A Rose and That One Guy (Ruby...

By The_Kool_Aid_Guy

19.1K 281 287

Volume 4 is finally here! The journey to Haven begins as you and Ruby walk alongside the three members of tea... More

The Next Step and Moving Forward
Tipping Point
Recovery and A Much Needed Talk
No Safe Haven and Safe At Last
Don't look back (Bonus Chapter)

Remembrance and forgiveness

2.9K 41 42
By The_Kool_Aid_Guy

Sorry for posting late everybody! I had some errands to run but here you go. Chapter 2. Enjoy!

(POV: 3rd)

Yang watches the news on the TV in patch. She sighs as she turns it off after the mention of Adam Taurus continuing to evade authority. She thinks to herself about what her friend once said to her.

(Y/N): Some bad things are going to happen... I'm sorry...

Her thoughts are interrupted when Taiyang enters the house.

Tai: I'm home!

Yang: Hey dad.

Tai: Guess what came in today?

He closes the door and sets down the bags and boxes he's carrying.

Yang: What?

Tai: I can't wait for you to try these.

He brings in a small box accompanied by a larger box. He sets it down on the table in front of Yang.

Tai: Well?

Yang: They're... for me?

Tai: For you and you only.

She opens the larger box to reveal a chrome robotic arm. Her eyes widen.

Tai: Brand new, state of the art, Atlas tech. You know I thought I was gonna have to pull some strings. Call in a few favors. But you earned this one all on your own, kiddo.

Yang: Huh?

Tai: Before I could even talk to him, General Ironwood already had one of his top scientists working on this. For you. He wanted me to tell you that you fought admirably. You should be proud of yourself.

Yang sighs and opens the smaller box. Its a pair of yellow tinted shades along with a note. It reads the following:

Yang, I know things have... sucked lately. And, I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now. But during the time I've been in patch, I've thought about how you've felt. I did tell you some bad things were gonna happen, but they were supposed to. I know that doesn't really make up for what I failed to stop from happening, but things will get better. I promise. I know for a fact that you're too strong to let something like this stop you. I came up with a design for these during the Vytal Festival. I had a favor from Ironwood and he helped me build these. They were gonna be shipped to me at around this time if we were still in school, but I now realize, that you probably deserve these more than I do. So when your ready, put them on.

Your friend, (Y/N) (L/N).

Tai: The General said that (Y/N) wanted you to have these. I don't really see whats so special about a pair of shades, but if they're supposedly technology, they have to be good.

Yang: Right...

Tai: So! You gonna try them on?

Yang: I uh... I'm not feeling too great right now. Maybe later?

Tai:... (exhales) Well... alright.

Yang stands and begins to walk upstairs. She turns and looks at Tai.

Yang: Thanks, dad.


Ruby tosses and turns in her sleeping bag. She hears voices in her dreams

Pyrrha: Do you believe... in destiny?

(Y/N): Rose... Vale... vale

Ruby: (Y/N)!!!

Bryan: Who is... (Y/N) (L/N)?

A strange creature rises and stands over (Y/N) from behind.

Ruby: (Y/N)! Look out!

(Y/N): Ruby... I'm sorry...

The creature impales him through the chest. The creature lifts him with its arm. He begins to cough out blood.

Creature: Why won't you just die already!?

She gasps and opens her eyes. She looks to her side and sees you. You're awake and you turn to her.

(Y/N): Ruby? What is it?

Ruby: It's... nothing...

(Y/N): Then it's probably something. Don't worry. I'll question you about it later. Right now, we need to get up.

Ruby: Right... I had this weird dream... Bryan was... not dead...

(Y/N): At this point that wouldn't surprise me.

Ruby gasps and quickly looks at her finger, hoping yesterdays events were not a dream. She began to panic as she could not find her ring.

(Y/N): Looking for this?

She let out a breath of relief as you pull out her ring and put it on her finger.

Ruby: I was beginning to worry that when we got engaged... I was dreaming... luckily you were here to chase the nightmares away.

(Y/N): Yeah, you did the same for me, so I had to return the favor. And I'll continue to do so for the rest of my life.

Ruby: As shall I.

She moves forward and kisses you and you kiss back.

Nora: Bleh!

Ren: I told you to look away, Nora.

Jaune: Guys! Stop interrupting them! They're trying to have a moment!

(Y/N): Well, it's ruined. Thanks a lot, guys.

Nora: Anytime!

Ren: Shall we continue our quest?

Ruby: Yep, if we wanna reach Haven soon, we gotta get a move on. Lets get to it!

A few moments later...

Ruby: So, the next town iisss... uh huh! Uh huh... We're lost.

Jaune: We're not lost! The next town is Shiyon! My family used to visit it all the time!

