My Harem is Entirely Bad Boy...

By Dessiekarma

8.1K 280 125

A new girl finds herself as the manager of a particularly infamous basketball team. But are they the same off... More

Chapter 1: I'm Finally an Anime Protagonist!
Chapter 3: Get That Girl a Megane!
Chapter 4: Is This a BL Anime?!?!
Chapter 5: Is This Seriously Her Type?!
Chapter 6: Sorry For Your Tragic Backstory, But Don't be a Dick!
Chapter 7: I Think We're At That Point Were My Harem Story Gets Serious!
Chapter 8: I Never Imagined My First Love Confession Would Go Down This Way
Chapter 9: Seto's Getting His Alloted Chapter with the Protagonist!

Chapter 2: She Must Be A Cute Maid!

1.2K 44 8
By Dessiekarma

"Hey, don't sit on the ladder! You're supposed to be holding it" (Y/N) said holding tightly to the walls of the gym.

"My weight will keep it steady." Furuhashi said squinting upwards watching like a hawk.

"Fine. Can you at least hand me the tape?" The young woman snapped her fingers to get him to pick up the pace.

"What are you guys doing out here?" Hara said walking up with his backpack slung over one shoulder.

"For the school festival they are going to be converting the gym into a haunted house. They asked (Y/N) if she could hang some decorations." Furuhashi replied for (Y/N) who was busy getting her sign straight.

"Well, with the way you guys are, you could probably leave the sign up year round!" The girl said with a laugh.

Hara stepped back to slowly make out the sign.

"Abandon hope all ye who enter here? Oh ha ha." Hara laughed sarcastically and scrutinized Furuhashi who was still staring up at (Y/N) intently. "What's up with you?"

Not responding the blank eyed male simply shook his head and watched as another gust of wind blew through the air. His eyes narrowed as (Y/N) held down the back of her skirt.

"How hard is it to see up her skirt from this angle?" He mumbled more to himself than Hara.

Hara scoffed but couldn't deny his eyes had wandered the second he noticed her up there. Her school uniform was too stiff to hope for any blow ups.

Both males were snapped out of it when (Y/N) turned around and sat on the top step of the ladder. Her legs were crossed tightly as she smirked down.

"I know you pervs have been trying to look up my skirt the whole time. Shows aren't free you know?"

"Name your price I'll write you a check." Hara hollered up at her with a cocky look on his face.

"What if I don't want money?" The young girl said uncrossing her legs but keeping them pressed together.

"What do you want?" Furuhashi asked with a smirk on his own face.

"Nothing you can give me."

"Oh yeah try me."

"Actually, only Hara can do it." (Y/N) flashed him a knowing smile which instantly had the boy on the defensive.

"Hell no. You've been trying to convince me of this for a week and my answer is the same. HELL NO!!!"

"What? What does she want?"

"But you would make the cutest Undertaker! I even have the hair extensions your colour isn't too far off!"

"I'm not wearing those long ass black nails and weird hat!"

"She just wants you to dress up?" Furuhashi asked confused.

"'JUST' wants? Would you put your dignity on the line and wear some stupid anime costume?"

"I'm so sexually frustrated by her at this point I would dress like Pikachu."

"I'd like to believe I'm catching this out of context but if not, please keep your 'furry' tendencies to yourself." Hanamiya said turning the corner with Yamazaki by his side. Taking notice of the sign (Y/N) had put up the captain smiled to himself. "Hey can we keep that after the stupid festival is over?"

Hearing this (Y/N) stuck her tongue out at Hara who returned the gesture. Getting to the bottom of the ladder she smoothed out her uniform and gave Hanamiya a big smile.

"Good morning Senpai!"

All boys halted their movements unsure if they'd heard properly.

"Since when do you call him Senpai?!" Yamazaki asked looking pretty red in the face.

"We're all in the same grade even if he is older than you." Furuhashi said glancing to Hara who was stifling a laugh.

"Plus he's the shortest of all of us, hardly a senp-ugh" Hara was cut off from Hanamiya's elbow making contact with his ribs.

"But he's captain." (Y/N) explained opening the door to walk into the gym. "I need to distinguish that som-"

A small gasp left her lips as her foot caught on the other and the young girl fell forward.

