Ordinary World (KIRIBAKU)

By phantom_lares

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SEQUEL TO "Show Me The Ordinary". I recommend you read the first part before this one x) ... More



3.5K 148 133
By phantom_lares

WARNING : there are OCs in this chapter (kinda, cuz they are meant to be pro heroes from BNHA, but they arent very known so their names aren't known. I kept their origins and personalities as close as I could, with the little information on them x)   )


   Eventually, they reached their hotel, exhausted. Ashido walked behind Kaminari, following the two Royal Family staff members as they tried to make out which street they were on, and which street they needed to take next. When they got to the hotel, they were surprised at the Gothic architecture, expecting something more modern. The receptionist smiled at them, clearly tired, and Sero decided to ask for their keys since they wouldn't want to have someone talk to them in an incomprehensible broken English, like Ashido and Kaminari would.

   "Hello," he greeted, the three others trailing behind him. "My reservation is under the name Sero Hanta, while their is under Kirishima Eijirou," he explained, pointing at the redhead, who gave them a smile. 

   "Bro, he practiced that line during the flight, you know?" stated Ashido in a whisper. "It was hilarious, and some guy behind us decided to help him out," she chuckled silently, and Kirishima tried to surpress a smile.

   "Hanta..." murmured the receptionist, typing into their computer. They raised an eyebrow at their blank screen. "Eijirou then...?" The screen was blank again. "I'm afraid we do not have reservations for Hanta nor Eijirou," they frowned, eyeing them suspiciously.

   "You didn't reserve?" asked Sero, glancing at Kirishima.

   "I did!"

   "Oh wait, I know what's going on," chuckled Ashido. "Maybe they inverted your last names? You know?"


   "Ah, maybe didn't say right," chuckled Sero, back to the receptionist. "My reservation is under Hanta Sero, and his is under Eijirou Kirishima," he tried again. "We Japan...ese so our names are...?" He glanced back at the group.

   "Inverted!" whisper shouted Kirishima.

   "... inverted," he finished.

   The receptionist nodded, then tried again to type in her computer. "I found the reservation under the name Sero. Room four o three?" they asked. "Four hundred and three," they added, in case.

   "Yes," he nodded.

   "And let's see... Room four hundred and seven, with four hundred and eight for the reservation under the name of Kirishima?" they asked, glancing at the redhead.

   He nodded with a smile.

   "I'll come back with your keys, please wait for a moment," they said, leaving the room, only to return with three room cards in their hand. They handed one to Sero, and two to Kirishima, then bid them a goodnight.

   "Thank you!" exclaimed Kirishima, walking excitedly with his friends to the elevator. As soon as they got up to the four floor, they scattered into their own rooms.

   Kirishima, to save some money, decided that he'll share rooms with Kaminari (with his approval), and when they locked the door behind them, they crashed each on one bed, and giggled like children.

   "This is my first time out of the country, and out of Asia," grinned Kaminari, his limbs shaking with excess energy.

   "Dude, same!" chuckled Kirishima. "I had a few dreams where I was in America or sometimes in Spain, but I never actually left home," he grinned. "I never traveled as much as I could, so I'm super excited!"

   They pulled their suitcases next to their bed, and then without even glancing at each other for a second, they pulled out their game console, and then grinned at each other. 

   "Mario Kart? Animal Crossing? Or?" asked Kaminari, turning on his 3DS and taking out a few games that he had taken. 

   Kirishima changed himself in softer, more comfortable clothes, and then went under the covers, hoping to warm up the bed quickly. "Animal Crossing, dude. We can't go on adrenaline much more," he chuckled, turning his own console on. "I'm going to your town, by the way. Mine is such a mess, I don't even want to explore it," he chuckled.

   "Okay, bro," nodded Kaminari, loading his game, and taking the time Kirishima is taking to open is town for local people.

   "Thanks," he grinned.

   They giggled like children hiding their consoles from their parents while they played, and eventually, Kirishima fell asleep playing, and Kaminari did too shortly after, at four in the morning. 

   They definitely regretted that the later in the morning.

