Just Like Magic (Cedric Diggo...

By HarryPotterSaysHi

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This story is not mine what so ever it's just a fanfiction I read that I liked that was on fanficion.net, and... More

Chapter 1: Comfort
Chapter 2: Nerves
Chapter 3: Caring
Chapter 4: Infatuation
Chapter 5: Jealousy
Chapter 6: Truth
Chapter 7: Honesty
Chapter 8: Hurt
Chapter 9: Changes
Chapter 10: Homesick
Chapter 11: Nightmares
Chapter 12: Expressions
Chapter 13: Revaltions
Chapter 14: Tough
Chapter 15: Interference
Chapter 16: Lies
Chapter 17: Disloyalty
Chapter 18: Need
Chapter 19: Joy
Chapter 20: Surprised
Chapter 21: Happiness
Chapter 22: Natural
Chapter 23: Worshipped
Chapter 24: Worry
Chapter 25: Revenge
Chapter 26: Hopeless
Chapter 27: Home
Chapter 28: Vain
Chapter 30: Separated
Chapter 31: Drunk
Chapter 32: Fire
Chapter 33: Luck
Chapter 34: Identical
Chapter 35: Wedding
Chapter 36: Cobwebs
Chapter 37: Splinched
Chapter 38: Rain
Chapter 39: Christmas
Chapter 40: Lovegood
Chapter 41: Twist
Chapter 42: Domino
Chapter 43: Brave
Chapter 44: Bliss

Chapter 29: Weakness

825 33 0
By HarryPotterSaysHi

Reaching into my knapsack I grabbed a much needed change of clothes. Even though Georgina's daughters clothing was fine for drying out; the baggy pants would do nothing for me if they were to fall down while running away from our death. I slipped into an empty corridor and changed into a pair of jeans and a blue jumper and joined Cedric on the sidewalk. My hair was still in its messy ponytail with random tendrils falling haphazardly.

"Ready?" He asked as I approached him.

"As I'll ever be."

Together we made our way towards the guest entrance to the Ministry. It was nearing dark and I wondered exactly if they would allow a couple of students in this late at night. We didn't exactly have an appointment and with everything going on with Voldermort, security had to be tough.

"Cedric, how exactly are we going to get inside?" I asked.

He smiled smugly towards me. "I phoned Mr. Weasley while you were getting dressed. He's staying late at the Ministry and we have an appointment."

"Have I mentioned lately how clever you are?"

I leaned over on my tippy-toes and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. He blushed slightly before we both continued on our way. This was risky business and I only hoped I would be able to do all that was expected of me. Sure, Cedric was by my side but this was my self-proclaimed mission and at the end it would be up to me to finish it.

We stepped into the cramped phone booth and I reached into my pocket to pull out my "muggle money" and slipped it into the slot. A few moments later the phone booth slid down into the ground as another one replaced it. Darkness surrounded us until light began to seep through the bottom and we were in the grand entrance of the Ministry of Magic.

Cedric and I stepped out and walked towards the elevators. We figured it would be best to stop by Mr. Weasley's office before heading down to the Department of Mysteries. Mr. Weasley had been promoted to Head of the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects since we had finished school for the summer. The new minister, Rufus Scrimgeour had been trying to go through the Weasley's in an effort to bring Harry in as a mascot. Dumbledore had told them it was foolish to do so since this was a deadly matter but they still continued to try. Harry, of course, wanted nothing to do with the Ministry after the way they had treated him after the Tri-Wizarding Tournament. Still, the Ministry was trying to win Harry over through the Weasley family.

We approached Mr. Weasley's office and I tapped lightly on the door.

"Coming." A muffled voice answered. Within seconds the door opened and Cedric and I were ushered inside by a distraught looking Mr. Weasley. "Hermione. Cedric. It's good to see you."

"Is everything alright, Mr. Weasley? You don't look so good." I spoke.

He tried to organize the chaos that was on desk and I began to feel that our little mission had made us miss out on what was happening in the wizarding world. Mr. Weasley looked haggard and worn out.

He sighed and fell into his chair. "Death Eaters. They've been everywhere. Between everything Scrimgeour has been doing and my allegiance to the Order... it's been weeks since I've seen the kids."

"We're sorry we kept them from you tonight." Cedric stated. His voice was full of concern.

Mr. Weasley held his hand up. "This is an important matter. One my family understands. Harry is hiding it well but he's distraught over Sirius. When this whole thing is over I was always prepared to welcome Harry in as one of the family but it would be nice if he had Sirius to rely on."