Yamazaki grimaced and tried to reach out a hand for her. Hanamiya rolled his eyes but stifled a laugh. And being the opportunists they were, Hara and Furuhashi quickly looked down and were almost satisfied to see her skirt had flipped completely up...almost.

"You were wearing shorts the whole time?!" Hara asked with a scoff.

"No that's okay, I don't need any goddamn help!" (Y/N) said tugging her skirt back down and standing up. Yamazaki was quick to her side examining her palms for cuts or potential bruises. "And of course I'm wearing shorts! You think I'm some naïve girl who doesn't realize there are perverts like you around?"

Hara instantly recoiled at her snapping at him. Frowning, he all but shoved Yamazaki to get up in (Y/N)'s face.

"Me a pervert? You were gonna pimp yourself out to get me to cosplay!"

"I wasn't going to follow through! I just figured you were as dumb as you look!"

"Don't fight guys. I'm sure Mako hates hearing mommy and daddy fighting." Hanamiya said sarcastically motioning to Seto who was sleeping with the robotic child on the other side of the gym.

"Say if you guys got divorced who gets to keep him?" Yamazaki asked teasingly.

"I would!" Both said quickly.

"What!? You didn't even want to help take care of him!"

"Yeah well now that I've gotten to know you, no way would I leave him with your crazy ass!"

"You wouldn't even know how to take care of a baby properly! You've never even kept him for a whole day, you wouldn't know the first thing about being with him 24/7."

"Bet I could."

"Don't do it." Hanamiya whispered not subtly to Hara.

"Oh yeah? So we're doing this?"

"Don't." The black-haired male warned again.

"I'll keep him all week! No trade-offs, he stays with me the whole time!"

"Then deal!"

"Well I tried." Hanamiya gave a resigning sigh.

"I can get him from you after the school festival, tomorrow."

(Y/N) seemed to tense for a moment before coughing into her fist lightly.

"I'm actually not going to the festival."

"What? Wait seriously?" Furuhashi asked looking suddenly interested in the change of conversation.

The whole team had made their ways into the gym by now and were waiting to hear an answer from (Y/N).

"Yeah it's no big deal."

"I thought your class was doing a cosplay café? That's right up your alley." Hara said sounding surprised.

"Here I thought you might even try to drag us along." Hanamiya said neutrally though he was trying his hardest to read the girl.

"Haha yeah I've just been to a lot of these things. Tōō even had one not too long ago and I went with my ex. You've seen one you've seen em all. Besides I can cosplay any other time so all I'm really doing is helping put the costumes together." (Y/N) shifted on her feet nervously before widening her eyes. "Which reminds me I promised I would help out this morning. Sorry senpai but I have to go! Hara just take Mako now okay?"

Before any of the guys could make further comments, she was running out the door.

"Wait you forgot your bag!" Seto called out for her but to no avail. None of the guys had even seen him sit up but watched as he slung his bag and hers over his shoulders. Walking up to Hara he placed the baby in his hands, who instantly started crying. "I'll go give the bag to her."

"NO wait I didn't agree to take him yet! Bring Mako to her too!" Hara called out frantically but Seto ignored him all the way out the building.

Pulling a spare bottle from his backpack, Hara begrudgingly 'fed' the child getting it to quiet down.

"Ugh! Why does nothing ever work out for me? I was hoping she would try to drag us all along!" Yamazaki said crossing his arms in frustration.

"Why?" Furuhashi asked with a raised brow.

"Because I knew no matter how much she begged she would never get you guys to go! Then I could swoop in like 'If it's that important to you I guess I'll go' and she would be like 'Yamazaki senpai do you really mean that?'" Yamazaki pitched his voice to sound higher causing the guys to cringe.

"If that's the way (Y/N) sounds in your head then I'm surprised you still want her." Hara said with a pop of his gum.

"Shut up! Besides I was hoping to see her in a cute cosplay!"

A sudden bolt of lightning went through the boy's minds.

"She must be a maid!" All of them said in unison.




"What the fuck was that? I wasn't the only one who thought that was weird right?" Hara asked shaking his head as if trying to get something out.

"Ignoring that possible supernatural occurrence, I still think we're onto something here." Hanamiya said wiggling his jaw to get over the shock as well. "There's no way she'd miss something like this. It's more likely that she just wanted us to think she wasn't going."