   "Morning!" greeted Sero, behind the door, knocking loudly. Kirishima, groggily, got out of bed, shivering, and opening the door. The corridor was dark, but Kirishima still had to squint as Sero grinned brightly.

   "Holy... I'm dreaming," sighed Kirishima, leaving the door open, and going back to his bed.

   "No, you aren't!" frowned Sero, grabbing the base of Kirishima's neck, and dragging him back to the entrance. "Kaminari, you wake up too. Ashido is waiting for you," he sighed.

   Kaminari groaned some muffled noises, and pulled the covers over his head more, revealing his feet. He visibly shivered, and pulled them under the cover, against his chest.

   Sero, almost irked, walked up to Kaminari's bed, still holding Kirishima, who was trying to get away, and pulled Kaminari covers off of him with one hand, receiving a loud whine in protest.

   "No!" Kaminari thrashed around, and settled with hugging his pillow, his eyes fluttering shut again.

   "You two are impossible," sighed Sero.

   "Are they awake?" asked Ashido, peeking inside the room. She laughed when she saw how Sero was physically handling them. "I'll handle Kaminari, you go help Kirishima get ready for work," she said to Sero, walking up to Kaminari, and pulling his hair slightly.

   "No!" he whined again.

   Sero sighed, and dragged Kirishima out of the room. "I know you aren't aware of it, but you won't just be the Prince personal bodyguard," he stated.

   "Huh? What do you mean?" he mumbled out, his voice too hoarse to be speaking much. It scratched his throat, and it was unpleasant. He let out a cough to try and clear it.

   "What I mean is, you will be in a team of guards, and not like, British Royal guards, we all know you aren't cut out for that job," he chuckled.

   "Hah? What do you mean?!" he exclaimed, offended. 

   "What I mean is, you aren't stoic enough, especially around the Prince. You constantly smile, and that's one of the things are must not do at all," he sighed. "So you'll be in the normal security guard team, as one of the bodyguards. I'm handing you the uniform, and a coat to stay undercover until we meet at their meeting point. I hope you brought your bullet proof vest," he stated, giving him a shirt, trousers, and a cap. 

   "Yep," he sighed. 

   "Great. We're leaving in five minutes. I'll get you breakfast meanwhile," he said, moving to leave his room, locking it behind him when Kirishima entered his own room.

   "We're going to two museums today, and you can't escape this!" she exclaimed, throwing a t-shirt and a pair of trousers in Kaminari face, attempting to bring him away from his bed.

   "Pay for a good breakfast?" he asked, pouting at her.

   "Sure. Get ready though." She sent Kirishima an apologetic smile, and he shook his head with a smile of his own. "Sorry about this, Kirishima, I need him to get going otherwise we won't get anything done today," she chuckled, sitting down on Kaminari's bed as he began changing. 

   Kirishima did too, but kept the conversation going. "Nah, it is fine. We stayed up until four in the morning playing video games, partly because we couldn't calm down, and so we didn't sleep much. What time is it now?" he asked.

   "Just before eight," she chuckled.

   "Holy shit."

   "Dude, we slept like less than four hours," stated Kaminari, regret showing on his face clearly.

   "Bro, I hope I don't fall asleep. I have a job to do," he sighed, slipping on the bullet proof vest over an undershirt, then putting on the shirt Sero gave him. He eyed the large pockets on his chest, then shrugged, ignoring them in the end. He took the guns out of his suitcase, being able to bring them on flight successfully by showing the guards a letter from the Royal Family and authorities stating that he is allowed to bring them, but not use them. He secured them at his belt, and then took the coat, slipping it on since he needed to hide the guns while in public.

   He sighed, and placed his phone in one of the pockets, and then moving to leave the room. Kaminari still wasn't dressed.

   "So, I'm guessing we won't stay in contact until you are finished?" she asked.

   "Yeah," chuckled Kirishima. "I won't have my phone on me, since they'll probably give me a walkie talkie or something," he shrugged. "I'll text you as soon as I get it back," he grinned, waving at them. "See you guys later!"

   "Have a good day at work!" chuckled Ashido.

