Kryptonian Blood

Smallville02 tarafından

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people see the videos, they watch the news, they read news papers with headliners like "robbery stopped unexp... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: Revenge Never Hurts Me.
Strange Kid
Saving Superman
Haunted by the Past *Prt 1*
Leave The Past Behind *prt 2*
Sibling Bond
Christmas parade
home alone *prt 1*
I'm coming home *prt 2*

The Beginning Of The Fall

23 4 0
Smallville02 tarafından

14 years later

I parked my bike and walked into the cemetery, I got to the plot and looked at the head stone, nervously twisting my Kryptonite necklace, as I sat down. Hey Dad, it's Dylan... I uh was coming back from Metropolis and- I looked down at the necklace, dad had somehow known before anyone else did about my powers, I guess he figured it out when I had such an interest with the Kryptonite rocks, so this was the last thing he gave me, I made one modification to it, by putting an alternator on it, so when the alternator is on the gem is clear. Dad I get I'm not making you exactly proud right now, it's just- I looked back down still twisting the gem. I'm not Clark, I do good or I try because it blows up in my face, I try dad. I sighed some and shook my head. I came to just say, happy birthday Daddy, and I love you. I said standing and Patting the head stone. When Clark was seventeen years old he was already saving people, he had been saving people by the time he was fifteen when all this weird stuff started happening. But the time I was fifteen in highschool I was causing chaos. But then again chaos had been happening since I was a little girl.

13 years before Jonathan: week before he died

I turned as I saw the preschool bus come up and park. I stood inside the barn as I watched Dylan run off the bus, she never matched she was wearing a bright green tuetue *thankfully wasn't too puffy* black leggings a purple shirt that under it had a black and white striped long sleeve shirt, with red rubber boots. I smirked as I crouched and picked her up. Hi Daddy. Hey pumpkin. I said bouncing her up and then taking her back pack in my other hand. How was school? We had already gotten a call saying she got a tooth knocked out when she jumped off the swing at school, thankfully it was already loose tooth she had been complaining it was hurting, and was loose. She laughed some and held a zip lock baggie up. You lost a tooth? She nodded and smiled where she had a top front tooth missing. Wow. I said as I walked into the house. What? Clark asked and I turned. Dylan lost a tooth. Don't stick your tongue in the gap, and you'll grow a gold tooth. She frowned some and looked at me. Don't look at me I stuck mine in the gap all the time. I said sitting her on the counter. I'll be back later, pumpkin, be good for your brother. Ok dad. She said before I kissed her forehead and then walked out.


I got back later and I went out to the barn, putting the small late birthday gift for Dylan in a small led lined box, I smiled some she was very interesting, she was probably going to be some sort of scientist when she grew up. Daddy, mommy said dinners almost ready. I smiled and turned. Alright, I'll be there in a minute I need to talk to you. She frowned some and had a nervous look on her face. D-did I do something wrong? I shook my head and picked her up setting her on the work table. I was meaning to give you something for your birthday. But dad that was in July. I nodded and smirked. Yeah hun, but I needed to get it made, and then a special box for you to keep it in. I unlached the box and she saw the necklace. Wow! It's green! You know that you can't wear it around Clark right? She nodded and I kept the serious look for a minute. And you know when you're done wearing it to put it back in- the led box. I smiled and nodded. Alright baby, let's get inside so mom doesn't get a switch on us.


Martha and I went out to Metropolis because I  had an appointment and later Martha had to run errands and we took Dylan since Clark wasn't able to watch her right then she had the necklace on. I looked back at the road and smiled. What? I shook my head. Nothing.

Slight skip

I had ahold of Dylan's hand while Martha was around getting the stuff she needed the appointment I let her know before we went our separate ways I was probably going to get some food with Dylan which she was fine with, and then told her to tell me when she was done. You thinking about lunch yet? I asked looking down at the four year old she looked up and frowned. What about mama? Oh she's fine she ate before she left the house. But- you want a hot dog? She smiled and I nodded. Take that as a yes.  I got two hotdogs and handed Dylan the one with ketchup and mustard the thing was practically bigger than her actual mouth but somehow she managed to get a chunk off. I smiled some and shook my head she looked up and I had just gotten a text asking where we were. Dylan smile, look at me smile. She smiled her goofy smile she had some food in her mouth as she had just taken a bite when I got her to look up. Let's go find mom.