"Being a cute maid is the perfect cliché for an otaku like her!" Yamazaki said with a sudden epiphany.

"Well that makes sense to me. I guess I'll be going to the festival." Furuhashi said with a nod to himself.

"You guys are desperate." Hara mumbled to himself, now burping the baby.

"We don't all have hordes of concubines like you." Hanamiya said scrolling through his own phone.

"Maybe you would if you didn't say shit like 'concubines'." Hara quipped, once again receiving a big middle finger.

"Besides weren't you just sexually harassing her a second ago?" Yamazaki questioned his lavender-haired friend.

"Honestly, some of you are one missed place touch away from a lawsuit." Hanamiya made a slightly disgusted face at the horny antics of some of his teammates.

"Don't blow things out of proportion, she knows I'm joking. Besides if she wants to do or show me things, I wouldn't stop her but she's nothing amazing."

"I think she's actually pretty interesting, even if we don't really know much about her." Furuhashi commented with a little thought. "Do you guys even know her family name?"

"No, why?" Hara asked with a questioning head shake.

"I'm just curious since she always has us call her buy her first name. It's foreign isn't it?"

"Yeah so? Some people think foreign names are cute or some shit. I've fucked like 12 Japanese girls with foreign names."

"Do you think she's half?" Yamazaki asked with a curious tone.

Hara rolled his eyes at his teammates obsessing over the girl. He figured their infatuation with her would wear off after she stopped being so new. But she'd already been with them for over a month and still nothing.

He was grateful that at least Hanamiya was still acting normal. Well...normal for him.


Furuhashi was too busy ignoring texts from his parents to realize his driver had already pulled up in front of him. It wasn't until the older man stepped out of the car to open the door for him that he looked up.

"Sir, Ms. Furuhashi has requested I demand you stop ignoring her. She and your father have a dinner meeting they would like you to attend."

"And these people happen to have a daughter my age correct?" The blank-faced male said with an almost non-existent role of his eyes.

"Well not exactly. She's in middle school if I'm not mistaken."

"Ugghh, neither mine nor her parents have a shred of human decency."

"Shall we get going?" His driver asked with a look that said he clearly agreed even though he was paid to not have an opinion.

The brown-haired male almost nodded when he noticed a certain girl walking out of the corner of his eye. (Y/N) hoisted her backpack higher up on her shoulder before exiting the gate and walking in the direction of the train station.

Which was odd, to say the least. Students from Kirisaki Daiichi aren't exactly the "take the train" type. And she had mentioned having a driver once before so why would she need to lie?

"You can head home. I think I'm going to take the train home."

"The train, sir?"

"Yes, you can tell mother I ran off or something. I promise I'll be at the estate before dinner."

With that he took off after (Y/N), leaving the driver dumbfounded and at a loss for what to do. Being an athlete, it didn't take him long to catch up to the girl who looked surprised to see him suddenly walking along beside her.

"Hey Furu, uhh what are you doing here?"

"Well I figured I'd take the train home with you."

"Seriously? You taking the train? Why?"

"I guess I wanted to get to know you."

(Y/N) sputtered a bit at his totally honest answer.

"Uhh oh, I guess that's alright."

Furuhashi couldn't help but notice that she seemed a little uneasy. It concerned him, as she usually wasn't this way. Quite the contrary, she was usually exuding confidence so to see her shelling up was a bit strange.

Still he made no comment as he followed her to the train station, he'd never been at before. Looking around, he was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of people there. Looking down he caught the team manager looking up at him with quirked brows.

"You've never taken the train before have you?"

"I have. We usually take it to games."

"Okay, so which train will take you home?" (Y/N) asked with a slightly amused tone in her voice.


"Tell me your address and I'll be sure you get home."

Furuhashi felt a slight blush creep onto his cheeks from the idea of her escorting him home when it definitely was supposed to have been the other way around.

Before he knew it, he was sandwiched between her and some other high school guy all while trying not to panic from the sheer amount of people.

"You alright Furu?" (Y/N) asked looking up at him with big eyes.

He wished she wouldn't do that. Stare up at her with such wide genuine made him...want to hurt her. Some type of cute aggression or just his sadistic tendencies were surfacing hard.

But more than that, she really was an interesting anomaly. Her front was completely smushed into his, yet she seemed totally uninterested. Without sounding cocky, he had to admit he wasn't used to that.

