Stand your ground ( Just the...

By Xxx_Alien-Queen_xxX

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Just a normal crack fic! Oh who am I kidding... In a world like this, how could anything be called normal any... More

Poor Sero
(∩¬ ͜ʖ¬ )⊃━☆゚.* Bakusquad and Aizawa's AMAZING ADVENTURE
Be my Valentine!
A letter to someone
I'm sorry
All in my head
Problems with the Bakusquad / NA I think?
NA well shit
Honestly fuck Mineta
JoBS paRt 2
Expection vs Reality Warning: sad beans a head
Yeet yeet while you can
happy *early* Birthday Bakuhoe!
Bakuhoe's b-day part 2!
Kaminari being KAMINARI
Stubbing there toe
ThIs ChIld nEedS tO be pRoteCTED AT alL cOsT! (kiri)
How to take care of a child 101
OkAY lISTen-
use your imagination to pretend that this is a good title
Villain Kaminari
Mumas and dadas get ready for your monstrosity to come back
Things me and my friend say or did
Time to get my pride on!
Ask or dare for 5k!
Let me down please
Happy Birthday Kaminari!
Everything is going to be alright...
Jirou has joined the stupidty
Just a little NA short
Me vs burn out and writers block
Birtday Q & A request
Happy Birthday sero!
Birthday special!
Happy Birthday Mina!
Happy Birthday Jirou!
Pay attention please!
Pass the jam please
Kill me!
Fucking bullshit
Tagged for like the 4th time I think
Keep your secrets
Hey I got tagged again!
As you walk through the shadow
Why am I so lazy to make a tag book
How long have I been gone for?
-.- •~• \(•^•)/ UwU ò^ó
Ahh fuck here we go
happy Birthday Kiri!
Can I eat Babygo?
¡Spoooopy day!
A "little" switch
Chilli peppers
As you tremble in the darkness

Feel your wait on solid ground

391 10 33
By Xxx_Alien-Queen_xxX

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Angst Chapter be prepared

( Also I am very sucky at english )

╰━━━━━⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽👽☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ━━━━━╯

6 left Sero's POV

The paper, I clench on it with all the strength I have left. The only thing tha-

Wednesday 15th January

It was a harsh and cold day, I was walking. Walking in a lonely park. The snow stormed across the park, lacing everything with a frosty white blanket. All I could hear is the crunching under my feet and the cold breaths of winter. I like winter but also hate it at the same time. It's the high time to catch something but the scenery was beautiful. It reminds me for when I was younger, I'd use to play with my mom in the park with all the other kids and their parents. We'd use to play around, making snowmen, fighting, snow angels and just laughing. Actually if my mom didn't bring me to her friend's hangouts I wouldn't of met Ojiro. I met him by him accidentally hitting me in the face because he got excited his mother finally letted him play with us. Ever since we have been best friends. I miss the guy, one day he just magically disappeared into thin air. Where did you go old friend, did I do something wrong? No! It's not my fault, he'll come back soon I know it!

I decided to take out my camera and take pictures, after all who wouldn't saver this beautiful moment. I just want life to stay like this for ever but a hero soon to be has challenges they have to face. SNAP! I took photos left and right, Den would of loved me to bring him here. He'd probably do something stupid, but that's why I love him. His charming personality, how he can make anyone laugh and just that smile. As the cold mist escapes my mouth. Maybe I should turn back, I'm gonna freeze to death if I don't turn back and get a warm coat. Right now I'm currently wearing a woolly white jumper, jet black pants, dark chocolate brown boots a bright orange scarf, and a beige backpack . I think I should turn back but maybe not now.

I find the nearest bench I could find. Flicking of the snow of the bench I sit down and brought out my Polaroid camera. How do I? Ah! There's the button. Thus I wait for the pictures to print. ... Any moment now... Just a little while... I wonder what I'm having for dinner today... Maybe I should call someone later, I'll call Den... How long has it been? ... Mmhm! We will get there... A loud noise came out of no where and which I almost dropped the camera. Pictures. Finally! I snatch the photos from the camera and tuck it in my bag while searching for my black pen.

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Just a little time skip
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I think my time here is done, if I stay any longer I'll become a snowman myself. Heh, I got up from the 'warm' comforts of the bench. The shiny light gazes upon me and is FUCKIN BLINDING ME! Just kidding, I think. Standing up all bright and tall, I make my way through the snow. While walking my mind trickled some where else. Maybe there is a chance I can become one of the top hero's, I'll settle for at least top ten. That's all I wanted, my goal in life. It was my goal since I was only a child, I loved watching them on the news but father hated it. The smile on my face was huge and begged that I could keep watching them. Even though my dad was an asshole he still had some hope for me, so he said yes. Hah, who knew the person who I hate the most made me the person who I am today. Ugh! Forget about him Sero he is a total bitch! Focus on something not sad... I'm hungry... What am I going to eat for today? Maybe I could go out with the squad and go to a McDonald and got to a park hang there for a while and chill. But that's dinner and I'm hungry for boba... Isn't that thirsty? Oh whatever! I can say anything in my mind because who the fuck would read my mind to find out I eat boba! No one would do that! Right?... I think I'm right... God I hope I'm right...

The wind started to pick up, the cold slithered around my body and little dust of snow start to disappear. Crunch...! A faint crunch, from the distance. Crunch...! The crunch get's louder, ever second it feels like the sound is getting closer. Crunch...! It's getting louder and faster, the adrenaline in my legs started to pick up speed without my control and I don't want to look back. Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! It's getting close and I can feel it's breathe. I pull up both of my sleeves and turn around ready to attack but all I saw was a shiny silver metal shovel. BANG!