   "See you bro!"

   Kirishima smiled, and walked down the corridor to the stairs. He would take the elevator, but he need to take a small jog, and running down the stairs is all he has as a compromise. He jogged down the stairs, the few people take the stairs eyeing him weirdly, and eventually he met Sero at the breakfast area. He took a toast from his plate, and motioned towards the hotel's front entrance.

   Sero sighed, and glanced sadly at the rows of hot food. "Fine," he pouted, taking the other toast on the plate (which was supposed to be for Kirishima mostly), and followed Kirishima out of the hotel, munching on his toast while Kirishima very slowly jogged to any bus they needed to take. 

   "Where are we going?" he asked, his energy much higher than Sero at this point. 

   "Their own palace," he shrugged. "It is where the family lives, well, sometimes, so it is where we'll meet them."

   "What about Bak- our own Royal Family?" he asked.

   "They are being escorted by a trusted security team from the British royals. They're fine," he smiled, watching Kirishima visibly relax, but still stay tense. "We were lucky enough to have you be on constant Japan's Royal family guarding duty, so you won't be separated from the Prince the whole day," he chuckled.

   "Ah, I hope not!" he sighed. "I'll ask our Majesty if she would allow Bakugou to come with us and do some tourism," he chuckled. 

   "I doubt she'd say no," he chuckled, waving for a bus to stop. They hopped on, passing their bus cards on the card reader, and then made their way to the top deck. Sero immediately chose a pair of seats, while Kirishima gasped at the window for a second. 

   They talked casually about what they were most excited about for the trip, and at some point Kirishima went on a rant about how much he loves his boyfriend, and eventually they talked about what exactly they were going to do.

   As they walked towards the palace that was still quite far in the distance, Sero gave Kirishima a fact that surprised him.

   "You know, they aren't really involved in politics," he stated.

   "Who, the British Royals?" asked Kirishima.

   "Yeah. Unlike our Royal family which actually have quite an influence on politics, they aren't known with being involved in politics. Actually, they usually stay out of it," he chuckled. "I was surprised to hear that honestly, but hey, they are just a representation of England, it seems, not really there to have political arguments."

   "So why aren't we meeting with England's politicians?" he asked.

   "Trust me on this, a lot of people don't care about politics, but keep up with everything the Royals do, so seeing them on good terms with Japan's representatives kinda keeps them up to it? I guess," he shrugged. "Maybe it is just a fun game for them."

   "I doubt our Prince would be having fun," he chuckled.

   "Yeah," nodded Sero. "At least he has a beautiful smile," he smiled.

   Kirishima sputtered out a laugh, then nodded. "Yes, he does," he grinned.

   They arrived at the palace, and while avoiding the tourists, they managed to get in. The security guards at the entrance demanded clear identities, and they gave it to them.

   "Sero Hanta," stated Sero, bowing slightly. "Royal Adviser for the Japanese Royal Family," he added.

   The guard nodded, and let him in, recognizing him. He glanced at Kirishima, then glared at him to show intimidation.

   Kirishima straightened his posture, and then bowed slightly, keeping his face as stoic as possible. "Kirishima Eijirou!" he said, with maybe a bit too much energy. "Bodyguard from the Japanese Royal Family staff," he stated.

   The guard eyed him for a while, then nodded, letting him through. Another guard approached them, and talked to Sero mostly, who translated to Kirishima as much as he could.

   "We will escort you to a staff meeting place, and then we'll escort Sero to the meeting room, since he is one of the people who will be discussing. Kirishima, you will be on my team, so it is a pleasure to have you here," grinned the guy, reaching towards Kirishima to shake his hand.

   "Nice to meet you too!" he nodded.

   "Excuse his language skills for a bit," chuckled Sero. "He isn't very good at English, although he knows a few phrases. You'll be on his team, Kirishima," he said. 

   "Ah, thanks," nodded the redhead.

   "I'm going to guess that you are armed?" asked the man.

   Kirishima glanced at Sero, who made a gun with his fingers, then raised an eyebrow.

   "Ah, yes," he nodded.

