Great Women of Islam

By diamondofislam

1.1K 52 3

(Who were given the good news of Paradise). There are good examples in the lifestyle of the Mothers of the B... More

Publisher's note
Khadîjah bint Khuwaylid
Saudah bint Zam'ah
'A'ishah bint Abu Bakr
Hafsah bint 'Umar
Zainab bint Khuzaymah
Umm Salamah bint Abu Umayyah
Zaynab bint Jahsh
Juwairiyah bint Hârith

Exploits and Achievements of the Sahâbiyât

259 6 0
By diamondofislam

The Sahâbiyât (Women Companions) were the noble women who were the contemporaries of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. They were the pure, virtuous crusaders of Islâm, and were honored during the very lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ with the prediction that they would live forever in Paradise in the hereafter. Their achievements and influence are found in every sphere of that momentous period in the history of the world, which transformed the whole of humanity forever. They were as active in religion as in politics, as courageous in war as in the peaceful and persuasive propagation of the teachings of Islâm. These noble, selfless women could be found in the battlefields alone the foremost ranks of those taking part in Jihâd. They were to be found in the political arena, in the field of education, in the courts of Islâmic jurisprudence, in the interpretation of the Sharî'ah (1), in the trade and commerce, in agriculture, in medicine and in nursing. In short, there was no sphere that did not benefit from their intellect, their wisdom and their gentle yet firm strength of character.

Religious Achievements

Among the many services that one can render to Islâm, is to fight in the battlefields. Few, if any, examples of such zeal, determination, perseverance and courage can be found in history. When the disbelievers attacked the Muslims during the Battle of Uhud, only a few devoted followers were left to fight with the Prophet ﷺ. At this critical stage, the woman Comanpanion Umm 'Ammârah رضي الله عنها shielded him with her body and warded off the enemy with her sword as well as her bow and arrows. When one of the disbelievers of the Quraysh, Ibn Qamiah, got within striking distance of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, it was she who bore the brunt of his attack. She had a deep wound on her shoulder, yet she continued to attack him with her sword. But he was well protected and she could not make a dent in his armor. Later, she fought so courageously against Musailamah Al-Kaththâb that she suffered a dozen wounds and lost an arm.

In the Battle of Ahzâb (Battle of the Trench), the Companion Saffiyah رضي الله عنها displayed brilliant military strategy in handling the Jewish attack, and slew one of the Jews. In the Battle of Hunain, Umm Sulaim رضي الله عنها set out to attack the enemy with her dagger.

In the Battle of Yarmook, Asmâ' bint Abu Bakr, Umm Abân, Umm Hakeem, Khawlah, Hind and the Mother of the Believers Juwairiyah رضي الله عنهن displayed extraordinary valor. Asmâ' bint Yazîd رضي الله عنها killed nine enemy soldiers. In the year 28 AH, Umm Harâm رضي الله عنها took part in the attack on Cyprus.

The Mother of the Believers 'A'ishah, Umm Sulaim and Umm Salit رضي الله عنهن were among those who were very proficient at nursing the wounded.

The Sahâbiyât رضي الله عنهن usually accompanied the Prophet ﷺ on his military expeditions and took part in the battles both on land and at sea. Standing side by side with the soldiers they would hand them arrows, and generally help to keep up the morale of the army. They also helped to carry the martyred and the wounded back to Madinah. Umm 'Atiyah رضي الله عنها took part in seven battles, and fought during the rule of the Caliph 'Umar Farooq رضي الله عنه, the women and even the children helped to bury the dead.

They spread the message of the new religion and through example converted many of the disbelievers to Islâm. It was Fâtimah bint al-Khattâb رضي الله عنها who converted her brother 'Umar bin al-Khattâb رضي الله عنه; he was to become one of the bravest and most faithful of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It was Umm Sulaim رضي الله عنها who influenced Abu Talhah رضي الله عنه, and it was Umm Hakim رضي الله عنها who convinced her husband, 'Ikrimah to accept Islâm. Umm Shareek al-Dawsiyah رضي الله عنها very discreetly worked among the women of the tribe of Quraish to spread Islâm.