Most of the KiriDai girls wouldn't pass up the opportunity for a chance with him. In fact, many all but threw themselves at him, something the rest of the team slightly resented. It wasn't that he had a great personality or had model looks compared to the rest.

Rather he was just one of the better looking "definite heirs". Many other sons from these families had brothers or cousins to go up against for their inheritance. But him, being both the oldest and only male child, it was always clear he'd get the bulk of wealth from his family.

Most of the girls he went to school with could sniff that out on him like sharks to chum. It got him a lot of attention that he learned to politely yet uninterestedly return. But (Y/N) never seemed to care one way or another.

It could be that she didn't know. She was originally from Tōō, after all and didn't seem to know much about anyone's connections, even within the basketball club. And to be fair, none of them knew her lineage either.

"What's your last name?" He found himself blurting out from the sudden thought. The girl looked surprised again but didn't take long to mull it over.


"So, I was right, you are half."

(Y/N) seemed almost a bit offended by the comment causing Furuhashi to add on to his comment.

"More and more people are these days. Seto is too."

"Yeah I know."

"You do? How? He doesn't really like people to know."

"Then kind of shitty of you to tell me huh?" (Y/N) replied in a clipped voice before shaking off the annoyed look on her face. "Sorry, you've been his friend longer than I have, it's just a sensitive topic personally. But he mentioned it to me once."


"Umm I don't know, sometime before practice I think."

"Huh." Furuhashi mulled over her averted eyes and answer, recalling a very similar response from said male not too long ago.

How much did those two talk when nobody else was around? Zaki probably wouldn't be too happy to find out about that. Not that it would mean anything if they did talk. Seto isn't the type to hit on anyone and he's even less of the type to be hit on.

A sudden scream drew him from his thoughts as few others looked down the train to see a young girl swatting at the guy behind her. Flicking his eyes to (Y/N) he noticed the instant look of disgust across her face as the train stopped and the highschooler went bolting out.

Nobody else said anything and some hadn't even looked up at the sound of distress. If she wasn't uncomfortable before, now (Y/N) looked ten times more tense as she crossed her arms over her chest and stood a little further back from him.

He wanted to ask her what just happened but figured he would just stay quiet until they were off the train. The ride was long and awkwardly silent. Furuhashi had gotten into this situation in the first place because he wanted to find out more about her.

He couldn't help but wonder if she would be a candidate for him. Maybe if he was the one to bring forth the suggestion to his family, he wouldn't feel so powerless in this whole situation.

Not that it had anything to do with her in particular but this mystery girl so far seemed to be the one private aspect his family hadn't picked up on yet, much like the rest of the basketball team they weren't aware he was even on.

"Hey come on, we're getting off here."

Furuhashi snapped out of his thoughts and looked outside the doors of the train. He didn't recognize the station but to be perfectly honest he really wouldn't have a reason to. Yet even stepping out he didn't have much clue where he was.

"What you think the train would just drop you off directly in front of your house? We got a little walking to do."

He followed after the girl like a lost puppy, simply taking her directions and not speaking a word the entire time. Furuhashi found himself strangely content with the situation. Regardless of their lack of conversation he was learning more about her just by being with her.

For starters, he'd never heard the name (L/N) in regard to wealth but it could be a big deal overseas. Besides that, the tuition for Kirisaki Daiichi was ridiculously expensive and clearly she had a enough to make a last minute transfer in from Tōō.

"Why did you transfer?" These questions were just running out his mouth the moment they popped into his head at this point.

(Y/N), who had been furiously typing away on her phone broke concentration long enough to look up at him with a small grin.

"You're very talkative when you're not with the other guys."

Dead eyes bore through her with no comment.

"Hmm well I guess originally I didn't care where I went. Tōō had dorms and I thought that was pretty cool so I figured I'd head there. I guess you could say I started to have some problems with people and I started to look for a new school."

Furuhashi nodded along as he listened to her story. From the sounds of it she must have been bullied or treated pretty badly to make her want to transfer.

"I was already narrowing my applications down but that's when I met my boyfriend. He was doing some early basketball training and well regardless of the grade gap we really hit it off. He convinced me to stay, to do it for him. He told me 'screw everyone, be where you're happy'! And for a while that was with him but then I started thinking about my future and what my ultimate goal was. For that I needed connections and what better place than the school for the wealthy and powerful?"