"You were always very loving of him, Mr. Weasley. Harry knows you think of him as one of your sons." I smiled weakly. "It means a lot to him that you've done that. Considering the amount of sons you have already."

He looked out at his desk and I could tell it was a picture of his family even if I couldn't see it for myself. "Harry was kind to Ron. I couldn't help it. I wasn't as close with James and Lilly as Sirius and Lupin were. It would be nice to get him back." He paused and drew in a breath. "That brings us to today's matters. I assume you've figured out the way to get him out of the arch?"

"We have." Cedric answered solemnly.

Mr. Weasley looked up at the sound of Cedric's tone. "It's dangerous, isn't it?"

"Yes." I nodded. "I have to enter the arch and pull Sirius out."

"If I could help you, Hermione, I would."

"I know. You need to rest. To be honest, you'd probably do more harm than good down there."

He nodded in agreement. "You're right. I'll alert the order and we'll be waiting."

"Thank you." Cedric and I answered in unison.
The familiar black marble room was no less frightening than the last time I had stood in it. The arch stood there on the stone dais shimmering in the harsh light. It was only Cedric and I this time and I was almost certain my worry was showing on my face.

Cedric turned me to face him and took my hands in his. "I won't lose you. You can count on that."

I felt the tears begin to prick my eyes. "It's not that."

"Then what is it?" His left hand reached up to place a loose tendril of hair away from my face.

"What if I can't get to him?" My whisper echoed in the dark room. "What if it's too late?"

He lightly chuckled. "It's so like you, Hermione. Worried about the mission and not your own well-being."

I half smiled. "Even though Harry doesn't know what we're up too I still feel like he's depending on me."

Cedric leaned over and kissed my forehead. "We'll do this together."

He released me and together we walked towards the arch. Cedric reached into my knapsack as I tightened my ponytail and stared into the translucent veil. He pulled out the rope that we had bought prior to reaching Georgina's house and smiled sadly as he wrapped it around my waist. Cedric created intricate ties that went through my legs around each of my thighs to make sure there was no way I would be separated from him. The other end of the rope was knotted around Cedric and a sturdy rock nearby. There was no way the rope would lose me. It all came down to Cedric's ability to pull me out.

I looked over my shoulder at him and I could take it any longer. My feet crossed the several steps to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him to me and crashing my lips to his in an all-consuming, earth shattering kiss. His hands clung to my back bringing me even closer to him and it seemed like days before we finally came up for air. Our foreheads met as we reclaimed our breathing.

"I love you, Hermione." He got out through shaky breaths.

"I love you, too."

With his hands release, I reluctantly turned and stepped within in inches of the veil. I could see the vague outline of figures moving throughout the sheer magically property and I took a deep breath.

"Sirius!" I called out. "It's me, Hermione. Come to the opening! I'm waiting."

It seemed like hours went by before I tried again. "Sirius! Harry needs you! You remember Harry. Your godson. You were going to live somewhere bright with Buckbeak. We saved you that day, Sirius. Harry and I. We saved you from the Dementors kiss."

Just then I saw the blurry outline of Sirius floating before me. I almost sprinted towards him but then I remembered the enormity of the situation. Cautiously, I lifted my hand at let it pass through the flimsy veil. A heavy weight began to encompass me the more of my body I passed through to the other side.

When my entire body had passed through the arch I realized I was surrounded by light. Figures passed between me and grabbed hold of me but I fought against them and the lightheadedness I was felt. Sirius passed in a blur in front of me and I quickly reached out and grabbed him.

My fingers grasped the hem of his jacket and he hovered near me. It was an odd sensation being inside the veil. I felt as if I was floating and yet I felt that my body weighed more than could possibly be held up in this dimension.

Sirius looked towards me with confusion before a slight recognition crossed his features. "Her-Hermione?"

"Yes." I drawled out. "It's me. And you're Sirius Black."

"Sirius." He mumbled out. "That sounds... familiar."

I nodded with excitement. "That's your name. Do you remember Harry?"

He looked surprise. "I know that. He's my... family?"

"Yes! And you're his." He had glided further down and I now held his hand in mine. "He needs you, Sirius. You entered here without it being your time."

"Bellatrix." He stated with absolute certainty.

"She didn't kill you. She sent a curse at you and you tripped into the veil.... That's where we are. In the veil in the Department of Mysteries."

"Yes... I remember now."

I smiled. "Good. I'm going to get you out of here."

Just as I said that the figures that had been blurring past and grabbing me now held on to me and tried to pull me further into the dimension. Quickly, before I was lost forever, I reached behind me and pulled on the rope twice. That was my sign to Cedric to start pulling. I clung to Sirius' hands and together we fought off the dead.