Skip few days later

Dylan was riding her bike, which had training wheels. I was watching her from the barn, I smiled some and looked back down to what I was doing when I heard a crashing noise and Dylan started crying. Oh dear God. I muttered, this kid by the time she was three had broken both arms, so anytime she was doing something and started crying we always worried she had broken something. I ran over, she had managed to crash her bike and tip it over on her. I got it off and crouched. What hurts? She didn't answer. Dylan does your leg hurt? She shook her head. Do your arms hurt? She shook her head again. Does anything hurt? She nodded I looked around and she had a few scrapes and would bruise most likely I sighed and picked her up. You're ok. I said walking inside and Clark turned. Oh God, did she break anything? I shook my head

That night she walked up ready for bed and climbed on the couch next to me and leaned against me. Hey Pumpkin. She didn't say anything and a few minutes later she was asleep, thumb in her mouth. She didn't always do that but if she was asleep sometimes it just happened. I smiled and picked her up holding her in my lap. Did Dylan come say goodnight? Martha looked down and sighed shaking her head. I don't know how she does that. I Shrugged some as this was almost a nightly occurrence she would come say goodnight and end up falling asleep on my lap. I try everything to get her to sleep and she just what curls up next to you and is out with in five minutes? thats how I felt when Clark was her age. She sighed and sat down next to me. She's just a daddy's girl. Wait did dad just call me nicely a Mama's boy? Clark asked peaking out from the kitchen. I never said the words but yeah son, you were. He sighed. Goodnight Mom, Dad. I laughed some and Martha stood. I'll be up in a minute.

Skip Martha

I came back down after thirty minutes, only to find Jonathan asleep on the couch with Dylan still in his lap I smiled some and got the camera, taking the picture and I smiled more. Goodnight my loves. I muttered and headed up stairs

Skip Clark day of Jonathan's funeral

I stood there a the grave sight by mom, Dylan was standing there for the first time seeing my baby sister wearing black, she had a necklace on that I knew was Kryptonite, but it didn't make me sick, she just looked down at the closed coffin as they lowered it into the ground. Dylan just watched she had ahold of something.


She was sitting on the stairs and everyone was saying how sorry they were for our loss, but the one that stuck out the most was a lady who was talking to mom and sighed. Poor baby girl. I looked at mom as she turned to Dylan still on the stairs, her elbows resting on her knees and her chin in her hands. Does she understand what's happening? Mom just shook her head shrugging some, mom was pretty upset I sighed I had to get Dylan outta here, cause people were trying to talk to her, and that's why she was on the stairs. I quietly told Mom what I was doing and she nodded I walked over and picked her up and walked out side. You wanna go to the park? I asked she didn't answer but I nodded. Let's go to the park.


I had taken her to the park and then I got ice cream, she had chocolate, and I just got strawberry I smiled laughing some as she was taking huge chunks out of the ice cream. Is it good? She nodded I looked down at my own cone feeling a little more upset, dad and I used to do this a lot when I was a kid. I was snapped out of my thoughts p after felt a hand on my shoulder I turned and looked at Lex the slight distrust and hate feeling came back but I didn't show it. Clark I'm so sorry. I just nodded and he looked at Dylan. Hey Dyl, is it good? She nodded and he smiled nodding. Yeah you got it all over your face, have fun cleaning that one. I nodded some and looked back at her.


She fell asleep shortly after I got the mess on her face cleaned up and Lex sighed. How's she doing? I'm not sure, it's hard to read the kid who doesn't talk much. I said as I sat on the bench facing the park we had just been at. Do you guys need anything? I shook my head as I wasn't sure Lex nodded and looked over at Dylan and nodded. Let me know if you guys need some time. He said before walking off I looked down I didn't know then that this was the beginning of a lot of issues.

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