"So, you do care about that sort of thing?"

"From a business stand point I have to at least consider it. In a personal sense I won't pretend to be your friend or be romantically inclined to someone just because they have money or power. My ex didn't have much, he wasn't poor or anything but ya know it didn't matter to me."

"What about you?"


"What is your social status? What sort of work does your family do?"


Furuhashi waited for her to say more. Like they owned a hospital or some million dollar nursing company. Really anything but that was where she was ending the topic.

"Nursing is a difficult career and a very important one."

"Yeah it really is."

Once again the conversation dropped off and the young man couldn't understand where he was going wrong with her. He'd been looking her up and down since he'd caught up to her back at school. Her body movement seemed closed off and every so often when he would try to move closer so that their bodies would touch in anyway she adjusted herself just a little further away.

"Why are you acting so differently from how you do at school?"

(Y/N) clearly shifted uncomfortably. Furuhashi stared at her chest that had stopped rising and falling, noticing she was holding her breath. He was snapped out of it by her arms crossing over her breasts and clearing her throat.

"I just...I know you were joking earlier. But when you followed me and you keep looking a-"

Though he was the one who asked the question, Furuhashi was completely tuned out as he squinted at the approaching car down the road. Instantly recognizing it, he mentally cursed before looking around and dragging (Y/N) into the closest alley he could.

With one hand over her mouth, he pinned her to the side of the building with his weight and pressed into her in hopes of hiding them both in the shadows. While he had been staring into her eyes, he cast a glance to the side to see if the familiar car had already passed.

"Shit!" He yelped out, pulling his wounded hand away from (Y/N)'s mouth. Though she was clearly shaken, the girl was in a fighting stance as she eyed her teammate up and down.

"I know I talk about being an anime protagonist but I'm not okay with the sexual assault tropes."

"What? No, I would never do that."

"I don't mind you joking about it with Hara or playing around. But you've been staring at me since you followed me on the train. And right now, what the hell was that exactly?"

"Just relax, I'm not trying to hurt you. I followed you because I want to get to know you, I don't really get a chance to talk to you during the day. The good excuse for that, I need to work on it. And I only pulled you in here because my mom has my driver out looking for me."

"What why?"

"I was supposed to accompany my parents to some business dinner, but I wanted to be with you instead. And I needed to hide you because I don't want them finding out about you and ruining anything. They don't know you exist so for now you're something that's only mine."

He could clearly still see an uncomfortable look on the girl's face and continued to elaborate.

"My parents control every aspect of my life. They tell me what I should wear, what classes to take, and which people I should be friends with. Basketball and you are something they can't touch."

"Your parents don't know you're in basketball?" (Y/N) said completely dropping her fighting aura in exchange for a saddened one.

"No, they would either find it to be a waste of time or push me so hard to be the best that I wouldn't even enjoy it anymore. I'm actually sorry I've been so weird today."

"I've just learned, the hard way, that anyone can hurt you. They can be friends like you and me or strangers like that guy groping the girl on the train."

So that was what happened. Furuhashi mused silently in his mind over what she said.

"You'd consider us friends?"

"I consider all the guys on the team to be my friend. Whether or not they return the sentiment is irrelevant. And umm I'm sorry I bit you."

The brown-haired male looked down at his palm and chuckled at the red teeth indentions.

"Haha at least you know now that I don't take shit lying down!" (Y/N) said laughing into her own palm. "That must have been a different experience for you. Most girls at KiriDai would have been all over that situation. Being the only male heir to your family's multimillion-dollar company must mean that I'm the first girl to have turned down a proposition that hard for you."

He blinked several times, wondering if he had actually been saying absolutely everything he thought about, on the train, aloud.

"Don't look so surprised. I told you I came here to make connections, of course I'd know the big names and their kids. But uhh don't worry about me only being friends with you for your money or anything like that."

"Oh no, I'm sure if you wanted that you wouldn't have sunk your teeth so deeply into my flesh."

"True. Come on, your place is just five minutes away. I'm really late and the person waiting on me is probably gonna be pissed." (Y/N) said taking his uninjured hand and pulling him along. "And now that we've discussed it, I give you my consent."