   "Good. Today will be an easy day," he grinned. "Follow me, gentlemen!"

   They followed the man inside the palace, and they entered a room full of other men in a similar uniform to Kirishima's. A few walked up towards them, and the man at who guided them greeted the men with a bright smile. 

   "Kirishima, this is my team, and they will be with you most of today," he explained, hoping Kirishima could understand. He smiled in relief when Kirishima nodded.

   "It is good to meet you all," he said, giving them a very low bow. "I hope we get along!" he exclaimed, receiving some laughs.

   "Such enthusiasm!" laughed one of them.

   "I admire that though," grinned another one.

    "Alright. We'll have to get going, since their meeting is starting soon," announced the leader, Sero quietly translating for Kirishima. "Let's hope for a peaceful day," he grinned. "Leave your phones in this room, and your coats too. We're in for a stressful start to this job," he chuckled.

   Kirishima, as he was said, left his phone in a locker shared with Sero, and then they followed the group to the meeting room. When they arrived, the leader told them their positions, and Kirishima found himself next to two people who were practically his height. They weren't very stoic, and were chuckling slightly to the people next to them.

   Kirishima watched Sero, take his place behind the Prince, bowing at the British Queen, paying his respects although he probably doesn't even know her name. Kirishima watched their exchange, then noticed his own Queen, smiling softly at the much older Queen. By her side, he saw the Duke, and then behind him was their young Prince. The Princess by his side, his head stroking her hair with was combed neatly. The Prince's hair was gelled down, shining in the light.

   Kirishima let out a small smile, and dared to grin when the Prince glanced back, catching his gaze. Knowing him, he would have let out a glare, but since he was in his public persona, he offered him a small smile, and noticed his sister. Princess Hana waved at him with a bright grin, and then immediately calmed down when the Prince tapped her head, noticing the British princes having caught them distracted. Kirishima chuckled quietly, and admired the architecture around. He would admire the Prince, but he'll do that when he's closer. Plus, he can't be caught staring at him, daydreaming, while he's on the job. He checked for windows, eyeing anything outside, and then observed every single person in the room. 

   He can't understand the language much, only recognizing phrases to help him get around, but not really about what could be suspicious. He can only look at people's body language and their expressions. Usually, that's enough, but he can never know.

   At some point, the Royals stopped introducing themselves, and made their way to a table in the middle of the room, which was decorated with various treats. A lot of them were small pastries and cakes, and Kirishima could see how Princess Hana was restraining herself from reaching for one. When one of the British Royal children took one, she looked at her brother with a begging look, but he shook his head.

   'Be polite,' he mouthed. The princess nodded, and decided to just stare. 

   Kirishima smiled at them, but it went away quickly when one of the guards next to him pat his shoulder.

   "The meeting should last until a bit after lunch, but since we'll need to eat lunch too, we'll be leaving in groups of threes so the team is still present," he stated.

   Kirishima smiled, then shook his head. "Until after lunch?" he repeated, understanding the job will be until then.

    "Yes," he nodded. "We'll eat lunch," he said again.

   Kirishima nodded.

   "Separate, us in group of three," he explained, motioning him and the person next to him. "To eat lunch," he finished.

   Kirishima stared for a while, processing the words, then grinned. "Understood," he nodded.

   "Great," smiled the man. "Don't let your guard down," he said, before going back focusing back into his job.

   Kirishima nodded, then went back to staring at the Royal family. He stood straight, and looked around, making sure everything was in order, even if he had just checked.

   In the end, he got bored. And even if he gets bored a lot at his usual job, Bakugou would usually distract him, or Princess Hana would play with him. This time, he wasn't allowed to interact with them, well, not directly. A small smile then and there is fine, but he can't do much more than that.

   Briefly, he glanced a Sero, stifling a chuckle when he saw the man sweating through his uniform. Clearly, he was nervous, and he was struggling to speak a bit. He was talking with one of the older Princes, while their own Prince was talking with the one who had his children present.

   They seemed to be having a nice conversation it seemed, as the Prince was smiling, relaxed, and the other one was very into their conversation. At least they got along. Well, maybe they wouldn't if the Prince was himself.