My body began to be pulled backwards and I saw the opening and the blurry image of Cedric pulling me towards him. We had just reached the opening when a red spark hit the rope and we began to be propelled into the darkness. Flashes took over the stream but I saw as Cedric jumped towards the rope and with all his might ran away from the Veil pulling us towards him.

Within moments we were removed from the heaviness of the veil and we both began to cough insistently. It felt as if something was deep within me was fighting its way out. Try as I might it wouldn't come out. Cedric touched by back with his free hand as he fought what I had yet to see. I knew if we were to make it out of here I needed to get this out.

I stuck my finger to the back of my throat and I felt the relief as my body purged itself of whatever impurity was inside me. It came out as a black mass surrounded by my blood. The figure moved and I weakly lifted my wand out of my back pocket and blew the mass to pieces. When I lifted my head I saw what had awaited us.

Death Eaters were all around the marbled room. Beside me I heard Sirius retching. I couldn't focus on that now I needed to get us out of here. Side by side Cedric and I fought against the black blurs. They moved around us, circling above us like vultures. My body was about to give out but I dare not let it for fear that Cedric would follow me.

How had they found us here?

Just when I was about to give up all hope white lights appeared all around us. The Order. They fought and no the Death Eaters showed themselves. I knew what had to be done. I knew what they were after I just needed a moment to do it. My body was already feeling drained. I knew this would happen. I couldn't expect to come from death and be in perfectly fine health.

That lull came for me when Cedric shielded himself in front of me.

"You have to do it now, Hermione! They'll scatter when they see the arch is gone!"

A cough wrecked through my body. "I don't know if I have the strength."

"You have to try! I have to defend you and you're too weak to defend me at the moment." A red spark sailed toward us but Cedric deflected it perfectly. "Now, Hermione!"

With all the strength left inside me I turned and held my wand towards the stone arch that held the Veil. It was no or never.

"Attero!" I screamed and a blue lightning lashed its way out of my wand and blew the arch into pieces.

Souls scattered from the arch creating deafening screams. The fight stopped and everyone held on to their ears to cover the screams. I went down to Sirius and covered him with my body. Trying in some way to help.

"You have to make yourself throw up!" I whispered in his ear hoping he could hear it.

The souls made their way up through the room and passed through the ceiling no doubt searching for another entrance into the dimension they had been in. With the sounds coming to a halting stop my body released its last amount of energy to grab on to Cedric's jean clad leg as darkness covered me and everything went black.
"Hermione!" I heard in the darkness. "Please wake up!"

It was Cedric's strangled voice. I wanted to open my eyes to tell him everything was okay but my lids were too heavy and my body wouldn't move. A light touch could be felt at my pulse point and I heard Lupin's voice.

"She's alive. Her body just needs rest. She's gone through quite the ordeal."

"That she has." I heard Sirius say in a hoarse voice. "She saved my life. You both did."

"It was all her." Cedric replied. And I could hear the love in his voice.

Someone knelt beside me and it wasn't till they spoke that I knew it was Sirius. "She really is the bravest witch of her age. Harry is lucky to have her as a friend. Where is my godson?"

"We haven't told him yet. No worries, we'll fill Harry in." Mr. Weasley stated.

I felt Cedric's light touch on my cheek. "When will she wake up?"

"Soon. I think." Tonks chuckled.

My eyes fluttered open and I took in the sight around me. Cedric, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Mr. Weasley, Kingsley, Mad-Eye and Dumbledore were all above me. With the opening of my eyes, bright smiles lit up their faces. It was Cedric who pulled me in for a tight hug even though my body ached. I tried not to make a sound but I failed.

He released me and whispered sheepishly, "Sorry."

"It's good to see you awake, Miss Granger." Dumblrdore whispered. "I wouldn't have wanted to deal with Mr. Diggory if you hadn't."

I turned towards Sirius. "Are you okay?" It hurt to speak and voice sounded strange but I had to know.

"Yes. All thanks to you." He smiled. "You saved my life. I am forever in you debt."

"Just take care of Harry and we'll call it even." I smiled.

"Deal." We shook hands.

Cedric lifted me into a standing position but my legs felt like jelly and I fell against him. He scooped me up in his arms with a smile. "Don't worry. I'll carry you."

Dumbledore stepped forward looking about the group before his eyes fell on me. "What do you say we rendezvous at the Burrow and fill Mr. Potter in on our little secret?"

We all agreed in unison and together Apparated out of the marble room with a new found hope.

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