"To flirt! It's pretty fun playing around with you! If I ever get uncomfortable, I'll let you know! And you do the same, kay? Plus, if you ever go too far, well you've seen a fraction of what I'm willing to do!"

Furuhashi looked at the girl's strangely innocent smile and clenched his fist, feeling the throbbing in his palm. He gave her a small smile back before nodding.

"You really are pretty tough. No wonder you're fitting right into the team so well."


"You look like complete shit." Furuhashi remarked with what could almost be described as a look of concern. "And I thought you weren't coming today."

"I fucking quit, man! I'm taking the L on this one and giving her back this hell spawn." Hara said, practically shaking while he rocked the sleeping doll hoping the loud noise of the cultural festival wouldn't wake him.

"This little shit cried all night and the baby was making a fuss too." Hanamiya said coming up behind Hara, looking almost as tired.

"Did you help him?" Yamazaki asked with a surprised look in his eye.

"Not like I had a choice. He calls me at 10pm, crying like a little bitch that he cant get Mako to sleep and says he needs to come over. I said fuck that and I'd meet him at the school then head to his place."

"He barely stopped crying this morning!" Hara said looking pretty demented from what had to have been a long night. "Let's just find (Y/N), gawk at her in the maid outfit and give this thing back."

"Did we ever let Seto know about our plan?" Furuhashi asked finally noticing their missing teammate.

"I don't think he came to school today, I didn't see him in class." Hanamiya commented looking more and more frustrated by the amount of people at the festival.

"Well his loss! Let's go find her class's cosplay café!" Yamazaki said with a determined voice, trotting forward.

The guys followed behind him while Furuhashi mused something over in his mind. He'd already figured what he was thinking but was willing to let Yamazaki have his fun.

"Ahh he's crying again! Where the hell is Seto when I need him? He's great with Mako!" Hara's voice pierced the crowd as the robotic child he was holding began whimpering.

"What seriously, you're gonna let another man be the father to your son?" Hanamiya asked sarcastically.

"Fuck all that! He can have my son and my bitchy baby mama too!"

"I'll take them!"

"Geez Zaki hop off her dick already." Hara said with an eyeroll. Before he could do anymore to soothe the baby, the orange haired male was scooping him up from his hands and trying to comfort him.

It was no surprise that Mako only began to scream louder as the energetic male wasn't even holding him properly. Quickly regretting the decision, he shoved the baby into Hanamiya's arms who looked so done at this point everyone was sure he would drop him like nothing.

Taking quick action Furuhashi grabbed the mechanic infant and flipped it on its stomach. A few fidgets later and the baby was no longer making a peep.

"What did you do?!" Hara asked excitedly now that his 'child' was quiet as a mouse.

"I just moved some wires around to shut off the audio. He shouldn't make any more noise now."

"Hah that bitch can suck it! Winning this bet will be so easy now! I know your whole family works with tech, I don't know why I didn't ask you before!"

"Isn't that cheating?" Yamazaki asked condescendingly.

"Seriously? This team was created off the idea of cheating!"

"Ain't cheating if the ref doesn't catch it. Now are we gonna go find (Y/N) or what?" Hanamiya asked impatiently. Unlike Yamazaki, he didn't find himself lusting after the idea of her in a skimpy cosplay but more so saw this as the perfect blackmailing opportunity.


"What do you mean she's not here?" Yamazaki practically shouted, clearly scaring a girl in an attack on titan cosplay.

"You're talking about that gaijin from Tōō right? Yeah she helped us put all the costumes together but she never signed up to actually wait tables. She doesn't really talk to anyone, so I don't think any of us know where she is."

"Goddammit! So then it was actually true? She really just didn't want to come to the festival?" Yamazaki cried out turning to his teammates in disbelief.

"Huh I was pretty sure she was hiding something." Hanamiya contemplated with a little shrug.

"I don't think it's her who wanted to hide." Furuhashi spoke up finally ready to voice his theory.

"Whatdaya mean?" Yamazaki asked perking up slightly.

"Don't she and Seto have a strange closeness despite them rarely talking during practice?"

"What would make you think that?"

"Seto knew before all of us about her singing, they always seem to be alone together before practice starts, he took off after her yesterday and never came back, plus both of them were gone today. On top of all that she knew some personal facts about Seto and I'm pretty sure she was planning on meeting him before I decided to take the train with her."