   He zoned out, thinking about this morning and his friends. He wondered what they were doing currently. Maybe Ashido is still trying to get Kaminari out of bed, or maybe they are figuring out transport? He hoped they already started visiting a museum, since they would be spending quite a lot of time there. There is that one museum he saw in a movie... the British Museum? Or the Natural History Museum? He forgot, but he would like to check them out for a while. Honestly, he really wants to visit the... the Tower or castle thing? Tower of London? He nodded to himself, thinking that it would be great. He heard there was a bunch of crowns and stuff from the British Kings and Queens of the past, and even the current Queen as well. He wonders how amazing they look. They have two weeks to visit it though, so he isn't in a hurry. What he really is in a hurry to do is to bring Bakugou around London to visit anywhere they can find. He could even call it a date!

   His cheeks burned at the thought, and before his mind exploded, he calmed himself down. 'A date...' he thought, smiling to himself. He glanced at Bakugou, and seeing his face finally neutral relaxed him. Maybe they were talking about something serious. The Prince is nodding along to what the English Prince is saying, so maybe it is just something that needs more focus. Maybe the Prince is struggling to understand! Kirishima would laugh at that. Well, it isn't like Bakugou would be offended, because he would mock Kirishima lack of language skills anyway, so it is only fair.

   'A date though...' He looked up at the ceiling, and then smiled again. He suppressed it down, and focused back into work with a shake of his head. 'Nope, can't be thinking about that,' he reasoned, staring at the various doors in the room. His eyes trailed around, and eventually settled on the Prince again. 'A da- No! I need to focus!'

   Sadly, when he finally got into focus, the guy on his left told him it was time for them to go eat lunch, so he had to leave. Oh well. Eating is more fun than working in this case.

   As he left the room, he caught Bakugou staring at him. Letting himself smile brightly at him, the blond turned away quickly, his cheeks darkening in colour. One of the British princes glanced towards where he was looking, but Kirishima had long stopped looking, and was now out in the hallway, following the two English men that he was going to have lunch with.

   "So, we heard you were Prince Katsuki's personal bodyguard," started one of the men, tapping his shoulder to make sure Kirishima knew he was being talked to. Kirishima immediately focused on their words. "Is it true?" he asked.

   Kirishima shrugged, then grinned. "Yes," he nodded. "Although I am not meant to look like it on the outside, it is my mainly job," he chuckled.

   "Woah... I can't imagine being a personal bodyguard for someone so important," laughed the man. "It must be nice. Are you two close? Or does he never allow you to talk to him? We don't usually get noticed by them, but if something does happen, they do thank us," he grinned.

   "Hum... I guess I am  close to him," nodded Kirishima. "Bit I never let myself to become close to him when we are in a working times," he added.

   The man who was in a conversation laughed, and added a few comments, rambling on, but the other man stared at Kirishima intensely.

   "Have you become friends with him?"

   Kirishima blinked, surprised to hear his native language, and looking around. He glanced at the man who was quiet, and then watched as he spoke again.

   "I mean, you seemed close. He was glancing back at you a few times," he said, shocking Kirishima.

   "You... you speak-!"

   "Yep! I'm not that great at it though," he said, shrugging.

   "Oi, why did you suddenly start talking Japanese," whined the man who was previously laughing.

   "Ah, uh, sorry... Goji," he chuckled.

   Kirishima blinked, slightly confused.

   "Ah, yeah, we didn't introduce ourselves," chuckled 'Goji,' speaking fluent Japanese, shocking Kirishima again. "I'm originally from Japan, until I moved to the United States and then here, in England. My name is all super long and complicated, so everyone just calls me Goji!" he exclaimed, pointing at himself.

   "My name is Hector," stated the man who had talked to Kirishima in Japanese first. "I'm originally American, but I learned Japanese because some of my friends spoke it. I moved here because I prefer the laws here rather than in America," he explained.

   "Oh! Ah. I'm Kirishima," he grinned. "And I'm just here for Japan's Royal Family, as their bodyguard," he shrugged. "When they leave, I'll be leaving as well," he chuckled.