Another aspect of missionary work is to preserve the religion in its pristine form, and protect it from any modifications, impurities and innovations that may creep in because of culture or traditional preserving the purity of Islâm was performed by many of the Sahâbiyât; most prominent among them was 'A'ishah رضي الله عنها.

In the year 35 AH, when Caliph 'Uthmân رضي الله عنه was martyred and there was chaos and confusion over who was the next in the line of succession, it was she who brought unity into the ranks by influencing the Muslims of Basrah (Iraq) and Makkah.

Leading the prayers and calling the Adhân, or the call for prayer, is another important aspect of religious life. Although women cannot lead men in prayers, they can do so with assemblies of women. Many women contemporaries of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ performer this task as well. 'A'ishah, Umm Sulaim, Umm Waraqah and Sa'dah bint Qamâmah رضي الله عنهن were some of the most prominent among these. In fact, Umm Waraqah رضي الله عنها turned her house into a place of prayer for women; the Adhân (2) was given there by a lady Mu'adhdhin (3) for the women's congregation, and Umm Waraqah رضي الله عنها performed the duties of the Imâm in leading the prayers.

Political Achievements

The Sahâbiyât (Women Companions) played a prominent role in politics as well. Caliph 'Umar رضي الله عنه so valued Shifa' bint 'Abdullâh رضي الله عنها for her political intelligence and insight that he very often consulted with her. He often gave her the responsibility of running the affairs of state of state relating to trade and commerce. Before the Hijrah (migration) of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to Madinah, the disbelievers wanted to lay siege to house, it was Ruqayyah bint Saifee رضي الله عنها who warned him. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ then secretly left for Madinah, leaving 'Ali رضي الله عنه asleep in his place. Vast political rights are granted to women in Islâm. A woman even has the right to grant shelter to an enemy, if she so wishes. A historian, Abu Dawood relates that Umm Hâni رضي الله عنها, the sister of 'Ali رضي الله عنه, had given refuge to an enemy disbelieve and the Prophet ﷺ said:

"If you have guaranteed sanctuary and safety to a person, then we stand by you."

This is the law of Islâm that the Imâm (4) or leader has to stand by the guarantee offered by the woman.

Education, Knowledge and the Fine Arts

There are various subjects, an understanding of which are essential for a thorough knowledge of Islâm and its tenets. Qirâ'at (5) interpretation and commentary, Sharî'ah, Fiqh, study of Hadîth, all are important aspects of Islâmic studies. Many of the women Companions were experts in these fields. 'A'ishah رضي الله عنها memorized the Qur'ân as did Hafsah, Umm Salamah, Umm Waraqah رضي الله عنهن. Hind bint Usaid, Umm Hishâm bint Harithah, Zaidah bint Hayyân; Umm Sa'ad bint Sa'ad رضي الله عنهن all knew portions of the Qur'ân by heart. The latter used to regularly lecture on the Qur'ân. In the sensitive sphere of interpretation of Hadîth, all were experts, but 'A'ishah and Umm Salamah رضي الله عنهما were exceptional masters of interpretation and commentary. With the former, 2210 Ahâdîth are associated and 378 with the latter.

'A'ishah رضي الله عنها was an expert on interpretation and commentary due to her close association with the Prophet ﷺ. Much of the Book of Tafsîr in Sahîh Muslim contains narrations from her.

Asmâ' bin Abu Bakr, Umm 'Atiyah, Umm Hâni and Fâtimah bint Qais رضي الله عنهن also had extensive knowledge of Ahâdîth.

In Islâmic jurisprudence or Fiqh 'A'ishah's verdicts could fill several volumes. The same could be said of Umm Salmah's recorded verdicts.

The invaluable verdicts of Safiyyah, Hafsah, Umm Habîbah, Juwairiyah, Fâtimah (the Prophet's daughter), Umm Shareek, Umm 'Atiyah, Asmâ' bint Abu Bakr, Laila bint Qâi'f, Khawlah bint Tuyait, Umm Dardâ, 'Atikah bint Zaid, Sahlal bint Suhail, Fâtimah bint Qais, Zainab bint Jahsh, Umm Salamah, Umm Aiman, Umm Yusuf رضي الله عنهن could fill several volumes.