"You took the train with her!? No way, did you walk her home?! And are you trying to say that (Y/N) and Seto are dating?!" Yamazaki asked looking totally betrayed.

"She walked me home. And I'm not saying they're dating, I have a different idea. Do you remember that one time we got to practice a little early? What did we catch Seto doing?"

"Playing his weird little guitar thingy." Yamazaki said with a blank face, nothing quite clicking yet.

"Hell yeah I'm gonna get my blackmail after all, just on a different person." Hanamiya said with a grin before making his way out the room.


"Why the hell can't we sit down, instead of hiding back here like creeps?" Hara complained not even attempting to try and see the stage from where they were standing.

"Because if Seto sees us before he goes up there then he won't do it." Hanamiya said looking over the open mic roster once more. (Y/N) and Seto should be up after this group dance was over.

"Wahhhh no fair no fair no fair! Why did (Y/N) ask Seto to perform with her?" Yamazaki said with a very unhappy pout.

"I know I'm clearly the most musically talented member on the team." Hara interjected throwing his hand up in a 'wtf' motion.

"You wouldn't have agreed to it!"

"This attention whore? Yeah he would have." Hanamiya snorted. "Oh shit there they are! Come on, now we can go sit close while he's distracted."

The team moved quickly and quietly through the rows of chairs and tried to sit as close as they could without being noticed. They watched as (Y/N) adjusted her microphone and pulled her bar stool closer to Seto, who was tuning his ukulele.

The guys noticed that Seto must have been nervous as he never took his eyes off either his instrument, the floor, or (Y/N).

"I can't believe he's actually gonna do it." Hara whispered as (Y/N) gave a nod to Seto who began strumming a beachy tune.

The girl seemed to really feel the music before turning to look at Seto deeply and began singing.

Driving to Hawaii, Surfing down the street.

Dreaming of these places I may never see.

Regardless of the prior warning, the team was gob smacked to hear how good she actually sounded. Hanamiya never handed out compliments and it wasn't gonna start today but she was undoubtedly damn good.

Baby, if we get there things will be much easier and life won't be nothing anymore.

Oh babe when we're together there's always such nice weather.

Yes we don't need these places anyway.

Seto, gaining just a bit of courage, attempted to look up at the audience. He was surprised as a small hand was placed on his cheek turning him to face the singing girl instead.

The crowd went wild at the affectionate display, but three heads in particular snapped to Yamazaki to gauge his reaction. Surprisingly, it was pretty neutral as he continued to listen to the music.

We'll strum out and be picking our guitars

We'll drink all day and sing under the stars

How magically simple our life could be.

In fact, Hara almost looked more unhappy as he crossed his arms.

"Ehh I guess Seto is pretty good at the ukulele, but I can play the guitar much better so-"

Driving to Tahiti, let's take off your bikini.

Jump in something warmer, fall asleep together.

"But you can't sing like that." Furuhashi retorted with an even blanker stare than usual.

None of the team knew Seto could sing, let alone sing this well. The tan male put all his efforts in singing as he passed his ukulele to (Y/N) who continued the melody.

"Holy shit, he's good like actually good." Hanamiya snickered to himself as he recorded his teammate, who still seemed oblivious to their presence.

"Not surprising, considering his parents and genetics." Furuhashi retorted, still looking pretty impressed.

Baby when its all done we can grow our hair long.

And life won't be nothing anymore.

Seto was looking at his partner as if he'd been the one to write the song and she was the one he wrote it for. The boys noticed Zaki bristle as Seto took a lock of (Y/N)'s hair and tucked it behind her ear.

Well babe when we're together, there's always such nice weather

Guess we don't need these places anyway.

Driving to Hawaii, Surfing down the street

The two finished off the song singing in harmony before taking a few final strums and ending it. The applause for the two was heavy, almost verging on annoyingly so.

And that's when tired eyes met with his team, a soft curse fell from his lips as the guys smirked at him. (Y/N) gave a disapproving pout before ushering Seto off the stage and to them.

"How cute, a little duet between lovers," Hanamiya mocked pulling his phone away from Seto who tried to take a swipe at it.

"We were just singing together, as friends. I assumed you'd figure it all out eventually, actually I'm surprised it took you this long."