   "Ah, so nice!" grinned Goji. "I wish I could travel around with my boss," he sighed. "I never go anywhere though. Mostly because I'm on duty as a palace security guard, not really an actual bodyguard."

   "I prefer this job, rather than a bodyguard's," commented Hector. "I rather enjoy our peaceful duties. It is pretty much the same, and it isn't hard to find any irregularities," he added.

   "That's... true, but dude, the excitement of travelling must be great!" he exclaimed.

   Hector sighed, and muttered something in English.

   Goji turned a corner, and they entered a sort of cafeteria. "And here we are! Hey there, chef!" he exclaimed, declaring his presence loudly. There weren't many people in the room, but those present glanced at them briefly, until going back to their lunch. "Give me the special, and one of the most British dish you can make for this man here," he stated, pointing back at Kirishima. "I'm sure Hector will just have the usual," he chuckled, grinning when Hector nodded with a sigh.

   "We only have half an hour left of our lunch break, so lets swiftly eat and go back to our duties," he stated, settling down at a table on the side, motioning for Kirishima to sit down as well.

   "Must we pay?" asked Kirishima, settling himself down. He adjusted his guns, and then comfortably leaned back on his chair.

   "No. The lunch fees usually are taken out of our pay, but we do not have to pay much for it," he explained. "I'm curious about something though. If I remember correctly, there was a scandal in Japan, concerning the Prince. What had actually happened?" he asked.

   Kirishima bit the inside of his cheeks, glancing around. "What did you hear about?" he decided to say, instead of telling the truth. He knows they wouldn't really want to the truth let out.

   "Well, the articles stated that the Prince had ran away, and many of the staff members were not too worried. There was also something about his personal servant, also bodyguard, being absent during his absence. A week after he was announced disappeared, both of them suddenly were there, and the bodyguard was given a two week suspension from the job. Tell me, was it you?"

   Kirishima, his muscles all tensed up, thought carefully about what to say. Thankfully, the topic changed, as well as the atmosphere when Goji appeared with three plates piled up around his arms like how waiters would carry them.

   "Thanks for the food!" they declared, ignoring the previous question.

   Lunch had passed nicely, and they all talked about each other, their hobbies, their goals in life, their dislikes, and then they had to go back to the job.

   The royal families had moved out of the building to go inside the British palace's gardens. While the Queens and their husbands moved for a stroll around the gardens, the children played around with the least modern toys Kirishima had ever seen. He didn't even see one barbie doll, which surprised him slightly as Princess Hana had about ten or fifteen of them.

   The older Princes and Princesses talked with Japan's own Prince, and they seemed to be talking about what duties they usually do everyday. Kirishima couldn't help daydream about dates with Bakugou again, but thankfully, Hector and Goji were nice enough to keep him focused.

   The royal families' socializing first day finally finished, and Kirishima was glad he could finally start going back to a normal tourist. He, along with his group, went back to the lockers where they gathered their things. Sero was there, and he joined Kirishima back to the Bakugou royals, and then fit into their roles. 

   They bowed, thankful for their day, to the Royals and their security guards, and then moved outside of the palace, with the British Royal family escorting them to their car. The press was loud, and quite excited, along with all the tourists that have been dying to see the Queen of England. 

   The Prince, his sister, his parents, and Sero entered the limousine they were using to go back to their hotel, while Kirishima was with the security, making way for the car in between the very persistent crowd. Eventually, they got on the road and Kirishima slipped inside the car before they all got crowded again. With an amazed sigh, Kirishima relaxed into his seat.

   "I hope this first day was enjoyable," he said, smiling at the Bakugous.

   Princess Hana grasped his hand, and shook it up and down with much excitement. "It was great! Even though they seem very traditional, they were very fun to be with," she grinned. Kirishima pat her head a few times, glad she was happy.

   "I agree, in a way," nodded the Queen. "Although they were very nice, their Queen has very strong opinions, and expressing my own was quite hard," she sighed. "Our husbands seemed to get along quite fine," she stated.