Ruby: Oh yeah! Don't you have like... four sisters?

Jaune: Uh... seven.

Ruby: (Giggles)

Nora: Ya know, that actually explains a lot.

Jaune:... wait... what do you mean?

(Y/N): So! What did you guys do in Shiyon?

Jaune: Oh! All sorts of stuff! Over here is a great hiking trail, and over here is where we went camping all the time! I got my own tent because I was special!


Jaune: Yep! Also, so my sisters would stop braiding my hair.

Ruby: Didn't like the look?

Jaune: Yeah, they just kept making pigtails, but personally, I think I'm more of a "Warrior's wolf tail" kind of guy.

(Y/N): So just a ponytail?

Jaune: I stand by what I said.

(Y/N): You know what? Don't even worry about it, man. My sister convinced me to grow out a mullet so I could be this dude in this movie I saw for Halloween named Patrick Swayze.

Jaune: I'm sure I could probably have been a movie star at some point with my luxurious mane.

(Y/N): Yeah, I bet you could.  And I thought only having one sister was a handful. I didn't learn cool dance moves from her though.

Ruby: (Y/N), you never told me you had a sister.

(Y/N):... well... not anymore...

Jaune:... what happened?

(Y/N):... let's just find the village... oh no...

You all look up from the map and see Shiyon, destroyed. You all run to the village and you stop when you reach the center of the town.

Ruby: There could be survivors!

(Y/N):... Ruby...

Ruby: Yeah?

You hang your head in sadness and shake your head. She gasps and puts her hands to her mouth.

Ren: Over here!

You follow Ren to a brick wall and see a huntsman laying against it. His breathing is labored and he is clenching his abdomen.

Ruby: A huntsman!

Jaune: What happened? Who killed all of these people!?

Huntsman:... bandits... a whole tribe... then... with all the panic... (Coughing)

Ren: Grimm.

You walk over to the huntsman and pull out a bandage while the others discuss what to do next.

(Y/N):You gonna be okay?

You ask this already knowing the outcome, but you clean his wound anyway. He seems to know his own fate as well as he looks at you. He unloads the clip from his gun and pulls out a few dust crystals. He hands them to you.

Huntsman: Kid... look at me... I haven't got much time left... If there's some advice I could give anyone before I go... (Coughing) Always do your job... no matter the risks... no matter the consequences. Protect those who you care for as well as those who care for you... run fast...be kind...  be... a hero......

His head rolls down and he exhales one last time. His eyes are still open and you use your fingers to close them.

(Y/N): Guys...

JNRR turns around and sees the now lifeless huntsman. You close your eyes and bow. You lay him down and cross his arms with his weapon in between and cover his eyes with a piece of cloth. You walk back to the group and Ren turns away.

Nora: Should we bury him?

Ren: We should go. It's not safe here...

Nora: Ren...

She follows him and you put your hand on Jaune's shoulder.

(Y/N): Jaune... I'm... sorry...

Jaune: There's nothing you could have done, (Y/N).

(Y/N): You're wrong...

Jaune: What?

You take your hand off of his shoulder and you walk past Ruby and Jaune.

(Y/N): Ren's right. We should leave.

Jaune turns to Ruby.

Jaune: What's up with (Y/N)?

Ruby: He's fine... he's just... he's stopped some bad things from happening recently and he somewhat is taking responsibility for the things he couldn't. It's what makes him a good huntsman... but sometimes, he will take the blame entirely and it... he's trying to get through things like the rest of us. He just needs time.

They turn to see you crouching and touching the ground in front of Ren and Nora. You look back up at them and nod at Ren. He nods back and he and Nora begin to walk back into the forest. Jaune follows them and Ruby puts her hand on your shoulder.

Ruby: (Y/N), this isn't your fault. Trust me. Maybe it could have messed up the timeline if you intervened.

(Y/N): Oh yeah? How do I explain that to them? 'Oh hey guys! We had to let these people die because it's good for our own motivation!'

Ruby: My point is, you can't always be the hero. You know about all these bad things that are going to happen, but I've taken time to understand what knowing about the future could be like. I know as well as you that you can't stop everything bad from happening at the same time. Besides, you at least stopped Pyrrha and Penny's deaths. That's all you had to do.

(Y/N): But... what about... Yang? Blake blames herself for that when it was me who could have stopped it.

Ruby: You once said that some bad things had to happen to make us stronger. Yang will recover. We know she will. She's strong. She'll get better. I just don't know if she wants us around...

(Y/N): It doesn't matter. I just wish I was fast enough to be everywhere at once, you know?

Ruby: (Y/N), stop! You can't always be the hero!

