her family falling apart, Dee was warmed by the kindness he was showing.

"Well. I hope you have heaps of fun with your cousins!" There was a slight tone to his voice though, and Dee recognised it. Sarcasm.

"You don't think I will have fun?"

"They all seem to be having slight- ah- difficulties adapting to this lifestyle."

"Maybe I will be able to help them."

"I doubt it." He chuckled. Although he wasn't trying to be rude, Evan obviously had been through some situations with the children. He looked up at her, with her pleasant smile despite his suggestions and he frowned. "What are you planning to do exactly?"

"You'll see." Davina simply hinted as she entered the dining room.

In front of her was the President, eating his dinner with his wife and three children. Davina was excited by this new challenge, and her warm smile was not a fake. Stepping forward, she waited to be introduced to the family.

"Ahhhh. Yes. This is Davina Ingland. She will be assisting in looking after you all. It is at her suggestion to refer to her as your cousin. She is pretending to be your Aunty Annett's Daughter. Davina, I would like to introduce you to my wife, Maria." Maria was about the same age as her husband, who likewise had dark skin and a soft face. Davina noticed how her eyes darted around the room, taking in the people as they entered and exit, and how little the First Lady touched her food. Her instant impression was that Maria was a very busy lady, and that she would be rarely seen without something she needed to desperately do.

"These are my daughters. Sara is 15, Isabella is 9." Both girls smiled back, however Sara appeared to be a typical teenager, and lost interest almost instantly in the boring newcomer that her father seemed so happy with. Isabella however, seemed honestly delighted to meet Dee.

"And finally, my middle child and only son, Ryan. He is 12."

"It's such a pleasure to meet you all." Dee assured them, as she took in the final child. Ryan was the only one whom chose to ignore Dee completely, and didn't smile back as they were introduced. He was evidently going to be the most difficult of the children.

"The girls are almost finished. Would you like to show Davina where you sleep, Isabella?"

"Yes Yes!" The youngest scrambled over to where Dee stood, latching onto her hand and instantly dragging her out of the room. Sara followed them out of the dining room, not even trying to appear as eager as her little sister.

"My room is this way! Why are you taking so long? Will you play with me? Please please!"

"Ohhhh, I would love to play something with you Isabella. Do your parents ever play with you?"

"Our parents don't have time to do things like that. They run the country now." Davina turned to listen to Sara.

"Running the country is a hard thing. You have to give them credit. They do a very good job!" Sara sighed.

"Yeah. I know." To which Dee was relieved to hear. At least the eldest seemed to understand why her parents were so busy. "What are you even doing here? Are you our new baby sitter or something?" Sara apprehensively asked her.

"Nah nah. I am here as added security."

Sara stopped completely.

"Oh. That is just fantastic!" Sarcasm leaked through her voice. "Another person to tell me what to do, and where to be!"

"Actually, Sara. I think I can help you."

"Help me?!? Oh come on, you are all the same. Don't ya think I have enough problems as it is? Just leave me alone!"

Dee watched as Sara stormed away.

"Don't worry about my sister. She is struggling with all the changes. But she is really nice!" Dee smiled down at Isabella, who still had her fingers weaved through hers and was beaming back.

"Is that so? Are you doing okay with the changes?"

"Oh yes! I LOVE this big house! It's so pretty!"

Isabella continued leading the way, chatting aimlessly until they arrived at her room. For a 9 year old, she must think she is in heaven. It was huge, with toys scattered everywhere within the room. Immediately, she climbed over to the far side of the room, and started placing teddies on her bed.

"I will show you my favourites!"

As Isabella continued gathering her collection, Dee started to sweep the room. She looked at the entrances, noticing the way the doors swung inwards, the bathroom was a separate room to the right, that one of the windows had a broken latch.

"This is Teddy. And this Is Miss's Spot. And this-" Isabella was so excited to be able to show someone, and Dee was more than happy to spend some time with the young girl, who unlike her normal company, didn't presently have a drinking problem. Isabella was smiling so much when she went around her room, pulling out more toys, showing what they all can do.

"Are you lonely Isabella?" Dee finally asked.

"Sometimes." She mumbled, suddently shy a little.

"Would you like me to spend time with you? I would love to, if you let me?"

"YES! That would be fun!"


Isabella looked hesitant about something. "What's wrong hun?" Davina pushed slightly.

"Its just- I can't remember you name." She looked slightly guilty, to which Dee's heart just broke.

"Awwww hun! That's totally okay! My name is Davina. But my best friend Chris, he always calls me Dee. Would you like to call me that too?"


"Awesome. What shall I call you though? Do you have a nickname?"

"Not really."

"Well. I think Izzie suits you, because you're so happy and adorable!"

Izzie gave Dee a hug before continuing with her toys. Dee noticed several rolls of sticky tape and papers had slide under the table on the far side of the room. She took a tiny piece of tape and stuck it along the join of the base of the window (the one that she had noticed had its latch broken) and the sill. She then joined Izzie with her games, to which ended with an Indian Lion ended up chasing an elephant all around the room.

"Don't tell me that you assume, since Isabella is so easy to befriend, we all are going to be." A disapproving voice floated into the room from the doorway.

"Don't tell me that you think you know what I'm like, without knowing who I am, Ryan." Dee instantly countered, turning to face Izzie's only brother.

Ryan however, didn't make a response to that, but simply turned away and left the girls alone. Izzie shrugged, and continued playing, but Dee couldn't help but notice the way he looked as he left. He reminded her of Chris.

Both seemed to be very lost souls.

Her thoughts were broken when a devastating young girl's scream echoed around the bedroom.


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