   "Yes, we hold similar interests," nodded the Duke.

   The Prince grumbled under his breath, his genuine scowl finally back. 

   "Come on, Katsuki," frowned the Queen. "Tell us about how your day was," she insisted.

   "It was fucking crap," he growled. "Those dumbasses can't even notice when I'm fucking uncomfortable, and they are so dumb to think that my smile means I fucking agree with them. I don't! And leave my fucking way of living alone, damn it!" he exclaimed, almost shouting. He calmed down when Kirishima grasped his hand. He was still grumpy.

   "They are just different-"

   "No, it isn't that!" growled Bakugou. "They are just ignorant about how I may feel," he frowned.

   "Hey, Katsuki," started Kirishima, smiling gently. "At least you made it through the day. I'm proud of you," he smiled, squeezing his hand as a reminder that he isn't completely ignored.

   "Fuck off," he sighed, relaxing in Kirishima's touch.

   "How was your day though, Kiri?" asked Princess Hana, reminding him of her presence.

   "Mmh? My day was good! I made two friends," he grinned. "They were talking in English to me at first, but turns out they speak fluent Japanese! One of them is really strict about our duties and stuff, and honestly it made things a bit too serious, but the other guy is such a friendly guy," he chuckled. "Their names are Hector and Goji, and man are they fun to be with," he smiled.

   Bakugou squeezed his hand discreetly, while Princess Hana smiled happily. "I'm glad you got to make friends! You would be lonely, otherwise," she chuckled.

   The Queen smiled lightly. "I did see you smile a few times with them. Hector was the serious one, right?" she asked. "And Goji the literal mountain of muscles, right?" she asked.

   "Yep!" nodded Kirishima. "Apparently Goji is from Japan, but moved to America then here... and well, we talked a lot during our lunch break," he grinned. "That reminds me, can I bring Bakugou around London to go do some tourism? I'll be with my friends as well," he smiled.

   "Of course. Ask Sero as well if he can come."

   "Ah, sorry. I've got something work related to check on today, so I won't be able to," stated Sero, from the front. "Are we bringing his Highness to Kirishima and I's hotel then?" he asked.

   "I believe so, but we'll be dropped off at the palace first," she smiled.

   "Alright," nodded Sero, informing the driver.

   Without anytime to spare, Bakugou's parents and sister were dropped off at the palace, and the rest were dropped off at the cheaper hotel. Kirishima changed into more comfortable and casual clothes, and Bakugou changed into a skull shirt that he had asked Kirishima to bring. As soon as they were brought to the hotel, they were out of it, following Kirishima's phone for instructions towards the cafe that Ashido and Kaminari were waiting at.

   During the journey on the bus, Bakugou had the window seat on the top deck, and while Kirishima really want Bakugou to lean on him, he had leant on the window instead. Kirishima wasn't too picky though, so when he got to hold Bakugou's hand the entire way to the cafe, he was very happy.

   Before they got out of the bus, Kirishima ruffles Bakugou's soft hair, enjoying its natural state, then rushed off the bus to get to the cafe. They entered, and they were glad to see it wasn't like a Starbucks coffee shop.

   They quickly spotted Kaminari and Ashido, and with a few long steps, they settled down, relieved, in their seats, greeting the two tourists happily.

   They ordered coffee and tea, and sipped on it while they talked about anything and everything.

   Kirishima talked about his two new friends, Bakugou complained about his day, while Kaminari and Ashido talked about everything they saw and explored in the museums. For once that day, Kirishima didn't need to focus on anything, and he could relax as much as he could. And for once that day, Bakugou could finally be himself.

   He leaned against Kirishima, holding his hand tightly under the table, and with a soft sigh, let out a small smile for things finally being right.

   They were happy together, and with one long day of focus out of the way, they could finally enjoy time relaxing together.


And we are halfway through the story! ;DD the plot's gonna escalate very quickly though lmao, nothing very serious though

Anyway!! Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

Until next time~!! ;DD

(PS: I think people wanted this from the last chapter? I did too, so I made it myself! ;D )

Thanks for reading! XD

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