(Y/N): Then what can I be!? What good am I with future knowledge if I don't even use it!? Maybe the team was right. Maybe if I just told everyone we could have stopped all this earlier.

Ruby: (Y/N), if you can't be a hero to everyone, be a hero to us, to your friends. To me. Be my hero if you can't be everyone else's! Things are bad right now, but you promised me that you would get through all of them with me. Will you, please?

You look into Ruby's eyes and kiss her. She kisses back and you both join hands. You walk and catch up with the rest of the group. She notices that you're feeling slightly better but not all the way there, she hopes your mood will lighten up later.


Ruby wakes up to the sound of Pyrrha's voice. She hears your voice as well.

Pyrrha: Jaune... Jaune!

(Y/N): Vale... vale...

Bryan: Fuck you (Y/N) (L/N).

(Y/N): Think about your enemies... Jaune!

Ruby wakes up and notices you're not there. She gets up and walks over to behind a tree where she sees the video of Pyrrha stop. She then sees you clashing blades with Jaune.

(Y/N): Come on Jaune! Think about her! Think about what she would've done to Pyrrha! Take all of your repressed anger and let it out! We need your mind to be free of all of this negativity for an actual fight! Never lose your cool!

Jaune: AAH!

He swings at you and you block. He continues to attack while you remain on the defensive. He slashes and swings until he shows that he's clearly tired.

(Y/N): That's it Jaune! Release your negativity! You need to hit me at least once!

Jaune: Why haven't you attacked me yet!? What if I was Bryan!?

You freeze and Jaune takes this opportunity to sweep-kick you. You fall over and he walks over to you. He sticks out his hand and you take it.

Jaune: I'm sorry, you told me to let my anger out. I'm just kinda just distracted from what happened to the village today.

(Y/N): It's... okay. You should try that again. Trigger a certain memory that causes your opponent to zone out for a sec. And you finally mastered the sweep-kick. Good job.

Jaune: Yeah, Pyrrha taught me that it's good to master friends moves sometimes.

(Y/N): Good lesson. Hey, how bout we call it a night?

Jaune: Yeah. You coming too?

(Y/N): Yep, just gimme a minute.

Jaune: Okay, I'll see you there. Night, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Night.

He walks back to the campsite and you walk off into the forest. Ruby followed but kept out of your sight. You walk up to a small lake and look up at the sky and see the stars and the shattered moon.

(Y/N): I should have told Yang... we could've saved Shiyon... but no. I had to preserve the timeline. Thanks a lot, Doc Brown. Now I can't even bring myself to do something good without screwing everything else up... can you get out from behind that tree Ruby?

Ruby: AH! How did you know I was here?

(Y/N): I saw your reflection in the water.

Ruby walks up to you and sits down. She grabs your hand and rests her head on your shoulder.

(Y/N): I thought you were asleep.

Ruby: I woke up and you weren't there. I can't sleep without you either, you know?

(Y/N): (Chuckles) Right.

Ruby: That word you said on the night where Cinder shot you... vale... what does that mean?

(Y/N): Oh, Where I'm from, vale means farewell in a language called Latin. I said it because I thought after that I was gonna... die and stuff.

Ruby: Well. I'm glad you didn't.

(Y/N): Hey, I told you I wasn't going anywhere. And I plan to make good on that promise.

Ruby: So why'd you come here?

(Y/N): I dunno... I just needed to think. How do you think the team will react? They still don't exactly know where I'm from yet. The last time I said something that might have given me away, we changed the subject and dodged the question, but how long can we keep on doing that?

Ruby: (Y/N), I told you. Not everything is your fault. If we blamed you for everything bad that happened, we wouldn't have stayed by your side. If I blamed you about what happened to Yang, I wouldn't have agreed to marry you. But it wasn't your fault and you did what you could. Besides. Pyrrha and Penny are safe thanks to you. What you need to do right now, is to not focus on what you couldn't do, but be proud of what you did do. And I know I'm proud.

You lean your head against Ruby's and then squeeze her hand.

(Y/N): It's funny. You guys always thought I was the ones who gave the best advice to my teammates, but really, it was you.

Ruby: Well, what can I say? I had someone to teach me. And now, I'm happily engaged to them. I love you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I love you too.

You both turn your heads and kiss. You head back to the campsite and get into your large sleeping bag and you wrap your arms around Ruby. She's facing away, but she grabs onto your arms and you kiss the back of her head. You both drift off to sleep with Ruby in your loving embrace.

(POV: 3rd)

Yang is surrounded by darkness and screaming. She looks down at both of her hands and looks up. Adam Taurus approaches her slowly.  She notices Ember Celica is equipped on her hands and she tries firing at him, but it does nothing. He slashes his sword at Yang, but a blade blocks him from doing so.