??? POV

What a mess... To much blood. I don't have the time to hide that, I need to get the body and hide it... I started dragging the taller boy behind the tree to leave his bag, phone and a pathway of scarlet blood. I gotta get out, now. No time.
Escape to-

Thursday 16th January

Sero's POV

'Hnnngh...' Ugh, my head... Where am I...? I-I don't know this place, do I? It's homely... I feel like I should know, but I don't really. Black walls, paintings of sunsets and mountains, western asian themed rug and bed, shelves with books, a desk with all the essentials but a laptop and no door, only a small gap. This is weird, I don't like this! I need to get out! Maybe I can stick my hand in the hole, no my hand is to big for that or maybe I can? I stretch my hand into the hole trying to feel my surroundings and then CRACK-! I started to screech in pain as something crushed my hand, I admittedly pull out my hand to see an imprint of a male's heel ad blood coming out, 'What the heck dude! Why are you doing this to me! What did I do!' I shouted waiting for an answer, but not a word said. Only a slip of paper,

Hello Sero Hanta

This is your timetable, the alarm in your room will sound it off for you. If you reject this and try to escape you will be punished.

6:50 Lights on

7:30 Breakfast

13:30 Lunch

16:00 Surprise

19:30 Dinner

20:00 Surprise

00:30 Lights out

You may have a special treat, we aren't monsters after all. Please choose what you'd like


Huh, that's awesome... Terrific even! I probably have been kidnapped with a crazy stalker! Awesome, great! JUST GREAT! I'm going to die! Not like I needed more self doubt! I-I think this is tremendous! Ahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahah! This is not going to be fun... Maybe I can, would they allow it? I walked over to the desk and grabbed a pen and started writing.

3 days later Sunday 19th January

Kamimari's POV

Hanta, where are you? You left without a word. I'm scared for you, Tsu and Ojiro as well. Tsu said she went into hibernation and Ojiro said he went on vacation with his family so I think their fine to be honest, but I'm scared for you. You aren't answering your phone answer, just answer me! Whatever is happening I'll be patient, right now I need to watch the news with my class and chat. We talked for hours on end and chilled, as the room went quite this came on the news. " 2 days ago police found an abound bag, phone and blood. From the things we found on the phone, bag and blood samples we have founded that these have belonged to a sixteen year old Sero Hanta. Heros and police have assumed that he had died or has been kidnapped, police are still looking into this and inviting people who knew him well later this evening. " No. No. No. No! "NOOO!" I screamed while in tears, why? Why? WHY?! "SEEROO!" I screamed, Mina pulled me into her arms and said "It's okay Kaminari, he'll be okay. I know he will, he's strong." I cried for so long, I could hear the others questions and cries.

A week later

Kaminari POV
Sero POV

This was the place, the place where he left,

~I walked across an empty land

I knew the pathway like the back of my hand

I felt the earth beneath my feet

Sat by the river, and it made me complete

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?~

I can't feel anything, where are you?

~I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on~

His picture from the scene is the only price I have left.

~So tell me when you're gonna let me in~

~I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin~

This was the place where they found it, where our first date was...

~I came across a fallen tree

I felt the branches of it looking at me

Is this the place we used to love?

Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?

I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on

So tell me when you're gonna let me in~

~My hands hurt from writing, but I know it'll be worth it

I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute, why don't we go

Talk about it somewhere only we know?

This could be the end of everything

So why don't we go?~

~Somewhere only we know?

Oh, simple thing, where have I you gone?~

~I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on~

~So tell me when you're gonna let me in~

~I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin~

~And if you have a minute, why don't we go~

~Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything

So why don't we go?

So why don't we go?

This could be the end of everything

So why don't we go

Somewhere only we know

Somewhere only we know~

~Somewhere only we know?~

??? POV

Finally, I'm done with all that. Where did I put that picture. I'll find it later...

Asui ❌
Ojiro ❌
Mineta ❌

Kaminari POV

Laying there in bed, holding a picture. A picture of him smiling with the writing "Look Den! It's as beautiful as you! 。^‿^。" Why did you have to leave? Ugh, let's be productive Denki. You can do something for once, you ate breakfast, watched with friends, visited the park, took medication, cleaned clothes and cry. Now read that damn letter, normally I don't get letters but this came into the mail today so I guess I have to read it.

Dear Den

I love you so much and I can't tell you how much I missed you. I ❌❌  ❌❌ ❌❌❌❌  ❌❌❌❌  ❌❌❌❌  ❌❌❌. Den I went through so much hell, they put me in a room and at 4-8pm they ❌❌❌❌ ❌❌ and ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌❌❌❌ through my skin. Den  write back on the paper and give it to 76 mail okay? I love you.

H-He's alive... I have to tell Aizawa! He needs to know about this, I'll find you Han I promise!

Dear Den

I love you so much and I can't tell you how much I missed you. I ❌❌  ❌❌ ❌❌❌❌  ❌❌❌❌  ❌❌❌❌  ❌❌❌. Den I went through so much hell, they put me in a room and at 4-8pm they ❌❌❌❌ ❌❌ and ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌❌❌❌ through my skin. Den  write back on the paper and give it to 76 mail okay? I love you.

Dear Hanta

I love you to, I'll get you out of here and I'll find you. I promise, I'll attach photo of me okay? Here! Stay safe okay?

❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌Picture not found❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

I love you!

From Den

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