The dark-haired male's smirk slipped down a bit. He hadn't figured it out at all, Furu had. He didn't like that fact but also understood it. Furuhashi had been on a mission to find out more about (Y/N).

Hanamiya on the other hand...he wanted to know as little about her as possible and vice versa.

"I've told you in the past that I play a ton of different instruments, why didn't you ask me to perform with you?" Hara asked, his ego clearly having taken a huge hit.

"Well I didn't think you'd agree. You practically hate me, so I figured there was no way you'd do this for me."

"Stop blowing things out of proportion, I don't hate you. I want to get my music out there and your voice would have been perfect for the original songs I write. So next time ask!"

"On that note, how did (Y/N) convince you, of all people, to do this?" Furuhashi asked his teammate who had yet to stop casting glances off at the girl.

"She just asked." Seto replied with a shrug.

"Yeah if I realized he was gonna say yes so quickly I wouldn't have started off begging him so hard. I heard him playing that ukulele before practice and oh my god! Then his voice!? Literal angel bells, if he wanted to he could be famous with a set of pipes like that."

The whole team saw it right there, one red-head in particular taking immediate notice. The way Seto finally looked away from her and a slight blotch of colour burned on his face, maybe it should have been obvious why he said yes.

"Ms. (L/N)! Mr. Hara!" The whole team looked up to see the health teacher marching up to the group with a purpose. Spotting the mechanic infant in Hara's hands, their scolding face quickly slipped into one of understanding. "Ahh I see! The monitors were showing this infant had been crying for nearly an hour straight with no comforting attempts. But seeing as its silent, it could possibly an internal bug! Both of you come with me so we can get this fixed up."

"Hopefully we can get it fixed, Mako was supposed to stay with daddy this weekend." (Y/N) directed a knowing smile at Hara, who threw his head back and followed along begrudgingly.

The rest of the guys stood around watching the trio head off into the school.

"Ehh it was a good show. (Y/N) sang like a pro but I didn't get the song. You can't drive to Hawaii." Yamazaki said, finally speaking up since the performance.

"Well yeah, that's the point of the song. It's about dreaming of the impossible."

"Kind of like you dreaming you have a chance with (Y/N)?"

All the guys sort of froze at the cold tone in Yamazaki's voice. Seto put on a convincingly confused face.

"We all saw the way you were looking at her. Just know that I do like her and I wont give her up without a fight."

"Zaki, I think you're taking this too seriously. (Y/N)'s cute, I admit that but that's why... Look, you know I would never go for a girl like her, it just wouldn't work out. Guys like me don't date girls like her."

"That's what you say now! But I will get her first!"

"I don't think either of you have a chance getting (Y/N)'s attention." Hanamiya scoffed at the situation.

"Oh and like you would?" Yamazaki shot back with a furrowed brow.

"Umm yeah. She's clearly still stuck on her ex. Aesthetically speaking, I look most similar. Evidentially she likes manipulative assholes and umm..." Hanamiya gestured to himself. "IF I wanted her, I could have her."

"I didn't lose the fucking bet!"

Four heads snapped up to see Hara and (Y/N) making their way back without Mako.

"Having someone shut off the audio for our baby is cheating and proves that you couldn't even take care of him for 24 hours let alone the week. You're lucky the teacher is sending him out to be fixed and if they find evidence of tampering, I'm throwing you under the bus!"

"Fine so you win and when we get Mako back you can take him."

"Hell no, we said a week and that means regardless of this technicality you still get to keep our son for some daddy-baby bonding."

"Whatever and stop referring to me as 'daddy' unless you're gonna say it with a sexy voice."

The two were finally right in front of the rest of the team and quickly took notice of the weird tenseness.

"Uhh what'd we miss?" Hara asked popping his gum rapidly.

"Hey, you were saying the other day that you needed help with chemistry, right?" Hanamiya suddenly asked (Y/N) off topic.

"Umm yeah. My grade is decent but not where I want it to be." (Y/N) said cautiously, as if waiting for some mean sarcastic remark from her captain.

"On Sunday, lets meet up somewhere and study."

"Really?! Okay! Here let me give you my number!" (Y/N) said quickly and enthusiastically as she typed her number into his phone.

All the guys gave Hanamiya a certain look he was all too familiar with, but the male simply shrugged his shoulder with a small smirk.

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