(Y/N): I promise to always protect you guys.

(Y/N) (L/N) stands in front of Yang with Destiny's Ward drawn in sword form. The rest of team RWBY appear with their weapons drawn as well. He smiles at Yang and she smiles back. With her confidence regained she puts her fists up and smiles at Adam. He doesn't seem phased at all but he walks closer. Yang swings her fist at him but it goes right through him and team RWBY+(Y/N) are gone.

Adam: He lied. You... are all... alone.

He slashes a final time and Yang wakes up from her nightmare. She looks at her dresser and looks at the metal arm and the glasses. She looks away sadly before noticing laughter coming from downstairs. She gets up and makes her way toward the kitchen, where she hears the familiar laughter of Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck.

Port: (Chuckling) And then, In comes Qrow, wearing a skirt! I was just a TA, I didn't know what to do so I just... I just left the room to laugh!

Tai and Oobleck laugh again and Tai continues the story of their misadventures at Beacon.

Tai: Yeah, we told him it was a kilt. He'd never wore a uniform before so he didn't know!

Oobleck: (Laughing) That is terrible! What is wrong with you!?

Tai: Hey! The girls all said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favor! Besides, that's not even the best part! See, then... we.

Port places his leg on top of the table.

Port: Like what you see?

The three all burst out into laughter again and Port looses his balance and falls over, causing Oobleck and Tai to laugh harder. Yang giggles. Port stands up immediately.

Port: Oh! Miss Xiao Long! Uh... please! Join us!

A few jokes, a messed up joke, and some more laughter later...

Port: So, miss Xiao lo- Yang. If you don't mind me asking, why haven't you tried on the arm yet? Or perhaps the glasses?

Oobleck: Ah, yes yes! A piece of Atlas technology being given out like that is rare indeed. And if we truly knew how Mr (L/N) was, we know that something he designed should be rather interesting. Not to mention the effort it took to deliver them here. It seems a great many people want to see you return to normal.

Yang: (Sighs)... I'm... scared. Everyone keeps talking about me getting back to normal... and I appreciate it. But... this... is normal now. It's just... taking me a while to get used to it.

Tai: Well... normal is what you make of it.

Yang: What's that supposed to mean? Do you expect me to just forget it happened? A piece of me is gone. It's never coming back!

Tai: You're right. It's never coming back. But that doesn't have to stop you from becoming who you want to be. You're Yang Xiao Long. My sunny dragon. You can do what ever you put your mind to. So whenever you're ready to stop moping, and get back out there, I'll be there for you.

Her mind immediately flashes back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): I promise, no matter what, I'll be there for you guys. I can't let anything happen to you... especially Ruby.

Yang: uh... I...

Port: Fear is like any other emotion. It comes and goes. It's all in how you handle it. Why, even I find myself wrestling without emotion from time to time.

Yang: Really? You?

Oobleck [He's afraid of mice].

Port: THEY BRING ONLY DISEASE AND FAMINE! And don't even get me started on their tails! So hairless and unnatural!

Yang giggles and Tai smiles. After their goodbyes are said, Yang walks back upstairs and looks out her window where Tai is saying his farewell to his friends.

Port: Thanks for having us over, Tai.

Tai: Anytime. You're always welcome.

Oobleck: It may be a while before we return. There is still much work to be done at the school.

Port: I... hesitates to ask, but... is there any word from young Miss Rose or Mr (L/N)?

Tai:... not yet...

Oobleck: Have you thought about going after them? Try to bring them home?

Tai: (Sighs) She's just running off with a boy on an adventure.(Smiles) Nothing too far off of what Summer and I would do at that age. Besides... I've got to... look after some things.

Oobleck: Very well. If it's any consolation, they are both skilled fighters and I'm sure they can handle themselves.

Port: Indeed. Good night, old friend!

Tai: Hey, I'm not that old!

Yang walks over to her dresser and picks up the shades. Two dots begin to blink in the center and the words "Please say your name" Appear in front of her.

Yang: Yang Xiao Long.

The glasses begin to bleep and a familiar voice speaks.

(Y/N): Verified. Welcome, Yang.

Yang: What the... (Y/N)?

Not (Y/N): No. I am an artificial intelligence program made to sound like my creator. I am your Generic Robotic Artificial Intelligence. But If you'd like, you may call me G.R.A.I (Gray) How may I be of assistance?

No, I didn't rip off EDITH from Spider man 2... 3. (It's like the third spider man 2, right?) I came up with the Idea for GRAI ("Gray" from here on out) when I was writing this, but it didn't seem realistic for the MC to have this technology if he was from earth, but yeah, you now have a clone. What do ya'll think? Leave a comment and see ya'll next time!

-The Kool Aid Guy

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