'A'ishah رضي الله عنها was also well versed in the law of inheritance and many renowned and respected Companions consulted her on the finer points of the law.

Besides being masters of Islâmic law and of the finer points of Fiqh, the women Companions had skill and ability in other branches of knowledge. Asmâ' bint Yazîd bin Sakan رضي الله عنها was expert in making speeches; Asmâ' bint 'Umais رضي الله عنها was famous for her interpretation of dreams. Several Companions were noted for their skill in medicine and surgery. Aslamiyah Umm Mattâ'a, Umm Kabshah, Hamnah bint Jahsh, Mu'aâthah, Ammaimah, Umm Zaid, Rubai' bint Mu'awwith, Umm 'Atiyah, Umm Sulaim رضي الله عنهن were some of them, well known for their skills. Rufaidah Aslamiyah's tent, set up as a surgery station with all the necessary instruments, was situated close to the Prophet's Mosque at Madinah. The arts were not neglected by any means. Some of the most noted poetesses were, Sa'adi, Safiyah, 'Atikah bint Zaid, Hind bint Athâthah, Umm Aiman, Kabashah bint Râfi'a, Umâmah Maridiah, Hind bint Hârith, Zainab bint 'Awwâm Azdi, Maimoonah and Ruqayyah رضي الله عنهن. A book of verses by Khansâ' رضي الله عنه, the best known among them has been published.

Industry, Trade and Commerce

The women Companions also practiced the practical or survival skills as we know them today. Agriculture, business, trade and commerce, writing, editing, cottage industries like weaving, manufacturing and designing of clothes — all these are mentioned in the Musnad (collection of Ahâdîth) of Imâm Ahmad. Agriculture was not so common, but was mainly practiced in the rural fertile areas around Madinah, especially by the women of the Ansâr. Among the immigrants, or Muhâjir as they were known, Asmâ' also practiced farming. The era before the advent of the Prophet ﷺ was known as the age of illiteracy, but some of these worthy women were highly educated and skilled in the arts of penmanship and calligraphy. Shifâ' bint 'Abdullâh رضي الله عنها learned to read and write even during these dark ages and was celebrated for her skill in this art. Hafsah, Umm Kulthum bint 'Uqbah and Karimah bint Miqdâd رضي الله عنهن were literate. 'A'ishah and Umm Salamah رضي الله عنهما could not write but they could read. Both of them were blessed with remarkable memories and inquiring minds; and because of their close association with the Prophet ﷺ many of the authentic Ahâdîth originated from them.

Some of the Sahâbiyât also ran businesses. Khadîjah رضي الله عنها was a very successful businesswoman and used to send trading caravans to different countries. Khawlah, Maleekah, Thaqafiyah, and Bint Fakhariyah رضي الله عنهن used to trade in the oriental oil-based perfumes known as 'Itr. Saudah رضي الله عنها operated a leather tanning industry. The daughters of the Ansâr would compose verses and poems for festive occasions and sing. According to a Hadîth narrated by Rubai' bint Mu'awwith رضي الله عنها, they recited their poems in the presence of the Prophet ﷺ, who appreciated their literary skills.

Umm Salamah رضي الله عنها used to recite the Qur'ân with Tajweed, which is a difficult skill and much appreciated.

Thus there were no sphere of activity — social or cultural — that was not influences and assisted by the presence of these great ladies. May Allah سبحان وتعالى have mercy on their souls!

May Allah be pleased with them and they with Him.

(1) Sharî'ah- The collective body of laws as revealed by Allah سبحانه وتعالى.

Religious Achievements
(2) Adhân- The call to prayer given 5 times during the day.
(3) Mu'adhdhin- The Mu'adhdhin's duty is to give the Adhân.

Political Achievements
(4) Imâm- The Imâm leads the prayer in the congregation

Education, Knowledge and the Fine Arts
(5) Qirâ'at- The correct way of reading the Qur'ân - elocution and enunciation.

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